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David Andrews

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Posts posted by David Andrews

  1. 5 hours ago, Mark Ulrik said:

    Another sly reference to the JFKA? Probably not!

    In a 1970 oral history interview for the Truman Library, Nixon was asked for his opinion about a 1952 book on the Truman presidency:


    Did Nixon deliberately choose the verb "shot" over the more common "hit" when talking to Helms?  Or was that the way they said it in Whittier?

    It's used the way James Angleton used "I'm not privy to who struck John"* - to mean "Tom, Dick & Harry."**  But it's interesting that both Nixon and Angleton used it in the context of CIA maladventures.

    Angleton used the phrase when beseiged by reporters after his resignation from CIA, on the context of domestic spying.


    * https://www.nytimes.com/1974/12/25/archives/helms-disavows-illegal-spying-by-the-cia-in-us.html

    ** In Civil War times, "Who Hit John" was a euphemism for liquor - another form of willful obliviousness.

  2. In their way, Nixon's blackmailing hints of investigative trouble predict the government deliberation on the JFKA under the Church and Pike committees and HSCA.  Nixon's the harbinger here, and he may have enjoyed a delayed "revenge" on the CIA from his San Clemente seclusion.

    Reminds me of those films on the birth of aviation that begin with sepia footage of men wearing paper wings plummeting to the ground.  It hurts to be a pioneer.

  3. On 1/7/2023 at 10:32 AM, Paul Brancato said:

    I don’t buy the photo comparison. In fact I have this problem in other areas when photos don’t seem to match. Maybe some AI program could be enlisted to compare the photos. But I think what we would find is a high probability rather than a certainty that the photos are of the same individual. 

    It's time some operator applied the vaunted facial recognition tech to the Oswald photos.  With the rep it's acquiring and the number of users, this can't be far off.

  4. Off topic, but for those who posted videos: perhaps the greatest JFKA song before Dylan, The Ballad of Peter Pumpkinhead by XTC.  I'm convinced the "pumpkinhead" reference was inspired by Z-313.

    Peter Pumpkinhead came to town
    Spreading wisdom and cash around
    Fed the starving and housed the poor
    Showed the Vatican what gold's for
    But he made too many enemies
    Of the people who would keep us on our knees
    Hooray for Peter Pumpkin
    Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkinhead?
    Peter Pumpkinhead pulled them all
    Emptied churches and shopping malls
    Where he spoke, it would raise the roof
    Peter Pumpkinhead told the truth
    But he made too many enemies...
    Peter Pumpkinhead put to shame
    Governments who would slur his name
    Plots and sex scandals failed outright
    Peter merely said, Any kind of love is alright
    But he made too many enemies...
    Peter Pumpkinhead was too good
    Had him nailed to a chunk of wood
    He died grinning on live TV
    Hanging there he looked a lot like you
    And an awful lot like me!
    But he made too many enemies...
    Hooray for Peter Pumpkin--
    Who'll pray for Peter Pumpkin--
    Hooray for Peter Pumpkinhead
    Don't it make you want to cry, oh?
  5. On 1/2/2023 at 11:46 AM, Kirk Gallaway said:

    Yes, that's always been a good question I've never heard answered.

    We also don't know whether Connally had room between the jump seat and the limo door to move his legs along with his body when he turned 90 degrees to look at JFK.  Were his legs aligned with his body, allowing the torso shot to enter his leg? 

    If not, where did the torso bullet go, if it exited the chest while Connally had his back to the south Plaza?

    I just feel that Zapruder upholds Connally on when he was first hit.  I don't believe he could have made that turn during a "delayed reaction" after a torso through-and-through.  I'd love to see someone diagram the torso wound back to a proposed building on the south Plaza.

  6. 6 hours ago, Denny Zartman said:

    the bystander photographed in Dealey Plaza that seems to look a lot like Milteer

    The man in two Plaza photos who resembles Gerry Hemming is even more convincing.  Was he helping Oswald beat them all to it, as Lance brings up?

  7. Lifton to Max Good: And so for all time, she probably takes a look at the Lincoln assassination and realizes that Mary Surratt has been black[ened] and, you know, her name is blackened in history. And historians say, well, that she didn't deserve to be, Ruth Paine.

    Since Lifton brought this up: Mary Surratt ran a boarding house visited by Confederate couriers, spies, and the Lincoln assassination team.  There is circumstantial evidence and testimony linking her to Booth's original Lincoln kidnap plot, which was in the works for weeks before the end of the war, and discussed among a number of conspirators at the Surratt house. 

    Seemingly ignoring Mrs. Surratt, Allen Dulles pimped the JFKA to the WC as historically consonant with the American theme of lone killers.  Duiles even handed out a book on lone assassins to the WC members. (As he shot Lincoln single-handedly, the book judged Booth a lone assassin, despite the attempted assassinations of William Seward and Andrew Johnson carried out by others that night.) 

    Was it beyond Dulles - with his concern for historical consonance - to put a woman at the head of the JFKA-related household?  Had things gone differently, might Ruth Paine have been made a Mary Surratt-style conspirator?

  8. 19 hours ago, Matthew Koch said:

    That's an awfully long way of saying you don't think Israel killed JFK. Funny seems like the only misrepresenting going on is Cliche Lefties like yourself misrepresenting Tucker Carlson.. 

    I've been at this, to a modest degree, for a long time.  Not only can I express myself coherently, but I can tell a cultural trap when I see one.  Yours, also.

  9. 12 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

    The point is that someone actually said what the majority of the critical community thinks really happened that day.  And he has an audience of about 3.4 million people. [...]

    So maybe you guys want to be simon pure and wait for Chomsky? 

    When I talk to people about assassinations and 9/11 lately, I try to subtly distinguish my studies, conclusions and beliefs from views held by the 4Chan crowd.  Researchers may want to consider establishing this distinction if accepting Tucker Carlson as a cultural ally.

    In my case, I don't care to be misrepresented as arriviste, alongside dangerous, ignorant or misinformed.  It's also critical for researchers to appear to have constructed their view of politics well before today's mob accumulated their own.

  10. 25 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Branco Marcetic of Jacobin Magazine  asked: could the following story have been on the front page of a major newspaper before this year? Or was it  Oliver Stone's documentary that helped?





    Well...never underestimate the opportunism of journalists and editors.  Somebody may have wet their finger and held it up in the breeze.

  11. 1 hour ago, Adam Johnson said:

    I'm kind of disgusted by many of the responses here by long term members of this forum. This series of videos where made in 2013 and David explains this is where some of his research is taking him...things he hypothesises may mave happened or he believes could have happened. 

    This is not his book "Final Charade"....


    Ah, well...we've all had long acquaintance with Lifton, whether we've met him or not.  He seems to have been the type of writer who throws out unsupported hypotheses, then walks them back or discards them when they prove obviously unsustainable in print.  If you don't publish, then you're judged by these wishful attempts at retaining currency.

    The old Yiddish proverb, Never show half-work to fools, applies.  For myself, I've shortened it to Never show half-work, ever, which can also leave you, like DSL, with nothing to stand on should circumstances intervene.

    Lifton seems to have fixated on reverse-engineering the JFKA events in order to discover how the plot and its execution worked.  He seems to put too much faith in later finding supporting documentary evidence, because the technique had worked for him before.  But the more baroque his horological design becomes, the less prone the gears are to  mesh.

    It's possible that knowing the marketplace thrives on sensationalist Greer-did-it books, and tales of mercury-tainted blood drops left on JFK's watch, contributed to Lifton's recklessness.  But God love him for what he did do, did research and collect, and has left behind. 

  12. 8 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

    And: At the very beginning of Part 4 of Lifton's 14-part interview (see my full playlist below), we hear the interviewer say: "So the original plan was not to have the driver shoot the President...", which (I guess) means that Lifton turned into a "Greer Shot Kennedy" CTer. It sure sounds that way to me, based on the interviewer's remark at the start of Part 4.


    Ah, no.  The remarks seem to take place in the context of dismissing the Greer-shot-JFK trope.  Lifton clearly describes his concept of the original plan.  Too much tar on the brush here.


  13. 19 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


    I really think Marjoe Greene would make a great "Loana" in a remake of the film 1 MILLION BC.

    She already has that heavy brow/ broad nosed/ small narrow-eyed Cro-Magnon/ Neanderthal look. No need for make up.


    She looks like she's recovering from being hit in the face with a shovel.

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