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David Andrews

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Posts posted by David Andrews

  1. Just a question to ponder, that occurred to me reading Martin Hay's articles:

    If one admits a "second Oswald" ("second" to whatever degree of resemblance and preparation one prefers), why was the beta version not sent to Mexico City to attract attention at the Cuban and Russian embassies, and appear on surveillance footage later?


    Also, if Cuban embassy staff encountered an Oswald impersonator who resembled a blonde, Soviet intelligence agent - how does his provocation fit into the Mexico City op scenario?

  2. Was the CIA represented at the autopsy?  Here's tech Paul O'Connor, quoted by Doug Horne from The Men Who Killed Kennedy (1988):

    There were kind of mysterious civilian people in civilian clothes [that] were there — it seemed like they commanded lots of respect and attention — sinister looking people. They would come up and look over my shoulder or look over Dr. Boswell’s shoulder, and run back and they’d have a little conference in the corner, and then all at once, there’s word [that would] come down and says: “stop what you’re doing and go to the other procedure.” (Horne, volume 4, page 1017.)

  3. Kari Lake on Tucker: “I don’t know if Tucker’s listening to this, but if he happens to hear it, I beg you, Tucker Carlson, to speak out,” she continued. “Break the terms of that contract. We need your voice over the next year and a half to save our country. And if you get sued by your former employer, we will help create a defense fund to help you fight that lawsuit.”

    Tucker now primed to run for office?

    Interesting timing on his firing...


    “Perhaps it would be useful to consider how things are with freedom of speech in the United States,” [Russian Foreign Minister Sergei] Lavrov said. “I’ve heard that Tucker Carlson has left Fox News. It’s curious news. What is this related to? One can only guess.


  4. "It's a whole different country than we thought it was. It's all fake" [...] But it's now clear he had no source. That was Carlton himself telling you what he  concluded after a lifetime spent in Washington.

    Tucker: Soylent Green is people!  He must've missed that.


  5. It's been mentioned that Lennon's murder took place on the eve of US involvement in the Contra war and other Central American reformations (bleeding over, almost literally, into the Iran hostage crisis and the Iran-Iraq war), for which GHW Bush controlled the NSC.  Perhaps it was thought prophylactic to not hand Lennon another war to oppose as he emerged from his dormant phase.

    Lennon's new album Double Fantasy was anything but political, but remember this was the remnant of the same reactionary state in which Edgar Hoover had Martha and the Vandellas' "Dancing In the Street" investigated as a covert call to rioting.

    The accused assassin had plans to assassinate other public figures?  Puts him up there with that guy who legendarily wanted to hit Nixon and General Walker before killing a president.  Not to mention that guy said to have hoped to hit Nixon before he settled for crippling Governor Wallace.

  6. "He'd tried to organize a coup" seems overly emphatic, to the point of being misleading.  "Accused of" would be an appropriate qualifier.  Nonetheless, the taint has stuck to LeMay, so early in origin that in his lifetime he had to deny it for Kantor's book. 

    Perhaps a further research topic would be to locate the "many paragraphs" by contemporary writers that LeMay felt misrepresented his intentions, and the interview sources for those remarks.  Who was ratting out, or mischaracterizing, LeMay on this issue?

    The Kennedy brothers' vocalized fears of a military coup are also significant here: what JFK said about Seven Days in May; what RFK communicated to the Soviets.

  7. 8 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

    Could you expand?

    Are you saying Sinatra was doing Monroe before during and after her marriage to Joltin Joe? And DiMaggio wanted to "paste" Sinatra for this?

    It is true DiMaggio forbade Sinatra from attending Monroe's funeral...correct?

    DiMaggio hating Sinatra for doing his wife would make sense.

    I'll look at Kaplan and do a re-Kap soon - but, yes, Kaplan has them together before Joe and after Joe.  Two things I recall: that picture of them on Sinatra's boat, acting all lovey-dovey over a copy of Life magazine, was indeed on a lovey-dovey, "We hate our spouses," cruise, with the photos calculated to provoke; and Sinatra instigated the famous "wrong door raid" by him and Joe on Monroe's apartment (in a building Sinatra owned) because he was ticked at her for leaving Joe. 

    Friends with benefits.  A thing utterly unknown in Hollywood, some would say.

    DiMag had Sinatra barred from the funeral.  You gotta be really bad to get that.

  8. Not off-topic, here's one of the IC's public education projects, DC's International Spy Museum, a lovely venue where former officers and agents can collect lecture fees, flog their memoirs, and influence opinion.  I'm betting old spies can pull adoring, late-life hook-ups from among the groupies:

    And, as a public service, "a virtual teacher professional development workshop to examine the crucial role intelligence played leading up to, during, and following the events of" 9/11.  Features "classroom activities and resources to assist them in teaching this important and complex event in our nation’s history."

    Visit this chewy little nougat online, or in person: https://www.spymuseum.org/


  9. 20 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

    Yes, David, talk about your schadenfreude.


    I mean, when was Trump ever specific about LGBTQ, drag shows, BLM, CRT?  The border wall and "s---hole countries" were as close as he ever got to the race issue.  (Remind me if I'm substantially wrong on any of these - I wasn't expecting a quiz, though I ought to have.) 

    "As non-specific as a UTI," I said elsewhere - and it seems to be leading to an unplanned obsolescence in 2024.  God help us if he ramps it up for the campaign, rising to the challenge of DeSantis.

  10. 13 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

    David, since you insist.  Whatever bicoastalness:


    The above did not happen.

    As Flaubert said, Art is not made from good intentions.

    The list of things in Blonde that didn't happen is rather long.  I can show you historical fiction where "everything happened," even a novel speculating on what Oswald's trial would have been like.  Nobody reads such distressingly literal stuff.

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