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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. Nixon using the black-bag, break-in and murder culture that already existed, and having it turned on him and laid at his door, as if he'd invented it, in the public eye. Which, combined with JFK assassination discontent, leads to Senate hearings and a vice-presidential commission that eventually bring Howard Hunt, Dick Helms, James Angleton and Bill Colby under the hot lights. Who really profited, above all these pawns?
  2. Well, yes - but someone slipped her Ruby's Dallas WC testimony to Warren and Ford, which I think prompted her Ruby interview. (Do I have the chronology right?) Her advance copy of the testimony caused a major uproar. The Ruby interview itself is slippery - some say it was eight minutes privately in an jail interview room, some say it was eight minutes over the courtroom rail, with Joe Tonahill shooing rubberneckers away. Tonahill's motives have been questioned before. My point is, Shaw's letter (and book) seem to say that Pataky - a Midwest journalist, but with an entrée into higher circles - was feeding her info on Dallas, to the point that when some contretemps between them occurred, it became an "If I'm going down, you're going down first" situation. So one needs to know how and what was communicated, where it came from, and who wanted it told. The sad thing here is that if Kilgallen died for this, it may well be information that has since been discovered by committees and researchers, and was only big news when Kilgallen was the reporter who had it within a couple years of the crime. Given Ruby's WC testimony, I'm surprised that the John Birch Society Did It faction isn't all over this...
  3. The Midwest Today article is also inconclusive as to whether Pataky was the "Mystery man" Kilgallen was seen with at the Regency Hotel lounge on the night of her death. The sole recorded witness did not describe a younger man. There are suppositions by her friends, and circumstantial evidence, that she was going to meet Pataky that night. Link to article: http://www.midtod.com/new/articles/7_14_07_Dorothy.html This article suggests Kilgallen had been fed info before. There's some good info and leads in this guy's work on other subjects (particularly the Lincoln assassination), but as a historian/journalist he's fast and very loose: https://stevenhager420.wordpress.com/2013/10/03/dorothy-kilgallen-is-a-key-to-the-jfk-assassination/
  4. I'm confused about Mark Shaw's last two bulleted points in his letter. Shaw seems to claim that Pataky was her source for assassination info, to the point where she could hold that over his head. Do people find this plausible? If Pataky was a source on the assassination, is it probable that info was being fed to Kilgallen through him, by an intelligence service? If she could threaten to expose him as a source, she may have been threatening greater than she knew.
  5. No one expected anything greater. However, if it can make a few younger people interested in the assassination, or older people more interested, it will be of service to more than Natalie Portman. Bad historical movies sometimes inspire good historical research - or else history would have never survived Hollywood myth. I'll give this to what I saw so far: it captures some of the dark pageantry of the administration and its ending. But the uncharitable might call that "assassination porn."
  6. I'm thinking that the discovery of more than one bolt-action rifle would be easier to explain than the discovery of both types, or the question of whether Oswald would have had access to a semi-auto. The apparent discovery of both a Mannlicher-Carcano and a Mauser in the TSBD certainly eluded official comment.
  7. Why was Hill the only agent on the Queen Marry kitted out in a bulletproof vest?
  8. Chris, did you check out the Nagell article? Nagell seems to refer to some characteristic of the .22 Hornet hollow point, or its reloaded version. Nagell was locked up on November 22, but he is reputed to have been close to the assassination planners. That makes him among the best of the second-guessers, and better than a third- or fourth-guesser such as me.
  9. Apropos of the general topic, and not any specific post, people may like to read Richard Case Nagell's take on an assassination bullet: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=16238#relPageId=35 Help me, firearms experts: a "gigantic white puff of smoke" because it was specially hand-loaded?
  10. Leaving political particulars aside, I believe that Putin recognizes in Trump a person of oligarchical temperament and lifestyle, such as put Putin in power in Russia. But over there, these types remain behind the scene. They don't edge into the limelight with long-running TV shows that (with other reality TV) foster a culture of divisiveness and social competition with false standards of merit or demerit. What does it say about the west when the oligarch becomes the frontman, with all of us heedless of his past crimes and sins? Did Oswald Spengler cover this?
  11. Trump + Putin = economic/military bulwark against China? Is this the real "wall"?
  12. Larry, is there another link to your In Your Ear interview on Surprise Attack? The Soundcloud connection on the radio station's page seems to have been disabled for all interviews, even the foodie stuff.
  13. Do see the film Lumumba, Jim - there's much to appreciate in its biography/history, which I admit is more accurate than the sensationalistic two-minute capsule at the beginning of The Siege of Jadotville. Jadotville is somewhat important in raising consciousness about cold war imperialism, and Europe may be the place that happens in film, rather than the America of Bridge of Spies. I hope so. EDIT: And here's Lumumba, through the miracles of digital democracy and covert titling. Better pirated than unseen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2UkAFGecf-E
  14. The Siege of Jadotville (2016), about the Irish peacekeeping force in the Congo. Can't think of another film that cared enough to have Dag Hammarskjold as a character. Ignore the phony "Hyena Road II" monicker intended to evade YouTube takedown. And bring up the Vickers gun.
  15. Here is a guy who stars in films ( The Da Vinci Code, Angels & Demons and now Inferno. ) for what...$20,000,000 each? And where his lead actor role is to step up to dig for the truth that the main stream media is just not getting and under life and death risk to "save the world" and is looked upon as a conspiracy kook while doing so. Seems like the perfect cover for a disinfo agent to me. A*** J***s has been using it for years.
  16. It would seem from the context of the WC emigre interviews that G DeM;s White Russian friend in Houston specifically objected to him bringing communist types around. But, other than GHW Bush, have we looked into whether G DeM could be meeting characters such as David Atlee Phillips in Houston? Note that Dr. Jitkoff, the Houston White Russian cited in the Voshinin WC testimony, is not deposed by the WC.
  17. If the U2 is brought down because of info Oswald supplied the Soviets - is this info fed the Soviets in order to bring down the plane for a clandestine objective?
  18. Marina allowed to leave USSR with Oswald so quickly because the Russians hoped to receive intel on the false defector program, Oswald's contacts, etc.? All within that limited, household context? (Sorry, just noticed Jim D. beat me to the punch here.)
  19. Ruby would have had a lot of sex scandal dirt on these people. And therefor he ( and his bosses ) would have also had protection and influence with them as well. Which, if not in Dallas then in larger cities, would be accessible to intelligence agencies.
  20. Not to make a big thing of this, but: My post glances off Ron Ecker's article on the oddities surrounding how Ruby's dog, Sheba, was left in Ruby's car during the Oswald shooting. Why did Ruby name a dog "Sheba" in the first place? "Sheba" is not exactly a wiseguy's dog's name, and Sheba was not exactly a wiseguy's dog breed. I'm suggesting that the name "Sheba" is a homosexual subculture reference, based on the movie/stage play title's having become become a camp catch phrase by the 1960s. I linked to the Wiki page for the movie in my post. I admit that the 1952 movie caused "Sheba" to become a popular dog's name...but not among your average wiseguys. "Come back, little Sheba" stuck around long enough as a gay catchphrase to be recorded in Angels in America by Tony Kushner, in the 1990s (see link): https://books.google.com/books?id=yvfoCAAAQBAJ&pg=PA21&lpg=PA21&dq=come+back+little+sheba+gay&source=bl&ots=uLplP_XvXg&sig=AosgvMJJZ6vVWHxRb0usMjsAH-g&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwiYqov297zPAhWRxiYKHYKfAZA4ChDoAQgzMAY#v=onepage&q=come%20back%20little%20sheba%20gay&f=false They used to use "Come back, little Sheba" in gay-subtext gags on Rowan & Martin's Laugh-In. I can't be the only old man who remembers this.
  21. An overlooked reference to Ruby's character: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Come_Back,_Little_Sheba_(1952_film) As I remember it from the 1960s, "Come Back, Little Sheba" was a camp phrase slung about by homosexuals to refer to lost hopes, or to call out neglected-acting drama queens (such as the pining dog owner that Shirley Booth plays in the movie).
  22. Without contradicting you in the least, this doesn't preclude development of a private medico-espionage industry devoted to the legend of assassination through cancer cell tramsmission. David: I agree that there were (and maybe still are?) devilish plans of intelligence agencies over the world to use biological vehicles to kill someone. Andrej, Chris: In the case of the Castro-kill industry of the 1960s, I meant the legend (as in con-job) of assassination through cancer cell transmission. Imagine a part-privatized medical assassination cabal - offshoot of the military industrial complex and ancestor of today's privatized warfare - that sucked in uncountable dollars from the fathomless black budget, for facility and personnel subsidization, R & D, and some field trials on humans, all based on the spurious concept of injecting political targets with live cancer cells and killing them. A spurious concept sworn to by a cabal of doctors and researchers. It's not far-fetched when measured by later espionage and biowarfare developments. I don't mean to beat this to death, but I had limited time to write my original post and want to be clear. This was the light bulb that went off over my head when I opened this thread this morning. I can't convince myself that such chicanery would have been beyond the pale for the cold war era.
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