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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. Without contradicting you in the least, this doesn't preclude development of a private medico-espionage industry devoted to the legend of assassination through cancer cell tramsmission.
  2. Was anyone arrested in the Michigan cherry bomb incident? Seems like the kind of thing that might have been staged for effect, on-camera.
  3. I can't tell people what to do...but I'd just flat ignore this happy HS. Only the worst will snap at it. (Funny how a list is now assembling itself in my mind...)
  4. I've read Perlstein's Nixonland and The Invisible Bridge. One of his tactics as a historian is to characterize strategies and motivations in quick, shoot-from-the-hip descriptions and epithets ("bugout plan," "closet peacenik"). When his judgments are accurate, this audacious style works. In the opposite, the style is a methodological liability, and can lead to big-picture misrepresentations, as with JFK's Vietnam strategy
  5. Can't the CIA afford to give a syndicated show to anyone they want anymore? Or do some simply not pass the audition? (Beatles joke within, if you stretch your memory.) PS: If you're a Beatles fan steeped in the Paul is Dead myth since 1968, then this short film (link below) will be a lot of fun for you. Features better fake-Beatles songs than do more expensive and "accurate" Beatles bio-pics:
  6. From my early childhood, I remember that on his death and in his UN years, Hammarskjold had a popular/media reputation as one of the foremost humanitarians in public service. (My small town schoolteachers praised him upon his passing, and after.) It's not surprising that he didn't fit the neocolonialist age, and had to be removed from it. I'm sure that wasn't surprising to people in the know then, as it wasn't to Truman. But did Kennedy know?
  7. I would tend to agree, Chris. I'm far from an expert, but I did some shooting with 16mm Arriflex wind-ups in college, and saw plenty of developed film reel with image bleeding over into the sprocket hole area. So why not in a cheaper 8mm consumer model from 15 years previous? Did the images I saw go flush left, as Lifton and Zavada complain they shouldn't? I'm afraid I can't remember. But apparently your sample above obviates the different color = two passes in the optical printer argument.
  8. You could make some future political candidates there, too.
  9. Can we reconcile this at all with still photos of the limo emerging from the underpass? I'm thinking of the ones with the Old Charter billboard visible.
  10. Something I myself hadn't before thought of in the years of references to I Led Three LIves, but we have a cultural penchant for associating our assassins with a particular literary work or film said to have served as a formative or obsessive influence. Taxi Driver, The Catcher in the Rye, The Turner Diaries, even John Wilkes Booth with Julius Caesar (which is where this theme seems to have originated). John Pic's Warren Commission testimony is interesting: he seems to have carried in with him some kind of attitude that isn't directly apparent in his transcribed words, but which rattled his deposer (I think it's Rankin) so much that he called Pic on it several times, warning him of his legal standing and also his military obligation to comply. WSs it the hypocrisy of holding a commission to whitewash a truth generally known among the commissioners that Pic objected to? Because he was standing by his past attitude as well when he spoke to Armstrong. There's a great contrast between Pic and Robert Oswald before the WC - one that might have eluded us if the commission counsel hadn't put Pic's demeanor on record. Pic was perhaps as close to having a hostile witness as the WC ever got.
  11. What prompted the protest gathering that paved the way for this? Had there been police-on-civilian violence in Dallas this year? (It's getting hard to keep track.) EDIT: OK, my own answer: "The protests in Dallas were among several across the country that were held after a Minnesota officer on Wednesday fatally shot Philando Castile , a black American, while he was in a car with his partner Diamond Reynolds and her daughter in a St. Paul suburb. Reynolds live streamed the aftermath of the shooting in a widely shared Facebook video. "A day earlier, Alton Sterling was shot in Louisiana after being pinned to the pavement by two white officers. That, too, was captured on a mobile phone video." So why a protest event in Dallas? Was a city permit issued?
  12. Just as a research lead, does anyone know if Tippit's body was photographed on the ground before it was taken away? Is there any log of still photos taken at the scene, excluding later recreation photos?
  13. Of course it would make sense. To encourage or reinforce Ruby. I imagine that Ruby standing there waiting with the task of shooting Oswald could use a little moral support. And from a public perspective what did it matter who was standing next to him, as the perps knew they could have Ruby execute Oswald on national TV and get away with it, as surely as they got away with blowing JFK's brains out in broad daylight? I mean, how many people have ever heard of officer Croy? Is Westbrook also in the garage for "crowd control"?
  14. Does the limo hood/fender area appear larger/taller also once it goes to b/w?
  15. Yow! No wonder academia is in the dumps. Check other Asian book marts online - there's gotta be a better deal.
  16. Poulgrain currently out-of-stock at Amazon. $10.95 USD from the publisher, a Malaysian progressive think tank: http://sird.gbgerakbudaya.com/category/books/history/
  17. If there can be a multi-part ABC/ESPN documentary on O. J. Simpson as a cultural figure, from cradle to cell - and I'm not saying there shouldn't be - then there could be the same intensive treatment of Kennedy's foreign policy and anti-colonialism, warts and all. There's no question that the failure of Kennedy's interests to become an American political legacy is a story relevant story to our post-1963 political development. But it's not going to happen. Nobody's going to present that as history.
  18. Yep, during several phone conversations, John Armstrong has speculated about an almost identical scenario! Here's how he put it on my website: As Tippit walked near the front of his patrol car LEE Oswald pulled his pistol and fired three shots. After Tippit fell to the ground LEE Oswald walked to the back of Tippit's car. He then stopped, returned to where Tippit was laying, and and deliberately shot him in the head (around 1:06-1:08 PM). Could Westbrook, who got out of the police car at the same time, have said, "finish the job," or something similar? That could have caused LEE Oswald to stop, turn around and re-trace his steps, and then shoot Tippit in the head with a fourth shot. Jack Tatum saw the 4th shot and said, "whoever shot Tippit was determined that he shouldn't live and he was determined to finish the job." NOTE: JFK researcher Shirley Martin tape-recorded an interview with Mrs. Aquilla Clemmons in August, 1964. Mrs. Clemmons said that while sitting on her porch, she saw two men standing near the police cruiser moments before Tippit was shot. Mrs. Doris Holan lived on the 2nd floor at 409 E Tenth Street (see map above), directly across the street from the Tippit shooting. Mrs Holan had just returned home from her job a few minutes after 1:00 PM when she heard several gun shots. From her 2nd floor bedroom window she had possibly the best view of the murder scene (see photo), and saw Tippit lying on the street near the left front of his patrol car. Mrs. Holan observed the shooter as he was walking across the Davis's lawn toward Patton. Mrs Holan also noticed a 2nd police car parked in the narrow driveway between the houses directly across the street (between 404 and 410 E. 10th). Tippit's car was parked on 10th St., directly in front of the narrow driveway, and prevented the 2nd police car from driving onto 10th St. From the description of Oswald (or "Oswald") seeming to chat with Tippit through the car window, I'm wondering if Westbrook and Croy didn't circle around the corner and pull up in the driveway, so Westbrook could force Tippit to arrest Oswald, and Oswald to shoot Tippit, when things might have gone differently if Westbrook hadn't shown up. I was trying to get at that in my screenplay schematic.
  19. David, This is my opinion, also. Clearly JDT was up to something with his visit to the record store and the phone call just prior to his murder. It appears that he was supposed to do something, or prevent something at that time, but failed to do it. Perhaps he was supposed to kill Oswald, or take control of LHO as part of the setup to tie Castro into the assassination, and bring him to where he was to be killed, but a suspicious LHO eluded him. With LHO unexpectedly 'on the loose' he could NOT be taken alive. That risk was unacceptable, so DPD needed an excuse to murder LHO rather than apprehend him. Whatever JDT was supposed to do, but didn't do, IMO required him to be silenced. Possibly he could no longer be trusted. DPD could put out the word that LHO the 'cop-killer' was not to be taken alive. The way it all went down at the theater, LHO thought that he would be shot - and IMO he would have been if not for his yelling "I am not resisting arrest!" Again, just my opinion, but I don't think their desire to make LHO a cop-killer was sufficient to sacrifice JDT had he fulfilled his assignment. One of many alternate scenarios would be that despite plans of others, DPD had no intention of allowing LHO to escape from Dallas. Not good for their reputation. So although this was "not supposed to happen" as far as Martino knew, DPD may have planned JDT's death all along. Tom, Interesting line of thought, much of which sounds right to me. I do think, though, that the Tippit murder was premeditated, not so much by the DPD per se as by Westbrook, Croy and .... uh .... a guy who looked a bit like the "Lee Harvey Oswald" we all think we know, but was wearing a white t-shirt and dark pants in the early afternoon of 11/22/63. I think Westbrook brought the infamous wallet to 10th & Patton and introduced it into evidence there. I think he got the Eisenhower jacket and a .38 revolver from a certain person in a white t-shirt who , again, looked a little like the LHO we all think we know. And I couldn't agree more about Martino and the Cubans. Not to get all melodramatic here, but: WESTBROOK (To Tippit): Arrest him! Tippit gets out of the car and heads around the front toward "Oswald" "OSWALD": Now wait a minute, here... WESTBROOK (To "Oswald"): Shoot him! "Oswald" pulls his revolver and shoots Tippit across the patrol car hood. Tippit falls down and out of the frame. A beat. Nobody moves. WESTBROOK (To "Oswald"): Finish him!
  20. Tom, To me, that sounds like a rumor that might have been circulating among individuals in the exile community. Though the rumor (if that is all it was) does contain a fact not widely known early on -- that being the guy in the theater who was released by the DPD -- which is interesting to say the least. But I don't know about the assertion that the Tippit killing wasn't part of the plan. Maybe it wasn't part of the JFK assassination plan, but it certainly appears to have been part of somebody's plan. EDIT: I see that David Andrews already brought up the point of my second paragraph.. Sandy, If you read the book, I doubt you'd dismiss John Martino as giving birth to a rumor. Do you know John Martin's history? Immediately after the assassination, Martino was a visible face for the 'LHO killed JFK for Castro' gambit. But many years later, he told people what Larry Hancock reported. What was his motivation to do this? As far as "who" had Tippit in their plans, it doesn't mean that Martino's people were planning it. So he would not know about someone elses plans. Compartmentalization. Martino is CLEAR that he was never privy to ALL of the plan. Just the part he was personally involved in. This is another reason that makes him credible. Tom Since Martino wasn't in Dallas practicing skulduggery on the 22nd, it's possible plans may have been changed, or were forced to be altered and improvised. If there was a second Oswald, killing him outside Dallas would have been more desirable than killing the TSBD Oswald in Dallas ASAP, and letting the paper legend of his politics, defection, and Mexico City antics be witness against him. From his removed position, Martino may have conflated the fates of the two Oswalds - one dead and anonymous outside Dallas, the other dead in Dallas and a monument to the DPD's vigilance and patriotism.* *Speaking of which, I can't shake my whimsy (is it only whimsy?) over the TSBD Oswald being nearly rubbed out at a theater, as John Dillinger was. That setup feels like the mythic obsession of a certain ancient agency boss... You know the phrase, "His fingerprints are all over this"?
  21. I remember that from SWHT - but Armstrong's research on the activities of Capt. Westbrook and reserve officer Kroy of DPD is compelling, given that the two were involved in the well-witnessed "discovery" of an Oswald wallet at the Tippit scene. If the wallet was a plant, how accidental was the Tippit killing? The counterargument might be that the Tippit meeting was accidental, but the killing was ordered by Westbrook to resolve it, and frame Oswald. Yet Tippit's observed actions before his killing - rushing around as if pursuing someone - make the meeting seem a bit less accidental. The Westbrook-Kroy involvement is worth further investigation even if one doesn't accept a second Oswald
  22. An interesting possible correspondence from the John Armstrong article that prompted this thread: If the TSBD Oswald was first observed sitting next to a pregnant woman in the Texas Theater, could it be because he did make contact with a woman on the McWatters bus, as the article posits? In the dark, Oswald might have mistaken the two, and not noticed that the second woman was pregnant when he sat down. The woman on the bus may have told him that his contact at the theater would be her, or would be someone else if she failed to show up - prompting Oswald to next approach men in the audience.
  23. Referring to the Larsen-Hargrove post just above and the diagram in Larsen's link: What if the TSBD Oswald never did a turnabout and walk back to the N. Beckley rooming house? What if he feinted walking east (toward what he didn't know would be the Tippit shooting site) because he didn't want the cab driver to know that he would next turn and walk west to the Texas Theater? This would allow the second Oswald to show up at the N. Beckley house, get the pistol (or pretend to) and the white jacket, and walk in the direction of 10th and Patton. There are variables involved, of course. How would the TSBD Oswald have changed from grey work pants to darker pants? Did the TSBD Oswald acquire a pistol from a man (Jack Ruby?) in Dealey Plaza, as Victoria Adams' acquaintances described? Yeah, I know - Colonel Mustard in the library with a candlestick...
  24. Found this photo page of Dallas cops interesting, but it may need constructive criticism. Could be of help to some here: https://jfkinvestigators.wordpress.com/2016/02/24/jfk-investigators-identification-project/
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