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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. It's a grillework facade, most visible in the "Three Tramps" photo series. Still there in Dealey today.
  2. I suspect Ruby would like to say things that Bill Decker is inhibiting - things about other than the JBS and Walker. Ruby is acknowledging that he's playing under Decker's influence.
  3. Dr. Caufield joins Gary Wean, Don DeLillo and several other JFK researchers of the past generation to claim that Lee Harvey Oswald was personally supporting of the politics of General Walker, and upon the direction of Guy Banister, faked the General Walker shooting in order to boost public sympathy for General Walker. In Libra, novelist Don DeLillo has Oswald and a fictional character (a disturbed African-American whom Oz meets in the Marine brig) shoot at Walker because they oppose his policies. I do not yet believe Oswald shot at Walker - nor believe the opposite. I brought up the DeLillo book here specifically because its plot hinges on a faked, rabble-rousing JFK assassination attempt that is converted to a real killing by some of the CIA-associated plotters. My point was to show that the fake-into-real idea had had currency since the mid-1980s, I believe that DeLillo discovered this rumor in his researches. I recall that when I read reviews of the book before buying it, my reaction was, "Oh, so he's onto that angle, too," as I had read of this proposition before then - where or when I do not remember.
  4. Ruby's entire testimony to Earl Warren, delivered in Bill Decker's company, is worth a close reading - especially Ruby's references to Decker previously telling Ruby to man up and tell all. What was that about?
  5. I can't upload photos right now, but here's a link to the Oswald family picture, including Pic: http://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/gallery/ASSASSINATION/JFK-WITNESSES-SUSPECTS/Oswald-Family-Reunion-pic_14.htm John Pic is seen as a child in a photo midway down this page: http://novemberdays1963.tumblr.com/page/2
  6. You might want to devote 1-2 classroom hours to discussion of Kennedy's foreign and domestic policies, why these were opposed, and why these policies matter to the worlds of then and now.
  7. "As to misstatements by St. John in his radio interview, it is difficult in a live interview being broadcast to the public to be precise all the time. The mind of the person being interviewed is racing ahead of the words spoken. Also, I thought that the interviewer did a poor job because on at least half a dozen instances he started asking another question or making a comment while St. John was still speaking. This undoubtedly threw St. John off course somewhat, as it would anyone." Right, and Ronni Moffitt - whose husband also worked for Letelier and was the only survivor of the car bombing - was Allende/Letelier's girlfriend. I know guys with one foot on a bar rail who work in the same vein. One is known by the company one keeps. The first part of the show concerned time travel.
  8. In today's episode of coasttocoastam, Saint confuses Salvador Allende with Orlando Letelier, and calls Ronni Moffitt Allende's (Letelier's) "girlfriend." Where's Joe Pesci when ahistoricity strikes ? Motherf !!
  9. Yet there's the Otto Otepka saga to consider, in which Otepka, before his dismissal for investigating Oswald's defector status, first ran afoul of RFK and the JFK admin for objecting to Walt Rostow's appointment on the grounds WR was a Comsymp.
  10. Larry, where was the road divider located? Don't recall this.
  11. Well, there's certainly enough Agency contract collaborators, US and Cuban, to merit their own Junior Varsity page. Where do we put Clay Shaw in this scheme?
  12. Good work - but was Barry Seal a bona fide CIA employee, or just a longtime contractor?
  13. It's all a game, with the same players playing both sides against us, in the middle: http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread810793/pg1 Even this UFO-aliens "debunking" site is propaganda.
  14. Though Oswald, is foregrounded in the films and stills, he's walking downhill from neck-scratcher. Yet he still seems taller. Is not Oswald listed at 5' 9", and Morales at 5' !0". Call them both the same height on paper; is Oswald not taller on film? Maybe there's a jet effect that can explain this. See this film at about 1:20-1:24:
  15. Hasn't it been established from better copies of the film that there is a camera around his neck? I thought that was why he is thought significant. If you remember old cameras and their straps, there was a buckle connecting the two strap halves, and you needed two hands to adjust, especially if it was around your neck. He just looks like he's adjusting the strap and it's taking longer than he thought, during which he's required to change body positions. If he's in mid-buckling he's in danger of dropping a heavy camera. "Slight" may have been a misleading word, but there's no way he's as big, broad, or thick as Morales. He's built more like Danny Arce. We really need to work from a better copy of the complete footage.
  16. He looks like too short and slight a man for Morales, and doesn't project Morales' big-chested air of authority. He may be a Cuban. I doubt he's Japanese. The body and movements register as Hispanic to me. Looking at the film, I think he's adjusting the camera neck strap, not scratching. There may be a strap buckle behind his head.
  17. Who smart-mouthed anybody? If Mellen/Beckham misidentified Beckham in Mellen's book, someone should check it out. I'm proceeding here from another poster's memory of the Mellen-Beckham identification, and haven't read the book myself. I just saw this quibble online and posted it for consideration. I know the general animus toward McAdams here, so I added a caveat. If someone would like to tell me which of Mellen's books the Beckham identification appeared in, I'll try to check it out myself and report here. Are you defending Mellen, or McAdams?
  18. I will say, tongue-in-cheek, that the adult John John looked a hell of a lot more like Hill Hill than he did like Jack Jack Not not.
  19. Some messages challanging Beckham's self-identification on the Trade Mart photos as reported in Joan Mellen's book exist, found on Google, sourced from a John McAdams newsgroup. I have considered the source, but even a broken clock is right twice daily: Hi .John, Say, this fellow is both a Doctor and a Knight? Seems a tad short on grammatical skills for one so lofty in life, surely? Still, while he's here, maybe you could ask him why Thomas Edward Beckham told Joan Mellen that he is depicted in one of the stills taken from WDSU's film of Oswald picketing the New Orleans International Trade Mart in August 1963. *** Hi John, Mellen believed Beckham and published the still photo in her book, A Farewell To Justice, noting in the caption that "Beckham confirms that this is indeed he." Only problem is that the person Beckham claims to be is actually a Japanese businessman, Junichi Ehara, who ran a business out of International Trade Mart, Kasuga & Co, in August 1963. Mention is made of this in the WC. This blows a terrible hole in Beckham's credibility, and Mellen's book, for that matter, as she relies so heavily on Beckham as a source throughout her work. Regards, Tim Brennan Sydney, Australia *Newsgroup(s) Commentator* Hi .John, > > >Sure. The Japanese businessman that worked at International Trade Mart, > >and was there that day, is referred to in Carlos Bringuier's WC testimony > >at 10H40: > > >http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh10/html/WC_Vol... > > >He had previously been identified by the FBI and they took a 302 > >statement from him which is at CD6 Page 413: > > >http://www.maryferrell.org/mffweb/archive/viewer/showDoc.do?docId=104... > > >There is more available evidence to show that the man in the Trade Mart > >stills is Junichi Ehara, not Thomas Edward Beckham. Apart from the claims > >in Mellen's book, I've never seen anything that would support Beckham's > >claims. > > >BTW, she repeats his claim in the text of her book on page 78. I > >forgot to add that before: > > >QUOTE ON: > > >A photograph survives of Thomas Edward Beckham, dressed all in black, in > >front of the International Trade Mart as Oswald enters the building. > >Beckham confirms that it is, indeed, he. > > >QUOTE OFF > > >Beckham isn't credible, and neither is Mellen's book, as a > >consequence, in my view. > > >Regards, > > >Tim Brennan > >Sydney, Australia > >*Newsgroup(s) Commentator* >
  20. The autopsists speculated JFK was struck with a high tech weapon -- a round which wouldn't show up on x-ray, or be found in the body during the autopsy. FBI SA James Sibert called the FBI Lab to investigate such weaponry. They fed him BS. A continuing investigation along that line would reveal the development of such weapons at Ft Detrick and an official briefing of the FBI on the possibility such weapons might be brought in from overseas. If they'd had an opportunity to blame the crime on Kostikov -- we might of heard a lot about this kind of technology. JFK was struck in the throat from the front, and appeared to seize up paralyzed in a couple of seconds. An application of Occam's Razor suggests JFK was hit in the throat with an immobilizing dart. If he's shot in the throat with a dart at Zapruder frame 225, the dart has to be traveling with velocity and noise sufficient to frighten Connally as it passes, since in the frames following Connally reacts to a missile on his left and swats at it with his hat, exhibiting other avoidance behaviors as well. Connally himself noted that he was familiar with rifle fire. Could this dart be powerful enough to pass through the limo windshield, like a rifle slug? Where was this dart aimed? At Kennedy's throat? That's a hard target to hit intentionally. Aimed at his face? His torso? If the dart missed a soft target and was found on the body or clothes, or say had hit Jackie and was found on her body or clothes, how would it be explained in the emergency room? If it had hit another passenger in the car who was not struck by gunfire, how would this incident be explained? I'm thinking that if a dart was used, Kennedy's back would be the ideal target. Exposed to the nearer shooting platforms in the rear Plaza buildings, unprotected by the windshield, a target not as affected by the decline of the street as Kennedy's front was to the frontal shooters. If you look at the view of Kennedy through the windshield in Altgens 6, he may have been hit in the throat by a bullet through the windshield precisely because a frontal shooter's view of his head through the windshield is being gradually obscured due to the decline of Elm Street. I wonder if the shot wasn't fired at the last possible second of viewing Kennedy through the windshield, and thus struck the throat because it was aimed low to compensate for the street decline.
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