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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. How would a sniper in the Dal-Tex even be sure the limo would be in the center lane of Elm, and available to view through two open TSBD windows? Who closed the TSBD corner window facing the Dal-Tex after the shot? What about the spectator views of two men in the TSBD sixth floor window? A theory like this needs to be plotted with architectural elevations of the two buildings, an accurate map of Dealey Plaza, and perhaps a personal visit to the site. It seems like simplified lines of fire would have worked best in this situation. Why does a hit from the sixth floor "sniper" window need to be simulated from another building, when other firing positions would have achieved the same effect.
  2. Shout-out to ya, Ron. Somehow, when I think of the contagion today, this is the song that runs through my head. I wish somebody would lay their big spike down. Remember - after this we're all going to have to prove we're not infected...
  3. It usually takes a day or two for NPR's show listings and podcasts to catch up on the internet site.
  4. Robert: Invasion of the Media Snatchers seems more like it.
  5. Will this become the new Mark Zaid thread? Pushing through the market square, So many mothers sighing News had just come over, We had five years left to cry in News guy wept and told us, Earth was really dying Cried so much his face was wet, Then I knew he was not lying I heard telephones, opera house, favorite melodies I saw boys, toys, electric irons and T.V.'s My brain hurt like a warehouse, it had no room to spare I had to cram so many things to store everything in there And all the fat-skinny people, and all the tall-short people And all the nobody people, and all the somebody people I never thought I'd need...so many people
  6. An English opinion on individual financial relief: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/18/debt-relief-coronavirus-crash An EU report on Russian disinfo : https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/18/russian-media-spreading-covid-19-disinformation Do the Russians hold Trump in the same regard as we held Yeltsin?
  7. Notre-Dame de Paris has a series of flying buttresses supporting the walls. Built-in redundancy saves the day when the roof's on fire.
  8. There should be some back research on media prediction of virus pandemics originating in China. I'm certain that's been bubbling on underboil for several years, like the name "Osama bin Laden" was before 9/11. For instance, I re-watched Steven Soderbergh's 2011 film Contagion last night - a film that's gotten a lot of mentions in Coronavirus press. The research consultant there was "Dr. Ian Lipkin - professor of epidemiology at Columbia University's Mailman School of Public Health." [IMDB], and the virus he envisioned is a hybrid inspired by "H1N1 (which originated in pigs), and SARS (believed to have originated in bats)." [Also IMDB] Nonetheless, the first human contact with the bat-infected pig in the film takes place in a Hong Kong kitchen. So, the probability of a "China-origin" virus has been floated as a world health risk for some time, st least since SARS in 2002. How many people remember past media predictions of another pandemic out of China?
  9. You get the Mark Zaid Prize: https://www.moneymetals.com/donald-trump-1-oz-silver-round/303?keycode=ADWORDS-DISPLAY-ECOMM_SMARTDISPLAY&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoIPSi9ak6AIVScLtCh1LrQDBEAEYASAAEgKAdvD_BwE
  10. Latest Trump plan to pay individuals, backstop mutual funds: https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/white-house-coronavirus-plan-aims-to-send-dollar2000-to-many-americans-includes-dollar300-billion-for-small-businesses/ar-BB11mKpM?li=BBnb7Kz
  11. Joe, in 2008 it happened on the cusp of Obama, as Bush was leaving office. Obama only bailed out the corporations, not any of us who lost investment funds. Get over that guy.
  12. From the article link on Trish Regan's spiel, posted by Jim: 'While a graphic reading, “Coronavirus Impeachment Hoax” flashed on screen, Regan claimed Democrats were causing “mass hysteria to encourage a market sell-off” and sparking fear and panic about the virus in order “to demonize and destroy the president.” ' I don't watch Fox. Does Trish Regan, herself, have producer's credit on her show? Could she authorize the control room techs to create and run a banner graphic reading, “Coronavirus Impeachment Hoax” on the screen, under her commentary? Does she write her own commentary? I question whether there were more minds at work on this than Regan's. She may have been sold out by the upper levels of Fox in order to get this propaganda on the air with plausible deniability, plus create all the follow-up press (such as this article) that furthers the message. Fox viewers: "It must be true, because they're denying it left and right..."
  13. Google search for "seizure victim in Dealey Plaza" produced this: https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&q=seizure+victim+in+dealey+plaza
  14. When the Roman elite offered their lives to their gods to restore the emperor Caligula's health, Caligula upon recovery held them to their prayers. compelling them to commit suicide so he could seize their estates. Interestingly, revisionist historical views of Caligula see him as an anti-establishment anarchist rather than a madman.
  15. Only two A's in DARPA, unless DoD is taking over retirement amenity research.
  16. Doctors will build a wall in his immune system, but the virus will climb over, despite the positioning of antibodies every hundred yards.
  17. The fact is that while the disease affects only the representatives of the Mongoloid race, such suspicious selectivity raises questions from experts How is this even possible, scientifically? This is the kind of Eurasian fantasia that brought us The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
  18. You know the Stones tour is postponed, right? Trump will have to bail out the insurance industry for all the cancelled tours.
  19. Baylor University has collected Texas researchers' JFK materials. Researchers, especially if published, ought to see if a college archives in their home state will accept their donated collections. Just by browsing, Baylor seems to collect a lot of JFKA materials, and may be interested in the papers of out-of-state authors. What happened to Jim Marrs' materials?
  20. Just to get the flavor of the ban - were yours straight political (Trump-related) posts or Coronaposts?
  21. This guy will share the Mark Zaid Prize with Trump.
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