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David Andrews

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Everything posted by David Andrews

  1. The post where my information was insufficient to let stand. When we make a mistake here, we write, "Delete post" to the mods.
  2. Fortunately, we're wiser in New York. Watch quarantine turn into a horror movie when you pile Prohibition on it. I'd call all this a test of the American character, but I wouldn't want Caligula to hear. (See my previous post.)
  3. Like Texas governor Patrick, I tend to think we quarantined the country too early, taking the first ditch instead of the last. But I wonder if he should be held to his promise, as Caligula did the senators who offered their lives to the gods for his recovery: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/24/older-people-would-rather-die-than-let-covid-19-lockdown-harm-us-economy-texas-official-dan-patrick Some Englishmen who may have felt otherwise: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/mar/18/not-ready-to-go-tributes-paid-to-uk-first-named-victims-of-coronavirus
  4. you can bet your bottom dollar, this is where a sniper was positioned, with the plan of putting the bullets in through the TSBD and down onto Elm. Well, we don't really have the evidence to bet... There's probably a TV documentary in it for you, if you write up a treatment and get it to the right people. But how big a window of visual opportunity would a sniper there have to get JFK through two windows? If he was just going to lay down distraction fire onto Elm, you should factor that into your theory. But then people would ask, "Where were the actual wounding and killing shots fired from?" And they would ask, "What about the conflicting witness testimony that puts a figure or figures in the sixth floor window?" http://22november1963.org.uk/who-saw-oswald-in-the-sixth-floor-window
  5. It doesn't seem like he needed the second honk, he was in a good visual position, just where Oswald would have to make that slight turn. He was also in prime position for the cameras, coincidentally... (It was where the hallway widened into the parking lot proper, and there were ranks of press and cops to hide behind. Ruby couldn't have gotten into the hallway, where he would have been more exposed to scrutiny.) I would speculate that the ambulance driver, or whoever honked at the stop of the ramp, was instructed to honk when the ambulance was backing up, and the ambulance driver was instructed not to back up until Oswald was in view. That is, Ruby was told to take the honk as the "Get set" signal, but the ambulance driver wasn't aware of that. So the driver may have honked again at the bottom of the ramp to avoid pedestrian collision. He can't have had his eye on Oswald and Ruby while looking over his shoulder at the crowd.
  6. Were we debating the fine line between research and conspiracy theory last night?
  7. Before this topic is moved elsewhere, I would appreciate some thoughts on Doug Caddy's posts in the thread below, and my comments. https://www.unknowncountry.com/dreamland/2-hardcore-ufo-investigators-admit-it-theyre-also-abductees-most-recent-experience-jan-2020/
  8. From one of Doug's earlier posts: Because Robert Merritt appeared before the Mueller grand jury in Washington, D.C. in 2018 to testify about FBI illegal activities before a secret pre-FISA federal court that held sessions at 1 a.m. in Washington, D.C. in 1970 to 1972. Why, specifically, was Robert Merritt called before a fall 2018 grand jury in Washington investigating a FISA case involving Carter Page? Why would the prosecution be interested in testimony about alleged 1972 meetings between Richard Nixon and Robert Merritt, or alleged FBI misconduct in federal court during that period? What relevance has this to a 2018 prosecution? It would seem that any overriding national security objections to prosecution in the Page case would be taken out of the hands of empaneled citizens and examined at a secure, clandestine legal level. If there was indeed some relevance, c. fifty years later.
  9. I'm using half a brick I found in the garden. I just rinse it off after. Is the scarcity of paper products and other sanitizing making the viral situation less healthy?
  10. Notwithstanding that the only bullet trajectory we can almost identify is the back wound, possibly from a low Dal-Tex window, why would it be necessary for with suppressors on their muzzles that affect trajectory attempt this impossible, action-movie shot? The shooters had a hard enough time killing JFK without these heroics. The number of missed shots speculated makes a "long shot" like this ill advised.
  11. Duetting with Jack Klugman on The Twilight Zone.
  12. Ohio abortion clinic near-shutdown raises spectre of future legality: https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/03/ohio-orders-halt-nonessential-abortions-coronavirus-preview.html
  13. One of the things that may happen, Mr. McBride, Mr. DiEugenio, is that the community experience of moviegoing may be destroyed. Such as it is, such as it ever was, such as it was for Mr. Oswald. https://www.theguardian.com/business/2020/mar/22/as-cinemas-go-dark-the-film-industry-may-go-straight-to-netflix Mother will no more buy us popcorn, and leave us to meet a man, counting on a ninety-minute runtime, checked with the box office girl. There will be no stranger's hand to grasp in the darkness, as Edwin Walker availed himself of. No more will knees be barked at the Egyptian, at any admission price (once, a dime).. Ellen DeGeneres is already working to produce her talk show from her own home, and to continue doing so ever after the CoronaBan is lifted. Without an audience. Will we go to theaters again, as they did after Cromwell, as they did again after the Great Plague of 1666?
  14. Let's make work for all, not just the military and law enforcement. To do otherwise is to invite the situations anticipated, rather than create situations that will restore this country.
  15. What do you suppose is going on in Iran right now, with all their liabilities, inefficiencies, dangers and fundamentalist tendencies? Do you suppose they're going all batsh*t apocalypto like we are? Are they on lockdown, with so few people affordable to lose, and so many enemies? Why, then, are we? If we're in a wartime situation, we ought to plan a version of what we did in WW II and put the food industry, agribusiness and production of essential domestic supplies into maximum production. It would create jobs to replace those lost, for one thing. Too much like Socialism?
  16. In the last day or so, Trump's been giggling about now becoming a "wartime president." I believe that's why the article was written. Trump gloating like that over Coronapowers plays into past conspiracy theory memes that he wouldn't relinquish office in 2024, were he re-elected. More war reporting: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/21/donald-trump-boris-johnson-coronavirus
  17. I had the latter in mind. Sounding kind of MSM, there, considering it was a Slate article I posted.
  18. No doubts they did visit the site on many occasions in the plotting /planning stages, the two buildings are perfect for the shooting and the Dal Tex had ample views into the TSBD for communicating etc, both combined buildings had the whole area covered. Well, actually, Colm, I was suggesting that you look at the architectural elevations, Plaza maps, and perhaps make a visit. Do you have a particular Dal-Tex window picked out for this scheme? How would any passer-by "know" a shot was "fired from that window," if the muzzle blast were back at the Dal-Tex, in a window blocked by the TSBD corner? If it were a silenced weapon - what would be the point? Plus, a suppressor would affect the shooter's aim. Here's one of Don Roberdeau's DP maps. There are other versions available. Still worth a shooter's effort?
  19. Is Finck reliable when he cites an "Army general"? I understand that Finck had been an Army pathologist, but since it was Bethesda, could it have been a Navy admiral in khaki asserting authority? Finck may not have gotten a good look at the hat insignia and shoulder boards.
  20. Is this an adequate two-horns version? Remember Ruby's comment about, "When the horns blow for me..."
  21. Trump, Wartime Powers and the November Elections: Everybody happy now? https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2020/03/trump-coronavirus-emergency-power-conundrum.html
  22. And the stock dump ahead of the crash, based on access to intelligence briefings. Starring Hunter Biden: https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/gop-senator-investigating-hunter-biden-sold-stake-in-co-before-market-crash-says-sale-unrelated-to-covid-19/
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