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Jonathan Cohen

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Everything posted by Jonathan Cohen

  1. Which is exactly within the range of the estimates that have been given for more than 60 years -- ie., there's no substantive case for alteration here.
  2. Are these type of putdowns really necessary, especially from a moderator? Do you have any specific evidence or refutation to offer here? If not, why post?
  3. Fred, I also look forward to reading this, particularly the section on Richard Case Nagell.
  4. Paul, you are simply wrong. You are watching the exact same thing from two different filming positions.
  5. Except that there are no frames being skipped and certainly no "cinematic effects" added, so this "perspective" is not "different" - it's just wrong.
  6. Robin, you are 100% correct as usual. Thank you for your service and study of this area of the case.
  7. Entirely consistent with Zapruder and every other film from Dealey Plaza that day.
  8. Nearly all of which has been shown to you to be wrong.
  9. I presume this is from the same book with a fabricated autopsy photo he also didn't identify as such?
  10. Greg - the copy editor in me can't help but notice that you usually spell Crafard's name wrong (as "Craford"). Or is "Crafard" in fact incorrect?
  11. Luckily, there's not a shred of evidence to support any such conjecture.
  12. Amen. Thie logic employed by some people on this forum is absolutely bananas, in my opinion.
  13. Really? Now the evil alterationists are adding "fake necklines" to images that are already absurdly small and low resolution in the first place? Does it ever end?
  14. Roger, do you agree with other claims on this thread that the Sixth Floor Museum is in possession of an "altered" copy of the film?
  15. Great. So now maybe Sandy Larsen can retract his falsehoods about said alteration?
  16. In other words, it certainly has not been "altered" within the past few years for the purposes of embarrassing specific researchers, as has been claimed..
  17. Yawn. Once again, we're subjected to "every film and photo taken in Dealey Plaza is altered."
  18. The fact that people have let Groden off the hook for this is pretty telling about the evidentiary standards of many so-called JFK assassination research.
  19. Hardly surprised to see more disgusting, anti-trans BS here from Gil Jesus, who previously lectured this forum that "only God" can decide a person's gender. Moderators: I beg of you to remove this content.
  20. No such thing has been proven at all, ever, in any form - especially on this forum.
  21. This is a troubling statement, particularly coming from a forum moderator ...
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