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Ian Kingsbury

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Everything posted by Ian Kingsbury

  1. Nat Next time your laying up a board check your air filter bro that 2 part epoxy Will give you hallucinations!. I get what you are saying Nat Amazon is the place to start I am now off to THAT book club for a perusal of the offerings Will let you know what I find Ian
  2. Thanks Jim that is exactly how I see it. If I buy 12 tons of Lime for a job I do not rush home and weigh it. But opening the bag later to discover 12 tons of sand is a bit obvious Maybe Von Pein buys a Turkey once in a while And Paul thought he had a chicken dinner!. Ian
  3. The Ti guys get a ride on the carousel,Ruby gets a ride in the roller coaster plane!. Nobody in the Dominican Republic likes to talk about these things Until they learn I am English , they liked the sterling?. Most conversations about Americans in the sixties are finished by them Saying Ciao ,Ciao bye bye Mickey Mouse . Some of the older generations around Puerto Plata will talk but only in general Terms.mind you if you give them money they will make stuff up!.
  4. Bill I have been to the island of Hispaniola ,Haiti occupies around a third of the island And the Dominican Republic takes up the rest and thousands of acres of sugar beet Blends the border which appears to change on which village you are in. In other words you could hide an army In The area between the countries. I do think George De M thought he had got away free but he could easily have been Used by intel whilst in Haiti but the French would have known about it as they controlled Haiti the. As They do still. Ian
  5. Of course not, but I'd fully expect to be. So you're one of those people that thinks there wouldn't have been enough evidence to convict Oswald. Perhaps you even think, like some loonies do, that he didn't commit any crime at all. Paul Your "evidence " was never tested . It appears you know very little about Oswald. If Von Pein brings the rope I am sure you can help locate a tree. We here have the benefit of discussion Oswald did not and was denied Legal representation why if it was so "cinched" did they feel the need for silence? Why not allow Oswald his phone call?. I am sure the DPD used this as Intelligence gathering in Normal crimes ?.the guilty party tries to warn his cohorts and the net closes on the others But Oswalds call was not put through why ? , did somebody know the answer already?. Oswald was being watched from 59 onwards for what ?. 2 top level intel chiefs commented on his "maturing" after Minsk Do you think they were discussing the onset of Oswalds puberty?. I cannot understand you clinging to these old beliefs without attempting To discredit them Would you have lynched Galileo for his intelligence ?. By the way if the answer is yes just to keep the status as quo as possible My next question would be . Would you cover up his murder too?. Ian
  6. Paul You cannot walk Through the hedges that's why it is called a maze, It kills the whole concept of discovery. Would you want to be convicted on this type of "evidence"?. Ian
  7. Bill Fairchild semiconductor originally ( as Fairchild Camera and instruments)did the same geophys work for the oil industry too During the 80's they were bought out by Schlumberger .they had an extra-terrestrial chip division And large scale array plant too.(processors for satellites and LSA for image mapping) I remember seeing some packing crates in a photo from maybe Cuba bearing the Schlumberger name Maybe there is a connection to Cuba in the movement of arms . Maybe a geophys flight would escape close scrutiny. Was France involved in many activities in Cuba?. Ian
  8. It never occurred to me that the Internet might allow lonely, irrational, and psychotic people to clutter up the chat rooms and discussion boards. And God knows, the Kennedy assassination is one big magnet. - Dale Myers I just got my poles mixed up- Dale Myers. If I tell a little lie I can make money and friends- Dale Myers I hope they think it was an honest mistake -Dale Myers That's some hero to worship .
  9. Oh!.The diversity of humour . Paul Sorry you did not get it . I often wonder if logic and laughter co-exist in the psyche. Ian
  10. I don't think the WC looked for him ,why would they he is in exhibits As unknown. This does raise the issue of "No strangers in the TSBD" That's 2 official police sightings ( Baker And Denham) And now from a witness , and still they cry Nobody but Oswald!. Somebody would have talked ,they have some are just not listening.
  11. Dave Who do you think might have done it?. If Oswald never existed who would you suspect?. Do you think anybody else might have been peeved enough?. I understand you will have to feed these into Deep Thought and it may take some time . Ian
  12. Perhaps another unfortunate arrived ,another body legit but not reported It was a military hospital/morgue after all this would also explain some of the Confusion over arrival times?. Would an officer on a clandestine mission be bought back here Or MIA?.
  13. And why is Roger Craig an unreliable source? Honest question. Martin Most Warren defenders believe that Craig started his professional Lies at 12:31 on 11/22/63 but not before .although there is more corroboration For his seeing an "Oswald" walk down to the Rambler than there is for him riding McWatters bus . Therefore the Deputy had to be a xxxx so the Warren defenders have to wait Till the Garrison /Shaw trial to accuse him . I guess they just backdated it like the evidence!. You have to ignore so much to get Oswald in the frame and it is becoming Clearer that some visit these forums just to test thier density of thought ,or not!. Ian
  14. The majority of " those asked" indicates a 75% belief that There was A conspiracy in the murder of JFK. The problem is we are not famous enough to be quoted saying so Perhaps your journalist friend should start by asking those in the limelight Perhaps Stephen Fry has an opinion ?.perhaps Richard Branson . We know its pointless asking politicians for the truth . Maybe Sir Bob Geldof could launch an appeal he could call it Truthaid I am sure Mr Assange will help after his Bolivian holiday. The problem is when the ball starts rolling it is hard to stop. If Hooke and Cinque (mr Lynne did not show) can get that much publicity For the farcical "re-enactment " I am convinced a minor celebrity Could make a dent in the public perception as long as it is not Mr Bean Or a footballer.
  15. What Witt explained should be seen in the Ztoon it is not. Even if the film has been altered(frames removed) you would see part Of the action of him opening the umbrella, we do not see him even Looking at the umbrella .and where is he just before the action walking to where he stops? No we see him where he was the whole time , did he get there early to get a good spot to view from Has anybody seen him before the shots or DCM?.
  16. John Is the Journo involved young ,vibrant and quick witted?. Does he wear twisted jeans sport a floppy haircut and wear way to Pointy shoes?. If so I believe he will find his Humbert in a park somewhere eyeing up Young ladies. Can you imagine the dilemma of having to trawl through all the crap we have With a fresh mind ?. Just give him DVP's web address and leave the poor lad to stew for a few weeks. Ian 56(ageing but fighting back) my daughter is 1year old on the 23rd!.
  17. Bette Davis would have been great as "Ruthless Pain" But David no doubt sees her as a Mary Poppins figure.
  18. Robert LBJ was pro anything that benefitted himself!. Perhaps he feared the Klan because he knew what they were capable of?.
  19. this would produce a through shot to the hand and possibly thighAs JBC was laying over on Nellie.possibly through the already weakened skull of JFK!.
  20. Before we know it the authors of the Warren Commission report Will be demanding a royalty . This work of fiction should be exposed and the Scott brothers should Know better . Bill O'Really insists on playing the part of Bannister. Perhaps they can get Danny Glover to play JFK make it real accurate!.
  21. David, I had thought of that before, but it doesn't seem to fit the situation well. It seems to make sense after the JFK assassination, but way back in April, 1963, it doesn't seem to fit. In other words, why would Walker select Oswald as the patsy of a shooting plot in April -- in private, without alerting the newspapers? My theory has Walker boiing mad at the Kennedys after the Ole Miss fiasco of late 1962. Let's briefly review that history: Walker loved the limelight. When he quit the Army in late 1961, he immediately began writing and delivering speeches, starting in Dallas (to the NIC) and he would receive five or six standing ovations for every speech, and the final standing ovation might last for minutes at a time. (Some believe this popular fame convinced him to run for Governor of Texas.) He just loved the limelight. After he lost his bid for governor, he gave more speeches, but he kept his eyes open for a Big Opportunity. It came with the Ole Miss protests in Mississippi. There we notice Walker's enormous ego -- he had to be at the head of this line -- he had to be in charge. Right before he traveled to Jackson, Mississippi, he wrote an open letter to JFK. The open letter protests the Ole Miss situation, but it gives top billing to the Cuban situation. Here's Walker's open letter to JFK from his personal letters: http://www.pet880.co...Open_Letter.JPG When Walker was acquitted in late January, 1963 for his role in leading the racial riots at Ole Miss, he emerged like a raging lion. It was at this point that Walker seems to contemplate joining forces with the Cuban Exiles, so hot to take back Cuba from Castro. However -- Walker doesn't immediately jump into the Cuban game -- from February through April, 1963, Walker goes on a coast-to-coast bus tour with segregationist preacher, Reverend Billy James Hargis. We don't have copies of his speeches on this tour, but there were 27 stops from MIami to Los Angeles. We have some newspaper articles from reviewers, but the reviews were typically one-sided -- either praising Walker or condemning him broadly, with little substance. However, Walker's papers still include the outline he used to draft his speeches before he went out on the "Midnight Ride" speaking tour. This list of 23 questions reveals much about his thinking: What name has been devised for the world religion that will include the atheistic Communists and their clergymen? When will church property be taken over? What agency will control it? When will our armed forces and weapons go under the UN, and who will be their Commander in Chief? Who will draft and pay the American soldiers called to service in the World Peace Force? What oath will they take? What foreign troops will be stationed in the U.S.? What flag will they carry and what national anthem will they sing? When will the UN disappear and become the world government and under what name? Will UN currency replace U.S. currency? Will the World Government be located in Washington, Moscow or Havana, Cuba? When will the office and title of Commander in Chief cease to exist? When will the functions of the office of president of the U.S. cease to exist under the Constitution? Will the election in 1964 be for a president or for an agent of the UN who is fulfilling the policy of the UN? Will there be any elections held in the U.S. for UN officials? What government will the 50 states of the Union deal with? The UN government or with its agency in Washington D.C.? Will the states still have Governors? Does the Congress of the U.S. become a committee under the UN? How will the separate state National Guards, for which the Governors are responsible, be placed under the UN or what disposition will be made of these State Militia Forces? Will the Internal Police Forces take over all law enforcement at the community level? Will the Attorney General’s office still exist when the Connally Amendment is repealed? Will the Circuit and District courts deal directly with the UN government? Who will make the appointments? What prisons will be used for American political prisoners and others tried under international law? When will the inheritance tax be abolished and land reform commenced to destroy property rights and legal ownership? What will be the size of the migrants world labor force? Will a man be authorized one wife or five as the Moslems or will he be able to buy a mate as they can do in India? Based on Cuba, what will we do if the Soviets claim and take Alaska, considering that it would be 100% more difficult to defend? This shows Walker's thinking after his narrow escape from a possible life-sentence (or even a death-sentence) for insurrection at Ole Miss. These there the issues that occupied Edwin Walker's mind in early 1963. Reports say that thousands of people attended the "Midnight Ride" speeches, so that Walker and Hargis made a lot of money and had a solid following. Walker was a poor speaker when he was being cross-examined, or dealing with a hostile audience, but at his rallies he was preaching to the choir, so to speak, and in such situations he was a rousing speaker. He always got multiple standing ovations. Walker liked being out in front. But everything seems to change after he returned from the "Midnight Ride". Two days later the police reported that somebody tried to kill Walker at his home. After this point, Walker is not out in front nearly as much as in the previous two years. He seems to sulk and skulk around in the underground. This is the period when -- as I believe -- Walker selected Oswald as the patsy. It is not merely because of Marina's testimony in early December, 1963 that I say this -- there was plenty of other evidence that Oswald was involved. George De Mohrenshildt believed that Oswald was involved. So did Volkmar Schmidt. Michael Paine refused to talk about it, although I believe he and Ruth know more about it than they ever admitted. If (and only if) Oswald shot at Walker, and if (and only if) Dick Russell is right that Mrs. Voshinin told the FBI about it on 14 April 1963, then we have a clear motive for Walker to make Oswald the patsy. However, the theory that Walker staged his own shooting (simply because he was an egotist who wanted to be in the limelight) removes the motive that I perceive. Instead, Walker's motive for selecting Oswald as his patsy in April for a shooting that he himself staged remains vague. Why Oswald? How else did Oswald distinguish himself in Walker's world in April? Yet it remains possible. Walker might have selected Oswald for no other reason than his Russian wife -- as shallow as that sounds; after all, Walker was a common man in many ways. Best regards, --Paul Trejo Paul Perhaps Walker was a bit too "out front" for what was planned and the attempted Shooting was just the same as firing over the head of LBJ a warning from Those higher up who could not handle Walkers ego. Depending on who informed Walker of Oswalds alleged shooting was Walker spoofed this info Would he have his own source for RFK's "release from custody?. Also the " questions " used to build a speech appear similar to me If you exchange UN for EU we have a right wing government that wishes to increase The power of the European Union when all it seems to do is put our membership Fee beyond our means . Ian
  22. James The traditional narrative is false in almost every aspect , but I do not See historians scrambling to the truths defence. It appears that joe public is not bothered and are is toobusy being frightened By "the next bad thing". It takes a jolt ( Stones movie) to move the masses into action So by allowing the false narrative to be uttered without question(in the public arena) It will continue as "traditional" . Ian
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