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David Von Pein

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Everything posted by David Von Pein

  1. Yes, but just barely. The DPF has been pretty much a wasteland of inactivity for the last couple of years now. Why that is so, I have no idea. It's rather strange. But it seems that only one lonely person is posting there (for the most part)---and that's Brian Doyle (who, as usual, is constantly whining about being booted off of this forum years ago). https://deeppoliticsforum.com/fora/forum-3.html Duncan MacRae's forum (below) is still active though. (But it too is not really much more than a wasteland as well.) https://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php?board=1.0
  2. It's interesting to note that the late Vincent T. Bugliosi evidently had no idea at all that today's 21st Century Conspiracy Theorists have invented a brand-new theory regarding the "Second-Floor Lunchroom Encounter". With that ridiculous "new" fantasy theory being, of course: The Lunchroom Encounter Never Happened At All. ----------------------------
  3. The Warren Commission, in late 1964, issued its 888-page Final Report on the assassination of President John Kennedy. The Commission concluded that Lee Harvey Oswald had murdered JFK, and in so doing, had acted alone. Also within that report rests one of the most controversial so-called "theories" in history -- the "Single-Bullet Theory". The "SBT" has been battered from proverbial pillar to post by conspiracy theorists for multiple decades now since JFK's tragic death in 1963. And it's been an undeserved bad rap, too, in my opinion. Because the SBT is almost certainly the only conceivable (accurate) scenario to explain the injuries sustained by victims JFK and John B. Connally in Dallas on 11/22/63. Lacking the SBT, so many weird and incredible and, frankly, impossible, things would have had to have taken place in Dealey Plaza, it would make a Max Fleischer cartoon seem believable by comparison. [Continued here....] http://jfk-archives.blogspot.com/2010/06/Where Is The SBT Alternative?
  4. But if we're to believe many of the conspiracy theorists, Oswald had a nice big wad of $6500 in his hands in early October of '63. So he'd probably have at least a few bucks left on Nov. 21-22 to get some curtains and/or rods. (Or was it supposedly an "Oswald Imposter" who got the $6500 from the red-haired Cuban in Mex. City? I can never keep all of the make-believe "Oswalds" straight in this case.)
  5. To see film footage of the wall that Oswald's bullet penetrated at Walker's house, GO HERE.
  6. Is "Parkdale" anything like the fictional nation "Qumar" in the NBC-TV series The West Wing ? ( 😉 )
  7. That's just what Gerry Down said 3 hours ago, Ben. (Look up....before posting.) 😁
  8. Below is a very interesting video that I found recently at the KFMB-TV San Diego YouTube channel. It features many "man in the street" interviews with the people of San Diego, California, over the course of three days (November 22, 23, and 24, 1963). Also included in this video is a fairly extensive 11/23/63 interview with a Mr. Larry Hollis, who was a witness just 24 hours earlier to Lee Harvey Oswald's arrest at the Texas Theater (that interview begins at 15:22).... ------------------------------------ Related Videos:
  9. Far and away the #1 best "Dealey Plaza witness" was the Bell & Howell movie camera being held by Abraham Zapruder. That camera isn't lying to us or misrepresenting President Kennedy's head wound. That Bell & Howell camera is clearly telling us that the President's large "blow-out" head wound was most definitely NOT anywhere in the BACK of the head: Also See:
  10. That's good. At least you're not endorsing the insane pre-arranged multi-gun/one-patsy theories put forth by Oliver Stone and Rob Reiner and so many others.
  11. A theory which has multiple gunmen firing at JFK from different directions while attempting to frame a lone "patsy" in the TSBD (and therefore necessitating the need for a massive amount of photo alteration) is NOT a "far-fetched" theory in your opinion, Sandy? I beg to differ (and vehemently so).
  12. Good Lord! Why would you EVER think that I believe in something so provably false?!
  13. But, IMO, the "Blood Pooling At The Right-Rear Of The Head" explanation, coupled with the known fact that Jackie Kennedy was busy in the limo "Trying to hold his head on" (which probably means she closed up the large flap on the right side of the head, which essentially masked all or most of the huge hole that Oswald's bullet created in the right-front of JFK's skull), are still much better explanations than the rather far-fetched and incredibly hard-to-believe "All Of The Doctors (In Unison) Couldn't Tell The SIDE Of JFK's Head From The BACK Of His Head Simply Because The President Was Lying Flat On His Back" explanation that author Jim Moore endorses in his 1990 book.
  14. Oh come now. The woman's voice in the background (which I too have heard) is indeed there on the tape, and it might indeed be Markham speaking. But she's certainly not in the car speaking right into the radio microphone. She's merely being overheard in the background while Bowley controls the mike. So why, under those conditions, would Markham assume "They heard ME" ? That's ridiculous. She wasn't using the radio, Bowley was.
  15. Incredibly, "Conspiracy Of One" author Jim Moore actually believed such a nonsensical thing. Quoting from my review of Moore's otherwise good pro-LN book: ------------------ "The second thing in this book that I cannot accept at all is Mr. Moore's explanation of why almost all of the witnesses at Parkland Hospital said they saw a large wound in the back of President Kennedy's head on November 22nd. To quote from page 180 of his book: "...The explanation for this [head wound] discrepancy is so simple few will subscribe to it. The Parkland doctors all saw President Kennedy in only one position--face up. An exit wound across his forehead might have been labeled 'at the front of the skull', but a wound on the right side? Doctors would have seen the missing area 'at the rear of the skull', of course." -- Jim Moore The above explanation is pure nonsense (even though I am an "LNer" myself). Moore is telling his readers, in essence, that ALL of the many Parkland doctors and nurses actually did see the President's head wound on the "right side" of his head, but EACH ONE OF THEM was apparently stupid enough to somehow label the wound's location as being at the BACK part of the head. (And each of these Parkland persons would later demonstrate with their own hands where they thought the wound was located; with each person placing their hand on a REAR portion of their own head.) It's just silly to think that ALL of these Parkland witnesses would somehow be disoriented enough to NOT know the "side" of the head from the "rear" of the head. And all just because JFK was lying flat on his back the whole time. It seems to me that such a strange explanation would be akin to becoming confused about the location of a person's ear, just due to the fact the person is lying down. For example, why would anyone suddenly think an ear was located at the BACK of a person's head, rather than the "side" of the head?"
  16. FYI / FWIW..... Linked below is my copy of Helen Markham's 1964 interview with CBS News. It's a little longer than the other version posted in this thread. What I find interesting in this video is the part where Markham actually claims that she herself used the radio in Tippit's patrol car. There's a snippet in the interview (right after the DPD radio call excerpt is played) when Markham says "And they heard me". Which implies, of course, that she herself had called in the shooting on Tippit's car radio. There is, of course, nothing in the Dallas Police transcripts or the DPD audio recordings that would indicate that Mrs. Markham ever talked to the DPD over the police radio. (Unless we're to believe that Markham had the same trouble Domingo Benavides had when attempting to operate Tippit's car radio, and that she just simply could not get through to the dispatcher, but she thought she had.)
  17. But it's quite possible, Sandy, that none of the Parkland personnel actually saw the huge gaping opening in the right side of JFK's head....as I alluded to in my earlier post when I said this.... ------------------ "Due to Jackie's handiwork of "trying to hold his head on" during the ride to Parkland, most of the witnesses probably didn't get to see the full WIDE-OPEN extent of the large head wound at the right-front of JFK's head. They, instead, saw all the gore/blood/brains that was pooling at the RIGHT-REAR of JFK's head on the gurney. This led those witnesses to believe there was a large "wound" at the right-rear, when, in fact, no such "wound" was there at all (as proven by the autopsy pictures AND X-rays). That's not exactly a perfectly satisfying explanation---even for me. And I'm sure all conspiracy believers think such an explanation is totally laughable, preposterous, and idiotic. But it's the best I can do. (And it's Dr. Michael Baden's best explanation as well -- Click Here.)" ------------------- Sandy, What does it do to your "odds" probabilities if the gaping hole in JFK's head had, in fact, been almost completely masked (or closed up) due to Mrs. Kennedy's handling of the President's head in the limo?
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