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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. RFK Jr has been recommending the book for several years now. First time I heard him mention it was in Dallas with Charlie Rose. David - nice to see you back and read your posts. Indeed Ike did at first include Congressional in that quoted passage. I’ve heard about Kennan’s statements before, but this is the first time I’ve read his words. He concludes with the very prescription that jfk followed. It seems painfully obvious that the West could easily win a ‘war’ of ideas. The fact that other forces won that early debate reveals the true purposes of the MICC - perpetual profitable war. JFK sought peace. When critics say no peace with Communist nations is possible they feed into the myth of military solutions.
  2. I’m on board with David - the military were likely prime movers. Unherd, a British podcast type interview show had a great one with RFK Jr. One of the most significant portions of It was his explanation for why he has been on Fox with many of their anchors over the years. He is not endorsing Fox, he is attempting to reach and reason with their audience. He thinks his support is coming largely from what he calls ‘populists’ on both left and right. That makes him a formidable candidate, most especially in a general election against a Republican. That’s the real reason why Bannon and others are trying to make it look like his candidacy was their idea. They are trying to weaken his support on the Left by tainting him with their brush.
  3. Most are asleep. It’s very disappointing. I can’t tell you how often I encounter it. All I have to do is mention RFK Jr. To top it off, this morning the NYT ran an opinion piece titled “Imagine if another Bernie Sanders challenges Joe Biden”. Not only does the piece never mention RFK Jr, it looks back at 1968 and points out Eugene McCarthy’s strong showing in the New Hampshire primaries without ever mentioning Robert Kennedy. I wrote a letter to the editor. Well, I can imagine that the Times couldn’t mention either Robert Kennedy or his son without mentioning both. It’s shocking. Unherd had a lengthy interview with RFK Jr which was very good. Friends who told me about it had watched it first, and their reaction to it so off target and unhinged. It’s clearly because they and everyone else for that matter is wearing some weird glasses that turns everything upside down. It does in fact feel like mass hypnosis.
  4. Oh my Lord - Cliff, quoting Business Insider. I thought you knew what propaganda was. I’m disappointed. The story has been walked back for sure. So which is true? The earlier one of course, which was widely distributed elsewhere but not here. When it finally broke through a year late it engendered damage control. Come on Cliff. Israel is still not on board and still as far as I know not sending weapons to Ukraine. I noticed as well that none of you want to tackle the Pentagon leaks.
  5. It’s disingenuous to argue that there was no agreement not to expand NATO forces to the Russian border. So it wasn’t signed? How clever. Contracts can be verbal as you all know.
  6. Feb 22, 2022 Putin invades. March 4th Zelensky and Putin meet in Russia mediated by former Israeli PM Naftali Bennett after Putin promises not to kill Zelensky. Both sides agree to major concessions, but ultimately negotiations fail. When asked if western powers blocked the mediation Bennett said “basically yes. They blocked it, and I thought they were wrong”. 18 days later well known Hoover Institute historian Niall Ferguson said “ I conclude that the US intends to keep this war going. The Administration will continue to supply the Ukrainians with Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, Javelin anti-tank missiles, and explosive drones …. It helps to explain among other things the lack of any diplomatic effort by the US to secure a cease fire … prolonging the war runs the risk not just of leaving tens of thousands of Ukrainians dead and millions homeless, but also of handing Putin something he can plausibly present at home as victory”. This from no friend of Putin, clearly a fascist in his view, and from someone who stands firmly behind the American Empire. Now we have the Pentagon leaks. Without any of us seeing what they said we were told that someone had edited them to make it look worse for Ukraine. All attention appears to be on the soldier who leaked the documents, rather than the contents therein, which we were told to ignore anyway. Think back - when was the last time we were told the truth about wars? The death toll is of course much higher than is being reported by the western press.
  7. I don’t know what Stone or others mean when they call Putin a great leader for Russia. He is an autocrat. But generally I would say ‘both and’ if that makes any sense. Both hypocritical for Americans to be singularly focused on the crimes of Putin, and his Ukraine war is a war crime. Both that and the crimes of NATO and NATO members. Can we empathize with a Russia that feels beleaguered on all sides by NATO, and still call Putin what he is? Why is it either or? It’s both.
  8. I think you’ll get on board. Did you read the small excerpt in Craig Murray’s article about Ukraine? Start there. Do you want to punish Putin? How many Ukrainians and Russians have to die? Is this Chamberlain and Hitler? In my opinion not even close. Closing up shop on the US military occupation of the world - it’s time. If we don’t we continue to decline. What are you so proud of here? Endless enemies is killing us. Neoliberalism is destroying the middle class. It’s going to get a whole lot worse unless we reverse course. this is a good place to add that Oliver Stone sold me on nuclear energy by simply pointing out how devastating the alternative has been. But if he makes some strange comment on Putin, or RFK Jr on vaccines, we cancel them right away, throw out them babies with the bathwater, and just go back to sucking at nearly everything. Btw, what do you think of your Governor? I like him. Did you have vaccine mandates in Colorado? SF nearly shut down completely.
  9. I’m really happy to read the most recent posts on this thread, and thanks to Mr. Rigby from Craig Murray, quoting RFK jr on Ukraine - why haven’t I seen this? - to Roger, who I see eye to eye with, Jim D, talking about the chance to vote for a change agent, and to Leslie and Cliff for quoting Doug Valentine. For those who would support RFK jr. but think he would lose to a Republican, remember 1964 when Republicans actually ran Goldwater, a sure loser, and reaped enormous benefits from consolidating their base.
  10. I missed this post first time around. Talbot is so articulate here. I haven’t searched all the way through the Tucker Carlson threads, but I have yet to see Larry Schnapf weigh in. Has he?
  11. Good one David. I’d like to know the answer too.
  12. What? He is the President, and it’s in his name. You’d rather think it’s behind the scenes and he doesn’t know about it? Ok - maybe that’s even worse. Are you a Biden fan? Or just worried about the alternatives? Clarence Thomas? 2003 authorization for the Iraq war? Opening up the Alaskan wilderness to oil drilling? Can’t we do better?
  13. FOX fires Tucker Carlson, presumably because he crossed a line, making him too offensive for - FOX. Really? What about the rest of the network? Why Carlson? Sean Hannity is no picnic. Maria Bartiromo is hugely offensive. And on and on. Why Carlson? Was he the only one not reading the script, and the others sticking to it? There is something really foul about this, and I think we are being directed to look over here, not over there. I wish some of you would be more skeptical of the news. Most of us can agree on the offensive history of Carlson and the rest of them too. White Replacement Theory? Really offensive. I haven’t watched him over the years, but I’m sure others here could fill in the blanks. But there is something deeper going on at FOX, and that should not come as a surprise. Why the constant news cycle trying to explain his banishment? Again, I’m no fan, but my gut is screaming foul.
  14. I’ve read most of this. Have you read about Mossad and Skorzeny? I’m not saying it’s a smoking gun. I am saying that ignoring this info is strange.
  15. William - please share your point of view on Israeli involvement in 9/11, as well as JFK.
  16. And moving further on, he was whitewashed by Army CIC and set free. He moved to Paris first, was famously spotted, and then he went to Madrid, where he not only lived in safety he thrived with his connections to Franco, international fascists, and US military. Evan - I don’t doubt you are truthful in reporting what you’ve heard from acquaintances, nor do I doubt their truthfulness. But you are only getting that picture, and it’s a small slice of what we now know about Skorzeny and many others. We don’t have to politely disagree. It’s better if we add up what we know and look at the results. Leslie and Hank Albarelli dug deep into all this, and had they known you I’m certain they would have added you to their truth mix. You have the opportunity they didn’t, which is to read the voluminous research on Skorzeny and add it to yours.
  17. Matt - Could you elaborate on your take? You think I’m being too kind, or somehow oblivious? The text starts out horribly but ends differently. He says this is NOT how white men fight.
  18. I read that text message and had a really different reaction than what the headline predicted. He basically admitted he was having bad thoughts about the beating, but checked himself and expressed something very different - some shame for his racist rooting for the white guys.
  19. The movie looks interesting, and the trailer makes very cogent points, and gives a perspective I’ve never thought of.
  20. Exactly Pat. I think Fetzer is a deep state government agent. Not only are fake conspiracy theories designed to mix them with real ones in the same basket in order to dismiss all of them, but in Fetzer’s case they go even further, purposely turning absolute tragedy into farce, siphoning off the most gullible citizens (fake moon landings was his first, flat earth theories of the same ilk) tearing a small hole in the fabric of reality. This goes further than mere distraction.
  21. Evan - how can anyone here, or anyone browsing, know you are not just full of hot air? It’s all sounds kinda convincing, but you don’t offer any bonafides. When asked for details you retreat under a banner of necessary secrecy. You’re over 80 by your own statements. Most of the names that float around are of dead people. If you are here to share hidden knowledge which you have and we lack, provide enough details so your words can be verified. If that’s not why you are here, what is the reason? It seems to me, were I to take you at your word, that you have important inside knowledge. Are you the kid with the special ice cream cone that everyone wants to try but no one gets too because you’d rather tease everyone than share? If you’re not here to actually share, then you’re that kid.
  22. I don’t have a firm position on the Liberty, 9/11, Mossad and jfk. But I do object strongly to Mr. Griffith’s new self appointed role on this forum. Michael - what would look bad is not the diversity of opinions here but too much uniformity. We are relatively free to speak our minds, certainly within the bounds of civil discourse. You have become in my view increasingly annoying. It’s not your differences of opinion, but rather your intolerance. I didn’t see anyone who disagreed with your Vietnam war views, which are out of the mainstream in all but the far right military hardliners, take the position that you were damaging the forum, somehow making us all look wacky. In my mind your point of view on that is totally off base and out of step, but I don’t question your right to say it. Can’t we all agree at least that we support free speech?
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