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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. thanks for being the canary in the coal mine, proving the very point you are dismissing. Wow. Listen up - for the last time - two things. First, RFK is not playing divide and conquer. He is talking to everyone on all sides, trying to build a coalition, trying to find common ground and heal the media driven divide that is the neocon playbook - manufacturing consent for permanent war and censorship of alternative ideas. Second, it is the endorsement of RFK Jr by these right wingers that are driving you batty that literally proves that it is his campaign that actually worries them. And look at the salivating mad dog response it causes in you. It works. The best way for the far right to hurt RFK Jr is to endorse him. Why is this so difficult to understand? I’ve repeated here on many thread and I don’t recall anyone responding to it. This is of course the case. Our own Bill Simpich, who has some differences of opinion with RFK Jr, posted something about this today on FB when he said (btw David Talbot is on board too) that RFK Jr is a far stronger candidate than Joe Biden, who is in fact losing in the polls. So if you really fear Trump, if that’s what’s worrying you, then think about supporting a candidate who can mend fences. Think about this - if he was the Democratic candidate for president running against Donald Trump, or any of the other idiots, who would YOU vote for?
  2. And wasn’t there another ‘crazy’ serviceman in Scotland who told similar tales?
  3. I wondered at the time that I saw these pics and read the stories what they were colluding about. Still do. I think it’s absurd to say the deep state hates Trump. The only thing that worries them is someone who could unite the people in common cause against the war machine. Divide and conquer. The FBI and Comey put Trump in office, and may do so again. They were also happy to see him lose in 2020. From personal experience with my mostly mainstream Democratic friends I can say with complete confidence that the only thing they worry about is Trump getting back in the Oval Office. Fear drives their very thoughts. They won’t watch RFK Jr’s speeches or interviews, and if they read something that starts to look like it’s not a hit piece they stop in disgust. Even if Covid lockdowns weren’t an experiment in population control they have in fact controlled the population. A vaccine skeptic in the WH - no way. And of course they don’t bother to look at or listen to the far more nuanced position on vaccines articulated by RFK Jr. I fear that some of you are in this camp. Meanwhile the ‘liberal’ wing of the media, while perfectly fine broadcasting Trump 24/7, won’t cover RFK Jr’s campaign. And that will continue. If it does as I predict maybe some of you will begin to wonder why Trump, or hatred of Trump, is newsworthy, but RFK Jr’s insurgent campaign is not. They’ve said for several years now that the decisions are financial - covering Trump was good business. Let’s see how they deal with Robert K. Because he ain’t going away. Try to think in your lifetime when you have seen this kind of coverage on a candidate 17 months before an election? The only thing similar is the negative coverage 6 months before the release of Stone’s JFK. Mass hypnosis, or Mass formation, whatever you want to call this manifestation of Orwell’s 1984, please all of you at least - WAKE UP. You are being played by tribalism and fear, the lowest of the buttons at the base of your brains.
  4. Finally we know why all press outlets have been talking about the coming Ukrainian offensive. I knew that was fishy. Since when do you advertise your next move? When you want to misdirect your adversary. Very clever. Maybe this action by the Wagner group will result in something good, and perhaps an end to the war.
  5. Thanks for this informative post. So under cover ZR operatives did black jobs for NSA, and QJ, referring to Spain in some way, ran spotter operations to find the guys to do those black jobs. Again I’ll mention Dinkins, who worked at a highly sensitive US base in Germany, intercepting NSA coded wire transmissions mentioning OAS (read guys willing to do black jobs untraceable to the US, per Harvey). Larry et al - have you seen anything that links JMWAVE to Madrid?
  6. Surely Mockingbird exists, and we are so buried in propaganda that we do need a new word, since it’s very treacherous. I posted RFK Jr’s Peace speech on FB, a day or two after I posted Jim D’s article on RFK Jr. Several friends have chimed in on the Jim D post, none on the speech post. They haven’t even seen it. Meanwhile, the universal reaction is to only view the media critics and not watch any speeches or interviews with the man himself. That’s pretty effective propaganda. I’ve heard a social scientist refer to this phenomena as ‘mass formation’. I’m wondering how many of you are thinking clearly enough to actually watch the Peace speech, and prefer to view only the various commentaries on him. You at least owe yourself, and the man himself, and the future of our ‘Democracy’, to make up your own minds and not let the media do it for you.
  7. I find this fascinating. Didn’t Larry dig something up that two leaders of the Cuban exile brigade were picked by some early military computer? This also brings Dinkins to mind. So ZRRIFLE refers to scouting for foreign safe crackers, assassins, dirty type jobs, and it came partly under the auspices of the NSA.
  8. Failures and treasons - good way to describe it. I’m inclined towards treasons.
  9. Larry - what is the history of the ZR cryptonyms and what do you think ZR refers to?
  10. Sure doesn’t Steve. I was referring to pics you had posted months ago of some of the boys in prison. Was it a different one?
  11. As Steve points out the Hungarians were in prison, though it looks a bit like a country club from the pics he posted. Leslie pointed out with examples how lax and corrupted the prisons were. But let’s assume that the source of these stories had it wrong. This still doesn’t account for Souetre. A researcher friend of mine has been doing a lot of fact checking on the info in the Lafitte diaries. He thinks that they might indeed be real. Further attempts at handwriting analysis have yielded inconclusive results. It’s a gray area for sure. Albarelli had a lot of integrity and an earnest desire to solve the case. Still, he may have been deceived. I’m using all these qualifiers because there is simply no other way to view this. I think you are right to focus in on Harvey. But I wouldn’t go so far as to therefore assume that if he put together the plan for Nov 22 he would have used Cubans as shooters. His notes on QJWIN make clear his intent to use untraceable assassins. The QJWIN program is best looked at as a spotter operation, a supplier of dangerous assets for wet jobs. I’m hoping to have more to post on this issue of connections between the CIA’s JMWAVE and Madrid.
  12. Jim has written several good books and runs a great website. Your character assassination of him, ongoing, is in my opinion unfounded and rude. Another example of what goes wrong on social media. You can be as nasty as you want online in a way you would never be in person.
  13. Kirk - I meant the last sentence in the addendum under the Kennedy’s and king article
  14. Jim - thanks for writing this and posting it. Your last sentence is so important - people should listen to the interviews themselves, or at least read trustworthy reviews.
  15. Maybe it’s a question of style. If you wish to refute someone’s argument you can attempt to do so without asking leading questions designed to produce the same result. I’m really not sure if I’m making sense to you or anyone else on this. Cliff does something a bit similar, picking apart anything someone (me) writes by sentence or phrase.
  16. What seems presumptuous is to reduce everything someone says to a few talking points. It’s a style of debate that seeks to reduce the entirety of what someone believes to points you wish to refute.
  17. Will - why does Larry have to explain his dislike of Harris? Or answer any questions from you, whether kindly asked or not? Methinks you are incredibly presumptuous.
  18. Yup, agree, though many agree with Michael generally. Amazing how many posters here are part of the mass formation supporters of permanent war. I’m glad you mentioned Monroe Doctrine, because it’s a better way to view the geopolitics of Russia and China. Your suggestion of a Taiwan solution is very clever and original. as for Russ Baker I’m completely in agreement with Jim D - Baker’s Bush book is best viewed as a limited hangout. I bought it years ago with great expectations, but was so completely disappointed. So it doesn’t surprise me that he is trashing RFK Jr. I’ve actually listened to hours of him on various podcasts and even with Elon Musk, and his positions, rather than being confusing and contradictory are in fact very nuanced. William - couldn’t help but notice the bashing of Cynthia McKinnon for blaming 9/11 on Zionists, and then attaching that to RFK Jr as if he stated it. And Jim D is right that RFK Jr set the record straight on Steve Bannon’s attempts to take credit for his candidacy. Not than anyone else here, or any of my non forum friends, noticed. As long as you allow ‘experts’ and talking heads to inform your views rather than going to the source and doing your own deep dive, you will be subject to the mass indoctrination that now surrounds us here in America and elsewhere.
  19. I’m wondering. Perhaps not, but the links to Mary Ferrell on this old thread are often redacted.
  20. Steve - will you use your considerable sleuthing skills and see what you can dig up on Grossi/Bowen?
  21. I wonder if there is more to learn about Grossi, so I am responding to this thread in hopes we can take a closer look. He clearly was associated with Pete Licavoli, a Detroit mobster who moved to Tuscon where Grossi lived on his estate for a while. Bill Kelly spells Licavoli’s name wrong twice. The first thing I noticed browsing the many FBI files linked in these posts about Grossi was that he worked with Oswald in the photo department. Gotta wonder how he wound up at JCS. He was a career hood, and I think, given the enormous number of redactions in his record, an FBI informant.
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