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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Larry - you listed Moore on the MFF legal action, thank you for that. Could you elaborate on the second question I had regarding Tracy Barnes creating cover for foreign operations? Are we talking foreign operatives in the US?
  2. Great stuff Robert. Every time I’ve mentioned all the big time CIA guys at CIA JMWAVE Miami Station trained in Germany - Shackley, Harvey, Morales to name just three, it just goes by without a mention. In your research posted here you have examined a few ‘former’ N …. S who worked for CIA. WIROGUE is important, and his true name is news to me. It looks like his official bio was whitewashed to make him look like an enemy of the German State, hardly surprising given the origin of the documents. We have to keep in mind that it wasn’t just a few exceptions, it was actual covert policy to repurpose these N….s. (Aside to the moderators - if we promise not to use the term I’m avoiding in current political bickering and only use it as it pertains to real N…s can we reinstate the dreaded N word?) There are so many examples, fairly well known ones like Otto Von Bolschwing for example, but likely thousands more. Robert posted his well researched info on Frank Bender. I’d truly like to see a list of 10-20 prominent operatives (not scientists) who became part of our covert operations, especially when they intersect with Cuba, or Mexico City, Dallas, New Orleans. WIROGUE and QJWIN - there is reason to believe that there were multiple operatives using this cryptonym using numbers 1 and 2 alongside the cryptonym. Mae Brussell started down this path, let’s proceed further.
  3. Oglesby was probably my intro into these machinations with post war fascists
  4. I love the question. Remind me who is asking…NSRP has tremendous influence within the military…quite a strong statement but as far as I can tell a factual one.
  5. Larry - your second paragraph and last paragraph, last one first. Are J Walton Moore’s files among the unreleased ones? Morley et al have focused on Joannides, and understandably. But what about guys like Moore? Are Hunt’s CIA files fully released? Tracy Barnes? It would seem to me that all files dealing with CIA domestic operations would be the most important ones if we are to be able to determine whether CIA was involved in a domestic assassination. Domestic covers for foreign operations, which like Robert M I assume means for foreign operatives in the US. Is that your understanding of it? If so, exactly how far does that go? I’m thinking possibly Russian and Eastern Europeans, Germans, French etc. Does this intersect with Paperclip for instance? Providing false names and bios? Please elaborate on this interesting specialty of Tracy Barnes.
  6. Snitch jackets - new concept for me. So the story of Mossad going to Madrid to enlist Skorzeny to dismantle Egypt’s nuclear program was planted by Angleton? I’d never considered that possibility, but it’s an interesting supposition. I’d love to own Bale’s book, but it’s very expensive last time I checked.
  7. Now that is interesting, and supports something I’ve said to many friends with deaf ears and closed minds. He refuses to play partisan politics, seeking to unite in common cause a divided populace. I am a far left progressive who is now out of touch and fed up with the Democratic Party. I’m even more upset with today’s Republican Party, So I guess I’ve become an Independent with libertarian leanings, while still desiring a multicultural society and global peaceful coexistence. My friends have two problems with my admiration of RFK Jr, both based on propaganda not facts - his purported anti-vax views and his desire to negotiate peace between Ukraine and Russia. They are so primed to believe the media portrayal that they won’t even watch or listen to him. Gotta punish Putin at any cost, and stifle freedom of speech for those that disagree with their positions. Anyone that voted for Trump is deplorable. Good luck with all that.
  8. I didn’t mean to derail this thread. It is actually not the tramps themselves (tramps? - not really), or the possible Lansdale, it is the two uniformed cops holding rifles. Were they ever identified? But let’s leave it for now.
  9. I thinking we might want to revisit the tramps
  10. Fwiw, if you Google Meir Amit and look at images this cowboy photo shows up. He was the head of Mossad for many years. What was he doing dressed up in a cowboy suit? Good question. They were probably in Texas. Whatever the circumstances of the photo, it is more likely in my opinion to be Amit.
  11. A message from Robert Ward Montenegro: When I first saw this photograph I immediately brought it to Leslie's attention, because I thought the man in the cowboy gear looked like US Army COL. Charles "Boots" Askins Jr. The "Cowboy" & Angleton... COL. Askins... Whoever the hell the "Cowboy" is, Angleton is quite chummy with him... "Deception is a state of mind—and the mind of the state" — James Jesus Angleton, a professional perjurer.
  12. Who is the cowboy? What does this picture show? Where was it taken and when?
  13. I’m a bit confused. 7.92 refers to a rifle cartridge for a Mauser?
  14. Thanks Mark - my thoughts too. This Army backstopping of Hunt and Harvey, probably others too if we search around, might be significant. Doug - and Matt - I’m not trying to cut off your exchange, and if you don’t want to move it that’s fine. I was just trying to keep the thread a bit focused on where documents might be unexpectedly hidden. In your work for or with Hunt, did you Doug know anything about his career that would lead you to believe that Army intelligence would have documents on him we have yet to see? We all know, through past threads, that Dealey Plaza and Dallas Police were literally crawling with reserve Army intelligence officers including colonels. leslie - now I see you are asking basically the same question with additional info like Spanish Ambassador. I recall Hunt became Station Chief in Spain in 1965 (I think?) and that rumors placed him in Madrid a few years earlier than that as well.
  15. Could we start another Hunt thread perhaps? I’m still wondering what the Army backstop was all about. I’d also like to see a complete list of CIA and Military operations that Hunt was involved in.
  16. You know, surely, that the author himself says things that aren’t true, that it’s a hit piece. Conspiracy theory as a term might date back, but weaponizing it was clearly the intention of the CIA in the memo we have all seen. What are your thoughts on RFK Jr?
  17. amen to your last sentence. I literally cry when I read it, and when I try to read it out loud to a friend, none of whom know the speech, I completely choke up.
  18. It’s not just shotguns. Isn’t the 30.06 like the Mauser? Anyway, even without knowing exactly who ordered this or for what purpose, let’s at least admit it is an interesting and overlooked document.
  19. Obviously, yes, for Pete sake, you would not use shotguns in an ambush—a redundant and diversionary observation on your part, Mr. Crane. However, security teams for the snipers, operating under deception that they are police officers arresting suspects, would need close-quarter combat arms. Kinda like the two policemen carrying shotguns with the infamous "three tramps", who can be seen at the following link: https://library.uta.edu/digitalgallery/img/10005175
  20. *Full credit to Robert Ward Montenegro for bringing this document to my attention—the following are his words and thoughts, not mine... https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP81B00961R000100150073-0.pdf The linked document above is a strange find, and ultimately I do not know where to place it's consequence or merit—perhaps more resourceful & systematic minds on this forum can explicate this document better than I alone... As you can see, the document, to start out, is a pretty straightforward memorandum for CIA's, "...Chief, Supply Division, Office of Logistics..." from an officer within CIA's, "...Depot Stock Control Branch, Special Accounts Unit..." concerning a completed issued material supply inventory, dated 26 September 1963, to the account of an unnamed CIA officer, referenced only by his "...Property-in-use Account..." reference number, "...2805..." Unfortunately, the second point in the document, titled, "...Items turned in on..." & "...Per documents on file..." is completely redacted, so we cannot say for sure that the inventoried materials issued to the account of CIA officer "...2805..." were in his possession after the inventory that was submitted on 26 September 1963. In any case, let's look at, in sequence, some of the more interesting items issued to CIA officer "...2805..." and a few additional redactions: Immediately on page one, we see that CIA officer "...2805..." was issued four "...Antenna, Rhombic, Wind Turbine...", nine "...Clock, Marine Mechanical..." & five "...Binocular, M17A1...", with each of these items tucked innocuously between other issued items like electrician tool kits, filing cabinets, typewriters, and a vacuum cleaner. On page two, we see some items that may place the multi-bandwidth antennas, naval mechanical clocks, and WWII-era combat binoculars in a suspiciously devious light: Sandwiched between redactions of all serial numbers and an entire block of heavy redaction below are one "...Rifle, 7.92...", two "...Rifle, .22...", two "...Shotgun, 12 gage...", one "...Rifle, Sniper, .270..." and one "...Rifle, 30-06..." So, I'm thinking, special rhombic antennas for sniper team metrological data collection, naval mechanical clocks for precise synchronization of predesignated overlapping volley rifle bullet cones-of-fire, tried & true, accurate, combat binoculars for sniper team spotters, plus, five sniper rifles for a shooter team. But what about the getaway vehicles, you might ask: As you can plainly see above, on the same page as the firearms, we find the following, albeit damaged, material issue entry of two "...Automobile, Sedan, 1961 Chevrolet Corvair, MV#9605 and 9606...", one "...Automobile, Sedan, 1962...", and one "...Station Wagon, 1963 Ford..." Four getaway vehicles for four sniper teams, me thinks? Perhaps I am a nutty fruitcake (I do suffer from combat-induced PTSD, so I guess you can level that against me, like newspapermen did against DA Jim Garrison) and these item entries mean absolutely nothing, but then again, perhaps there is something here...
  21. I wish you would share any surmise you have about that juicy special secret. I assume the book does not say more….
  22. Junior did in fact reference the Civil War and how we are steal dealing with it. He is on the right track and understands the great divide. But we should bear in mind that the people he is talking to when he goes on Fox etc are mostly decent people who are up against huge odds given the dearth of support they get from government due to the enormous Pentagon permanent war budget, and many of them know this. It’s easy for the privileged to forget that or to truly know how they feel. When Trump harnesses that feeling by blaming liberal elites he fans the flames of division. Junior is trying to set the record straight on who the actual enemy is.
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