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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. William - is that a turn around position for you? In any case I agree, and have been repeating here and elsewhere usually to the chagrin of whomever I’m talking to. Do you agree that a deal was in reach early, when the former Israeli PM stepped in to negotiate?
  2. Is it the group in Madrid who did the video about Skorzeny recently that has some of that collection?
  3. I’m actually rooting for that too, though we’re he by some miracle win the Dem nomination he would crush Trump. Because Democrats screaming about him now would vote for him anyway, as would many Republicans.
  4. The American public is in the dark and in nearly complete denial of these cold hard facts. If I bring any of this up in conversation with friends I am met with blank stares and immediately shut down. This is especially true of my many Jewish friends, who would not even watch Ken Burns America and the Holocaust, much less look at todays world through the lens this accurate history.
  5. Thanks for setting the record straight. Pat - the centerpiece of the article Mr Rigby posted was Bernstein’s bombshell about Operation Mockingbird. My father, who was a very well and knew all about the CIA shenanigans and overthrows, could only guess how infiltrated the msm was. He complained that the ‘liberal’ arm of media was only marginally better than the rest. It is naive to think things are different now. Ben - start a thread in the political discussions about Hunter Biden and his laptop. When I read coverage I’m struck by how far apart the left right versions are.
  6. As for keeping a watch on Nazis during the WC hearings, they also had Dulles for that. The common link that explains our embrace of Nazis is business. McCloy and Dulles represented US business and banking interests who for the most part did not want to enter the War, hoping to see the USSR destroyed. The enlistment of the remains of the Nazi war machine into our military and Intelligence structures after the War did not emerge in a vacuum.
  7. Ken burns did a pretty good job of covering FDR’s lack of action to protect European Jewry in his pbs series America and the Holocaust
  8. Allen - believe me when I say I agree with you not Matthew, and we’ve strayed far from Ben Gurion. But did you mean to say 3000 Jews killed?
  9. Yes actually, putting pesticides on crops does constitute an attack on US citizens.
  10. I never met Hank, but loved his books enough to send him an admiring FB message, to which he nicely responded. He entrusted me a few messages later with some focal points of his research into the diaries, namely Otto Skorzeny, who he thought was possibly QJWIN, and Jack Crichton, and swore me to confidence. I was very familiar with Colonel Crichton, but only vaguely with Skorzeny. So I started searching for anything on Skorzeny and soon stumbled upon Arnold Silver’s recollections of his official US Army Counter intelligence Corp interrogation of Otto, in which he recommended Otto’s release, saying he found him to be a patriotic German but not a Nazi. Silver even stated he thought Otto should be allowed to relocate to his stated preference, Madrid. Which is what he did. I mentioned all this to Hank, thinking I was possibly sharing something momentous. He essentially dismissed it as a bit of braggadocio on Silver’s part. Question for those more knowledgeable - is Silver mentioned in the Lafitte Datebook? The more I looked at Silver’s bio the more curious I became. His clear association with Harvey, and with the QJWIN operation, make him a prime suspect in my mind for bringing Skorzeny and probably others to Harvey’s attention. So, not meaning to derail this thread, I hope Robert that you open one on Arnold Silver soon.
  11. Peter - this is your own creation? Interesting graphic way to view this. There are a few sections without red circles. Are these based on info in Coup in Dallas? Also noticed no Mexico City. Are there references in Lafitte’s diaries to MC operations? btw welcome to the forum.
  12. So Oppenheimer was following the dictates of the Pentagon
  13. I agree - certainly proven that CIA incorporated Nazis, and not just a few. And it’s also true that this has largely been hidden. I think there is a good possibility that the East, USSR, East Germany and the Warsaw Pact had a similar arrangement with Nazis. The Spy Who Would Be Tsar, by Kevin Coogan, examines this idea, based around Michal Goleniewski, a Polish defector. Bottom line - The Cold War was a creation of International fascists, including Nazis both east and west, to bring about an eventual Fascist global power structure that transcended nationalism and borders. If Robert sees this post, maybe he will comment, correct, refine my postulate.
  14. David - I appreciate that and completely agree. If you felt targeted please forgive me. It’s my general feeling, and I’ve expressed it now on many threads in various ways, that collective endeavor as you call it is far more likely to break new ground.
  15. Greg Mitchell, author and documentarian, reviewed the movie for Democracy Now yesterday, and though he said it was worth watching, he mentioned some of what you have, and also that a petition by scientists to not use the A bomb against Japan was squelched by Oppenheimer.
  16. Does the movie address the controversy about dropping the A bombs on Japan?
  17. I don’t think that Greg’s question about authenticity is out of bounds. Hank, Leslie and others have done much useful research on the names listed therein, and I follow them. What Greg is asking is for more information on where the diaries are located, when they appeared, whether some are still being withheld by Lafitte’s family, what is the current state of authentication, etc - all good questions - and think that impugning his motives is out of bounds.
  18. It is a shame that at this late date we are still withholding names. I’m not meaning that to pressure you. Clearly this would be explosive info. When I did a quick Google search it didn’t come up, but previously I have been more successful. I’ll have to dig deeper I suppose. Robert - do you think this is a rabbit hole?
  19. Robert - it’s very strange to me that AMWORLD - I followed the link - was kept secret for so long. Is it safe to say first of all that as an operation it was singularly unsuccessful if its mission was to foment revolution in Cuba. So might there have been a more secret mission? I noticed that Henry Hecksher ran an AMWORLD safehouse in Mexico City. Doing what I might ask? So Colonel Prouty worked directly with the Dulles brothers as focal point officer for the CIA within the Defense department from 1955-63, doing some kind of very special special ops. His definition of that is so broad and mysterious. Do we have any notion what special ops he was involved in during that tenure? I’ve got about a million questions….
  20. Once again incredible work Robert. David - I’ve seen that rumor. Posters here like Leslie don’t believe it. How do you assess the credibility of your Intel source?
  21. Even the Military Order of World Wars states that Colonel Crichton ran a MID. And Colonel Brandstetter’s book states that his ‘big brother’ at ACSI sent him to join the 488th in Dallas in about 1959. There is only the question of what size the unit was, and whether Crichton was blowing smoke when he made that oral statement which btw is in the 6th Floor Museum archives but was mis-filed because they had the spelling of Crichton wrong. I did find it though, and pointed it out to the director. Presumably he corrected the ‘mistake’. The MO of the real 488th fits perfectly with Crichton’s MO.
  22. Kirk - there are a few Williams here so next time say which. Second, Jim D did what I would have done but find no need to, which you apparently ignored when you wrote this untruthful post. You are in fact living in the bubble of fake news that has overwhelmed nearly everyone I know. If you read what he said on this issue and any other, you would see it is very clearly NOT how it is reported. There is an agenda to destroy him, unlike anything I have witnessed in my lifetime. Why? Because he’s dangerous to the American public? Dangerous yes, but not to our citizens, to corporate fascism. Why do Kennedy family members opinions matter? Maybe they just don’t want to lose another member of the family. Or maybe they can’t tell the difference either between what he says and believes and how it is reported. They’ve joined the Mockingbird chorus. Imagine having to sit through a Congressional hearing and listen to some doofus Democrat invoke his father’s legacy and chastise the son. We shouldn’t forget that they have no credibility when it comes to the legacy of JFK and RFK, demonstrably.
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