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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. No way. I mean - yes, a lot of wasted space on the internet. But disputing the back wound?
  2. Fwiw, I had just turned 14, and was visiting my grandmother in New Haven, the one and only time I did so, when the news of her death broke on tv. She was crying, and so I started to cry as well. The several days I spent with her stayed with me my whole life. She taught me to make sauce, and to love Liberace. And to appreciate Marilyn Monroe.
  3. Michael Griffith - you weigh the words of LA detectives, biographers of Hollywood stars, what have you, against the word of two entire families vacationing in Gilroy, including RFK’s own family. I’ve read your material, and also McGovern’s. There is no comparison. The only conclusion one can draw is that Rothmiller and the rest of them are lying. You can’t possibly believe any of the Kennedy bashing you do here regularly. In my view what you’ve said regarding Jim D is far worse than name calling. Yet you persist, and the moderators allow it.
  4. “I suspect your promised ‘decimating review’ will be as misleading, pitiful, ideologically driven, and amateurish as your ridiculous ‘review’ of Selverstone’s book The Kennedy Withdrawal.” Michael - that’s pretty inflammatory language.
  5. Apperently they don’t know it. I keep reading it in one form or another, always presented as gospel truth with apologies to RFK admirers. And Cory, if memory serves, has what he considers to be inside info on Marilyn’s death as well. Please correct me Cory if I’m confusing something.
  6. That is not a confession. That is Rothmiller saying that Lawford confessed to him personally. So this is all about the credibility of Rothmiller.
  7. Yes, but Joe is right. As Jim D said the other night, no one shows up in California armed.
  8. Thanks - inciteful. It’s interesting that at a dinner party tonight with some of my oldest friends this subject came up, whereas it would not ever have done so without the Landis news story and the msm coverage of it. So why now? Possibly other ‘bombshells’ are on the horizon, designed to keep the mystery intact while appearing to be a search for truth. One possible scenario is a new official revelation that Oswald was actually a CIA asset, but admitting that at the time would have led to public speculation about the CIA’s role on Nov 22, hence the 60 year coverup which can now be revealed, along with the new idea that their ‘rogue’ asset had an accomplice.
  9. Joe -That’s a good story that makes sense and could have been a meaningful avenue for research.
  10. Fwiw I don’t trust Jackson. He made his career by being with King, and eventually became the leader that American blacks did not need. His use of an epithet describing Jews, even if it wasn’t meant to be heard, was singularly destructive to the long time connections between Jewish liberals and blacks. But being an informant and being accessory to murder are very different.
  11. What exactly did Tucker Carlson say about a possible assassination of Donald Trump? Why do you think it relevant?
  12. I hear you. Crafard is certainly a person of interest. The reason I say that is because Crafard got out of town. And I think your hint that it might have to do with the murder of Tippit is most interesting. The story Estes told doesn’t lead anywhere by itself. It’s only because it was in the Carousel that it takes on meaning. Connolly may have been there, may have taken money. It doesn’t lead anywhere by itself. But Crafard? Way too little attention has been given to him. He is a mystery man. What were his connections? Btw, can you fill us in of Crafard later on? Did he resurface? I might have missed it if you already explored that.
  13. Matthew - rather than pile on you on another post where you are taking some heat, I’m coming back to this one in hopes that you respond. I’ve read deeply, way beyond the clips you posted. I haven’t seen anything Boneface McLellan has said that leads me to believe he was at Jan 6, much less working for the CIA or FBI if he was. However, there was another Ukrainian Nazi, pictured in your post, who was at Jan 6th. Did you mean to imply that he was one and the same with McLellan, or just that by conflating a brief clip of McLellan saying the CIA sent him to Azov with the more recent photo from Jan 6th you proved your point? If I’m reading this correctly it was the latter. Well, the way I read it is that McLellan claimed around 2014 during the Maidan coup that he was sent by CIA. He also went to Ukraine in 2022, but I don’t think this clip refers to his recent sojourn, rather his first one. What do you think?
  14. What thugs has Newman identified?
  15. Matthew - first, I’d like to say that this post doesn’t belong here. It looks to me like you are taunting Robert. I spent some time looking at these videos by Ms Loomer, and then more time looking at her history. Do you think she is a trusted news source? The videos are interesting, but there is a lack of continuity and depth here. Who is ‘Boneface’? Why don’t you take a moment and in your own words say what you think is significant about this revelation? Are you trying to say that you believe that the Jan 6th event was staged by Biden supporters, including neo-Nazis who Biden is knowingly sending to Ukraine to join with the Azov battalion? I prefer a little straight talk on subjects like this which are so inflammatory. What exactly is your belief?
  16. And Licio Gelli attended Reagan’s inauguration. There is also the curious story told by Colonel Brandstetter, long time asset of US Army Intelligence living in Acapulco. Around the time that Gelli was evading Italian Justice Brandstetter was asked to find housing for someone that included coastal access and secret tunnel access along the shoreline. He later was told to forget it, but by then he had found both an appropriate piece of real estate and had figure out who the mystery purchaser was - Licio Gelli, in this case being aided in his search by unnamed US military figures.
  17. Mr. Josephs, and Jim D, have this right. Ben - you try to explain that the CIA might have gotten rid of pics of the real LHO to obscure their own role in a MC op. But his presence in MC visiting embassies was an essential part of their plan to se up a pro-Communist patsy. Seriously, by far the best explanation for the lack of photo evidence is that there never was any such evidence. I think Pat Speer came up with a nice middle position. The lack of photo evidences at the embassies means that he wasn’t there. But it doesn’t mean he wasn’t in MC doing something. That question, and his means of transportation if he was there, remains open. So it’s worth looking at separate evidence of his presence, as weird as some of it is, such as the twist party and observations of his presence along with so far unidentified other persons. I’m not saying I believe he was there, and there is reason to think some of this was fabricated also. But at least it’s an open question, whereas his presence at the embassies should be put to rest. I read the report of the Russian operatives who say he was there. They sound very convincing, Ben, for sure. But they must have been fabricating the whole thing for other reasons, because there is no photo evidence, and that is crucial. No, it makes no sense that the CIA would destroy photo evidence, because it ran counter to their aims. If the Russians say otherwise, where is their proof? People can say anything.
  18. Maybe so - I started it, and wouldn’t object to it being moved. But I don’t particularly mind reading posts here.
  19. For me it is truly ‘both and ‘. He made very useful observations about power, while making sure not to go so far as to violate any particular non disclosure agreements, which he surely had. There is, as Ben points out, a very similar dynamic being used against RFK2. Does going on Fox repeatedly, or doing multiple interviews with Tucker Carlson, or participating in events with fringe elements that he surely disagrees with, imply an endorsement of their ideas? I wish Robert would stay here, but I understand his frustration. He will continue his penetrating research, and I will continue to converse with him about it. I’ve learned a lot from doing so.
  20. You talking to me? I’m one of the few here who have read what you’ve written and interacted with you, not just this sojourn here but past ones too. Of course your pov has morphed. But whatever it is at the moment, with you it’s always the right one. You don’t play well with others.
  21. Heh heh. Prouty directly addressed the Liberty Lobby issue, as quoted by Jeff Carter. meanwhile, Mervyn would like to be a cult leader. Maybe he could publish his works like James has. Jeff - isn’t there one unaddressed issue about Prouty regarding his sharing of what he saw from his lofty insider perch? I’m not dismissing his general views, just wondering what more he knew that he didn’t reveal.
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