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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. This is BS. Why don’t ‘you’ actually go to the source and listen to the Elon Musk RFK Jr event? I’m so sick and tired of reading commentary.
  2. Even recent military sightings suggest such capabilities. Objects suddenly disappearing and then reappearing at great distances. If it’s earthly it’s way beyond any of the flying machines whose pics you posted. it’s obvious that there is a disinformation minefield out there regarding UFO and abduction stories, not to mention the tangential ones. But to me it’s also obvious there is unexplained phenomena that no amount of information detritus can obscure. How do you incorporate the many stories of flight maneuvers that defy our understanding of physics into your view that this is all earthly technology? It seems to me one would have to accept some sightings and dismiss others.
  3. Thanks Pete. I knew there must have been an identification problem. Where did you get the info on a Perdomo quote in the LA Times from 1989?
  4. Why does he never mention the possibility that this Perdomo was one and the same Perdomo in Op 40? No one else wants to comment on this? Disprove it?
  5. Thanks for bringing this up. I bought the same book. My reaction to it and many others like it was that the waters were being deliberately muddied. I often wondered if, as Matt said, it was all secret earthly military technology. Our German friends were deep into vertical take off and landing vehicles, and that goes for Tesla too, whose research was pretty much stolen by JP Morgan’s boys. Yes, the National Security State infiltrated the UFo community big time. But the latest round of unexplained UAP feels different. I’m still betting we are in the verge of something major, and being prepped in slow motion.
  6. The bullet forensics have caught up with the circumstantial evidence about the Dakota doorman serving that night. It’s not entirely clear if that Jose Sanjenis Perdomo is one and the same with the number two man at Operation 40 led by David Sanches Morales.
  7. I agree it’s totally relevant. Most of us care about JFK’s assassination for exactly this reason.
  8. While Biden was warning the world that Putin would invade, he did nothing to stop it. The pre invasion talks were fruitless because we would not agree to Putin’s demand that Ukraine not be admitted into NATO. And there were no boots on the ground to prevent the invasion, which there could and should have been. A lot less bloody alternative. If NATO and the US were determined to take steps to include Ukraine in NATO, and Putin was amassing troops at the border, both of which were true and documented, then by leaving out the defense of Ukraine’s borders we essentially allowed the invasion to happen, and once it did all anyone could see was how evil Putin is. This was not like Czechoslovakia or Poland, which were not easily defensible prior to Hitler’s invasions, the Ukraine was defensible. We just didn’t defend them. Of course I would have preferred agreeing to Putin’s stated demand. Ukraine’s cheerleaders, including those on this board, too easily dismiss the devastation and loss of life and property in favor of the propaganda war. Is Putin Hitler? I hear it said all the time. The answer is no. Is he a despot? Yes. Is the answer to despotism war? Well, if we are willing to lose our own boys then have at it. But a proxy war to prove our point? How heartless.
  9. Matt - interesting comment. I agree it’s put up or shut up time. I’ve always wondered if the technology is earthly and hidden. Is that your view? I’ve talked to numerous friends and relatives about the recent news, starting with the Pentagon releases and the recent public news conference. To my knowledge this exposure is different, but of course it’s also whistleblower material. What I find different generally about the current news cycle is that it is slowly increasing in intensity. I’m wondering if something momentous is coming. Meanwhile my friends are mostly yawning too. But I’m definitely not.
  10. Following on my previous post, which is connected in a way, the “Assassination Debate” has become a debate between WC defenders and critics. It doesn’t have to be that way. This thread has become the main place people post or read, and new ones seem to fizzle. But the ‘Debate’ doesn’t have to be between David Von Pein and Jim DiEugenio (the points of view they represent, diametrically opposed). It could be a debate that first assumes Oswald was not a lone assassin. All posts supporting the WC conclusions would be off base and ultimately not allowed. Posts would have to be about theories other than the one the WC decided was the truth. Assassination Debate : If Oswald was not a lone assassin, if the kill shots were from somewhere other than the TSBD 6th floor, then who killed JFK?
  11. Yes William - we should. But this board is endlessly engaged in proving Oswald innocent, or guilty.
  12. Certainly Giancana had motive. And also certainly the Mafia could not have arranged for the complex coverup that followed the assassination. But it seems to me that hiding in plain sight is the real reason this movie is being made, which is to excuse the CIA for hiding its working relationship with LHO for 60 years. This is their fallback position: The CIA will finally admit this, and document it, but will claim that despite their shenanigans with Oswald they had nothing to do with his actions on Nov 22.
  13. Chuck - I’ve seen the Escalante info on Bush and Crichton financially backing Operation 40, yet I don’t think I’ve ever seen it confirmed. Has anyone ever read anything confirming this?
  14. Great pic, yet no one knows if it’s real or not.
  15. That’s a mouthful. Thanks Chuck. It’s all so ambitious, yet it came to nothing. I think it’s safe to assume this kind of preparation for covert actions utilizing multi-departmental working groups still goes on. The expansion of the interrogation center at Opa-locka is interesting. I believe that was part of JMWAVE. Was there a link to Madrid? I wish the authors Larry Hancock and Jim DiEugenio would look at the Frank Bender material and comment.
  16. This is really incredible research, and only the tip of the iceberg that Mr. Montenegro has painstakingly dug up out of various archives, including recent document releases.
  17. Institutionally corrupt. In some measure I agree with you. But what I am getting at is the fact that the Democrats in Congress, while trying to stay united against an implacable Republican Party, are quite divided. Where your arguments fall short for me is that you only give lip service to your disdain for Trump, while vilifying the Democrats as if they are in lockstep the way Republicans are. One party stands firmly against human rights, women’s rights, voting rights. To put this another way, there are almost no honorable Republicans left in Congress, whereas there are many honorable Democrats who would be fighting tooth and nail for their principles if there was just a modicum of fair play. Republicans stacked the Supreme Court, not even having the decency to allow Obama to make an appointment to the court. Republicans in state after state have attacked voting rights of minorities, have passed draconian abortion laws, the latest travesty of Justice in Florida where a 6 week ban is now the law. if you are an equal opportunity hater of both parties then you no longer stand for basic human rights, and you lose all credibility in any arguments you make about the corruption of the Democratic Party.
  18. Ben and Matt - are you equal opportunity critics on both Republican and Democratic establishments?
  19. Haven’t most elections been fixed even before Election Day? Partisanship to the extent of cancelling the other side is binary thinking. And that type of thinking is inevitable when two political parties rig the game. We think we only have a choice of lesser evils because we are told that you are throwing your vote away otherwise.
  20. Allow me to suggest an alternative way of looking at this apparent divide. Can we put the Durham finding, the Russia hoax, and the obvious close ties between Trump and his team and Russia into a coherent and relevant narrative? First, the investigation was begun on flimsy evidence, the major finding of the report. Can we acknowledge that? Does that mean there was no collusion? No, of course not. The collusion was self evident. But did it result in meaningful election interference? Well, compared to Cambridge Analytica, and to Comey’s FBI bombshell on Hillary Clinton, no. It can be criminal behavior and still not be particularly relevant, unless your world view is that Russia and China are the source of all evil in the world. Which they are not. What was the long term result of FBI meddling, and bad election strategy by the Clinton campaign? Trump. And that has seriously divided the body politic, and the behavior here on forum, the narratives about the coming election, etc. Was Trump destined to be a continuing malignant force? No. Our entertainment news media put him there, with some considerable help from factions of the deep state, with maybe a smidgen of foreign help. But Clinton’s ‘deplorables’ comment is still resonating. It was a huge mistake. What RFK Jr is doing is trying to talk to those people, even if he disagrees with some or all of their positions. But try explaining to my friends why he appears on FOX, or in political rallies peopled by all manner of kooks (and by perfectly decent people as well). They don’t get it. Why? Trump, or rather the fear of another Trump presidency. We liberals and ‘coastal elites’ watch in horror as the Right declares war on women, on voting rights, on the debt ceiling, you name it. Whose fault is it? It’s us, who have become shamelessly divided by our own ignorant inability to identify the real enemy within. So let’s start by cutting out the Russia China Trump fear mongering and try focusing on all the things that have gone wrong here. And let’s not throw away our votes when we are manipulated into a hobson’s choice, a truism by the way in nearly every election in my lifetime. Our government has screwed us because they are not free agents, they are controlled by money. Nothing will change until that does. Could RFK Jr reverse course? Yeah, obviously, if he gets into office and lives through it.
  21. Interesting about Salandria. I think the post I left on the more recent thread about Oliver Stone and Prouty more properly belong here. I’m becoming more suspicious of Prouty as time goes on. I’m leaning towards Limited Hangout. Someone made off with my copy of Secret Team, but in any case I found it boring. He claimed that he was removed from the scene that day. Maybe he removed himself, and later pointed the finger at Lansdale. As Adam says, he never faced any retribution.
  22. Keyvan - I’ve been thinking a lot about Prouty recently, but it hadn’t occurred to me that Oliver Stone might know something about Prouty’s possible role in the assassination. It was probably you that suggested we look at Prouty as having had an undisclosed role. That made me wonder if his story is a ‘limited hangout’. And since I very much suspect military involvement it would make sense that Prouty, chief of covert operations for the jcs would know something. I remember my impression of Secret Team. Unlike Daniel Sheehan’s version, which was extremely interesting, Prouty’s book struck me as a nothing burger. His latter day connections do make me wonder about his loyalties. Was it Michael Griffith that just wouldn’t quit? Maybe we should revisit Prouty. Maybe we should view his alibi as suspicious, rather than as the conspirators making sure he wasn’t in town. Casting aspersions on Lansdale, who he identifies as being at Dealey plaza. If he wasn’t operational, why was he there? It’s kind of a beautiful theory, the man hiding in plain sight. As for Oliver Stone, he could be asked this question. My gut says the answer is no. But I’m looking more closely at Prouty now.
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