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Paul Brancato

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Everything posted by Paul Brancato

  1. Multiple shooters clear in the first storyboards of the Z film - wow that’s a bombshell. Where are they? I have most of your books. Did I miss that?
  2. Another interesting unreleased document. I’d like to see those minutes too.
  3. The thread called ‘missing LBJ McGeorge Bundy conversations’ has this story. It also has Hoover’s complaints about CIA keeping him out of the loop on Oswald and ‘French espionage activities’. I also think it might be Souetre by the physical description, though the girls failed to confirm this if I’m recalling correctly.
  4. I agree with you Ron - focus on Lafitte is long overdue. But I would also say that Greg weighing in on authenticity of lafitte notes or diary is in character with a speciality of his - document authentication. It is of course critically important to authenticate them, but also to realize that, as Leslie says, even if they were, the authenticator would be called into question. That’s why I suggested previously that Greg and everyone else should, at least for now, put aside the authentication question and focus on the corroborating evidence dug up by Albarelli over a lifetime of good work regarding Lafitte, George Hunter White. If we are paying attention to another important thread on missing LBJ Bundy phone calls, we notice that Hoover, in addition to being lied to by CIA, or kept out of the loop on Oswald’s possible Mexico City excursion and the imposter, also specifically mentions French espionage activities. What? Come on folks, what is that about? Does that not intersect with Albarelli’s suspicions about Souetre? This is an opportunity for us to focus on the possible mechanics of the Dallas operation. And I would add that none of this conflicts with suspicions about Joannides and Oswald and DRE in New Orleans, or William Harvey and the QJWIN operation, or Cuban exile activities, or CIA Miami Station, or what LeMay was up to at Bethesda. It’s all part of the same octopus. The coverup of what really happened continues. Can’t we focus on that, instead of on Oswald?
  5. This is really interesting. Surely those missing tapes of conversations represent a serious breach. What was discussed in those phone calls with Bundy? Why is it secret? As you mention in your commentary Larry, not only was Hoover concerned with CIA obfuscation concerning Oswald in Mexico, he was also concerned with CIA not being forthcoming about French espionage activities. What do you make of that? The context is striking. I’m reminded of the famous George Bush of the CIA Hoover memo, which always struck me as Hoover letting CIA know that he knew enough to bring them down. This is more than just miscommunication between FBI and CIA, or warring turf battles.
  6. Thanks Leslie. It helps, while pondering Lafitte and the authentication controversy surrounding his notes, to see the context. George Hunter White’s letter can surely be verified. Lafitte is not a figment of Albarelli’s imagination, he is a real character whose missions remain cloaked. I imagine that Morley et al would be interested in what Lafitte files remain unreleased.
  7. To interject here, the question of provenance, of Lafitte being project manager, has superseded any discussion of what Hank researched regarding Skorzeny and his connections. Same thing happened to Ganis with his source material purchased at auction. Coup in Dallas isn’t an easy read. I’m starting to plow through again, slowly. I know this thread is about the Walker shooting, so I’ll stop there and draw a small analogy. We almost never talk about Walker himself. That’s too bad in my opinion. Whether Oswald had a rifle that he buried, whether he was manipulated, whether Marina was truthful about what he said to her, all of that would matter greatly if Oswald was the, or an assassin. But if he wasn’t, then we are being unwittingly directed to examining in great detail something that isn’t even particularly consequential.
  8. I just listened to an episode with you and David Talbot. Really great - thanks
  9. You’re last paragraph resonates with me. If scientists disagree on that one they are out of their minds. Would you add to that reasonable action taking care of our forests, our wildlife, our oceans? Another one that I think should be added is sustainable agriculture. I don’t buy the idea that feeding the world requires chemical fertilizers, or genetically modified seeds. I’m actually in favor of phasing out ocean fishing and replacing that with farmed fish. Surely we can make that work better. Feed lots, cooped up chickens, indoor hog farms all seem cruel to me. I’m not vegetarian, I just think we can do these things a lot better. The main point is that discussions around climate change or global warming have become politicized, but pollution is not. And as George Carlin was fond of saying, the planet doesn’t need saving, we do. The earth will be fine. It’s denizens will suffer.
  10. Steve - your research is appreciated. I wish you would apply your considerable skills to Coup in Dallas. The authors are well meaning, not out for a buck or fame, and they’ve done their best to use a magnifier to actually look at the European fascists and their connections in the states. As you know it’s no easy task. Hank Albarelli was a tireless researcher and digger for truth. Leslie and Alan have done their best to bring Hank’s research forward in difficult circumstances.
  11. RFK Jr makes his vaccine position more clear in the speech at the top of this thread. The press labels him anti-vax and everyone turns off. But is that the reason they marginalize him? I don’t think so. His children’s defense fund gave voice to the sizable numbers of parents who concluded that vaccines were causing autism. What he explains is that he doesn’t know what’s causing the epidemic among youth, but something is. I suggest everyone actually listen to what he says instead of buying into the media representation of it.
  12. I didn’t notice anything unusual, except for his interjection in an appendix while Perez was being interviewed. It’s Perez that says he met Souetre in Madrid, and met Bannister there as well. It doesn’t look to me like LeCavalier dominates the document. It’s too simple to discard on that basis.
  13. You think that people won’t vote for a presidential candidate with a disability? I don’t find it hard to listen to him. I would if he was untruthful, or in the pockets of billionaires. He’s not either.
  14. Steve - if I’m reading this right, deputy commander isn’t the same thing as commander. What is deputy commander anyway? Who deputized Clement? And why did this marriage inside prison grounds cost him his post? Leslie’s point is that the official record cannot be relied upon in this case. It’s at least a stalemate. On this you base your opinion that Fensterwald was being deliberately fed false information.
  15. Sure doesn’t sound like Ruby did what he did because of mob pressure.
  16. The speech to the Zionists was during an election campaign. He says some things about past presidents in that speech that Michael quotes that are a bit exaggerated. A good source on this in my mind is Ken Burns America and the Holocaust. And Jim is right. Support for the state of Israel does not have to come at the expense of support for a Palestinian homeland.
  17. That’s a perfectly succinct explanation for why Joannides files need to be released, and why they have not been. Morley is correct to focus on this, no matter what it might reveal, because it goes to the heart of the CIA’s relationship to our elected government. And it puts Biden’s refusal to release these files in proper perspective.
  18. Agree - Trial by media isn’t good. It’s been with us a long time. I’m reminded of this whenever I read older media coverage. It’s been true throughout my lifetime.
  19. Steve - I think that is a good question - was CIA using him as an asset?
  20. So he was perhaps not yet in custody on Nov 12, but was on Nov 22.
  21. Presumably Carl John Wilson is the same person? John Wilson mentioned in a Ruby notebook? Sulfur and nickel? Madrid? Fascist? Lots of questions. L
  22. Where does the Ruby quote come from? Don’t recall seeing it before
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