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Ken Davies

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Everything posted by Ken Davies

  1. If Mr. Baker's quote of Mr. Simkin is correct, then I would not disagree with a noted historian.
  2. Bill, Are you part of a group working on a grand jury investigation? If so, then what can others do to assist? Merci.
  3. Bill, I watched the Witt testimony in 1978, and read the HSCA report. I never found him credible. Russ Baker, in a 2011 online article on the Umbrella Man quotes John Simkin, the eminent British historian as saying that an umbrella was never a symbol of Chamberlain and appeasement at Munich and points out that a piece of paper that Chamberlain was waving while leaving his plane was the symbol in question. Sorry, I can't link the article, but if one googles Kennedys and umbrellas , it can easily be found.
  4. Bill, we seem to agree that Umbrella man had some role, but Witt's claim of Kennedy family embarrassment over umbrellas referencing Chamberlain, etc. have never been mentioned in any of the hundreds of books that I have read pertaining to the family, its members or the public execution. Can anyone cite some corroboration? Also, as someone who used umbrellas regularly over the years, and very regularly during my visit to England, I find it dubious that someone who uses his umbrella, would have the same one after 15 years. At any rate, keep up the good work.
  5. Robert, I 'm in Ontario, though I have traveled east and west, covering 4 provinces and 34 US states. I felt like I was living the American life in 1968. My family was driving to Los Angeles from northern Ontario, when RFK announced his run for the presidency. We got tickets to the Carrol Burnett show on CBS television, and 2 of us asked Ms. Burnett questions when she talked to the audience during her show. We were told when the episode would air. We were driving home through Texas the evening when the show was supposed to be on. We stopped at a ma and pa motel in rural Texas and asked the owners if we could watch the start of the Carrol Burnett show on the t.v. in their open lobby. They welcomed us in and we crowded around the set. CBS then preempted the show to present LBJ announcing that he would not run for president. We were sad to miss the show, but glad that LBJ was not going to seek another term. Sorry for going so far off topic my fellow members.
  6. What? You don't buy the Witt Umbrella man fable? His testimony was unbelievable, and is easily refuted by the Z film. The DCM, as he is called, actually seems to be on the road in front of the limo, with his fist raised high, in a few photos. Was he trying to slow or stop the limo, as well as assist in signaling the shooters? Isn't it odd that these two conspicuous characters appear to be doing "strange" things at the exact time and place that JFK is being publicly executed in a plaza named after one of his critics? No, these things happen every day in dreamland.
  7. Don, Do you know who completed the form and wrote:" Body removed from metal shipping casket? "
  8. To clear the perception that radiation oncologists die from radiation, I would point out that patients are left alone in radiation "bunkers" while radiation is provided by mobile, computerized machines. I speak from personal experience of 38 consecutive radiation treatments last May-July. I never met anyone who claimed that an oncologist was present in the room while radiation treatment was provided. One can't become a "medical specialist" by reading medical books. I have read several, yet I would clearly defer to the expertise of doctors who have attended medical school, worked on cadavers, completed residencies, then fellowships, and then entered specialized practice.
  9. Terry, Perhaps I have watched too many Bogart and Cagney movies, and read too many true crime stories, but the modus operandi of mob hitmen has seldom been to pick off a victim like a sniper. There doesn't seem to be much evidence that any of the proposed mob shooters had military training or even hunting experience with rifles, carbines, etc. The Ruby rubout of LHO on the other hand seems like a "classic" close range mob shooting with a pistol.
  10. Cameras were not as all pervasive then, and why would a mortician have one at work?
  11. Greg, Your site will provide hours of reading some "primary sources". Excellent job , as usual!
  12. In this story, Oswald shoots Edwin Partridge (Walker we assume), and an unknown female shoots JFK, but a mutant is convicted in a "secret trial". That should keep a generation confused.
  13. The brilliance of the plan, whether deliberate or accidental, is that there are loose ends unraveling in so many directions that 50 years later, even those who agree that there was a conspiracy can't agree as to who did what, how, why, where, and when. The TSBD had many exits, and there were many known and some unknown people seen inside, and exiting at the relevant time. It was a terrible spot for a sniper, unless he was a loner (or you are trying to foster that myth). It was a great place for planting evidence though. It may have been difficult to "hide a carbine" and scatter 3 shells, and find a paper bag, and...at other spots. It's almost easier to determine how King Tut died. (Burton' s photos show that his collarbone and sternum were in place in 1922, so that recent chariot accident theory doesn't hold up.)
  14. Mr. McBride, I enjoyed your article at CTKA. I look forward to buying your book when I next travel to the US. (We have limited selection at our local bookstores in the "frozen north"). If Tippit was a shooter then it made sense for the perps to eliminate him. One less witness, one less problem. (Maybe I watched too many Bogart movies!). Coup d'etat is written all over this.
  15. It is interesting to see JFK bring his right hand up toward his face, in a fist and then stick out his thumb, in a gesture of greeting to the crowd. It is somewhat similar to his hands moving upward as he emerged from behind the Stemmons sign. Any thoughts? Thanks for the link, Robin.
  16. All of these shows are geared toward the single bullet theory, and the Oswald did it theory. Objectivity is non existent.
  17. Greg, That is an excellent presentation. " We the people" is a fitting reminder of what the coup d'etat changed. Your Bay of Pigs material clearly shows that the "failure" of the enterprise had nothing to do with JFK breaking a promise or abandoning people to their doom. It is unfortunate that 51 years later people continue to falsely cast JFK as the villain of this CIA fiasco. All the best on your further recovery!
  18. Someone used them for target practice to site in the missing Mauser.
  19. David, It is obvious that the person developing the film was eating a piece of well done toast that fell in front of JFK's head. I mean, what else could an objective person think? Keep up the good work!
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