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Ken Davies

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Everything posted by Ken Davies

  1. I may be able to take on the cost depending on the details if you want to email me. I do not want to administer the site though. Thanks.
  2. The Walter Reed army researchers have apparently developed a vacine that will be effective against ALL covid viruses, according to the Daily Mail today. Great news if true, but a whole new story for anti vaxxers.
  3. The ongoing cover up/ stonewalling only reinforces the logical conclusion of conspiracy involving elements of government. (Whether executive branch , military, CIA, or subsets of them.) Why else is disclosure stalled 58 years later? The Cubans, the mob, the right and left wing groups do not have the power to obfuscate matters for 58 years. "Out of respect for president Kennedy and democracy, such release should have occured years ago!" Justice delayed is justice denied.
  4. Ron, There was obviously more going on in Dallas then than "who shot J.R." 20 years later.
  5. Doug, With all due respect, I have been practising law for 42 years in Ontario. I have been a UFO buff since 1968 (drove by the Michigan "swamp gas" outbreak in March that year.) I have seen a couple of unidentified flying things. I had a step dad whose surname was Cameron. Grant Cameron is not well known here. He has apparently written some books selling online on topics such as alien music. There are claims that he won research awards but no sources are cited to prove same. There are no academic credentials listed for him. Something may be out there, but the Canadian government is not searching for an answer. The stories about the Transport Ministry staff activities in the 1950s were food for fodder by UFO authors several decades ago.
  6. That is news to me, a Canadian since 1952.
  7. The mob must be super powerful to carry out and cover up the hit for almost 60 years. Wow. But those Kennedys killed Marilyn, wow. ( How low can some authors go?)😢 Does he tell who killed Amelia Earhart, Elvis, and King Tut? If not, then I can write my book! ☺️
  8. Fifty three years on and there is still a need to assassinate RFK's character. Sad.
  9. But Rick, Oswald was using a magic gun that fired magic bullets, that lead to the WC magic show😢 I do not think that Oswald, he of the most unordinary life, would have been convicted, had there been a fair trial. No one could place him in the alleged shooter's lair with the magical rifle in hand at the time of the shooting. The holes with the chain of evidence in regard to the rifle, shells, and CE 399 are larger than Texas!
  10. Congratulations Mr. Caddy ! To paraphrase from the movie: "You are Spartacus !"
  11. Does that mean that you don't believe Anthony Summers?😢 I enjoyed your book, Mr. McBride, and I enjoy your comments. Keep up the good work.👍
  12. Would this be a Griswald type casino, with games like rock/paper/Trump; craps (on the democrats); covid roulette; non NFL sports betting; MAGA million slots etc?
  13. Mr. DiEugenio has killed and buried this canard. (French for duck, as well). If we want to continue the character assassination, and tinfoil hat speculation, then Jackie, Joe Dimaggio, Arthur Miller, and all groups opposed to nude photos should be suspects. (And include Hoover because she looked better than he did in the sane evening gown). May this topic sink to the bottom and remain there.
  14. And and by few million others who can think!
  15. Will Trump announce the letter that Mr. Caddy says Nixon hid in the White House verifying the alien presence, claim that they are attacking next week, and then fly to Florida? Independence Day 3 ?
  16. Democracy is alive and well. Trump is a disgrace to the office. Sedition 2021. Trump incites riot to overthrow election and Congress. Let's use 25th Amendment, impeachment, and tell the Joint Chiefs to safeguard/override the launch codes. Sedition 1963. Kennedy proposes disarmament, raproachment with Cuba, and shattering CIA. Let's execute him inpublic and give LBJ the launch codes.
  17. Actually he was in the building with Jackie. What source states thst he was at the sutopdy per se?
  18. Will he resign 2 days before the inauguration, and then have President Spence pardon him before President Biden takes the keys to the Whitehouse?
  19. This photo looks like George Bush of the CIA (m here) to me.
  20. The Jacobson decision makes sense both legally and morally, but the world seems to be filled with "me firsters" who prefer personal freedom to community safety. How many travelled over the Thanksgiving holiday? How many demonstated/ rioted in London today, without masks or social distancing? How many people are crowd funding a restaurant owner in Toronto who was forced to close due to public health restrictions over covid? How many new covid cases are there per day? How many more deaths? Most countries are losing the covid fight, yet people are not concerned. Yes, the economic disaster is terrible, life destroying for many, but what will happen when hospitals and healthcare systems collapse? "Give me my freedom because I am invulnerable and I don't care if you die." seems to be mantra of many. This will continue to play out after vaccines arrive, because of ignorance, fear, and politics. It is refreshing to see the many enlightened comments here and on this forum.
  21. Joe, I was 11 years old when JFK was killed. I was clearing snow from the driveway when Oswald was gunned down. My mother called me in to watch the aftermath. My immediate thoughts were that he was "rubbed out" to shut him up. I had seen that many times in the Bogart, Cagney, Robinson, Raft movies that were on TV so much as I was growing up. (We only had the CBC and CBS until 1961). Why couldn't the adults figure this out?
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