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Joseph McBride

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Everything posted by Joseph McBride

  1. Douglas Horne proves when the surgery was done and gives details.
  2. The true heroes in the case are the witnesses who came forward to tell the truth despite great risk.
  3. From my book INTO THE NIGHTMARE: Neither Lifton nor Horne is convincing in hypothesizing how the body was secretly transported to Bethesda. (See further discussionin Chapter 15.) I wonder whether the extreme anxiety shown by Roy Kellerman and other Secret Service agents at Parkland over Dr. Rose’s attempt to conduct the legally required autopsy there could have been due to the body not being in the coffin at the time. Turning the empty coffin over to Dr. Rose would have exposed the whole conspiracy; it appears that would have been worth a gunfight to prevent. If the stakes had not been of the highest, a gunfight most likely would not have been thinkable, especially in the presence of a number of witnesses, including Jacqueline Kennedy herself. This had to be an act of extreme desperation. Accordingly, I suspect that the body had already secretly spirited out of the emergency room and was taken through a tunnel that existed at Parkland for clandestine transportation elsewhere, out of the sight of the media and other observers. Parkland Hospital administrator Charles Jack Price in his November 27, 1963, report on his activities on November 22, an exhibit in one of the Warren Commission volumes, mentions an “alternate route” out of the hospital that might have been used for the president’s body. Discussing what happened before the casket for the president was obtained from a local funeral home, Price writes, “[O]ne of the secret service men who had been bruised or had a minor injury came to me and asked if there were another way that the President [evidently referring in this context to the just-deceased Kennedy] and Mrs. Kennedy could be taken out of the building. I told him there was a tunnel exit and that if he would come with me, I would walk it off for him. We walked down to inspect the tunnel, then returned to the surgery area of the Emergency Room.” Price also mentions that the Secret Service considered taking “the Johnsons” out through that “alternate route,” which was also reached by way of “the Emergency Room elevator” that went down to the basement. Horne dismisses the possibility that Kennedy’s body was removed by this means, citing O’Neal Funeral Home & Ambulance Service driver Aubrey Rike’s account of placing the body in the coffin and escorting it in his ambulance from Parkland to Love Field. Rike’s account in his 2008 book, At the Door of Memory, seems credible. Nevertheless, the body somehow was removed from that coffin and placed in a shipping casket before it reached Bethesda. Although we don’t know all the facts, I believe that the body leaving Parkland through the tunnel in some conveyance other than Rike’s coffin and ambulance is more likely than any of the other scenarios that have been proposed, such as secretly removing the body from Air Force One at Love Field or Andrews Air Force Base. Taking the body secretly from Parkland through the tunnel before the empty coffin was taken to the ambulance would have helped the Secret Service prevent an honest autopsy at Parkland by Dr. Rose as well as allowing the surreptitious pre-autopsy alteration of the body at Bethesda after the body would have been taken back to Washington clandestinely.
  4. Is this the mock trial he talks about? https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0983902/fullcredits?ref_=tt_cl_sm#cast
  5. I write about this audiotape in INTO THE NIGHTMARE. Mary Ferrell was an intelligence asset who planted the dubious tape to discredit the HSCA, using it "like a planted mine sure to go off and destroy everything that surrounded it." Gary Mack was also involved in this operation.
  6. JUDGEMENT is the British spelling. This film, like Lane's book and the film he made with Emilio de Antonio, uses the American spelling.
  7. I asked Cokie Roberts what she thought caused her father's disappearance. She said, "I have no conspiracy theories about my father's disappearance." She then launched into a long treatise about how the plane supposedly was downed by ice on the wings. She said some expert had filled her in on that. This was at a crowded book signing in Los Angeles, so I had no opportunity for followup questions. From some hints I gleaned from other interviews, I think she and her mother probably knew Hale Boggs's death was suspicious and related to his criticism of the Warren Commission and Hoover but that they were afraid to speak out about it. Roberts instead became a vocal JFK assassination conspiracy denier.
  8. See my interview in INTO THE NIGHTMARE with Sen. Ralph Yarborough about why LBJ ducked and what his demeanor was in the limousine before, during, and after the shooting, etc. And how it was a lie that Rufus Youngblood jumped over the seat to shield LBJ with his body.
  9. When I read Epstein's LEGEND at the time it came out -- another meretricious CIA-backed project, but with more original research, albeit bent to fit his foreordained conclusions -- I was stunned at how expensive the research obviously had been and how it had to have been funded by powerful forces. The Reader's Digest is well-plugged-in to the powers that be. What a sick joke when Posner accuses Dylan of profiteering off the assassination, since that is just what Posner did and Dylan did not do. That charge is Orwellian and straight from the 1967 CIA memo to media assets. And as those of us who are actual assassination scholars know, the work is a labor of love that we largely self-finance, taking a loss, while a few books that get big advances and promotion because they support the WC line are published by major publishers.
  10. When Mark Jacobson (now a screenwriter, author, and journalist) and I heard by radio at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, Memorial Union that Otis Redding had died in a plane crash, we went to the nightclub where he was supposed to perform. People were lined up to get in; they didn't know what had happened, so we told them. I also remember vividly "The Day the Music Died," which I heard about by watching AMERICAN BANDSTAND.
  11. I declined an offer to speak at Judyth Baker's conference before the last one. The research community should avoid disinformation specialists and frauds. Instead some fall under the spell of people such as her and the late Mary Ferrell, to name just two. They do immense harm to the cause of truth.
  12. The DPD knew who Oswald was well before the assassination and had Officers Tippit and Mentzel tracking him down shortly after it happened.
  13. See the Belmont memo of the night of Nov. 22 about a bullet lodged behind the president's right ear. That memo alone destroys the Warren Report, and it is supported by various eyewitnesses, including Secret Service agents. I write about it in my book INTO THE NIGHTMARE.
  14. Martin Scorsese (who's back making films since the 1960s, BTW) is the one who made the Dylan documentary mentioned above.
  15. The blacklisted screenwriter-director Abraham Lincoln Polonsky once remaked to me of AMERICAN GRAFFITI, "How could anybody be nostalgic for 1962?" And the expatriate American director Richard Lester said to me about his film A HARD DAY'S NIGHT (released July 1964), "The Beatles picture is dated, if you like, by its naive optimism. But that is precisely because one FELT naively optimistic at that time, despite the fact that it happened a year [after] the Kennedy assassination, not long after the Bay of Pigs. In hindsight, I suppose there was nothing to be optimistic about. But people WERE."
  16. When your down on Deep Ellum put your money in your shoesDon’t ask what your country can do for youCash on the barrelhead, money to burnDealey Plaza, make a left-hand turnI’m going down to the crossroads, gonna flag a rideThe place where faith, hope, and charity diedShoot him while he runs, boy. Shoot him while you canSee if you can shoot the invisible manGoodbye, Charlie. Goodbye, Uncle SamFrankly, Miss Scarlett, I don’t give a damn "Left-hand turn" (onto Elm St.) makes me think of how J. Edgar Hoover ordered his drivers to make no right turns. Sounds like a joke but it wasn't.
  17. https://variety.com/2020/music/news/bob-dylan-releases-17-minute-song-jfk-kennedy-assassination-murder-most-foul-1203546713/ Just read this news. Have not heard the song yet.
  18. We've been under military rule since 1963 as what's known as a limited police state. We may soon be a full police state.
  19. There was a bullet in the right temple that was removed during the autopsy or pre-autopsy. There was also a bullet hole in the top right of Kennedy's forehead at the hairline.
  20. https://www.newsweek.com/exclusive-inside-militarys-top-secret-plans-if-coronavirus-cripples-government-1492878?fbclid=IwAR21wyuj02Nwny_xlkxTW88-5gsfQNuET5YFQcHimFuuJI0fdHbwsrl8IQA Those who did not know about or believe in the existence of COG, or know it was implemented on 9/11 and extended by each administration annually, might have second thoughts on reading this, even though the article understates the severity of the problem, since it does not indicate that COG has been in effect since 9/11 or that we underwent a military takeover on Nov. 22, 1963, or that this is the inevitable result of that coup. This article mentions recent steps to prepare for full-on martial law and suggests that there are changes in the line of succession -- which Peter Dale Scott alerted us to years ago (I have read some recent articles by gullible media people citing Democrats who think Pelosi might become president). Some facts are too sensitive to be shared with the public by the MSM, evidently, although polls have consistently shown that 70% of Americans have not believed the official fantasy of the Warren Reort. FROM THE ARTICLE: "We're in new territory," says one senior officer, the entire post-9/11 paradigm of emergency planning thrown out the window. The officer jokes, in the kind of morbid humor characteristic of this slow-moving disaster, that America had better learn who Gen. Terrence J. O'Shaughnessy is [your new leader pictured below].He is the "combatant commander" for the United States and would in theory be in charge if Washington were eviscerated. That is, until a new civilian leader could be installed. . . . All of these plans are the responsibility of U.S. Northern Command (or NORTHCOM), the homeland defense military authority created after 9/11. Air Force General O'Shaughnessy is NORTHCOM's Colorado Springs-based commander.On February 1, Defense Secretary Mark T. Esper signed orders directing NORTHCOM to execute nationwide pandemic plans. Secretly, he signed Warning Orders (the WARNORD as it's called) alerting NORTHCOM and a host of east coast units to "prepare to deploy" in support of potential extraordinary missions.Seven secret plans – some highly compartmented – exist to prepare for these extraordinary missions. . . . upon reading this.
  21. It's hard to believe Finck would confuse an Army man with a Navy man or not recognize someone's rank.
  22. Dan Rather knows how they blew it. He was well-prepared for the assassination, convincing CBS to have five full camera crews in Dallas with Kennedy, including the only live hookup. NBC and ABC each had only one crew.
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