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John Iacoletti

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    Austin, Texas, USA
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    JFK, 1960s history and music, outdoor activites

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  1. Sounds like one of the the usual strawmen that gets trotted out when DVP finds himself cornered.
  2. ok, but you're the one who made an issue about Roger Craig knowing something in 1971 that he didn't know in 1968...
  3. ...or the x-rays and photos (or the interpretation of same) are "wrong". But that's a nice dodge. So, I guess now all Alan has to do is just say that the people weren't l-word-ing about the curtain rods, they were just wrong. And your accusation becomes moot. And we're still faced with 3 is not equal to zero.
  4. Your backpedaling is noted. You maintain (not support) your positions because you ignore anything that doesn't fit them. And that includes calling witnesses the l-word. P.S. I'm glad you accept the witnesses (like Rowland) who saw two people on the sixth floor, and that people like Hoffman and Gordon Arnold saw or heard gunmen behind the picket fence, and that people like Adams and Carolyn Arnold had their testimonies altered.
  5. CE 2641, p. 2: "JONES said that after the driver mentioned this, and from his recollection of OSWALD's picture as it appeared om television and in the newspapers, he thought it was possible it could have been OSWALD. He emphasized, however, that he did not have a good view of this man at any time and could not positively identify him as being identical with LEE HARVEY OSWALD. He said he was inclined to think it might have been OSWALD only because the bus driver told him so."
  6. What utter BS. Just a sample of the "lying" witnesses according to DVP and his fellow ideologues: Arnold Rowland Roger Craig Carolyn Walther Jean Hill Vickie Adams Ed Hoffman Julia Ann Mercer Gordon Arnold Ricky White Rose Cheramie Acquilla Clemons Bernard Haire Sylvia Odio O.P. Wright Bardwell Odum Seth Kantor Butch Burroughs W.R. (Dub) Stark Louis Cortinas Tom Mullins, Emmett Hollingshead, and J.B. "Shorty" Lewis James A. Andrews T. F. White Fred Moore John Elrod Jack Davis Paul O Connor Floyd Riebe Jerrol Custer James Curtis Jenkins Dennis David Saundra Spencer Dean Andrews Carolyn Arnold Janet Conforto Charles Crenshaw Cyril Wecht Marita Lorenz Nelson Delgado Fletcher Prouty Edwin Walker Nancy Lee Fenner Madeleine Brown Albert Bogard Richard Randolph Carr Saint John Hunt Waggoner Carr Kenneth Croy John Manchester Perry Russo Edith Whitworth Esther Mash Delphine Roberts Roy Eugene Vaughn Thayer Waldo William Walter
  7. Some other points about Mrs. Bledsoe. - The sum total of her evidence that she ever rented a room to Oswald : he wrote his name on a calendar page that she no longer had because her son took it and sold it for $5.00 - The FBI brought the LHO arrest shirt out to her and showed it to her before she testified - In her testimony she claimed to have seen a photo of Oswald's baby (Rachel) when he first arrived to rent her room. But Rachel was born after he allegedly moved out.
  8. See Markham Exhibit 1. What she said was that she was out there for 20 minutes before anybody showed up. https://history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh20/html/WH_Vol20_0305b.htm
  9. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vQE_upmwRKbreGnqpd2MH_s4pKol8A2J/view
  10. And then only McDonald's. Everything else is hearsay.
  11. Wow, Doug looks nothing like I pictured him!
  12. Well supposedly this clip had a tendency to get jammed in the rifle. Mr. Edgar. The cartridge clip was removed from CE-139 by Lieutenant Day of the Dallas Police Department on November 22, 1963 at the crime laboratory for the police department. Shouldn't a clip automatically fall out once the last cartridge has fed into the chamber? Mr. Lutz. This rifle is designed to incorporate that feature so that the last cartridge is stripped out of the clip, then that allows the clip itself to fall or to drop from the opening that you see in the bottom of the box magazine. However, in many cases, and in this particular case, where we functioned the rifle, fed cartridges through it, we found this clip to stay in the rifle after the last round had been stripped and fed into the chamber. Because the lips or the edges of the clip many times will open up, they will spring against the walls on the inside of the box magazine and it will hang up in that area, and even though it is supposed to drop out, many times it will hang up in the box area.
  13. I'm saying that the rifle in the CE 133 photos may or may not be the same rifle as CE 139.
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