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Steve Thomas

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Posts posted by Steve Thomas

  1. On 2/15/2018 at 3:30 PM, David Josephs said:

    I don't know...  lol

    I get a bit cross-eyed too after 2000 pages...  :cheers

    This is page 9...  Where is the NEWBY /s/?  It's under Employee signature on page 8 and the other pages where it says Employee Signature

    Below that is page 11 which looks like all the other signature pages... I think.  

    I wonder if it is strange to have an internal document which connects a person with their AKA... yet he surely had more than just one alias...

    I just don't see NEWBY on this top page #9







    Is it possible that the two sheets you provided here are for two different people?

    I ask that for two reasons:

    1) On the first page, there is a different employee serial number that has been crossed out in the upper right hand corner.

    2) On the first page, there is a date of January 16, in the bottom left hand corner, but a date of January 19 alongside the employee name on the second page.

    Did the first page actually belong to someone else originally?


    Steve Thomas


    PS: Is there a way to search files by employee ID number?

  2. On 2/3/2018 at 1:40 PM, Paul Brancato said:

    I like this post. It's possible to see Angleton working with a faction of KGB.



    I don't know if it was Angleton per se.

    Didn't JFK send Bobby to talk to someone in the Russian government (I don't remember exactly who it was right now) and practically beg the Russian's help in stopping the Cuban Missile Crisis because he wasn't sure he could control his generals?

    And didn't JFK promote the movie "Seven Days in May" and had it shown in the White House?

    And didn't Eisenhower warn the American people about the rise of the military-industrial complex in 1961?


    And didn't Truman later lament that the CIA had outstripped its original mandate and had become its own policy making arm?

    When it's all said and done,


    Steve Thomas



  3. 1 hour ago, David Boylan said:

    Steve, I believe it Potential Operational Asset.



    Thanks. I figured it was something like that.


    In that document I cited: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/180-10144-10153.pdf

    I thought page 6 was interesting.

    11/16/62  Index card re: Veciana      "Indicates POA requested by Carl Hicks 12/29/61. Note: "Now being used by U.S. Army"."

    11/30/62 Agency to Army ISR           "Re; Info re Veciana disseminated to Army"


    Army ISR = Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance. https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/library/policy/army/fm/3-21-21/chap3.htm


    Not to detract from your "Mr. Bishop" thread, but you don't hear much about Veciana's work for the U.S. Army.


    Richard, thank you for your response. Take a look at that Archives.gov doc - that's the context I was using.


    Steve Thomas


  4. 1 hour ago, Paz Marverde said:

    Really appreciated. Thanks a lot

    Some of them in the list are on Metta’s book



    The original list of 562 names had been provided by the French to the Italians.

    In September, 1962, Charles DeGaulle traveled to West Germany for a state visit.

    In advance of his visit the West German Security Services asked the French Surete for photographs of several chief men of the O.A.S. Among these were ex-colonels Goddard and Antoine Argoud; ex-captains Souetre, Sergent, Curutchet; and ex-senator Dumont.

    (see p. 5 of this document)



    In the summer and early fall of 1962, I think the other Western European countries were concerned about DeGaulle being assassinated on their soil.


    Steve Thomas


  5. 14 minutes ago, David Boylan said:



    I have not seen this. I'm not sure what to make of the whole Veciana/Bishop connection but I easily get confused. :-)




    You and me both.


    BTW, do you happen to know what POA stands for?

    According to that document, Veciana had been considered for, or used for a short time as a POA.

    I figure it's Potential something Asset.

    It's either that or Prisoner Of Azkaban .

    One or the other.


    Steve Thomas

  6. 28 minutes ago, Paz Marverde said:


    By the way, some days ago, I posted that clarification you asked about Souètre and Italy. Donno if you saw it



    Yes. Thank you.


    A CIA document dated November 1, 1962 gives a list of the OAS members furnished to the Italian authorities. The list was given to Italian border police and replaced a longer list of some 562 people. It says the list was current as of August 27, 1962. An asterisk placed beside some names indicated that a photograph accompanied the name of the person. Souetre has an asterisk beside his name.

    NARA Record Number: 1993.08.05.10:50:12:500006



    Steve Thomas


  7. 20 minutes ago, Paz Marverde said:


    Do you have a different opinion?



    No, I like Jim and respect his work very much.

    I was teasing him. ( In American slang, it's called "pulling his leg".)


    Steve Thomas

  8. On 2/13/2018 at 6:00 PM, David Boylan said:

    Veciana and "Mr. Bishop." Interesting doc from Feb 1964.

    "On February 28, 1964 seven Cubans representing the SNFE, and two Americans who were described as lawyers from Orlando, Florida, met in the office of ELLIOT ROOSEVELT, Miami. Five of the Cubans known to the source were ANTONlO VECIANA,. RICHARD VERANES, one GARCIA (first name unknown), one MEDINA; .possibly CARLOS MEDINA, and ARMANDO FLEITES. The two Americans were a Mr. BISHOP and BOB PETRIE, both lawyers, allegedly from Orlando."




    Have you ever seen this document?



    Did Veciana ever describe David Atlee Phillips as his case officer?

    Did Veciana out Maurice Bishop as David Atlee Phillips before, or was it after after seeing him with Oswald in Dallas in September, 1963?

    Reading through that document, it sounds to me like the CIA didn't want anything to do with Veciana.

    Perhaps Veciana was trying to screw Phillips once Oswald became famous?


    Steve Thomas

  9. Okay,

    A couple of side questions:

    Did Veciana know about Oswald in March, 1963?

    As Head of the International Anti-Communist Brigade, did Frank Sturgis know who Oswald was?

    If the “Sanchez” who called James Buchanan and told him that his (James') brother Jerry had gotten into a fight with Oswald on the docks of the Miami River was Fernando Sanchez Garcia; and Fernando Sanchez was close to Antonio Veciana; would he have told Veciana about this curious little incident where an American had been so insistent on getting on a boat that Jerry Buchanan was commanding for a raid into Cuba that Jerry had to punch him out?

    Would that have made them suspicious of some guy calling himself Oswald and trying to infiltrate Cuban exile affairs?

    Would Jerry Buchanan have told Craig Sheldon, whom he was living with for a while?

    The Craig Sheldon who was recruiting for Alpha-66 as far back as January, 1963?

    Jerry Buchanan told the FBI in March, 1964 that he had been a member of the International Anti-Communist Brigade in Miami “for the last several years.” Would he have told Frank Sturgis?

    Would Craig Sheldon have told Frank Sturgis who was the Head of the International Anti-Communist Brigade


    CIA Synopsis of Antonio Veciana Blanch (201-312966)

    RIF# 180-10144-10153

    11/16/62 Indicates rift in Alpha-66. Only Jeronimo Estevez, Salomon Bender, Fernando Sanchez, and Israel Gonzalez still allied with Veciana.”

    See FBI Report of SA Allison A. Catlin dated June 25, 1964.


    Interview of Craig Sheldon. In December, 1962, Sheldon traveled to Puerto Rico, where he met with Bay of Pigs veterans and was raising money for Alpha 66. Sheldon says he is in “regular correspondence” with Antonio Veciana.

    CD 1020 p. 14.


    "He (Jim Buchanan, brother of Jerry Buchanan) advised that Jerry Buchanan would be available for a few days following the day of interview (April 30, 1964) at 457 Oak St. Fairhope, Alabama, the residence of Craig Sheldon, whom he described as Chairman of the International Anti-Communist Brigade in Alabama."

    457 Oak St. was the address of the headquarters of Alpha-66 in Fairhope.



    FAIRHOPE, ALA: By Apr 63 Alpha-66 office in. [R-759-2- 161]

    SHELDON, Craig of Fairhope, Alabama was recruiting for A-66 on Jan 2, 1963. He says he is a member, an ex-marine. [R-759-1-841851”

    Steve Thomas

  10. On May 11, 1964 Miami FBI Special Agent James J. O'Connor wrote up a Report of an investigation that had been conducted in connection to a story written in the Pampano Beach, FL “Sun Sentinel” by a reporter named James Buchanan. James had written a story recounting the exploits of his brother, Jerry Buchanan. Jerry had attempted to make a raid into Cuba, but his boat, the 35-foot Violin III, had been stopped and seized by Brithish authorities at Norman's Cay, a tiny island in the Bahamas.

    Accounts of this raid and the capture of the boat were written up in several newspapers, including the following two:

    The News-Herald from Mansfield, Ohio · April 3, 1963 Page 24


    Friday 24--NEWS-HERALD W.J.. April 3. 1963 Raider denies violation of neutrality law. EDITOR'S NOTE~The following exclusive interview with Jerry 'Buchanan was obtained by his brother, James Buchanan, reporter for the Pompano Beach Sun Sentinel, and made available to the Associated Press.

    By JAMES BUCHANAN POMPANO BEACH. Fla. (AP) --The American who acted as spokesman for a band of anli-Castro sea raiders in securing their release from British custody told me he did not feel he had broken any neutrality law. Jerry Buchanan, 24. said in an exclusive interview by telephone; from Nassau Monday night, the raiders' boats, Violin III, had not been armed or manned in the country. The 35-foot Violin III was captured at Norman's Cay, a tiny island in the Bahamas. Buchanan said Magistrate John Baily freed the band of 17 men and releases their boat with a decree that they lad not violated any law in British :territory," Buchanan sad. "_____ went So the boat, where it been there since Saturday morning waiting for us to come in. They knew all about us. "The police came out of the building and said, 'Is your name Buchanan?' They placed both of us under detention." He reported, a platoon of Bahamian police led by a British officer ordered the others to come ashore Buchanan said The Violin II was not captured at sea as reported and that the British frigate credited with the capture steamed into the area Sunday afternoon "The police searched the boa and captured a few of the boys who were well hidden from view. The boat put into the island to refuel, Buchanan said, and he and one of the Cubans aboard under command of Maj. Eveho Duquc went ashore unarmed. "We approached a barracks type building where we encountered a detachment of Bahamian police.

    "They also found the arms which we had stored on the boat. "Police told us they had us under surveillance all Sunday evening while we were trying to dock. After finding the arms they immediately announced we were being detained. The police refused to use the term 'arrest.' They said we were merely 'detained. " Buchanan said a high official of the Bahamas government, whom he declined to identify, arrived and said he was acting as a delgate from London, representing the Admiralty. "Prior to the official's arrival, however, the frigate was spotted off the east coast of the key," Buchanan said. The navy came ashore in three landing launches. One of these carried a platoon of men completely equipped with machine guns and ready to fight. The police then turned us over to the navy." "I was flown to Nassau at 7 .m. Sunday. I went to court Monday afternoon and we're now out n bond. We're supposed to be put back aboard the boat and escorted out of British waters with out equipment, guns and any of our 'personal effects."

    Kingsport Times from Kingsport, Tennessee · April 2, 1963 Page 1


    U.S. CONFISCATES EXILE BOAT British Halt Cuba-Bound Raiders MIAMI, Fla. (AP)-U.S. customs agents confiscated a Cuban exile boat, British police captured a band of 17 sea raiders and a companion group of commandos continued toward Cuba in a series of lightning-like developments. The exile boat, captured in Miami, was "outfitted for aggression," supervising customs agent Joseph Fortier announced Monday night. He said the 40-foot yacht Alisan was seized Sunday night at North Miami Beach with two homemade bombs and a 20-millimeter cannon on board. The boat's owner, Dr. Santiago Alvarez, said he did not know who had been using the boat or where it was used. No charges were filed. Fortier said the boat was empty when agents boarded it. A group of commandos was refitted (refitting?) nearing Cuba by boat on a mission to fight any Communist boats encountered and to contact rebels inside Cuba. A companion boat with 17 men aboard was halted at Norman's Key, a tiny island in the Exurna chain 200 miles north of the Cuban coast and 350 miles south of Miami. British police took the men into custody, including an American. Ex-Kingsport Resident Leader Of Sea Raiders. EDITOR'S NOTE-The leader of the Cuba-bound "sea raiders" halted by the British yesterday was Jerry Buchanan, who was reared in Kingsport. His family lived at 1853 Buckles Drive until 1956, and he attended Long Island Elementary.

    These were 16 Cuban exiles and one American. Apparently, the Violin III was to rendezvous with a larger boat, the Alisan at sea, but never got the chance.

    A synopsis of O'Connor's investigation was published in the Warren Commission documents as CD 1020.You can read that Commission Document here:


    James O'Connor interviewed James Buchanan on December 3, 1963. James had written an article in the November 26, 1963 issue of the “Sun Sentinel'. During the course of that interview, O'Connor wrote, “This article referred to Frank Fiorini of the International Anti-Communist Brigade as Buchanan's source concerning Oswald's activities in Miami. Fiorini, upon interview, as set forth in the same report, repudiated the statements attributed to him by Buchanan in the news article.”

    When interviewed on April 21, 1964, Frank Fiorini said that James Buchanan was the “Secretary and Director of the International Anti-Communist Brigade”.

    See p. 6 of CD 1020.

    An article concerning Oswald's activities in Miami had also appeared in the December 4th issue of the “Sun Sentinel”. This article did not bear the byline of James Buchanan. In interviews with members of the DRE, they claimed that the news article was false in every allegation. When Buchanan was interviewed on April 28, 1964, he “stated that he had written this article, entitled, “Cover-Up by FBI Charged”, but that the article had been edited.”

    An editorial article written by James Buchanan in the “Sun Sentinel” had also been reprinted in the Augusta, GA, “Augusta Courier” on December 23, 1963.


    According to this FBI Report cited above, Jerry Buchanan had previously been investigated for using U.S. Army identification in the name of Jesse L. Murphy in cashing three stolen checks.

    On April 30, 1964 James Buchanan was interviewed by Special Agents, James J. O'Connor and George E. Davis, Jr. Buchanan told the Agents that he had no personal knowledge of Oswald's activities in Miami, but relied on his sources whom he considered reliable. One of his sources was Frank Fiorini of the International Anti-Communist Brigade.

    It was pointed out to Mr. Buchanan that he had told John Martino that his (James') brother had engaged in a fight with Lee Harvey Oswald in Miami. “Mr. Buchanan was advised that according to Mr. Martino the fight between Jerry Buchanan and Oswald occurred when Oswald attempted to board a boat being used by Jerry Buchanan and Cuban exiles in an anti-Castro operation”.

    Buchanan said that he had talked to his brother on the phone, but had never discussed this matter of the fight with him. He said that his information about the fight had come from a Cuban exile.

    See p. 12 of CD 1020.

    “He stated that this Cuban exile has the surname Sanchez, but his first name is not known to Mr. Buchanan”. He said that Sanchez had called him five days after the assassination and told him that his brother, Jerry had been in a fight with Oswald near the Miami River.

    He said that Sanchez told him that “the basis of the fight was Oswald's insistence by Oswald that he (Oswald) be permitted to join Jerry Buchanan and other exiles aboard a boat which was to be utilized in an anti-Castro operation.”

    Allegedly, Sanchez told James Buchanan that Oswald “had apparently introduced himself to Jerry Buchanan and the Cuban exiles near the Miami River dock by his true name Oswald.

    ( I don't know what this means. Was Sanchez aware of Oswald using some other name in the Miami area?)

    The FBI Agents told James that his brother Jerry had been interviewed, and that Jerry had attributed this fight to other incidents besides Oswald's attempts to board a boat.

    See p. 15 of CD 1020.

    On April 29, 1964 the FBI interviewed Zacarius Acosta. “He advised that in March of 1963, Jerry Buchanan, not known by Acosta to be related to Jim Buchanan, had engaged in an anti-Castro together with sixteen members of LPN (Los Pinos Nuevos). Mr. Acosta said that he was one of the sixteen Cubans, who in the latter part of March, 1963 had departed in a boat called the “Violin III” from Naples, FL with a load of arms and munitions. He said that at a point off Key Key West, FL, Jerry Buchanan was put aboard the “Violin III” from a small launch which was occupied by Frank Fiorini and Alexander Rorke”. He said Rorke was the owner of the “Violin III” He said that no member of the LPN was named Sanchez, and that no one named Sanchez was on that boat.

    See p. 19 of CD 1020

    On May 1, 1963, the FBI interviewed a Jesus Sanchez Martinez. He said that he did not know either James or Jerry Buchanan and that he did not belong to LPN and didn't know anyone who was a member.

    In a July 29, 1966 FBI Report that listed the principal anti-Castro organizations in the Miami area, Los Pinos Nuevos was listed as an inactive organization having about ten members.


    See p. 7.

    I think that the FBI was talking to the wrong Sanchez.

    According to the web site cuban-exiles.com


    Fernano Sanchez Garcia was a member of Alpha-66 and was identified as an accountant of Los Naranjos 702, apt 3B, Santurce, PR [R-759-1-108]

    The site also states that, “It is the custom of the SNFE to anchor their boats in the vicinity of the 17th street bridge in Miami, according to U.S. Customs in April 1963. [R-759-2-17]

    According to a CIA Synopsis of Antonio Veciana Blanch (201-312966)


    RIF# 180-10144-10153

    11/16/62 Indicates rift in Alpha-66. Only Jeronimo Estevez, Salomon Bender, Fernando Sanchez, and Israel Gonzalez still allied with Veciana.”

    Acosta said that no one named Sanchez was aboard that boat. Fernando Sanchez might not have been aboard the boat, but still could be the person who told James Buchanan that Jerry had been in a fight with someone who called himself Oswald on the docks of the Miami River.

    In his FBI interviews, Jerry Buchanan seems to confuse two different incidents involving Lee Hravey Oswald being in Miami; one in October, 1962 and another in March, 1963.

    (26Hpp. 424+)


    The Lee Harvey Oswald we know has been working at Jaggars-Chiles Stovall and attending typing classes at night in March.

    Did a person who called himself Oswald attempt to board that boat? Did he get into a fight with Jerry Buchanan, and was that person an informant on Buchanan that led to Buchanan's apprehension on Sunday, March 31, 1963?

    Steve Thomas

  11. 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

    Its a disgrace that they have now stopped Bloomfield's papers  from being released.


    "tassello che suona conferma ad una assai preziosa intuizione giunta da parte di Jim DiEugenio, tra i massimi esperti mondiali sull’assassinio di JFK."


    One of the world's leading experts huh?




    Steve Thomas

  12. 11 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

    So how did the High School dropout to join the Marines returned Russian defector get such a technical job with a firm producing secret blow ups of photographs taken by the government for the government?  Seems it would have been a Red Flag to prevent him from doing such if the intelligence community was doing it's job.  Unless they got him the job.



    This is just going by memory here, but some of those photos were taken by U-2 spy planes.

    Guess who had a background as a radar operator working with U-2's in Japan?


    Steve Thomas

  13. 17 hours ago, David Josephs said:


    Going thru every new doc from the release....


    "Michel ROUX is NOT identical to JEAN SOUETRE"   

    does that matter?




    The cable you cited says that the DST was able to locate and identify Roux based on info "furnished by Bureau".


    This may be the info the Bureau provided:


    see page 7. Roux is described as 25-27 years old and 5.8" tall.

    In November of 1963, Souetre was 33 years old and stood about 6'1" or so,  if I remember right.

    Roux couldn't be Souetre.


    Steve Thomas



  14. 11 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    If the picture was taken in 1954, how did WDSU have it in 1963? The News Director said it had never been published before. Did Voebel have some kind of connection to WSDU?

    I can only imagine that it was VOEBEL who went to WDSU in '63 since he had a print of the image... 
    Not published before Dec 1963, which it wasn't.... it never made it to the yearbook.



    Thank you. You've been very helpful.


    Steve Thomas

  15. 2 hours ago, David Josephs said:

    Hi Don, good to see you posting.

    IDK about you but in the mid 70's when I graduated Jr High we had all sorts of fun things in that yearbook...


    I believe the last sentence continues... "... and had been stopping: into different classrooms to take photos...."

    What difference does it make in any case?   The photo is real, Myra DeRouse even identified the classroom and some of those in the photo but did NOT recognize that boy as the Harvey Oswald she knew.





    I just had a couple of quick questions:

    If WDSU-TV gave the negative of this photo to Life Magazine, why did Life pay Voebel $75.00 for it, as stated in Armstrong's Harvey and Lee?

    If the picture was taken in 1954, how did WDSU have it in 1963? The News Director said it had never been published before. Did Voebel have some kind of connection to WSDU?

    If Life didn't pay him, why would Voebel claim they did?

    Do you know if anyone has looked at the 1955 Beaureguard Yearbook to see if that photo is actually in the Yearbook?

    Voebel said he was taking photographs for inclusion in the Yearbook,, but he didn't say it actually was in the Yearbook.

    If it was in the Yearbook, did it have a caption to it?  It would be interesting to see what it says.


    Steve Thomas

  16. These seem to be an FBI designation.


    Who decided where to file, or send these Reports? Who decided who these Reports would get routed to? For example:

    CD 1020 Lees Harvey Oswald Internal Security – Russia-Cuba          Office: Miami

    CD 1021 Lee Harvey Oswald Internal Security-R                                   Office: El Paso

    CD 1022 Lee Harvey Oswald Internal Security–R-Cuba                       Office: Los Angeles

    CD 1023 Lee Harvey Oswald Internal Security–Russia-Cuba             Office: Okla. City

    CD 1026 Lee Harvey Oswald Internal Security-R-Cuba                         Office: Washington, D.C.

    CD 451 Lee Harvey Oswald Internal Security- R-Cuba                          Office: Washington D.C. (topic of this memo is Yuri Nosenko)


    Record Number: 104-10003-10226

    Record Series: JFK Agency: CIA
    Agency File No.: 201-289248 Originator: FBI
    Date: 04/03/1964 Pages: 4


    Record Number: 104-10003-10227

    Record Series: JFK      Agency: CIA
    Agency File No.: 201-289248      Originator: FBI
    Date: 04/13/1964      Pages: 5


    In the Reports, the headings:  The Internal Security - R, or Internal Security - R-Cuba is in the Character field.


    Did somebody say, "All Reports on Lee Harvey Oswald should go the Internal Security - R - Cuba desk, except these kinds of Reports which should go to the Internal Security - Russia desk?"

    And why would a memo about Yuri Nosenko go to the Internal Security-R-Cuba desk, or memos about Oswald in Minsk?


    Steve Thomas

  17. 1 hour ago, Ray Mitcham said:

    Hardly... it looks like the figure (if it is indeed a figure) is walking away from the direction of the sun.



    That's why I included all of those pictures.


    To my way of thinking, what you are seeing is the Black Dog Man. He leaves the steps at the top of the knoll, and you can see him as he moves in front of the pergola and walks down the Elm St. extension heading east.

    It's roughly 12:30 in the afternoon, so the sun is almost, but not quite directly overhead.

    It's late in November, so the sun is low in the southern sky. If you face the figure square on, it's roughly about the 7:00 position.


    There's nothing on that low concrete wall between you and him to cast a shadow over his face.


    Steve Thomas

  18. 1 hour ago, David Josephs said:

    Now, are you saying Boris is really Robert Fitzpatrick - as that's what it appears to me.



    Thanks for posting the letter.


    Yes, it appears that way, although I have no idea why he would sign his name Boris Ivanovich.

    A guy named Zach Jendro said it was a joke.

    My grasp of cursive Russian is a little rusty, but I'm pretty sure the signed name is Boris Ivanovich Fitzpatrick.

    In his FBI interview, Fitzpatrick doesn't make any mention of receiving gifts ("records of Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake") from Marina. I don't know if that is significant or not.

    In his Interview (page 925 of 25H), he said that Oswald's Russian was not as "smooth or grammatically correct" as Marina's. I'm not sure how he would know that for someone who is just beginning to study the language. He also said that Oswald was "evasive" when asked how he got Marina out of Russia.


    Steve Thomas

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