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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. Paul, It would have been nice to know what those "activities" were. Buddy Walthers – Sheriff's Report. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/walther1.htm “Upon searching this house we found stacks of hand bills concerning "Cuba for Freedom" advertising, seeking publicity and support for Cuba. Also found was a set of metal file cabinets containing records that appeared to be names and activities of Cuban sympathizers.” WC testimony: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/walthers.htm “We were just--not actually knowing what we were looking for, just searching, and we went into the garage there and found this--I believe it was one of these things like soap comes in, a big pasteboard barrel and it had a lot of these little leaflets in it, "Freedom for Cuba" and they were gold color with black printing on them...and then we found some little metal file cabinets---I don't know what kind you would call them---they would carry an 8 by 10 folder, all right, but with a single handle on top of it and the handle moves. Mr. LIEBELER. About how many of them would you think there were? Mr. WALTHERS. There were six or seven, I believe, and I put them all in the trunk of my car ” Steve Thomas
  2. Pat, Can you talk about that a little bit? Steve Thomas
  3. David, Yeah, and did you notice the "Honest John" headline too? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MGR-1_Honest_John "The MGR-1 Honest John rocket was the first nuclear-capable surface-to-surface rocket in the United States arsenal. " The Cloverleaf Exercises trained with Honest Johns. The Irving Daily News Texan from Irving, Texas May 10, 1966 Page 3 https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/48695616/ Green Door Mystery Solved By Nat. Guard Two Texas National Guard divisions, the 49th Armored Division -- which has a unit in Irving and the 36th Infantry, both learned what was behind the "green door" in Houston this weekend. But mum is the word. The green door just happened to be the color scheme of barracks at Ellington Air Force Base at Houston where one of the U. S. Army’s largest map maneuvers — Exercise Cloverleaf — was field under tight security precautions to train more than 1,000 staff officers and key enlisted men of the National Guard and Army Reserve from a five - state area. The three - day "paper- war" problem, conducted over two weekend periods, provided a realistic command post exercise for both of Texas* National Guard divisions, with the theoretical tactical problems giving commanders and their staffs training in mobile, dispersed operations under conditions of extensive nuclear warfare. Steve Thomas
  4. Pat, I know. If I understand that right, going through the State Archives would cost you $20.00 to find out what issue that article is in, and another $8.00 for a photocopy of the article. The following is obviously a typographical error, but it made me laugh. http://www.topix.com/city/welch-wv "Welch, West Virginia is located in McDowell County. Zip codes in Welch, WV include 24801. The median home price in Welch is $10 which is roughly $10/per square foot. More Welch information. " :-) The population of Welch was 2,406 people in the last census. Steve Thomas
  5. HL, Files, like pictures seem to fall off the grid on this forum after a period of time. I think it has to do with storage space. I don't think James Richards is involved in JFK research any more. Steve Thomas
  6. Jim, Welch Daily News Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Welch-Daily-News/162972673726414 Location 125 Wyoming St, Welch, West Virginia 24801 Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Welch_News Published in McDowell County, West Va. "While the official company name remains "The Welch Daily News, Inc.", the front-page nameplate masthead was shortened to The Welch News when the publication schedule was reduced from five days per week (Monday through Friday) to its current schedule of three days per week (Monday, Wednesday and Friday). The Welch News and its sister publication, The Industrial News, a weekly newspaper in Iaeger, West Virgina, are the only newspapers published in McDowell County. The Welch News has been operating in the same location on Wyoming Street in Welch since it was established in 1927." West Virginia Division of Culture and History http://www.wvculture.org/history/newspapers/mcdowell.html West Virginia State Archives: http://www.wvculture.org/history/newspapers/mcdowell.html Newspapers on Microfilm The Welch Daily News October 1943-present Research Requests and Fees Photocopying is done by the Library staff within the limits of the Copyright Law and the condition of the material. The standard fee for regular and legal size black and white photocopies is 25 cents per page; 11" x 17" copies cost 50 cents. Oversize document copies require additional fees Research Requests Effective November 15, 2017 A non-refundable fee of $20.00 must accompany each out-of-state research request. The fee covers up to $2.50 in copies and postage. Additional costs will be billed. There is a $10.00 research fee for in-state patron requests. A fee of $8.00 must accompany each out-of-state copy request for a copy of an obituary, newspaper article, land grant, or uncertified county record or state certificate as defined in § 82-6-6.2. There is a $5.00 fee for an in-state copy request. See Archives and History Library Services and Fee Guidelines for complete information. The Archives will not answer e-mail research requests. All research requests must be submitted in writing to the Archives and History Library; 1900 Kanawha Boulevard East, Building 9; Charleston, WV 25305-0300. Current fees are subject to change. A listing of all Library fees is available upon request. The Library staff is unable to do more than limited research through correspondence. Inquiries must be limited to two SPECIFIC requests. Inquiries should provide full name, county of residence, approximate dates and documents requested. For example, "Send me anything on the Smith family" is not a serviceable request. Requests requiring more extensive research will be sent names of individuals who perform this service for a fee. The Archives Library is located in the Culture Center at the State Capitol Complex in Charleston (GPS coordinates: 38° 20'15"N 81° 36'50"W). To visit, take Exit 99 (State Capitol/Greenbrier St.) of Interstate 64/77. Steve Thomas
  7. David, Jose Antonio Echiverria. Any relation to the Homer Echiverria of the Chicago Plot fame? Steve Thomas
  8. Warren Commission Exhibit 2003, located in (24H259) is a list submitted to Captain Gannaway through Lieutenant Jack Revill of Texas School Book Depository employees. It is dated November 22, 1963. Heading that list is Harvey Lee Oswald at 605 Elsbeth. Page 3 of CE 2003, found on page 260, is signed by R.W. Westphal, Detective, Criminal Intelligence Section and P.M. Parks, Detective, Administrative Section. R.W. Westphal and P.M. Parks were both Detectives in the Special Service Bureau. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1140#relPageId=277&tab=page Though that list of employees is dated 11/22/63, in Westphal's interview with Larry Sneed in No More Silence, he talks about going home, and then returning to his office at the Fairgrounds to write up his report of a man at the Trade Mart with a “Free Cuba” flag. So, I'm not sure what time of the evening that list was actually typed up. While he was writing his Report, Captain Gannaway called and asked him to check the names of the TSBD employees against the Department's Intelligence files. Westphal said, “We had handwritten, partial lists; some of them, you couldn't read the names”. You can see this reflected in the list in the entry in CE 2003 for Marg Lee Williams (actually, Mary Lee Williams) In the DPD Archives, there is no interview or affidavit for Ms. Williams, just a handwritten note with her name and address. DPD Archives, Box 3, Folder# 17, Item# 7 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box3.htm Westphal did recognize the name of one man, Joe Molina however. Gannaway instructed Westphal to “bring the entire file down to his office” https://books.google.com/books?id=7uT-47ysB5MC&pg=PA326&lpg=PA326&dq=Dallas+%22+Roy+Westphal%22&source=bl&ots=eii6yRhLo8&sig=nr0C2_dukxaBfdcQiFnDLg3ugKM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjt-9Xpi8nRAhVpwFQKHZBBDX0Q6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=Dallas%20%22%20Roy%20Westphal%22&f=false V.J. Brian testified to the Warren Commission on May 13, 1964. He told the Commission that he was a “detective in the criminal intelligence section”, as was Roy Westphal. When the shooting occurred, he was at the Trade Mart. He said that, “...four of us detectives down there got in a car and we went to the Book Depository and we arrived there a short time, I don't know what time it was, a short time after the shooting occurred. Mr. RANKIN. Who were the four you are describing now? Mr. BRIAN. Lieutenant Revill, myself, a detective, O. J. Tarver, and a detective, Roy W. Westphal and we gave a man a lift, and I don't remember whether he was a CID, I don't know the man, I don't remember whether he was a CIC agent or a CID or OSI, he was some type of, as I recall, Army intelligence man. He only describes searching the TSBD and said, " in fact, I didn't have time to (write a report of the Hosty/Revill conversation) because when I got back there (to the second floor office of the Special Service Bureau, located directly below Captain Fritz's office on the third floor ) they had a list of names they were going to start checking out and they handed me six of them and says, "Start going and checking here and here and here and checking these people." https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=40#relPageId=57&tab=page (5H33) http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/brian.htm I thought it would be interesting to cross reference the employee with the person who interviewed them, and to see if they were actually interviewed, or just had an affidavit taken. Most of the interviews were conducted by Detectives in the Special Services Bureau, Batchelor Exhibit 5002 p. 3. Page 120 of the pdf file. https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf although James Leavelle, Guy Rose, and E.R. Beck were Detectives in the Homicide and Robbery Bureau, Captained by Will Fritz. Batchelor Exhibit 5002 p. 28. Page 145 of the pdf file. https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/pdf/WH19_Batchelor_Ex_5002.pdf The list of employees is arranged in three columns. The first column is an employee name. Some names are misspelled. The third column had their address and phone number. The second column is headed, “REF.INT.” Almost all of the names in that column have the word, “NONE” in that entry. Two names: Joe Molina and Mrs. J.E. Dean (Ruth Dean) have the letters, “INT” and a number. I believe that these are people who were listed in the Police Department's Intelligence Files, as described by Roy Westphal to Larry Sneed. And V.J. Brian in his WC testimony. If what I believe is true, I noted a couple of things: Harvey Lee Oswald was not in the DPD Intelligence Files Charles Givens, who had a record of narcotic arrests; and as such, would fall under the purview of the Special Service Bureau is listed as NONE. Is this possibly an indication that Givens was an undercover informant to the Criminal Intelligence Section of the Special Service Bureau? There is no record of an interview of Buell Wesley Frazier. There is an affidavit, but no record of this arrest by the Irving Police Department, or of the hours he spent in the Dallas Police Department Headquarters. Witness and Interviewer The numbers that are listed are the Box, Folder and File numbers in the DPD Archives. For example 3-17-7 is Box 3, Folder#, 17, Item# 7. There is a quick access to these Archives Boxes here: http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/index.html Mrs. Avery Davis B.L. Senkel 5-6-54 Interview Judy McCully W.E. Potts 5-6-6 1Interview Ruth Nelson B.L. Senkel 5-6-64 Interview Mary Hollis W.E. Potts 5-6-59 Intrview sp. Hollies Vickie Adams James Leavelle 5-6-49 Interview Charles Givens James Leavelle 5-2-25 Affidavit 5-5-31 O.V. Campbell James Leavelle 5-6-52 Interview Otis Williams W.E. Potts 5-6-68 Report Missing Doris Burns B.L. Senkel 5-6-5 1Interview Mrs. Jim Reese O.J. Tarver and L.D. Stringfellow 1-8-15 Interview “Madie Bell Reese” 5-6-66 Edna Case O.J. Tarver and L.D. Stringfellow 5-6-53 Interview Mrs. H.G. Whitaker B.L. Senke l5-6-67 Interview Pat Lawrence Roy Westphal and V.J. Brian 5-6-62 Interview Danny Garcia Arce W.E. Potts 5-2-5 Affidavit 5-2-3 Bonnie Ray Williams B.L. Senkel 5-2-62 Affidavi t5-2-3 Ray Edward Lewis M. H. Brumley and P.M. Parks 5-6-60I nterviewRepeated twice Lawrence Ford No Report Ray Edward Lewis M.H. Brumley and P.M. Parks 5-6-60 Interview of Roy Edward Lewis of 5906 Woodville Terrence Ford F.A. Hellinghausen and T.T. Wardlaw 5-6-56 Interview Not an employee with Pierce Allman Eddie Piper M. H. Brumley and P.M. Parks 5-6-65 Interview Mrs. Robert Reid James Leavelle 5-2-51 Affidavit Joe Molina INT# 2370-9-49 B.L. Senkel 5-6-63 Interview Sandra Sue Kramer T.T. Wardlaw1-8-16 Interview Kelly Girl temp. Mrs. J.E. Dean INT# 2392-16 Roy Westphal and V,J, Brian 5-6-55 FBI interview (Ruth Dean) CE 1427 Jack Dougherty W.E. Potts 5-2-19 Affidavit 5-2-3 James Jarman (see Joe Jarman) Billy Lovelady James Leavelle 5-2-34 Affidavit 5-5-31 Harold Dean Norman No Report Carl Edward Jones No Report Buell Wesley Frazier Guy Rose 1-6-21 and 1-6-25, 5-2-24, 1-7-5, 2-2-11 Affidavit No Interview Joe Earl Jarman No Report (This is actually James Earl Jarman) James Earl Jarman Unknown 5-2-32 Affidavit Dorothy Garner handwritten on employee list No Report Jane Berry No Report Betty Foster No Report Elsie Dorman No Report Mrs. Oliver Hopson No Report (not home) Mrs. Alvin Hopson int'd by FBI agent Bardwell Odum 12/3/63 CE 2085 Betty Thornton No Report Sandra Styler No Report Mrs. R.A. Reid James Leavelle 2-2-17 Affidavit Geneva L. Hine E.R. Beck and FBI agent, Albert Sayers 1-8-20 Interview Martha Reed No Report Sara Stanton No Report Mrs. Robert E. Sanders No Report Herbert Lester Junker No Report L.R. Viles No Report list says left bldg at 12:15 and ret'd at 3:10 was across the street Mrs. A.D. Dickerson No Report Marg Lee Williams No Report3-17-7 Handwitten note with (Mary Lee Williams) with address of Mary Lee Williams by unknown author Mrs. Herman M. Clay No Report Georgia Ruth Hendrix No Report Peggy Bigler Hawkins No Report Mrs. William V. Parker No Report list says was across the street) Delores P. Koonas (Koomas?) No Report (list says was across the street) Virgie Rackley T.O. Trotman and I.E. Shelton (Patrolmen) 4-3-25 Interview (list says was across the street) William Shelley C.W. Brown 5-2-56 Affidavit 5-2-3 (not on list) Steve Thomas
  9. Josh, I was working on something else, and was rather startled to find that there is no record of an interview with Buell Wesley Frazier in the DPD Archives JFK Collection. We have his affidavit, and his WC testimony, and a reference to a poygraph in Guy Rose's Report, but there is no interview record in the hours he spent between 6:45 PM when he was arrested until sometime after midnight when they let him go. I was surprised. Steve Thomas
  10. Bart, I don't think that INT stands for internal or interview. People like Danny Arce and Bonnie Ray Williams are listed, and we know they were brought in. Molina is listed, but he wasn't questioned until about 1:30 on Saturday morning. No, I think the INT in that second column with a number alongside their names are people in the Dallas Police Intelligence files. With Harvey Lee Oswald listed at 605 Elsbeth, with a NONE alongside his name tells me that that information did not come from the DPD Intelligence fields. It came from somewhere else. In his WC testimony, Jack Revill was stumped when Allen Dulles kept pressing him where that address came from. I almost reads like Dulles knew, and he wanted to know how Revill knew. At one point, Rankin is actually questioning Dulles: Mr. DULLES. This is an address he once lived at. Mr. RANKIN. Do you know that? Mr. DULLES. This is correct. I want to find out what he knows about it. Steve Thomas
  11. The police were staking out Joe Molina's house. Report by Roy Westphal, Criminal Intelligence Section November 30, 1963 Subject: Criminal Intelligence (4) Joe Rodriguez Molina DPD Archives. Box 15, Folder# 5, Item# 23 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box15.htm (an automobile registered to Joe Molina was observed at his house). Steve Thomas
  12. Ruth Dean, aka Mrs. J.E. Dean was interviewed by Roy Westphal and V.J. Brian of the Criminal Intelligence Section on 2/18/64. DPD Archives, Box 5, Folder# 6, Item# 55 http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box5.htm Nothing really there. This is just to note her name and the Subject line of the Report: Subject: Criminal Intelligence (6) Steve Thomas
  13. Oswald was seen going in and out of a house on Harlendale St. in Dallas. (I think the address was 3126, and he was seen at least once I believe. The source for this was Sheriff's Deputy Buddy Walthers in his after-action reports) See: http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh19/html/WH_Vol19_0276b.htm The house on Harlendale was the meeting place of an anti-Castro exile group called SNFE Alpha-66. Interviews of the members of the group said that they met at that house on a bi-weekly basis. Steve Thomas
  14. Larry, I was reading through some FBI reports on Richard Rudolph Davis (the MDC training camp in Lacombe, La.) the other day. Those guys were ultimately headed to Guatemala. I have read other things that some of the other Cuban exiles were hinting? boasting? that there was going to be another Bay of Pigs invasion coming in November? December? and it was going to be based in Nicaragua was it? Can you expound on your thoughts about using Mexico as a transshipment point? Given Oswald's activities in the fall of 1963, (the MDC camp, Odio, Bringuer, the house on Harlandale, etc.) I agree with your last sentence. Steve Thomas
  15. And, taking a leap of faith, by having NONE next to his name, it also means that Oswald was not in the DPD's Intelligence files, and that the source of the 605 Elsbeth address came from somewhere else. Steve Thomas
  16. Bart, I was looking at this list of employees and something hit me. The list was compiled by Roy Westphal, Detective, Criminal Intelligence Section and P.M. Parks, Detective, Administrative Section, and given to Jack Revill. Westphal and Parks were both Detectives in the Special Service Bureau. The second column has the abbreviations at the top that says, "REF. INT". at the top. Most of the names have NONE listed, but there are three names that have a number alongside their name. I always thought that the INT at the top of the column meant Interview, but then I remembered something. In the book, No More Silence by Larry Sneed, Westphal says that later in the evening on the 22nd, he and Parks had returned to their office at the Fairgrounds to write up their Report of their days activities. While they were there, Gannaway called them and asked them to cross-reference the list of TSBD employees against the CID's Intelligence Files. When they did, they recognized Joe Molina's name. Gannaway told them to bring the whole file downtown. https://books.google.com/books?id=7uT-47ysB5MC&pg=PA326&lpg=PA326&dq=Dallas+"+Roy+Westphal"&source=bl&ots=eii6yRhLo8&sig=nr0C2_dukxaBfdcQiFnDLg3ugKM&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjt-9Xpi8nRAhVpwFQKHZBBDX0Q6AEIHDAA#v=onepage&q=Dallas " Roy Westphal"&f=false I realized that the "INT" at the top of the second column stands for "Intelligence", not "Interview". Besides Molina, there are two other names with a number alongside their name: a Mrs. J.E. Dean, and a Mrs. Oliver Hopson. I can't make out the number next to Mrs. Hopson, but I'll bet you that those numbers are DPD Intelligence File numbers. Mrs. Joseph Eddie Dean gave a statement to the FBI on 11/24/63. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/exhibits/ce1427.htm Mrs. Alvin Hopson also was interviewed by the FBI on 12/4/63. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/exhibits/ce2085.htm I wonder why those two women would be in the Dallas Police Department Intelligence files. Their husbands maybe? Steve Thomas
  17. Joe, You might have to take the Diary with a grain of salt. I have read that there are those who believe the Diary was written in one sitting. It does seem odd that there isn't any Diary for his 16 day trip to La Havre, France aboard the S.S. Marion Lykes as he contemplates his "defection" to the Soviet Union. No women I guess, huh? The Diary that we have starts on October 16th on his arrival in Russia from Helsinki. I read the doctor's report on Oswald's wrist incident. He said he put four stitches in and that there wasn't any damage to the underlying tendons. I had a dog bite me one time and it took more than four stitches. Steve Thomas
  18. Here's just a few notes I jotted down for myself. Please feel free to add to them. I think that part of JFK's rapproachement with the Cuban and Russian governments was that the Cuban exile training camps on U.S. soil had to be shut down. April, 1963 JFK and/or Bobby Kennedy orders Cuban exile training camps on U.S. Soil shut down. Camps in Florida (Interpen?) raided. Commission Document 946 - SS Aragon Report of 5 May 1964 re: Sylvia Odio, Rogelio Cisneros Diaz page 3 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=11342&search=%22Juan_Martin%22#relPageId=4&tab=page Rogelio Cisneros, a JURE member in Miami, went to Dallas alone, by plane in June, 1963 for the specific purpose of meeting Sylvia Odio who was supposed to introduce Cisneros to a Uruguayan named Juan Martin, who was interested in selling small arms to JURE. MDC Cuban exile training camp operated by Richard Rudolph Davis in Lacombe, La. July, 1963. Oswald is supposedly seen at this camp. https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=75361#relPageId=5&tab=page Exiles were apparently ultimately headed for Guatemala. Wasn't there a reference to another one of these MDC camps in Mississippi? August, 1963. Oswald suspected of being an FBI informant by Carlos Bringuer, New Orleans, La. September, 1963. Picnic at White Rock Lake in Dallas. Oswald supposedly seen at this picnic Mr. C(astorr) : “Well I understand that Oswald was at the White Rock picnic with these Cubans. Wasn't there a picture that came out that somebody took that's somewhere in the files...?” http://jfk.hood.edu/Collection/Weisberg%20Subject%20Index%20Files/C%20Disk/Castorr%20L%20Robert%20Colonel/Item%2023.pdf page 14. Late September, 1963 Sylvia Odio is visited by three men, one of whom she believed was Lee Harvey Oswald. Late September and early October. Oswald may have been in Mexico City. Was there some kind of Cuban exile gun running effort going on there at the time? Lee Harvey Oswald suspected as being the informant in the Miller/Whitter Terrell National Guard Armory theft case, November, 1963. Steve Thomas
  19. I'm going to go back to this post Larry Hancock made in 2017. Is it possible that the real Lee Harvey Oswald did go to Mexico City, and while he was there the CIA used him for something else? Is it possible that Hoover felt he had been set up and that he was pissed, and that is why he said that the voice on the tape didn't match the person they were interrogating? Hoover could easily have gone along and said, "Yep. That's him", but he didn't. Above all things, maintaining the FBI's reputation as the premier investigatory agency was Hoover's main priority. I think they had a sign over their door that read, "Above everything else, don't make the Agency look bad". I think the CIA tried to use Oswald while he was down there in MC and when the assassination happened, it blew up in their faces. They did their best to hide the fact that he had been there - with missing photos, and cameras that mysteriously failed to operate on those specific days, etc. Is anyone aware of a running guns to Cuba scheme going on in late September, 1963 coming out of Mexico that Oswald was trying to infiltrate? It seems to me that is how Oswald was being used in August and September, 1963. Steve Thomas
  20. Thomas, I would not want to speak for Jim, or anyone else; but I think, and I hope, that Jim and I respect each other enough to know that we can disagree with something on an intellectual level, without making it personal. What I think is that just as there is a reason to suspect that there were elements within the CIA (or the American government) that were working at cross-purposes with each other, there is no reason not to suspect that there were elements within the KGB (or the Russian government) who were doing the same thing. Palace intrigue as it were. I try to look at things from a geopolitical perspective. (Larry Hancock would probably tell me to get my head out of my_ _ _, but then I probably shouldn't presume to speak for him either. *grin* Steve Thomas
  21. Thomas, Sorry. I was just trying to be funny. I guess I failed. Steve Thomas
  22. Jim, I can't see the Russian government being behind JFK's assassination coming after Kenney's speech on June 10th at American University. I can see the possibility however, that there were those who thought rapproachement was a bad idea. I envision a scenario where there were people who did not want the Cold War to end; who wanted the arms race to continue. It was too lucrative. Now maybe my "envsions" are the result of too much LSD, I don't know; but it's kind of like fighting the the war in Afghanistan, but not eradicating the poppy fields. Steve Thomas
  23. Thomas, I'm sorry, did you just say Lieutenant-colonel? *does face plant* *smile* Steve Thomas
  24. Paul, You might want to take a look at page 3 of this document: https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=44539&search=lester_logue#relPageId=3&tab=page It says that Hemming met with a colonel and a major. If I were a betting man, I'd say that a good bet for the colonel would be L. Robert Castorr. The Mexia Daily News from Mexia, Texas · Page 1 November 7, 1957 https://www.newspapers.com/newspage/11876796/ (L. Robert Castorr) “Mr. Castorr. who is now a- colonel in the Active Reserve serving as inspector and advisor to the 90th Division in Texas...” He would be linked to a gun running scheme to Cuba with Nancy Perrin Rich and Jack Ruby. See the WC testimony of Nancy Perrin Rich http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/rich_n.htm Steve Thomas
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