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Steve Thomas

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Everything posted by Steve Thomas

  1. REVEALED: Mike Flynn hid $200K payments for Middle East nuclear plan before joining White House by Travis Gettys October 04, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/michael-flynn-2655217298/ “Michael Flynn received $200,000 in undisclosed payments for consulting work in the Middle East before joining Donald Trump's administration. The retired U.S. Army general was paid for his work in 2014 and 2015 on a plan to build 40 nuclear power plants in the Middle East, which never came to fruition but would have involved companies from Canada, France, Russia and the U.S. constructing and managing nuclear plants in Arab nations, reported the Dutch newspaper NRC Handelsblad.” Gee, what could go wrong? Steve Thomas
  2. Just for the heck of it, in late August, 1963, jack Ruby paid Joy Dale $110.00 (with varying amounts of money paid to several of his other dancers). https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=955#relPageId=1097 According to Little Lynn, dressing room gossip said that Joy Dale was pregnant with Jack Ruby's baby (transcript of Dallas Police Department interview of Little Lynn) https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth190037/m1/3/?q="Joy Dale" According to Little Lynn, Joy Dale lived at 4204 1/2 W. 10th in Fort Worth. Steve Thomas
  3. Gil, I don't know if you want to work this into your project or not, but I had some questions about Domingo Benevides for what it's worth. Steve Thomas http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/benavide.htm Mr. BELIN - Then what happened? Did the officers ever get in touch with you? Mr. BENAVIDES - Later on that evening, about 4 o'clock, there was two officers came by and asked for me, Mr. Callaway asked me---I had told them that I had seen the officer, and the reporters were there and I was trying to hide from the reporters because they will just bother you all the time. I was just trying to hide from the reporters and everything, and these two officers came around and asked me if I'd seen him, and I told him yes, and told them what I had seen,... Mr. BELIN - Did he ever take you to the police station and ask you if you could identify him? Mr. BENAVIDES - No; they didn't. Another FBI file from SA Joseph J. Loeffler to SAC (89-43) dated December 4, 1963. https://books.google.com/books?id=IdnhAQAAQBAJ&pg=PT757&lpg=PT757&dq=%22Domingo+Benavides%22+CBS&source=bl&ots=eODtmXcfZ5&sig=FqLkfGuuiw6qUA5NRAnj1nJeifk&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwj0trfvxfPYAhVD7IMKHX2PCoA4ChDoAQgpMAE#v=onepage&q=%22Domingo%20Benavides%22%20CBS&f=false “4 empty hulls – 2 found by unidentified witness at the scene of the shooting of Tippit – 400 E. 10th St. and given to Officer, J.M. Poe. He has no recollection of who gave them to him.” The memo goes on to talk about the shells found by the Davis sisters. Why is Benevides still "unidentified" as late as December 4, 1963? Poe's after-action report dated 11/22/63 Supplementary Offense Report Portal to Texas History https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth338726/m1/1/?q=J.M.%20Poe Poe wrote, "Unidentified witness handed Officer Poe two empty hulls in an empty cigarette package and stated, "These were the bullets that killed the officer.". The bottom of the Report is marked “Pending”. The only mention of Benavides in the DPD Archives Index is a Report by James Leavelle. DPD Archives Box 16, Folder# 12, Item# 6. http://jfk.ci.dallas.tx.us/box1617.htm It's dated the 22nd, and it had to have been written up after 6:30PM, because he mentions the 6:30 lineup. Leavelle wrote, "Another witness who saw the officer laying in the street, but did not see the suspect was a Domingo Benavides..." Leavelle wrote that Benavides found two shells and turned them over to Poe, who in turn, turned them over to Pete Barnes, who "dusted the car for prints". At the time Poe wrote his Report, Benavides was still unidentified. By 6:30, he is identified by name in Leavelle's Report. Benavides said that 2 officers came by (at Dootch Motors, I believe), at 4:00 and he told them what he had seen. Why does the FBI Report filed by James Loeffler on December 4, 1963 says that it was an “unidentified witness” who gave Poe the shells, and that Poe “has no recollection of who gave them to him”? Who were the two officers? Where is their report? Why did the police and the WC give so much more attention to Helen Markham than they did to Domingo Benavides? He was actually closer to the shooter than Markham was, wasn't he? Is it because Benavides describes a shooter who looked different than Oswald? http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/benavide.htm Mr. BELIN - I am between 5' 10" and 5' 11". Closer to 5' 11", I believe. Mr. BENAVIDES - I would say he was about your size, Mr. BELIN - Was he average weight, slender, or heavy? Mr. BENAVIDES - I would say he was average weight. Mr. BELIN - What color hair did he have? Mr. BENAVIDES - Oh, dark. I mean not dark. Mr. BELIN - Black hair? Mr. BENAVIDES - No. Not black or brown, just kind of a---- Mr. BELIN - You say he is my size, my weight, and my color hair? Mr. BENAVIDES - He kind of looks like---well, his hair was a little bit curlier. Mr. BELIN - Anything else about him that looked like me. Mr. BENAVIDES - No. that is all. Mr. BELIN - What about his skin? Was he fair complexioned or dark complexioned? Mr. BENAVIDES - He wasn't dark. Mr. BELIN - Average complexion? Mr. BENAVIDES - No; a little bit darker than average. Of course he looked, his skin looked a little bit ruddier than mine. Mr. BENAVIDES - I remember the back of his head seemed like his hairline was sort of--looked like his hairline sort of went square instead of tapered off. and he looked like he needed a haircut for about 2 weeks, but his hair didn't taper off, it kind of went down and squared off and made his head look fiat in back. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/hill_gl.htm The first man that came up to me, he said, "The man that shot him was a white male about 5'10", weighing 160 to 170 pounds, and brown bushy hair." Mr. BELIN. Now, let me interrupt you here, sergeant. Do you remember the name of the person that gave you the description? Mr. HILL. No. I turned him over to Poe, and I didn't even get his name. Mr. BELIN - When you put these two shells that you found in this cigarette package, what did you do with them? Mr. BENAVIDES - I gave them to an officer. Mr. BELIN - That came out to the scene shortly after? Mr. BENAVIDES - Yes, sir. Mr. BELIN - Do you remember the name of the officer? Mr. BENAVIDES - No, sir; I didn't even ask him. I just told him that this was the shells that he had fired, and I handed them to him. Seemed like he was a young guy, maybe 24. Poe's after-action report dated 11/22/63 Supplementary Offense Report Portal to Texas History https://texashistory.unt.edu/ark:/67531/metapth338726/m1/1/?q=J.M.%20Poe Poe wrote, "Unidentified witness handed Officer Poe two empty hulls in an empty cigarette package and stated, "These were the bullets that killed the officer.". http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/callaway1.htm Mr. BALL. What kind--when you talked to the police officers before you saw this man, did you give them a description of the clothing he had on? Mr. CALLAWAY. Yes, sir. Mr. BALL. What did you tell them you saw? Mr. CALLAWAY. I told them he had some dark trousers and a light tannish gray windbreaker jacket, and I told him that he was fair complexion, dark hair. Mr. BALL. Tell them the size? Mr. CALLAWAY. Yes; I told them--I think I told them about 5'10"-- Mr. BALL. Was he fat or thin? Mr. CALLAWAY. He was just-- Mr. BALL. I mean the man you saw across the street? Mr. CALLAWAY. Just a nice athletic type size boy, I mean. Neither fat nor thin. Mr. BALL. What did you estimate his weight when you talked to the officer before the lineup? Mr. CALLAWAY. I told him it looked to me like around 160 pounds. Mr. BELIN - Taking you back to November 22, 1963, anything unusual happen that day? Mr. BENAVIDES - On the 22d? Mr. BELIN - 22d of November 1963? Mr. BENAVIDES - This would be embarrassing. Was that the day of the Assassination of the President? Mr. BELIN - Yes. Mr. BENAVIDES - I was thinking it was the 24th. Well, nothing except it seemed like a pretty nice day. Mr. BELIN - Do you remember what day of the week it was? Mr. BENAVIDES - I don't remember. Mr. BELIN - Do you remember the day that the President was assassinated? Mr. BENAVIDES - No. Mr. BELIN - Do you remember that he was assassinated in Dallas? Mr. BENAVIDES - Oh, yes; I remember this. Mr. BELIN - When the officers came out there, did you tell them what you had seen? Mr. BENAVIDES - No, sir. Mr. BELIN - What did you do? Mr. BENAVIDES - I left right after. I give the shells to the officer. I turned around and went back and we returned to work. Who is we? Mr. BENAVIDES - Later on that evening, about 4 o'clock, there was two officers came by and asked for me, Mr. Callaway asked me---I had told them that I had seen the officer, and the reporters were there and I was trying to hide from the reporters because they will just bother you all the time. I was just trying to hide from the reporters and everything, and these two officers came around and asked me if I'd seen him, and I told him yes, and told them what I had seen... What time did Poe write his Supplementary Offense Report” The witness who gave him the shells is still unidentified, but two officers go looking for Benevides at 4:00PM. Leavelle identifies him at 6:30. Who were these two officers, and where is their Report? Why didn’t they take Benevides down to the Station? Callaway makes no mention of this 4:00 PM visit. Why does neither Hill nor Poe get the name of the person who handed them the shells?
  4. Far-right 'Moms for Liberty' group demands schools stop exposing kids to 'sexy' pictures of seahorses By Matthew Chapman September 24, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/book-banning/ “On Friday, The Daily Beast reported that a far-right group in Williamson County, Tennessee, is demanding schools censor a number of books and subjects — including an unusual demand regarding pictures of marine life.” “Among their demands are that lessons about Martin Luther King, Jr. and Ruby Bridges be cut for being divisive, lessons about civil rights crackdowns be cut for "negative views of firemen and police," and lessons about Galileo be revised for being too anti-church. The story of Johnny Appleseed was also condemned as "sad and dark," Greek and Roman mythology for depicting the goddess Venus naked, and textbooks explaining the effects of hurricanes as too violent for first graders. But one of the oddest crusades of the group is against a children's picture book on seahorses, which they believe, according to Weill, "is too sexy."" Galileo? Now I lay me down to sleep. I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. And God, pleas don't ever make me live in Tennessee. Steve Thomas
  5. Doctor says 'selfie wrist' injuries are on the rise by Rusty Blazenhoff 1:03 pm Fri Dec 28, 2018 https://boingboing.net/2018/12/28/doctor-says-selfie-wrist-i.html "I'm feeling sad for humanity. "Selfie wrist" is a thing. According to CBSNewYork, San Francisco doctor Levi Harrison is seeing a rise in an injury caused by "hyper-flexing your wrist inwards to capture the perfect selfie angle." "Selfie wrist" can reportedly cause numbness and a tingling sensation that people feel in their fingers and wrists." Carpal tunnel syndrome sufferers of the world unite!
  6. WC testimony of Marina Oswald February 3, 1964 http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/oswald_m1.htm Mr. RANKIN. Did you ever observe your husband taking the rifle away from the apartment on Neely Street? Mrs. OSWALD. Now, I think that he probably did sometimes, but I never did see it. You must understand that sometimes I would be in the kitchen and he would be in his room downstairs, and he would say bye-bye, I will be hack soon, and he may have taken it. He probably did. Perhaps he purely waited for an occasion when he could take it away without my seeing it. However, on March 3, 1964 Marina told FBI Agents, Wallace Heitman and Anatoly Boguslav that not only had she seen Oswald take the rifle out of the apartment in March, 1963, but that she had gone with him! This is CE1838 https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=1139#relPageId=549&tab=page March 3, 1964 I'm sorry, but there is just no reconciling these two. Guess where 1026 N. Beckley is? Steve Thomas
  7. The John McAdams witness page appears to be down. It was at: http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/wit.htm Clicking on that link now re-directs you to this site: Kennedy Assassination Home Page https://www.jfk-assassination.net/ Unfortunately, that site does not appear to include various witness's testimony. I kind of liked the old site because it was done up in Word format that you could copy and paste. I also liked it because it included some Affidavits and HSCA testimony. An alternate site for Warren Commission testimony done up in some kind of copy and pasteable Word format can be found here: The John F. Kennedy Assassination Homepage https://www.jfk-assassination.eu/warren/wch/index.php Unfortunately, it is only WC testimony. Steve Thomas
  8. Gil, As near as I can tell, it was civilians who found all of the shells. Benevides finds two and the Davis sisters find two. Why are the police allowing civilians to go traipsing through the crime scene? https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh6/pdf/WH6_Davis.pdf Mrs. DAVIS. Yes, sir. And we was already outside. We thought maybe we could find some evidence for the police. So we went through the hedge, and by my front door of the apartment where we live, right there in the grass where he dropped them. Mr. BELIN. Had the police started to search around your house yet when they found it? Mrs. DAVIS. Yes ; they already started to search. Mr. BELIN. Did you see her find any other shells? Mrs. DAVIS. I found one after Jeanette, after all the police had gone. 1Mr. BELIN. When did you find yours? Mrs. DAVIS. It was about 10 minutes after all the police had gone. Mr. BELIN. Was that before or after you went tlown to the police station? Mrs. DAVIS. It was before. Mr. BELIN. About when before? Mrs. DAVIS. Well, I would say it was about 2 :30, or 4. Mr. BELIN. Mrs. Davis, when did you say you found this other shell? Mrs. DAVIS. It was about 4. Mr. BELIN. Did you see or know of anyone else finding any other shell? Mrs. Davis. So, sir; not that I remember. Mr. BELIN. Do you remember what you did with your shell when you found it? Mrs. DAVIS. Well, before I picked it up, this boy told me that was walking along with us helping us find, see if we could find anything for evidence, he told me the police would get me if I picked it up by my fingers, and take finger- prints, and I got scared and ran to the house and got a Kleenex tissue and brought back outside and wrapped the shell in. Mr. BELIN. What did you do with it when you wrapped the shell up? Mrs. DAVIS. Jeanette took it and put it in her apartment up on the mantle- board. Mr. BELIN. Then what? Mrs. DAVIS. Then about 5:30 the same day the police called and wanted us to come down and identify him in the lineup. So, she goes out in the yard, specifically to find evidence, then after she find some, she doesn't call the police, she wraps it up and puts it on a mantle. She finds it at 4:00, but the police don't call her until 5:30. Who's the boy? Did he plant it? Mr. BELIN. How far did you get through school? Mrs. DAVIS. The ninth grade. Mr. BELIN. Have you ever been employed at all? Mrs. DAVIS. No. Mr. BELIX. How old are you? Mrs. D-AVIS. Sixteen. Mr. BELIS. Mrs. Davis, how long have you been married? Mrs. DAVIS. Seven months. Steve Thomas
  9. Gil, How many police officers responded to the Tippit shooting? What do you think the chances are, of Virgina Davis finding a shell in the yard after all those police had come and gone? https://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh6/pdf/WH6_Davis.pdf Steve Thomas
  10. Matt Braynard is the guy who organized that super duper rally for the January 6th insurrectionists on September 18th. The grift that keeps on giving. Steve Thomas
  11. IMEACH JOE BIDEN Lauren Boebert issues Press Release to Imeach Joe Biden She knows all that stuff Steve Thomas
  12. It's not that Trump lost the election, it's that people cast terrible votes and didn't vote for him. Trump tries to claim vindication after his own audit shows he lost: 'Many votes were terrible, terrible votes!' by Brad Reed September 24, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/trump-arizona-audit-reaction/ “While appearing on the "Real America's Voice" network, Trump said that the final audit results will show that he won the state, even though he really did lose it. "They found many votes that were terrible, terrible votes!" Trump said. "In other words, they found that they were false votes, phantom votes, whatever you want to call them."” Poor baby. Steve Thomas
  13. The results of the Arizona "audit" is going to be released Friday. What they are going to say is that because Arizona;s vote counting process is so sloppy, it's impossible to know who won the election. And this crap is going to go on and on and on. Steve Thomas Angry dispute between Republicans roiling final Arizona 'audit' report Steven Rosenfeld, Independent Media Institute September 23, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/cyber-ninja-2655082782/ “Logan, Cotton, Pullen and Ayyadurai, however, will likely cast further doubt on the county's vote counting process—as Logan and Cotton did in a July 15 briefing for Arizona legislators—even as they concede that they have no evidence showing that Trump won. Whether the Senate's lawyers and Bennett can stop the report from perpetuating conspiracy theories or making factually sloppy or unsupported claims remains to be seen.”
  14. Let's face it: Mitch McConnell has the Democrats trapped by Andrew O'Hehir, Salon September 23, 2021 https://www.rawstory.com/let-s-face-it-mitch-mcconnell-has-the-democrats-trapped/ “Republicans will pretend to run on fiscal responsibility but will actually run on a bunch of culture-war bullshit and promises to rig all future elections and unquestioned loyalty to a decrepit and defeated leader they all privately think is nuts. I'm sure looking forward to that, aren't you? “ In the year 22, 22... Steve Thomas
  15. I've had 3 thoughts: 1) Was Lee Oswald ever seen in that theater before? I've never seen anyone say that. If he'd never been there before, what are the implications of that? 2) The scuffle in the theater was brought about by Nick McDonald. Read his WC testimony carefully. 3) Oswald's whole demeanor changed Saturday afternoon following a 12:30 PM interrogation that the Dallas Police did their best (but failed) to hide. Steve Thomas
  16. John. Someone once described Oswald as a useful idiot. That's always been my take too. Read this FBI file on Lydia Dymitruk FBI - HSCA Subject File: Lydia Dymitruk, girlfriend of Alexaner Kleinlerer https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=129757#relPageId=1&search=Alexander_Kleinlerer See how much it mirrors Marina Oswald. They marry a guy from over here in the U.S., get the guy to bring them over here, and then divorce them. Think about what Marina was doing with Lee throughout 1962. They were separated almost as soon as they arrived back in Fort Worth from Russia. As far as the geologists and geological engineers go, I wrote this in the Education Forum back on 1/20/19: http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/25464-now-it-can-be-told-dag-hammarskjold/?page=2 Everett DeGolyer http://www.nasonline.org/publications/biographical-memoirs/memoir-pdfs/degolyer-everette.pdf “He lived to be honored by the highest elective offices and to be awarded the highest decorations of the American Association of Petroleum Geologists and the American Institute of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers. He was a lecturer much sought after, filled distinguished positions at three universities, and was awarded honorary degrees by six. Nine or more United States Government agencies, commissions, advisory boards, and committees called on him for service which he generously contributed. This combination logically made his advice much sought after in business, and he was for many years the world's leading oil consultant. The opinion of his firm, DeGolyer and MacNaughton, on an appraisal of the worth of a property or a company was accepted as final in financial and government circles the world around. This firm was at one time or another consultant to ten or more foreign governments on subjects ranging from organizing exploration programs to the proper price for oil F.O.B. tankers in the Persian Gulf.” “As would be expected of a man of such outstanding reputation, his services were called for by the Federal Government. Starting in 1918 with a special report for the United States Treasury, he became in 1941 Director of Conservation in the Office of the Coordinator for National Defense and Assistant Deputy Coordinator in 1942. The following year he was first made Assistant Deputy Administrator for War, and then head of the Petroleum Reserves Corporation mission to the Middle East. He was a member of the Advisory Committee on Raw Materials for the Atomic Energy Commission, and filled many other important positions. He served on the National Petroleum Council from its beginning.” - I wrote - “Lately, I've become interested in the role that uranium mining might play in the JFK story. I'm not a geologist, but uranium deposits seem to be found near oil fields. I lived in the Rangely, CO. area for a while, so I had a personal interest in DeMohrenschildt's comings and goings there. When I read that D.H. Byrd sold his interests in Byrd Oil and used the money to found Byrd Uranium, my ears perked up. Whey would a person give up the lucrative money of big oil to invest in uranium? You have to figure that in the later 50's and early 60's, uranium would have to be a pretty hot commodity. It struck me a while back that a lot of the key figures in the White Russian Community in the Dallas/Fort Worth area were not just "oil men", but were engineers in the petroleum field, and specialized in the exploration of oil deposits around the world. (Think Jack Crichton and George Bouhe among others. They also seemed to have ties to military intelligence." "Mr. BOUHE - For 9 1/2 years I was employed as a personal accountant of a very prominent Dallas geologist, and probably capitalist if you want to say it, Lewis W, MacNaughton, senior chairman of the board of the well-known geological and engineering firm of DeGolyer & MacNaughton, but I was MacNaughton's personal employee." WC testimony of George Bouhe http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/bouhe.htm) " Steve Thomas
  17. Those dirty Lefties! Will their diabolical plans stop at nothing? Nolte: Howard Stern Proves Democrats Want Unvaccinated Trump Voters Dead by John Nolte 10 Sep 2021 https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2021/09/10/nolte-howard-stern-proves-democrats-want-unvaccinated-trump-voters-dead/ “Do you want to know why I think Howard Stern is going full-monster with his mockery of three fellow human beings who died of the coronavirus? Because leftists like Stern and CNNLOL and Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and Anthony Fauci are deliberately looking to manipulate Trump supporters into not getting vaccinated. Nothing else makes sense to me. In a country where elections are decided on razor-thin margins, does it not benefit one side if their opponents simply drop dead? If I wanted to use reverse psychology to convince people not to get a life-saving vaccination, I would do exactly what Stern and the left are doing… I would bully and taunt and mock and ridicule you for not getting vaccinated, knowing the human response would be, Hey, xxxx you, I’m never getting vaccinated! And why is that a perfectly human response? Because no one ever wants to feel like they are being bullied or ridiculed or mocked or pushed into doing anything.” “The push for mandates is another ploy to get us to dig in and not do what’s best for ourselves because no one wants to feel like they’re caving to a mandate.” “No one wants to cave to a piece of dooky like that, or a scumbag like Fauci, or any of the scumbags at CNNLOL, so we don’t. And what’s the result? They’re all vaccinated, and we’re not! And when you look at the numbers, the only numbers that matter, which is who’s dying, it’s overwhelmingly the unvaccinated who are dying, and they have just manipulated millions of their political enemies into the unvaccinated camp. “ “I could be wrong. Maybe the left isn’t that evil and sly. Even if this isn’t the left’s plan, who’s owning who?” Steve Thomas
  18. Paul, I don't know if Marina was supposed to receive information from someone, or to pass along information to someone else. I would say White Russians, yes, but if you look at their backgrounds, they were all geologists, or geological engineers. And who made contact with Marina almost immediately upon her arrival in Fort Worth? Max Clark. MEMO: THE LEE HARVEY OSWALD CASE #351164 (ADDRESS BOOK) biography of Max Clark Maxwell Edward Clark https://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=9836&relPageId=3 “Max Edward Clark was employed by Convair, a division of General Dynamics Corporation, Fort Worth, Texas, as a “Supervisor of Industrial Security and Investigation”, requiring access to classified matter up to and including, Top Secret”. Now, you tell me. Communists or White Russians, that's all superfluous. In the early 1960's, the Russians had two main interests: space flight, and atomic bombs. The rest is all just background noise. Steve Thomas
  19. It has long been my privately held belief that the reason for Marina's whirlwind romance, marriage, and approval to emigrate to the United States was because the Soviets wanted to get Marina to the U.S. in general, and Fort Worth specifically because of its connection to the aerospace industry. I have been puzzled by Marina's suitors seemingly being connected to the field of plastics. Wasn't there a guy before Lee Oswald, and wasn't he connected to plastics - and specifically to spray nozzles? Also, Alexander Kleinlerer was smitten with her and visited her at Lorena Hall's while she and Lee H. were separated in 1962. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/kleinler.htm AFFIDAVIT Alexander Kleinlerer of 3542 Kent Street, Fort Worth, Texas, being duly sworn, says: “I am and have for several years been a foreign representative of Loma Industries, a plastics production company, located at 3000 West Pafford Street, Fort Worth, Texas.” While I was looking for something else, I stumbled across this today, and went, "Hmmm..." https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00809A000500170001-9.pdf CIA-RDP80-00809A000500170001-9.pdf So the Russians were having problems with the ceramic coating on reentry vehicles were they? Steve Thomas
  20. ‘Substantial’ daily death rate cited for Alabama’s COVID-19 hospitalization decline By WSFA 12 News Staff Sep. 14, 2021 https://www.wsfa.com/2021/09/14/substantial-daily-death-rate-cited-alabamas-covid-19-hospitalization-decline/ According to WSFA, hospitalizations have actually begun to fall in Alabama in large part because so few of the hospitalized patients in recent weeks survived. People in Alabama are dying faster than they are being hospitalized. I have no words. Steve Thomas
  21. f Those stubborn "alternative facts" Can you imagine historians looking back on our time and writing about us living in alternate realities? Rachel Maddow talks about Earth 1 and Earth 2. Back here in the real world... Steve Thomas
  22. Just to be a smartass, I suppose I would have asked the kid if he was wondering about the northernmost point on the earth, or if he was wondering about the North Pole in the sky. Because of the precession of the equinoxes, the North Pole shifts every 26,000 years or so. https://www.glyphweb.com/esky/concepts/northerncelestialpole.html "Polaris hasn't always been the Pole Star. In fact, it has only been close to the Pole for the last thousand years or so, and over the next millennium it will gradually move further away. This is because the Earth's motion is constantly affected by the pull of other bodies in the Solar System, especially the Moon and the Sun, which causes a 'wobble' in its orbit. This, in turn, causes the Pole to move relative to the stars. Prominent Pole Stars c.3000 BCE Thuban c.1000 BCE Kochab c.2000 CE Polaris c.3000 CE Errai c.7500 CE Alderamin c.14000 CE Vega The effect of this wobble (properly called precession) is that both Celestial Poles follow a broad circle through the sky. For most of the time, there is no Pole Star at all, but occasionally the Pole will pass near a conspicuous star - we are lucky to live in a time when Polaris fulfils this role. For the ancient Egyptians, the Pole Star was not Polaris, but Thuban in Draco, while observers in the far future will see yet other stars at the Northern Celestial Pole." Steve Thomas
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