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Lee Forman

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Everything posted by Lee Forman

  1. Lee, I believe this is the couple seen in the Nix film standing in the south pature. If so, then she isn't taking any photos from what I can tell. The woman that Gary spoke about (if I remember correctly) was taking a photo of the President when he was out in front of her - between she and the TSBD. Maybe someone can verify if I have that right. It's been a while, but I think that was the case, unless we are talking about yet another Kodac woman. Bill Possible. I do believe that this woman is holding a Kodak type of camera in her right hand in the z-film, and we see her and her male companion running up the steps with the camera and her handbag in tow. The Duaflex model had the viewfinder built into the top of the camera. Hard to be 100% - even using the best z-frame I have of this woman. I'd like to get Gary's account on the woman again myself. As I recall, the photos she took were worthless. However, this doesn't mean that it didn't happen - referring to the other thread and Gary's credibility. http://lightofday.wetpaint.com/page/Kodak+...he+rough?t=anon
  2. Lot's of folks bashing Gary Mack - he's been a lot of help to me, so I thought I would simply post a graphic which IMO supports a woman making use of some type of Kodak camera during the assassination - the fact that there is no 'official' record of this event should be of no surprise to anyone. Gary - if no one has volunteered a copy of Harvey and Lee for the museum - let me know and I will contribute a copy asap. - lee
  3. First off - I am enjoying this post immensely, and hat's off...lot's to consider here - much I can agree with or at a minimum, concede as possible. Hey Tom. I find this to be a highly plausible and logical scenario - it also meshes well with the point I was trying to make elsewhere, as to a botched 'graze' shot. However, a few questions: - You are calling this shot #2 - so preceeding shot to the head would have been the side entry? Just behind the ear? Nope! The preceeding shot was shot#1/aka CE399 which only lodged into the back of JFK a short distance, with the small cone-shaped/flat-based 0.9grain/4.5mm width lead fragment which has disappeared from CE840 having come out the anterior throat of JFK due to have been sheared from the base of the bullet due to it's "base-first" impact with the right tranverse process of the C7 vertebrae. I have a hard time with this response and I'll tell you why. In the first place, even if the bullet had lodged into Kennedy's back and then been forced out due to CPR at Parkland - there is too much with respect to the chain of evidence and other material which suggests that ce399 was nothing but a plant. It would have had to have passed through a jacket, shirt, skin and muscle and then stopped. Why would it have stopped at all, unless it met bone? And even if it did not meet with bone, it would not have been found in the pristine condition that it was - I accept the possibility of damage to the chest, on the basis of work done by Lifton and others which prove that photos were taken of the chest cavity - however, there is just too insignificant an amount missing from ce399 to cause the throat wound? And the bullet didn't seem to react to the impact of the fabric and the skin and muscle it encountered? - This is 'shot #2' however, the second 'headshot' - not necessarily the 'second' shot fired? Z313 is the SECOND SHOT fired in the assassination shot sequence. The "Shooter", whoever it was or was not, had approximately 5.6 to 5.9 seconds in which to re-acquire the target, which was most assuredly time enough for most anyone to do so utilizing the scope. And, it was an "almost" miss as it was so high that had the Presidential Limo actually been driving a mile or two per hour slower, then the shot would have gone completely over the head of JFK. Got it. And again, if we consider Greer braking at an inopportune moment - if you will - then whomever it was tracking Kennedy's head at the time the shot was fired would not have been prepared for this sudden shift. - Have you considered the angle/trajectory and managed to theorize as to the shooter's location based upon this 'graze' shot? The "back angle"/trajectory is totally consistant with a shot from the sixth floor of the TSDB. Add to that the fact that a portion of the copper jacket of this bullet, which was severely fragmented, was an exact ballistic match to the rifle found on the sixth floor, and that leaves little doubt that this shot absolutely came from that location. What about Five? Is it not a possibility. - Would the impact of this graze shot have flipped open the scalp forward, and created a fracture line at the top of the scalp itself? Absolutely, and I will eventually get to that drawing as well. Since I have never been able to find that "box" with the shot#3 data, as well as a portion of the shot#2/aka Z313 impact, I am having to more or less "wing" this and re-create the drawings. In which case, the scalp would have had to have been placed back into position prior to the autopsy photos in addition to possibly being connected to the so-called 'surgery' which Hume noted? - Would the resulting split round have been responsible for creating the dent in the chrome around the windshield? The blood on the windshield, Connally's wounds, etc.? Beyond any reasonable doubt! And, the "key" to all of this is what it takes for the relatively soft bone of the skull to basically cut a 6.5mm Carcano bullet in half. Which I am also getting to. Please continue - this seems very likely. - When you mention a third shot - it sounds as if you are speaking to the shot in the back, as opposed to another head shot? The THIRD SHOT/aka that shot which occurred some 30-feet farther down Elm St., directly in front of James Altgens, is the SECOND shot to strike JFK in the head. If we don't have another computer meltdown, hopefully we will get to that shot as well. Your computer meltdowns maye be the result of nasty items coming from this Forum - which knocked my machine out cold once and tried to repeat the performance. - How do you account for the blood/brain matter which struck Hargis & Chaney - is that the third shot? Personally, I would doubt that the third shot is responsible for having blown any cerebral tissue out the right hand side of the car due to the cross-angle of fire as well as JFK's head at the time of impact. However, Altgens clearly testified that debri was blown in his direction.- "There was flesh particles that flew out of the side of his head in my direction from where I was standing, so much so that it indicated to me that the shot came out of the left side of his head. Also, the fact that his head was covered with blood, the hairline included, on the left side all the way down, with no blood on his forehead or face" As to the motorcycle cops "driving into" the cerebral spray/mist of the first headshot/aka Z313 imact, I have no doubts about this. The spray was blown "upwards" by the force of the bullet fragments as well as the internal pressure within the skull cavity. And, thereafter, not unlike rainfall, it had to fall somewhere. So, driving into falling rain on a motorcycle is about like hitting a bug that may be only hovering. The forward speed of the motorcycle would make it seem as if the debri/spray were "blown backwards" into one. It works - except for the fragment of bone which struck Hargis. How do you account for the Parkland Doctor's witnessing the cavity at the rear of the head - is this associated with the first headshot? Nope! The Last/Final shot down in front of James Altgens position. And, barring meltdown, I will redraw and demonstrate it, along with show where it can be found on the lateral X-ray as well. No offense - I have zero confidence in the x-rays. - If Oswald (the shooter/whoever it was) alegedly fired three rounds, how does this fit into the grand scheme of things, given the multiple other accounts of bullets striking other locations, unless there was more than one shooter present? eg - sot that 'bucked up' the grass at the concrete skirt, shot that struck Elm, shot that struck the curb at Main st and wounded Tague - at a minimum? Dealy plaza was examined multiple times, and although there are a wide variety of nicks, etc; on concrete curbs, as well as some old flaws in the top of the manhole cover, there has never been any confirmation of any other bullets found, as well as no indications of any found to have struck anywhere with the exception of the Tague hit. As to shots that struck Elm St: First off, copper jacketed bullets do not create sparks, and, copper jacketed bullets striking tar asphalt, absolutely do not even stand the potential of forcing agregate (rocks with the ability to creat sparks) together to create a spark. Mr. West and I discussed the multiple "search" for any such damage to streets and curbs, extensively. He even provided me with some of those newspaper clippings which showed persons reaching down to the grass, etc;. Yet, of his personal knowledge, other than the "Tague" curb strike, no other location was ever found in which it could be stated that a bullet struck. And, bullets striking the ground/grass, would not create a "furrow" unless fired directly horizontal with the plane of the ground, as well as the fact that unless impaired in velocity, they would go so deep that one would not likely locate them without a shovel. I'm okay with that. It would appear, for all intents and purposes, that if indeed we had a hit or hits in this area they were fired from behind the fence at minimal elevation. For reasons totally unknown - and as per your comments - no official record. - How are you accounting for the throat wound? The anterior throat wound was created by the small 4.5mm width, cone-shaped; oval based lead fragment which was found in the left rear floorboard, and which fragment was squeezed out the base of CE 399 due to the external pressure/forces exerted onto the bullet as it passed through a tree limb of the live oak tree. As CE399 progressively began to "collapse" it's copper jacket due to these external forces, this small protrusion, not unlike exactly what a tube of toothpaste does, forced this small portion of the lead core out the base of the bullet.. Due to the "base-first" attitude of the bullet at the time of impact (due to the loss of stabililty in flight and end-over-end tumbling rotation), this small lead fragment was sheared from the base of the bullet due to impact with the right transverse process of the C7 vertebrae. Thereafter to exit the throat and thusly creat the reported 3mm to 5mm wound. It should be further noted that this fragment, although weighed and photographed by Robert Frazier, disappeared from the FBI Ballistics Laboratory, and was removed by none other than William Sullivan. Additionally, the copper jacket at the base of CE399 clearly demonstrated the impact damage created into the base of the bullet due to this impact with the vertebrae. However, at some point in time between when CE399 was given to the National Archives and the HSCA investigation, someone with access to the evidence, physically removed that portion of the copper jacket which covers a portion of the base of the bullet. Thus removing evidence of this impact. This would require a 'tumbling round' or 'tree limb strike' scenario? It is absolutely no coincidence that the base of CE399 measures exactly 4mm X 7mm, and the "punch-type" wound of entry into the back of JFK also measures 4mm X 7mm. No offense - but the x-ray had an image of a metallic circular item that also measure exactly 6.5mm - which was looked at by the experts as a total impossibility. - What about the movement of the head - slightly forward from what we have available in the extant z-film footage - what accounts for the rearward jerk if not another shot following this one from the front? Due to the problems with the Zapruder film, it would be difficult to fully explain what we "think" we often see. However, the entire forward force of the bullet at shot#2/aka Z313 is being exerted forward against the skull at a given point. Which by all known standards should make the head immediately move forward to an extent. Thereafter, when the "skull cap" section of JFK's head, as well as that skull bone in the frontal lobe region is removed as a result of the bullet, then the intense internal pressure inside the skull as a result of the bullet, is released. Release of any such force, creates a "kickback" force, in which the only movable portion of JFK was his neck. Therefore, I personally have little difficulty in seeing that there should be an initial "forward thrust" of some appreciable degree, followed by an immediate and completely obvious "kickback" as the proverbial "jet effect" forces JFK's neck to yield and thus cause the head to go to the rear. As someone who may have more info with respect to a 'different' version of the z-film, the jury is still out. I think that last one is the most significant for me anyway - since I know you doubt the existence of a shooter at the front. Carry on - very interested... - lee There may have been a dozen other shooters for all that I know. However, the forensic; ballistic; pathological; and physical evidence indicates that JFK was struck by three shots, as well as the fact that all of these shots were fired from the rear and from a higher elevation. Let's not forget the guy at UPI who was presented with the firsthand opportunity to examine the film - that's in Fetzer's MIDP - if you don't have it, I volunteer to buy you a copy for your opinion. Or I can scan the relevant section. Those who "fell for" and believed the WC scenario of Z313 being the last shot fired are the ones who have had to come up with other assassins to explain what they did not take the time to research. LHO was an excellent shot! So, even if I were to attempt to frame someone else, I most assuredly would not be dumb enough to attempt to frame someone who was a poor shot, for what was still a relatively good shooting feat. I don't believe LHO fired a single shot. So far, I haven't seen anything to convince me otherwise - only the contrary. Mr. Spock would declare that as being completely "Illogical".
  4. Hey Tom. I find this to be a highly plausible and logical scenario - it also meshes well with the point I was trying to make elsewhere, as to a botched 'graze' shot. However, a few questions: - You are calling this shot #2 - so preceeding shot to the head would have been the side entry? Just behind the ear? - This is 'shot #2' however, the second 'headshot' - not necessarily the 'second' shot fired? - Have you considered the angle/trajectory and managed to theorize as to the shooter's location based upon this 'graze' shot? - Would the impact of this graze shot have flipped open the scalp forward, and created a fracture line at the top of the scalp itself? - Would the resulting split round have been responsible for creating the dent in the chrome around the windshield? The blood on the windshield, Connally's wounds, etc.? - When you mention a third shot - it sounds as if you are speaking to the shot in the back, as opposed to another head shot? - How do you account for the blood/brain matter which struck Hargis & Chaney - is that the third shot? - How do you account for the Parkland Doctor's witnessing the cavity at the rear of the head - is this associated with the first headshot? - If Oswald allegedly fired three rounds, how does this fit into the grand scheme of things, given the multiple other accounts of bullets striking other locations, unless there was more than one shooter present? eg - sot that 'bucked up' the grass at the concrete skirt, shot that struck Elm, shot that struck the curb at Main st and wounded Tague - at a minimum? - How are you accounting for the throat wound? - What about the movement of the head - slightly forward from what we have available in the extant z-film footage - what accounts for the rearward jerk if not another shot following this one from the front? I think that last one is the most significant for me anyway - since I know you doubt the existence of a shooter at the front. Carry on - very interested... - lee
  5. Once more it's time to make the request / offer: I'll be your cut-out for publishing any repressed or previously unpublished material central to what went down in Dealey Plaza on 11/22/63. I should have acted on the offer for the photo of the Redbird airplane but didn't - regrets, regrets... All responses will be anonymous - just send the photos or make arrangements for me on the films. It's 2008 - time to bring it to the fore. 'We' know it's there - camera shots from in front of the TSBD, shots from behind the retaining wall, etc. Let me let it go - unadulatered materials - whatever you'd like to release - with total confidence that identities will be concealed. I commit to publish only here and on DellaRosa's forum. Unfortunately we're not looking at a reward here - this is for folks that are serious only - I simply have no $ to offer -simply the opportunity to release information - this applies to researchers as well who may have an interest. Let it go... Anything I get will be published here on this thread... lforman23@comcast.net Peas and carrots. - lee
  6. First email from Hemming, Sunday, July 18, 2004 8:38:01 AM
  7. Lancer's version, thanks to the frog. Some of us received this one on January 5th of this year...
  8. Interesting post. I hope other people who knew him will also post on this thread. I will then give a link to this thread from my page on him. It will help to add balance to the other threads that are more critical of him. Lee, what kind of judgement do you make of Gerry in regard to what he had to say about the JFK assassination? Thanks John. I also received some private words reflecting sadness about his passing, which was much appreciated. And comments made here by others are appreciated as well. At the present time anyway, I don't have much more to add. - lee
  9. As opposed to adding to the other thread, I thought it might be a nice gesture to start a separate thread - especially for those who may have known Gerry and might like to say something in honor of his passing - perhaps to pass along to his family. I considered Gerry Hemming a friend, and it was my privilege and honor to have the opportunity to come to know him in this fashion - he certainly pulled me up by the boot-straps. I had nothing except the greatest respect for the man, and I hope that perhaps some folks may care to say something nice here about him. If you can't say something nice, then please restrain yourself and leave no post at all. Brilliant, well read, learned, informed, extremely humorous and witty, total recall, concerned about the welfare of his Country - some traits I will always associate with him. I will always appreciate all of the many conversations I had with Gerry - many times he made me laugh so hard I found it hard to breathe. Hoisting some greenies in your honor Sir - Semper FI and rest in peace. You'll be greatly missed by many - certainly by me. I thought I would paste one of the last personal emails I got from Gerry here just for the hell of it. I play second Father to a 10 year old going through some hard times - his strong desire in life is to become a Marine Corps sniper, and he wanted very much to have the opportunity to speak with Gerry, due to his strong facination with US history and weaponry, and my informative bio on some of Hemmings past exploits.
  10. Awesome Steve. I am still wondering about this bit... http://hnn.us/readcomment.php?id=86542&bheaders=1 So who were they then? Found this bit from Al Maddox in Larry Sneed's No More Silence, pages 507 - 508, interesting....
  11. DeepSix on the Delisle - it was a bolt action weapon, and therefore fails to fit the case - if there was in fact a heavy weight 45 caliber ACP automatic used from somewhere behind the fence. I posted the Larry Sneed 'No more silence' Al Maddox piece elsewhere, but maybe it also belongs here.
  12. Thanks Tosh. You loaded 2 items, but they seemed to be the same - is there any additional info available? The area in question seems to be in the general area as the position where the other round or rounds were recovered. The size of the round suggests a .45 caliber. The notation appears to be that a Whites DFX Metal Detector was used and that it was recovered 7" under the soil. I don't think that the DFX is all that old? The 7" notation is a tough one, because there is normal soil build-up and settling over the years - so even if we knew the year that this round was unearthed, still would need to estimate on the original depth. From some limited experience, it would have originally been something closer to the surface in 1963 - by several inches. I don't understand the whole bit on the forked tree and the truck - was this added after-the-fact? It's curious if you consider that Carr was under the impression that the last shots were fired in rapid succession from an automatic. If we accept the idea that Walthers pocketed one round - as per Maddox, and that Barrett had another, then this would have been the 3rd round - suggesting that of the 3 shots fired, all were after the headshot at 313 and appear to have been fired at nothing? Too bad that round couldn't have been processed properly and publicly. It could still have information available on it - even 40+ years later. - lee edit - grinding the gears here. If indeed we had a burst from a semi-automatic, well past the site of the headshot at z313, and all 3 rounds impacted the earth in the area of the manhole cover and skirt - this is looking more like cover fire to protect the getaway of the shooter, than a shooting position. Just thinking out loud. If the TSBD had a decoy rifle, as I believe it did, then the area of the knoll may have had something similar, to throw off the hounds.
  13. For sale on eBay is a documentary done by Mark Oakes - sounds very interesting. Among other things, it seems as if Oakes was able to confirm the ID of the mystery individual seem with Buddy Walthers in the area of the furrow, as Robert Barrett of the FBI. If indeed this was a .45 round, it's quite curious, as it is hard to imagine this type of caliber being used at anything less than short range. More from Carr:
  14. He sounds a bit confused like everyone else about the details, but Al Maddox, taken from Sneed's No More Silence, also adds to the intrigue. I don't know what reason he would have to make this up - additionally, there were allegedly two furrows in the grass, which is also interesting if you consider the possibility of both having been created by fired rounds. http://groups.google.com/group/alt.conspir...59575e33254771e
  15. Lee, Do you have a copy of the documentary "The Garrison Tapes"? If so, just over half an hour into it, you'll find a remarkably clear image of both the discharged shell and the man retrieving it. Paul Thanks Paul - I will have a look. Clay Shaw trial - Randolph Carr. I assume that the strike to the grass witnessed by Carr is the same as the furrows witnessed by Hartmann and the same as the .45 round that was dug out of the dirt in this location. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.ph...ost&p=53730 From Don Roberdeau's post... So this round [probably a .45] was then dug from the grass, witnessed by Buddy Walthers [whom was later made to deny having seen it], and collected by an individual with the FBI - as far as I can make things out. It appears to be separate and distinct from the shot which struck the manhole cover 'skirt' in addition to the curb strike on Main which wounded Tague. Murray crops of the area which seem to coincide with the details provided by Hartman, Carr and others. The location is puzzling, since this round would then also not have been associated with the one which reportedly clanged off the DPD motorcycle fender. This round would have had to have been dug out of the ground - thought I read about that someplace, but can't find it at the moment. JW Foster from Larry Sneed's No More Silence. - lee
  16. Thanks Lee, Is this the same book by Fetzer? If so, how credible are these findings? (of course in your opinion) I have just finished "Kill Zone" and find much of it to be within reason, at least to my way of thinking. I know that there is a lot of smoke and mirrors out there but when items have been filed and numbered within the archives doesn't this give the item crediblity? I know that it depends on when and where these items were found and cataloged that that could make a huge difference, chain of possession and all that! Thanks again Lee, I really appreciate your response, Scott Hi Scott. Sorry for the tardy response. Yes - that was taken from Fetzer's book. I think they are very credible - however, it doesn't mean that all of these events are necessarily connected to 11/22. For example, someone shot out the window of a car only weeks before 11/22 in another part of downtown Dallas - I believe that this is posted someplace on the forum. Were folks testing out weapons in preparation of the coming event? Did people intentionally plant false leads over time? I don't know. Some of this stuff can be found documented - some I was unable to locate anything on. Nice post by Ben Holmes using some Dave Reitz below... He leaves out the Weizman bit though - I think this was also discussed here someplace - about Weitzman's psychiatrist...Bernice would be able to add that bit - I don't want to be mistaken. Heminger is missing. Also the .45 clanging off the fender of the DPD motorbike. Also what the wife of the Parkland Hospital director said [attached - also from Fetzer's book MIDP]. Bottomline - more than one shooter [Penn Jones believed it was 9 - each firing one shot]. Another possible is the scenario of the 'false' assassination effort mixed with a real one - hard to imagine that there'd be so many misses? We also covered some ground someplace on the forum about the possibility of automatic weapons being used, in additional to a double-tap using a semi. But does any of this material impact the outcome of the Whitewash? Apparently not. http://www.piscesallmedia.com/forum/viewto...45bcd557c0558da
  17. There's no quite right way to do this... In our pursuit of the truth - of what really happened, of what really went down despite the enormous lies and complications that I believe the American people and the World were forced to swallow in 1963 - the Aussies have made significant progress and contributions - so I felt that going into 2008, at a minimum, I would act as US Citizen and extend my heartfelt thanks for all the effort, all the work, companionship, blood, sweat and tears and at least offer a thank you, on my part as a minimum, as a US Citizen concerned with knowing the truth. Thanks all from Australia - our great ally, a nation of fantastic individuals, a culture of phenonomenal depth, history and color -a people of enormous resource and power. My thanks as a citizen of the US for assisting as you have in unravelling the mess, and let's go kick some arse in 2008. In no particular order - hey - I started the thread didn't I? This is in no means all that I think or feel - just a 'hey what the hell' and hope that all recognize it for what it is.. James Richards - James, I doubt if anyone has a collection of photos that rivals yours - always a pleasure. I don't know that anyone can claim as much knowledge about individuals and associations involved and I am always looking forward to your next post. Not much more I can add here - pleasure and an honor even having the opportunity to watch you at work. I many times think that others got credit for work you already did previously, so many, many cheers. One of THE best researchers ever IMVFAO. Robin Unger - another great collection, and of the utmost high quality, and a great website. A true gentleman Robin, and an avid seeker of the truth with a hint of skepticism with is really embodied by the intricate detail he produces - a very solid researcher and analytic of the photos and films. I admire the hell out of your work buddy. Greg Parker - always a pleasure to follow Greg's material and research. I don't know how many times I have been taken aback by significant progress made by Greg, and always try to follow his efforts at serious research into the areas here-to-fore in the shadows. Keep it up Greg! Phil Hopley - keep up the great work. I don't think you're a member here - but I admire the efforts you have made elsewhere. Mark Stapleton - always engaging, sharp and on the money. Another truth seeker like his fellow countrymen, I always enjoy and learn something from Mark's posts. Bill Dines - I may not always agree, but I think you've got great potential and want to thank you for all the exchanges we've had. Keep going man. John Dolva - No matter what anyone may believe, race had to have played a card in Kennedy's death one way or another - and I believe that. I admire you for keeping up with your research on the anti-black factor as well as the incredible stuff you've done with animations and etc. I always read what you've posted with great interest man. John Costella - Keep it coming John. Your work with the z-film and tools you have left are greatly appreciated. Any Aussies that I may have left out [totally by accident] anyone please feel free to add with my apologies. Australia, IMO, is a great nation of great people - a longime US ally, who have been responsible for turning it up a notch, flipping the table, and examining the dust under the table with respect to the biggest lie in History - I just wanted to say, as a US Citizen, I'm proud to know you, glad for all of our exchanges, and many thanks for moving it forward. If ever I get the opportunity to make it to your fair Country I hope to have the honor of meeting you all in person and buying the first round. I hope that I speak for my fellow Americans - thanks to the Aussies for all their past efforts and let's kick some serious ass in 2008!!! Kicking back a Dogfishead IPA - Cheers to the Aussies!!!! - lee Powderfinger - The Metre
  18. Hey Scott. There's a lot of stuff, but how much of it is 'official' and what is connected, and what is not - plus all the smoke and mirrors - makes it very tough to sort out. There's the old 'Did you retrieve the pellet?' nonsense, the gun in a bag, the alleged loaded 38 found in Parkland along with the 'semi-fired' ce399, the Mauser, a shotgun, sparks on Elm, what Jim Marrs indicated with respect to a rifle having been removed from one of the pipes associated with the drain up on the underpass, the Heminger 30.06 shell casing, the Radimacher .222s, the .45 caliber round, the materials collected in the Lincoln, and on and on and on. At a min - here's a scan for ya from MIDP. - lee
  19. http://wiretap.area.com/Gopher/Library/Fri...ry/jfk-foto.lis Okay folks - 2 sources informed me that this contact sheet is not Altgens. So here is one that is...which of course has nothing new in it - this one also courtesy of John Woods. If anyone has the other +60 Altgens photos or contact sheets, please feel free to let me know or post them here. - lee
  20. Hey Ron - yes, I have seen that also. She also thought that there were more than 3 shots, that Jackie was holding a 'dog' and that a man who closely resembled Jack Ruby took off running. Her husband and others ridiculed her - but she was right on the shots [iMO], she appears to have seen 'lambchop,' and I have always maintained that there was a man on the stairs that ran off - not the bogus one that appears in Nix and Muchmore. Her 'Sno-Cone' belief appears to have come after-the-fact. And it just so happened to have been found in an area where Hill and others were under the impression that one of the bad guys got shot. I'd say the 'Sno-Cone' idea was rubbish - and I don't know why someone would take the trouble to indicate that she followed the droplets - or why someone would imply that she discovered the Sno-Cone. Doesn't sound as if she followed any droplets to me. My interest in the pool of blood remains the same - the man on the stairs that was removed - and whether or not he was one of the shooters that got winged but managed to get away. - lee
  21. I believe that this is one of the Algens contact sheets of the rarely seen >60 other photos he took that day - courtesy of John Woods. http://wiretap.area.com/Gopher/Library/Fri...ry/jfk-foto.lis
  22. Crop - close quarters. 12/63 print, high res scan. Few more to add here if I can manage the space... edit - if anyone would care to have a copy of the scan, shoot me an email... lforman23@comcast.net If anyone has any of the repressed and non-public stuff that they'd finally like to see out in the open - same email address works for that as well.
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