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Chuck Schwartz

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  1. Paul C., here is a relevant essay on the subject you bring up...https://archive.politicalassassinations.net/2013/04/executive-action-jfk-witness-deaths-and-the-london-times-actuary/
  2. Paul, LBJ appointed Helms DCI in 1966. Shortly after that appointment , Helms had Des Fitzgerald fire Barnes, who had tried to get Helms kicked out of the CIA by going to Dulles. It did not work and Barnes was out as soon as LBJ appointed Helms DCI in 1966- see page 502 in "Coup in Dallas" ( it is in the essay by Alan Kent at the end of the aforementioned book).
  3. This appears to be a relevant part of an essay on Maria Oswald Porter on SparticusL " (5) Marina Oswald Porter, letter to John Tunheim (19th April, 1996) (6) Marina Oswald Porter, statement published on 17th September, 1996. Subscribe to our Spartacus Newsletter and keep up to date with the latest articles. Popular Pages John F. Kennedy Winston Churchill Socrates × × × Spartacus eBooks Related Reading Oswald Talked Related Reading Assignment: Oswald Sections Marina Oswald : Biography Primary Sources 1 2 3 4 5 6 Interesting articles Queen Catherine Howard Why the Tories opposed the introduction of the NHS in 1948? Did Leon Trotsky betray the ideals of the revolution in 1921? Why did the parents of these five children decide that they had to die in Berlin on 1st May, 1945? Anne of Cleves American Artists and the First World War Robert Devereux, Earl of Essex Benjamin Disraeli Sylvia Pankhurst The Wild Bunch First World War Second World War The Tudors British History Vietnam War Military History Watergate Assassination of JFK Assocation Football Normans American West Famous Crimes Black People in Britain The Monarchy Blitz United States Cold War English Civil War Making of the United Kingdom Russia Germany The Medieval World Nazi Germany American Civil War Spanish Civil War Civil Rights Movement McCarthyism Slavery Child Labour Women's Suffrage Parliamentary Reform Railways Trade Unions Textile Industry Russian Revolution Travel Guide Spartacus Blog Winston Churchill John F. Kennedy Lyndon B. Johnson Robert F. Kennedy Queen Victoria J. Edgar Hoover Ku Klux Klan Martin Luther King Adolf Hitler Joseph Stalin Jim Crow Laws Benito Mussolini Franklin D. Roosevelt Abraham Lincoln Lee Harvey Oswald © 1997-2020 Spartacus Educational Publishers Ltd. Privacy Statement Advertising News Online Written by John Simkin About Blog Newsletter Web Developer: Peter McMillan Contact
  4. Right now, my favorite line(s) is from Dylan's " Murder Most Foul" - "The day that they killed him, someone said to me, "Son The age of the Antichrist has just only begun" Air Force One coming in through the gate Johnson sworn in at 2:38 Let me know when you decide to throw in the towel It is what it is, and it's murder most foul"
  5. LHO was viewed as an idiot, per this section of an essay written by Paul Bleu.. "Persons of interest like John Martino, Frank Sturgis, and Phillips-linked contacts (Carlos Bringuier, Ed Butler, and journalist Hal Hendrix) began a “Castro was behind it” spin to the assassination. Carlos Bringuier of the DRE, who had gotten into what was likely a staged fight with Oswald on Canal Street in New Orleans in August of 1963, also wrote a press release that was published the day after the assassination to position Castro as being in cahoots with Oswald. The DRE was actually set up under William Kent in 1960, working for David Phillips. David Morales was the group’s military case officer. Later, with Phillips in Mexico City, Kent was George Joannides supervisor. Kent’s daughter told Gaeton Fonzi that her father never mentioned Oswald except one time over dinner. He stated that Oswald was a “useful idiot”. " It wasn't until LHO said publicly I am just a patsy that it was decided to kill LHO, in my opinon.
  6. This may help- AMLEO-3 is Jose Ricardo Rabel Nunez (see p. 325 of "Where Angels Tread Lightly" by J. Newman).
  7. If so , discussing the shift in the Vietnam policy as highlighted in Newman's "JFK and Vietnam" might be appropriate.
  8. America First , in 1940, did not want to support Britain in its fight against nazi germany....https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/America_First_Committee
  9. Here is a relevant quote from "The Devil's Advocate" by D. Talbot (see page 261). "After Arbenz was overthrown, Dulles assembled his Guatamala task force in the White House to brief the president on the victorius operation, which had been confidently code named PBSUCCESS. Less than one year after the Iran coup, the CIA director and his team had won a second opportunity to puff out their chests. PBSUCCESS would forge deep, lifelong bonds among Dulles and his Guatamala crew, which included Richard Bissell, Tracy Barnes, Howard Hunt, David Phillips, and David Morales. Many of the team members woud be reunited for the Bay of Pigs."
  10. Evan, did Askins ever talk to you about the JFKA? If so, what did he say? How did you come to know Askins?
  11. My favorite author- John Newman. My favorite researcher- Doug Horne.
  12. Sandy, I am not sure if Chief Curry would push back or question the Mayor's recommndation. Here is a hint from Curry himself.. Curry was also responsible for protecting Lee Harvey Oswald. However, he later claimed that just before Jack Ruby shot Oswald he was "called to take a phone call from Dallas Mayor Earle Cabell". Maybe if Curry did not take that call, LHO would not have been killed.
  13. Roger and Sandy, perhaps the chief of police was told by the Mayor of Dallas (Earle Cabell) that the killer was Lee Harvey Oswald and they should go arrest him at the Texas theatre. (1) Earle Cabell's brother, Charles Cabell, worked for 9 years under A Dulles in the CIA. Both A. Dulles and C. Cabell were fired by JFK for the BOP fiasco. I believe Dulles created the narrative that would later become the Warren Commission report, in my opinion. (1) I believe DAP was in Dallas on 11/22/63 and handling LHO. It was DAP who kept Dulles in the loop on the happenings in Dallas that day, in my opinion.
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