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Jim Hargrove

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Everything posted by Jim Hargrove

  1. Anyone who doubts DJ's bona fides as a serious JFK researcher should review his work at Jim DiEugenio's KennedysandKing.com. Here is a link to David's articles: The Evidence IS the Conspiracy
  2. Great! I'm looking forward to this debate, either here or on a neutral site. Let's ask the Education JFK Forum moderators if they would like to work something out so Mr. Parker and I can debate one-on-one right here. Otherwise, we can consider neutral sites.
  3. This was added yesterday to the Harvey and Lee website.... One of the FBI's first objectives in the assassination of President Kennedy should have been to determine whether or not other members of government were targeted by friends and associates of Oswald or members of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee. After Lincoln's assassination in 1865 government authorities focused their attention on possible co-conspirators who were soon identified, arrested, and brought to justice. After the events of 9/11 senior government officials were moved to safety in case a broader attack against the United States was in progress. According to Vice President Cheney, “I got on the telephone with the President, who was in Florida, and told him not to be at one location where we could both be taken out.” Mr. Cheney kept President Bush flying in the air on 9/11 while he and his wife Lynn left on a helicopter for a secure and still undisclosed location. But after President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963 the FBI did not launch an investigation to determine if other senior government officials were assassination targets. They did not launch an investigation to determine if Oswald had accomplices, but within 24 hours were preparing a written report to show that he acted alone. This rush to judgment soon became the guiding principle for almost all major U.S. news outlets. Less than a month after the assassination, in a document withheld from the American people for more than 50 years, FBI personnel noted that the policy of the NBC network "will be to televise only those items which are in consonance with Bureau report." The clear implication was that other evidence, potentially conflicting with the FBI's version of events, would be withheld by NBC. Immediately after the assassination, the FBI did not launch an investigation to determine if Oswald visited Mexico City and attempted to secure visas to Cuba and the Soviet Union (they finally began investigating Mexico City in March, 1964). And they did not launch an investigation to determine the possibility of foreign involvement. How could FBI director Hoover, whose priority had always been to protect the reputation of the Bureau, risk criticism by not conducting these investigations? The answer was likely because Hoover knew, as early as 1960 when HARVEY Oswald was in Russia and LEE Oswald was in the USA, that both young men worked for the CIA. And on 11/22/63, when HARVEY Oswald was accused of assassinating President Kennedy, Hoover probably knew or strongly suspected involvement by the US government agency who created the two Oswalds. The full article is available here: Manipulated, Fabricated, and Disappearing Evidence The Harvey and Lee home page is here: HarveyandLee.net
  4. I see. And you guys just aren't smart enough to paraphrase his "great rebuttals" here, eh?
  5. Oh, brother. First I was told that Mr. Parker was voluntarily staying away from this forum because he felt he had been mistreated. Now you guys say he was banned, no doubt unfairly, because he’s such a stand-up fellow and all. And I’m supposed to go over to his obscenity-filled site that he controls and debate him there? The same site where he copied a picture of a respected Ed Forum moderator/author and smeared the copied image of his face with what appeared to be mud... or something even dirtier. Really? About the only time I was there he seemed to be interested more in scatological insults than real debate, declaring that my “face is in my feces” or something like that. You guys are free to wallow in his dirt for as long as you like. I no longer follow any of your links there. Perhaps Mr. Parker can apologize to the moderators here and work something out if he desires to debate me. I hope he does.
  6. Seems as if everyone is in favor of a debate between Greg Parker and me except Mr. Parnell. What seems to be the problem? Why can't we do it right here, right away?
  7. The evidence of LEE Oswald's missing front tooth, and Ed Voebel's LIFE magazine photo, was in included in Harvey and Lee when John published it in 2003. The evidence and photo, if memory serves, was up on my website even before that. And yet the H&L critics almost always forget to mention it when they talk about the mastoidectomy. Why is that? The remarkable thing about this is that the same guy who testified that LEE lost a front tooth was the guy who actually took the photograph of LEE showing off his missing tooth. But we're supposed to believe the photo is an optical illusion? And Voebel was wrong. And that Marguerite took LEE to a DENTIST to treat a split lip? Marguerite was supposed to be a practical nurse. Are we to believe she would select a dentist to treat a split lip? C'mon. This game should have been over a decade and a half ago.
  8. I'd *LOVE* to have a one-on-one debate with Greg Parker (or anyone else) about Harvey and Lee right here on the good ole JFK Assassination Debate Forum!! Bring it on!! As to Mr. B's comments about the exhumation of Harvey Oswald's cadaver, isn't it amazing how he always forgets to talk about the Magic Tooth? I'd like to hear his detailed explanation of how that front tooth regrew. Mr. JENNER. But you do remember that you attempted to help him when he was struck in the mouth on that occasion; is that right? Mr. VOEBEL. Yes; I think he even lost a tooth from that. I think he was cut on the lip, and a tooth was knocked out. And before anyone claims Voebel seemed uncertain about the missing tooth, let's just review his use of the word "think" during his WC testimony. Yes. Well, I think one of them was in the same grade as Lee. The fight, I think started on the school ground, I think John was a little smaller, a little shorter than Lee. Well, I think Oswald was getting the best of John, but I think I just went on home and everybody went their way, and Oswald I think, was a little in front of me I think that was what brought it all about. I think this was sort of a revenge thing on the part of the Neumeyer boys I think he even lost a tooth from that. I think he was cut on the lip, and a tooth was knocked out. I don't think he was that good I don't think he was a great pool player I think I met her one time I think the legal age here is 18 I think in a way I understood him better than most of the other kids I think they have gotten worse I think we were in the same grade, I think we were. .... and on and on. Ed Voegel says “I think” or “think” nearly a hundred times during his testimony. It seems to be part of the way he talked.
  9. The interpretation of the results of the exhumation are disproved because the cadaver has both upper front teeth intact. The attending physicians were given Harvey Oswald’s Marine dental records, so naturally they matched. If Americans believed the so-called "scientific evidence" of the WC and the HSCA there wouldn’t be newspaper headlines all across the country right now and this forum wouldn’t exist. Marguerite’s best friend, Myrtle Evans and her husband Julian, told the Warren Commission they wouldn’t have recognized Marguerite if they hadn’t been told who she was. Let’s consider some other evidence…. Evidence of a 5’ 11” Marine who becomes a 5’ 9” cadaver on a slab in the Dallas morgue. Evidence of a fellow who is arrested both on the main floor and the balcony of the Texas Theater. Evidence of a man who does and doesn’t have a valid Texas driver’s license. Evidence of a man who isn’t recognized by his own half-brother. Evidence of a man whose Social Security records don’t reflect teen-aged employment income supposedly included on his federal tax returns. Evidence of a man who appeared at the Bolton Ford dealership in New Orleans at the same time he was in the Soviet Union. Evidence of a man who worked with anti-Castro Cubans in Miami and the Florida Everglades at the same time he was in the Soviet Union. Evidence of a man who was treated for VD at a Marine hospital in Japan at the same time he was on the high seas and in Formosa. Evidence of a man who attended school simultaneously in New York City and New Orleans, and, oh yeah.... Evidence of a man who lost or broke a front tooth in a school fight yet had the tooth magically reappear in his exhumation photos, and so on....
  10. Thank you for that. Looks like The Sun got it wrong, though there may have been some oddity in the release process. For those who would like to see what Harvey and Lee is really all about, here's the link: HarveyandLee.net
  11. I know. I took the graphic above from a story linked by CNN to UK's The Sun. Here is the link: https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4778131/jfk-files-cia-lee-harvey-oswald-secret-agent/ I'd like to get the image from NARA, but I just don't have time to slug through all the files.
  12. Oh, brother, anyone who wants to claim LEE Oswald's missing tooth is really is lip is hallucinating.
  13. Does anyone reading this wonder why Ed Voebel’s LIFE magazine picture (see above) of LEE Harvey Oswald’s missing front tooth is such obvious proof there were TWO OSWALDS? ANSWER: Because Voebel sold the picture directly to LIFE! It wasn’t “processed” by the United States government!
  14. Pitiful, Mr. Laverick, just pitiful.... How did the Magic Missing Tooth regrow in Harvey's grave?
  15. Game over for you, Mr. Laverick, because you ALWAYS forget to mention the Magic Tooth. How did LEE Oswald's missing front tooth grow back in HARVEY Oswald's grave? Why do you always forget to explain that? Here's a reminder about what you always forget.
  16. You are EXACTLY RIGHT, Mr. Laverick. There are at least three different ways to explain the mastoidectomy. A fourth, of course, is discussed by DJ when he wonders why a steel reinforced concrete burial vault would fail in less than two decades. Now give me one possible way that "Lee Harvey Oswald's" missing front tooth could grow back in his grave. You ALWAYS forget to mention that!
  17. Plenty of ideas, Mr. Laverick! Even exhumation physician Vincent DiMaio admitted that many Word War II era children bore that same mastoidectomy scar. But how many children in ALL OF HISTORY had a front tooth grow back in the grave? Eagerly awaiting your citation.
  18. Harvey and Lee: Spycraft as Usual Identity tricks are common in spycraft. Cuban Intelligence’s DeLaguardia Brothers The book “Castro’s Final Hour” included a photograph of Antonio and Patricio DeLaGuardia, top spies for Cuba during the 1960s, ‘70s, and ‘80s. They were identical twins, useful, among other ways, for providing an alibi when one or the other got in trouble. Russian Spy Gordon Lonsdale/Konon Molody The use of impostors is common in spycraft. A Russian named Konon Molody, born in Moscow in 1922, was sent to Berkley, California at the age of seven to learn English and develop familiarity with American customs. Ten years later, he returned to the USSR, was commissioned in the Soviet Navy, and started espionage training. By 1954, Molody sailed to Canada with a birth certificate and other paperwork for a Canadian named Gordon Arnold Lonsdale who had died c. 1943. As “Gordon Lonsdale,” Molody had a significant career as a Soviet spy, including interactions with Rudolph Abel in the U.S. and with the British military. He was convicted of espionage in London in 1961. Mossad officer Michael Ross Much more recently, a fellow named Michael Ross was born in British Columbia in 1961. He traveled to Israel in 1982 where he eventually married an Israeli woman and joined the Mossad. According to the Canadian daily National Post (1/14/12), “Over the next 14 years, the Canadian-Israeli assumed six different identities — one cover lasted a full seven years — and led a life wildly different from the one his family believed true so he could gather intelligence and seduce defectors.” German Spy Mata Hari The famed Dutch exotic dancer and German spy with the stage name Mata Hari used stage doubles for her dancing shows so that she could undertake other activities. One of Allen Dulles’s books extols the usefulness of doubles in spycraft, and he should know. The H&L critics here would like you to believe this sort of thing never happens, but spy games with similarities to the Harvey and Lee scenario are really quite easy to find.
  19. What an extraordinary list of CIA secrets assembled by Mr. Talbot. He sure seems to understand the Devil... and his chessboard. Thanks for posting this. We should distribute the list as widely as possible, because you can bet the New York Times and NBC News won’t help. Point #5 above should probably include the fact that Gordon Mclendon was a lifelong friend of David Atlee Phillips and that the two men, in the 1970s, formed the Association of Retired Intelligence Officers.
  20. Mr. Cross is clearly a man who understands the situation here and has great insights!
  21. It is quite obviously not Lee's body in Harvey's grave. If it was, perhaps Mr. Laverick can tell us how Lee's missing front tooth regrew in Harvey's grave!
  22. No matter how many times Mr. Parnell repeats that thought, it remains just as preposterous. As the majority of Americans have known for the past fifty years or so, our nation has been lied to repeatedly about the Kennedy assassination. We have been handed an enormous cover-up, in which documents were altered, testimony changed, and new evidence totally invented out of whole cloth. Deny it and I’ll go through the whole litany again. And so all we can do to try and establish what really happened is to look at the mistakes made by the whitewashers. And there are plenty of things they forgot to cover-up, or simply didn’t notice at the time, or decided to hide for half a century or more. A perfect example comes from yesterdays document release at the National Archives. In Warren Commission testimony by CIA officer Richard Helms, WC attorney Belin asks, “Is there any information involved with the assassination of President Kennedy which in any way shows that Lee Harvey Oswald was in some way a CIA agent or an agent….” And Helms’ answer is totally redacted! I sincerely doubt that Helms admitted that Oswald, any Oswald, was a CIA agent, but there must be something about his answer that he made the Agency balk at making it public. Helms has been known to make what the CIA must have considered to be intemperate remarks about Oswald, such as his statement that the world would never know who or what Lee Harvey Oswald represented. But according to Mr. Parnell, we should ignore last night’s release because the WC and the HSCA told us in thousands of pages of crap that LHO was not an agent. We can’t use this stuff selectively? Are you kidding? Another example of evidence the anti-H&L crowd seems to hate is evidence that did not go through American Intel before being presented to us. Like the words of the Youth House professional staffers who said Lee HARVEY Oswald was a scrawny little kid, and not the “well-built” boy referred to in WC documents prepared by the FBI. Or, for example, Ed Voebel’s classroom photo of Oswald with a missing front tooth, which he sold directly to LIFE magazine. Mr. Parnell can whine about us picking and choosing from information provided by cover-up artists, but that is exactly what any competent detective or researcher would do.
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