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Ramon F. Herrera

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Everything posted by Ramon F. Herrera

  1. The more complicated the explanations of the obvious the better, right, Jim? Gotta keep those rabbit holes well stocked! Hi Cliff: I thank you for your posts. I really do. I have said that this resource, which can be of historical importance as THE definite reference (I don't see how the media will be able to avoid covering it), can be used to ascertain things like: • The Storm Drain Shot • The Badge Man • The S/M BT and a lot more, on request by the users. A forum poster (Chris Newton?) has an hypothesis: he wants to know whether a shooter in the southwest corner of the 6th. floor would have a line of sight to the head of Kennedy as he was agonizing, lying on the seat. This could have been the source of a 2nd. head shot proposed by Mantik, Chesser and Horne. The possibilities of a resource like this are endless. I believe that you don't want one of the theories to be studied? The SBT? You have said that a child with a ruler can prove it. I claim that America does not seem to be buying the child's explanation. Well, I tell you what. I will propose adding The Cliff Restrictions to the feature list. There will be an URL such as: http://www.dealey-plaza.org/For-Cliff Which will not contain the parts that you consider sacred. (*) Do we have a deal? I am only half kidding. :-) -Ramon (*) If you are shy, or don't want credit, we can call it the "Don't Eat the Cows in India" Feature. ps: In the following thread, folks are already having fun comparing synthetic images with the historical record, albeit in a crude, not very accurate manner: http://www.jfkassassinationforum.com/index.php/topic,13596.72.html Those computer generated images are from Myers, 2003. Thirteen years are a lifetime in this field. Just imagine how technology has advanced and what will be possible in the coming years.
  2. Sure, Jim. This initiative was born here, in the Education Forum. I figure that Chuck Marler perhaps could produce a little YouTube presentation, with the material that we have so far. Thanks! -RFH
  3. Let's survey some of the most relevant crime reconstructions, past and current. The first one was not computerized. ============================================================================== (1) Year 1967. Financed and broadcast by CBS. According to a credible insider, it began with the best intentions, but morphed into a coverup. https://consortiumnews.com/2016/04/22/how-cbs-news-aided-the-jfk-cover-up/ Truth-o-Meter Verdict: NOT interested in the truth. ============================================================================== (2) Year 2003. Paid by ABC News, implemented by Dale Myers. Since Mr. Myers has every intention of taking the contents of his hard drive to his grave -as a good Egyptian- he cannot possibly be interested in full disclosure. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DSBXW1-VGmM Truth-o-Meter Verdict: NOT interested in the truth. ============================================================================== (3) Year 2013. Broadcast by PBS, paid by the Koch brothers, implemented by Luke and Michael Haag. Despite requests, PBS will not disclose the laser measurements. http://www.cbsnews.com/news/jfk-single-bullet-theory-probed-using-latest-forensics-tech/ Truth-o-Meter Verdict: NOT interested in the truth. ============================================================================== (4) Year 2015. Implemented by Mark Messer, Martin Hinrichs, David Oldroyd, Ramon Herrera and a few other volunteers, some participants in this forum. Self funded, with very limited resources. The intention is to donate all the files to a university(s) and the National Archives. http://www.dealey-plaza.org https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3675239/3675239-6160509976092692480 http://simplymaya.com/forum/showthread.php?t=41914 Truth-o-Meter Verdict: Interested in the truth. ============================================================================== Conclusion: Initiative No. 4 is the first one and only one in its category. -Ramon ps: If there are hidden files, it is NOT Science.
  4. Correction: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steven-levingston/jackie-kennedys-five-pregnancies_b_4273416.html -RFH
  5. Hi Roy: What I found is indeed #19. Arabella Bouvier Kennedy was baptized. She and Patrick are buried next to her father. -Ramon https://www.google.com/#q=arabella%20kennedy http://www.huffingtonpost.com/steven-levingston/jackie-kennedys-five-pregnancies_b_4273416.html
  6. Is This the Way to Get Rid of the Ridiculous Conspiracy Theories? http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2016/08/donald-trump-hillary-clinton-health-conspiracy-theories-214194 -Ramon ps:
  7. Note: There is one question in which the author is definitely wrong. Can you guess which one? -RFH
  8. Come on, folks! Most of the questions are easy. And the answers are multiple choice: (1) When was John F. Kennedy born? - 1917 - 1919 - 1921 (2) John F. Kennedy was born in Boston, Massachusetts. - True - False BTW: I used to work not too far from the house. (3) What was John F. Kennedy's middle name? That one is embarrassing... (4) How many siblings did John F. Kennedy have? - 4 - 6 - 8 (5) Which nickname was not used to refer to John F. Kennedy? - Johnny - Jack - JFK (6) What childhood illness resulted in the hospitalization of John F. Kennedy? - Scarlett fever - Chicken pox - Mumps That one is hard ... I have seen inconsistent accounts about the number of times Kennedy received the last rites (Viaticum). Some say 3, some say 4. (7) Which East Coast private boarding school did John F. Kennedy attend? [...] http://history.howstuffworks.com/historical-figures/john-f-kennedy-quiz.htm -RFH
  9. Jim: That is a great summary of the most salient points. The guy does a very good, matter-of-fact presentation. Just imagine the job he could do with fancier tools/material at his disposal. Do you know Chuck Marler? How can I get in touch with him? -Ramon ramon@dealey-plaza.org
  10. That is definitely Raul Castro. Obama, Hillary and Kerry had to be involved. Can you say "The Reversal of Operation Northwoods"? -Ramon
  11. It seems that the Obama Doctrine is spreading all over Latin America http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/24/americas/farc-colombia-final-peace-deal/index.html Dare I dream that this is a prelude to the final acknowledgement of the JFK death? -RFH
  12. I don't know about the B-17 vs. B-24, but it can be easily verified. My finding is something else. I will send it to you via private message. -Ramon ps: It will be my privilege to read your post. Addendum: I have seen your numeric post before. Due respect, I prefer more established science. :-)
  13. Let's see if one of you folks can spot the question where the author, Laurie L. Dove, is wrong. http://history.howstuffworks.com/historical-figures/john-f-kennedy-quiz.htm -Ramon
  14. Brad: Are you saying that Mr. Trump is not cognizant and irresponsible for the consequences of his words? -Ramon
  15. This is the easiest way to download YouTube videos, Steve. Just add the letters "ss" before "youtube", like this: https://www.ssyoutube.com/watch?v=LSMEvkDKMOI Wait a few seconds, ignore the ads (offers for similar but paid services) and click on "Download". -RFH
  16. Robert Blakey has a very large debt to America and the truth. For starters, he ordered this drawing: http://www.dealey-plaza.org/~ramon/jfk/Tangential-Shot.png http://www.dealey-plaza.org/~ramon/jfk/Tangential-Shot-Symmetric.png (my version) Gaeton and Marie have mouthfuls (or penfuls) to say about the professor. I am convinced that he is a hypocrite. Let's say that instead of Jeff Morley -very publicly- telling Blakey about Joannides, the professor had found out in a secret CIA document. If that were the case, Blakey would have kept it to himself and would not have written the recent damning letter against the Agency. I cannot stress this enough: Morley forced Blakey and McAdams to reluctantly sign letters against their own cause. That is a rich venue and mine streak that needs to be exploited further. That is our kryptonite, our Silver Bullet to defeat the LN side. -Ramon
  17. Here's my view. - The US government decided to reveal the truth in slow motion, not unlike the strippers at the Carousel Club. - The initial term was going to be 75 years. Public opinion (aka We The People) forced them to shorten it to 50+ (??) - HSCA: The people would never tolerate rubber stamping the WCR. We are rabid dogs who demand fresh meat once in a while. - Prof. Blakey knows better than anyone of us what happened. He is not dummy. - Like a baseball game, Richard Sprague was pitching too well and therefore a relief (NB: relief for the OPPOSITE team) pitcher was brought. The one and only reason Blakey was placed in charge was to put the blame on the mafia, and stop just short of accusing the CIA. - Since the official HSCA Report read "the other party could not be identified", Blakey held his own conference: "It was Marcelo!". - In later years, after Jeff Morley told him: "They fu cked you, Bob!!" Blakey has had either a guilt conscience, peer pressure or else has decided -in a cold, calculated manner- that the time has come for the stripper to drop yet another veil. -RFH
  18. No, he is not. The only parts are Morley vs. CIA. Jeff is being assisted by his attorney Jim Lesar. http://jfkfacts.org/tag/morley-v-cia/ There have been petition letters (*), however. Even McAdams signed one. -Ramon (*) We badly need more of those.
  19. Have your folks seen how NASA has been extremely productive, discovering exoplanets? https://exoplanets.nasa.gov One of those exoplanets is an Earth twin. The one difference is that in that remote world, Lee Harvey Oswald definitely acted alone and the ballistics, autopsy, etc. were performed flawlessly in the most responsible and professional manner. The role of the media was unimpugnable. The link of trust between the government and The People would be unbroken. Year 1981, some astute politician (yes, they have demagogues there, too). "Computers have now reached the point at which a MUCH more detailed analysis of the bullet trajectories can be achieved (BTW: don't forget to vote for me)". In short, every time science and technology made some progress, it would be THE GOVERNMENT who would use it to brag and persuade any remaining naysayers: "As all can see, the results which had centimetric accuracy just a few years ago, now have reached millimetric precision." "All the files are located in the web sites of the National Archives and many universities: MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, etc." There would be similar announcements when audio cards became widespread, detailed/affordable video, laser measurements, new maps, etc. Entrepreneurs would produce a 3D-model-based video game where you would get 1 million dollars if you managed to devise a location (6th floor?), rifle, bullet caliber, distance and angle where the president jumped in the opposite direction as that determined unanimously by all universities. Prove the Jet Effect, win a cool million. The response of the people would not be entirely positive: "GIVE IT A BREAK, WILL YA!!?? Get a freakin' life! Don't you have anything better to do with our taxes?? Let that poor president rest in peace!" It this Earth however, it is the exact opposite! Every time there is a new affordable/feasible technological development, it is The People who start using it: PCs, Internet, etc. to attempt to figure out the truth. Our curiosity is insatiable. Things do not make sense. Something is awry. The most recent example is the use of Finite Element Analysis (FEA), 3D models of the brain being developed and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). In 50+ years it is one more time We The People who are leading. The only logical conclusion is that, tragically, we are not in the exoplanet. We are in the one where lies dominate. Q.E.D. -RFH
  20. I was rather proud of my earth shaking discovery... :-) Well, not quite. It was nifty, numerically elegant: 3 dons, 3 cities, 3 attempts. http://jfkfacts.org/oswald-deny-shooting-president-kennedy/#comment-885220 However, somebody in some other forum mentioned that there were TWO incidents in Florida? More importantly: does it make sense that Dallas was simply 1/3 of the overall fail-safe, redundant plan? TIA, -Ramon
  21. It is the same thing, but yours is much better, of course. Thanks! -Ramon
  22. Damn. Something changed in the way Google Drives work. How about this longer one? https://goo.gl/jTy69B Next, click in "Support Files | Videos" You should find a file named "Feinman PBS Coverup.pdf" Please let me know whether it works. -Ramon
  23. I have a question for Jim D. or anybody else. Following links, I located the following PDF file about the CBS coverup. That material is terrific! https://goo.gl/YUfpmb It contains a script for a TV program (?) and/or web presentation(?). Question: Is the target material available anywhere? IOW: Was that script ever brought to the big/small/web screen? The reason I ask is because it would serve my purposes quite well. Something along the chronological lines of: (1) CBS Program: Data was kept secret. Manipulated, with the purpose to obtain pre-ordained results. (2) ABC News. Implemented by Dale Myers. Data files and measurements: secret (3) PBS Nova: Implemented by Luke and Michael Haag. Data files and measurements: secret. (4) Open Source 3D Model of Dealey Plaza. In progress. All measurements and data files are publicly available. The objective is to donate the work to some of our top universities. http://www.dealey-plaza.org/ Furthermore, if we make enough noise (challenging PBS, with on-line petitions, demanding the data files to be released, etc.) I'd like to believe that the Nova program would be the last in that category, ever. TIA, -Ramon
  24. It has been there posted for a while now, Sandy: http://jfkfacts.org/meaning-jfk-trump-era/#comment-888296 It appeared at the same time as mine. -Ramon
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