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Ramon F. Herrera

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Everything posted by Ramon F. Herrera

  1. I contacted the Old Red Museum and made a proposal: if they provide accurate floor plans, we can do the whole building. They take a standalone copy to use as they see fit, and we add our copy to our DP model. http://www.oldred.org/ The nice match is that they are -like us- volunteer based.
  2. Is any of you out there intimately familiarized with the famous 3D model and animation (heralded by Peter Jennings on ABC News, 2003) for which Mr. Myers won an Emmy? If so: what type of Coca Cola machine was used in his replica ? After removing my tongue from my cheek, I have many serious questions. We could really use the help of any kind soul who lives or is currently in Dallas. We are having a hard time locating the specific model. It was definitely made by Westinghouse, and its novelty was a drink selector called "Dial-o-Matic". In fact, this site uses the contraption as their logo: http://soda-machines.com/discussions/index.php Please take a look at the contents of the Open Source 3D Model of Dealey Plaza's Google Drive. Feel free to peruse, after all: this site is YOURS. https://goo.gl/jTy69B https://goo.gl/JSSASW - Thanks to some photographic wizardry, we found a very similar poster. It would be nice if you can locate and provide the exact same one. We have a new volunteer (a 3D designer, Ethan Biller -welcome!) who is dedicated to the vending machine and poster. We believe in specialization. - In today's Dealey Plaza there is at least one hydrant, it is yellow and located in the NW corner of Houston & Elm. How about 1963? - We badly need close up photos of the lamp posts. How many "channels" (how are those features called in English?) [Ed: "grooves"] are there around? - Any 1963 image of a non-presidential car? We have one from the 1964 FBI reenactment. - There are 2 kinds of mailboxes: ( a ) Street Collection Mailbox and ( b ) Relay Mailbox. The latter have been green forever, how about the former? I contacted the USPS and the nice lady provided measurements for the smaller one. Another volunteer -David Oldroyd- is working on the mailboxes and lamp posts. Incidentally: we are planning to have a "time travel" switch in the web site so the 3D model will have 2 modes: - 1963: It will always be 12:30pm, we have the exact sun location and cloud coverage. The vehicles will be the president's SS-100-X, LBJ, press corps, etc. The Hertz sign and clock will be atop the building, - Real time model: the sun will move according to the date (day/night), the manholes have different letters, etc. I am going to repeat this again and again: EVERY single file that we are producing is being placed immediately in the public Repository. Those files belong to you. For example: yesterday, Mark Messer (the head designer) wrote a utility named "usgsbrowser" which queries the USGS website and determines the exact elevation of 1,000 spots in the Elm downhill street segment. That program is there as well. You can copy all the files and create your own site, if you prefer. -Ramon
  3. I wonder what is the current relationship of David Talbot with: • Salon, which he founded but left. Most importantly: • The Clintons https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Talbot Perhaps Bill Clinton sees Talbot, his former protegee, as somebody who has gone maverick ? While we are on the topic: What are the chances that the 2 candidates will be asked in their debates about the Kennedy documents? -Ramon
  4. Hi Jim: Working in that direction, I applied for membership to all the related LinkedIn Forums (CT+MRI Imaging, Radiology, etc.) that I could find, and as luck would have it, some accepted my application: Now, one thing is to be able to post, and quite another to actually receive useful replies. I was telling Pat Speer that this must have been my lucky day: In my first attempt, a very collaborative doctor (Roman Marin, Radiologist, MRI Department, Donetsk General Hospital, Donetsk, Ukraine ... where they have wars and lots of heads and bodies perforated by bullets....) gave me some interesting opinions. But I really don't have the time to get into it at this point. Read on ... One of my objectives is to guide Samuel Patmore, a 3D modeler who I hired to carve a rough hole in a pristine cranium that I provided. https://www.freelancer.com/u/samuelpatmore.html Samuel traveled last week to his alma mater (University of Kent) until today. This is what he has so far: Isometric to 3D Projection https://goo.gl/cZ7Axr (Click inside "3D Models" subfolders) -Ramon ps: Funny anecdote. Samuel dutifully made 3D versions of the images that I have in my Google Drive (or as I call it: poor man's web site) and I told him: Ramon: "Samuel, let's forget about 'Third Attempt, Frontal Right.png' - We are not modeling that one" Samuel: "How come?" Ramon: "Because the defect was done by an utterly unqualified, clueless person." Samuel: "Really?, who is that?" Ramon: "That would be Yours Truly".
  5. Good point. I highly recommend "The Men Who Built America". http://www.history.com/shows/men-who-built-america/videos Back in the days of the so-called Robber Barons the Federal government was not very rich. When Washington needed to finance something, they went to J. Pierpont Morgan who lent the money. BTW: Morgan's father was not exactly a visionary: was adamantly against his son investing in Edison's newfangled gizmo, called "electricity". Fortunately, the old man died in a carriage accident in Monte Carlo, leaving his fortune to J.P.
  6. That is a great suggestion, along the lines of my thinking, but I plan to do something even better, Bob. Instead of some "Panel of Qualified Pathologists" bought and sold by prof. Blakey (*), working under powerful pressure, I insist that this case must be solved by The People. What I plan to do is join all the LinkedIn forums which are related to X-Rays, medical imaging, radiology, CT, etc. (there are many, some with 10s of thousands subscribers) and the responsibility of issuing an opinion falls on those professionals. As usual, hopefully my heroes -the top universities- will be involved with their best tools: open, collaborative science and peer-reviewing protocols. -Ramon (*) With the one honorable exception of somebody who has personal and professional integrity: Dr. Cyril Wecht. ps: See a related post that I placed in several of those forums:
  7. I should add that my amigo César Salcedo, from Spain, who is the author of this: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?385861-Homemade-Bruce-Willis has shown interest to join the JFK project. Maybe I should ask Cesar to start practicing his "abnormal neck" :-) skills?
  8. Hi Pat: (1) In the interest of full disclosure and honesty (Mr. Myers actually uses the word "science"), shouldn't the ABC/Myers team have revealed such crucial detail by now? (2) I ordered the AP and Lateral cranium X-rays from the National Archives. They tell me that it will take about 20 days to process this request. I guess I could add these other 2 X-rays which include the neck: https://goo.gl/cZ7Axr (Click inside "Neck" folder) (3) If this becomes a credible argument, different neck proportions should be added to the set of hypotheses considered by the Open Source Model of Dealey Plaza that is being created as a response to the ABC/Myers version. A new volunteer, Ethan Biller, just approached us last night and is being interviewed. As you can see in his portfolio (and as opposed to Mark Messer who is more an engineer than an artist), Ethan can make "characters" (which includes people). http://www.ethanjbiller.com/game-model-work.html ==================== Open Source 3D Model of Dealey Plaza http://www.dealey-plaza.org/ https://goo.gl/jTy69B
  9. "It may be too late for justice, but it is never too late for The Truth. - Bob Groden https://www.facebook.com/plazamanfilm/?fref=nf
  10. For the exact same reason that the younger children are not told about Santa Claus, or about mom's/dad's cancer. This is the worst kept secret in US history. They are actually revealing it, in S-L-O-W motion, not unlike the strippers at the Carousel Club, we can clearly see and guess what is under the next veil. We bitch about the media and yet, what is the source of most of what is widespread known? The MSM itself. Who was the first to place blame in the official version? LIFE magazine, 1966, an Agency front, the same one which locked up the Z-film. In reference to taking a hit, the next president could pardon Ruth Paine and others. This is the reason I would propose a web site with a strong, responsible message: www.we-can-handle-the-truth.org www.we-are-ready-for-the-truth.org John Kerry -best friend of Ted- made a contribution (*), dropped the next piece of lingerie, but I am afraid that it fell short. Way too short. He should have been in several media, and his message should have been more forceful. (*) If you didn't hear the words "This is the White House and we approve this message", you were not listening.
  11. Some say that we believe in those all-powerful entities: God and the World Cabal, because we want them to be reality, we are desperate for them to exist.
  12. Then and now, rich people are OPPORTUNISTIC. They place a bet, giving a couple of bucks to the candidate that they hope will win the White House (be it 1963 or 2016). Perhaps lend them an airplane, etc. Even if you subtract Texas Big Oil entirely, the coup would still have happened. Those who imagine a hermetic cabal without a hint of a crack are wrong. Yes, powers exist, but no, they are not disciplined and predictable along decades. They have confrontations and those conflicts are held in front of our eyes. See the Fox empire: there was an article about the sons hating Murdoch's wife... A fine mess. A very PUBLIC mess. See Roxana Pulitzer's kiss and tell book, not to mention this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scott_McClellan Another example: Trump, a long time faithful New York Democrat donor, a F.O.B., now turned around. Cell phone numbers being broadcast. Some long-term loyalty and discipline! See Bill Gates. Richest man in the world. Buffet -2nd richest- gave him all his money. Poor Bill, going around, begging for his causes: vaccines and this one, which he and Zuckerberg CANNOT make it happen: http://www.fwd.us/ http://www.politico.com/story/2015/12/mark-zuckerberg-facebook-immigration-donald-trump-2016-election-216327
  13. So the money and the power are inherited forever? Are you aware of how poor the Rockefellers are today? The Hunts? The Byrds? Institutions, OTOH, can last a long time. Could the Texas Big Oil Barons send sleeper agents to the USSR? Do they have fully staffed offices in many US cities? Overseas? Not a single disgruntled, whistle blower employee? Let's keep in mind that Dallas was the one that worked out, while purportedly Chicago and Florida failed. People with money have a lot of enemies, who can become richer and more powerful at the blink of a stock market move or election. Unlike other countries, here in the US -God Bless Her- we have a lot of mobility. By pulling off something like this within the realm of the private sector, so to speak, you expose yourself to eternal blackmail. To close, let's add the best argument: "Can [the mafia, Fidel, Oil Barons, Soviets] count with the faithful 75 year coverup (*) courtesy of Uncle Sam?" (*) That was the initial plan.
  14. It can be argued that "they" had about 14 years to perform the falsification. It took Michelangelo a lot less to do the Sistine Chapel. After all, it wasn't until 1998 that Dr. Humes saw the X rays and photos for the first time. http://www.npr.org/2013/11/10/243981006/inconsistencies-haunt-official-record-of-kennedys-death As a CT who does not have any problem confessing his doubts, it bothers me that the X-rays were compared and certified with one(s) provided by Kennedy's dentist. -RFH
  15. Jon: During the Assassination Records Review Board, Sandra Spencer, the Navy officer who developed the film stated, under oath: "Those are not the X-rays that I saw. Even the film is of a different kind". (not a direct quote) http://www.npr.org/2013/11/10/243981006/inconsistencies-haunt-official-record-of-kennedys-death The best work ever done, in video, that unmasks the shameful absurdity of the autopsy, the Clown Parade of "doctors", is probably this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=icHI6B88ePk&list=PL7A0926148D119EB4 by our own Pat Speer. I just discovered it and wish had seen it before. -RFH
  16. It's not much, but it's a start: http://www.dealey-plaza.org/ As promised, the source files will be available from the very beginning of the project: https://goo.gl/jTy69B -RFH
  17. Or the word "Facts". I acquired the following Internet domains: jfknumbers.com and jfknumbers.org. It's good to have Science and Technology in one's side. (Capital "S", capital "T"). -Ramon
  18. That goes without saying, Scott. Assassins rarely lose testosterone in every hit. Quite the opposite. :-) More seriously, I keep on seeing all those Spanish names in your long posts and wish had the time to study what is for me a new chapter. Alas, I am quite busy with projects that hopefully will develop and provide valuable resources and arguments to the community. Best, -Ramon
  19. Frankly, I have no reason to believe that the Dallas County will deny this request. They have already provided those plans to the likes of Oliver Stone, the producers of "A Coup in Camelot", Dale Myers, etc. What really worries me is PBS. Yes, the institution that we have come to respect and cherish, that PBS. See my e-mail to them here: http://jfkfacts.org/dale-myers-on-the-state-of-the-jfk-case/#comment-832570 -Ramon
  20. This is about the 3D Open Source Model of Dealey Plaza initiative that was recently born out of the Education Forum. These are the preliminary discussions: http://forum.assassinationofjfk.net/index.php/topic/1875-3d-animation-of-dealey-plaza/ ... and the topic has picked up some steam here: http://jfkfacts.org/dale-myers-on-the-state-of-the-jfk-case/#comment-832570 Therefore, we have 3 forums involved. Here's the web page: http://www.dealey-plaza.org/ ============================= My immediate objective is to obtain a copy of the TSBD building floor plans, and hopefully, its vicinity. After spending the better part of a day making calls and sending e-mails to the City of Dallas, The Sixth Floor Museum, etc. - I must have dialed every single phone in the Dallas County Administrative offices - ... ... I finally got a sympathetic ear. A lady promised to go to the bottom of this. A couple of days later she got back to me: "Mr. Herrera, your only option will be to go through an Open Records Request [that is how we call the Freedom of Information Act here in Texas]. Send your request to the following fax number." She was very kind and helpful, but she refused to give me any other name, e-mail or phone number. Stay tuned ...
  21. I guess I should not have this kind of debate with people who haven't had any courses of Logic. A premise can be anything: "Assume that a flying saucer lands on top of the White House ..." Next, you develop the consequences in a logical manner. One possible technique known as reductio ad absurdum. If we assume that Fidel Castro captures the Dealy Plaza snipers that you sent to Cuba (something much more likely than the spacecraft mentioned above) to kill El Comandante, then the INESCAPABLE consequence is that "the CIA gave the most important secret in its history, as a free gift, to its worst enemy." -Ramon
  22. I was basing my statement on the premise that Castro captured the Dealey Plaza shooters, plus your identification of that pair of Cubanos being the shooters. Had that been the case, the inescapable conclusion would be what you see above in quotes. -Ramon
  23. and yet, you do not have ONE single university. See the part about the bright side (universities not selling their good name and reputation) here: http://jfkfacts.org/assassination/whats-the-one-thing-people-should-read-or-view-on-november-22/#comment-828651 -Ramon
  24. I have a simple answer and demand for you, David. In the immortal words of mister Tom Cruise: SHOW ME YOUR FILES Not available? I didn't think so. Pray tell, where are your FEA and CFD simulations? (mine are running 24x7 as we speak) This scenario will soon be proved mathematically impossible: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dKC_zBA50HA ... with every single file available for The People to see, on the Internet. ================================= For more details, see these 2 threads: http://jfkfacts.org/assassination/a-question-for-2016-presidential-candidates/#comment-746303 http://jfkfacts.org/assassination/whats-the-one-thing-people-should-read-or-view-on-november-22/#comment-828396 (Read the part about the Dartmouth files)
  25. Hey! Check out these young people! Stanford University Living Matter Lab: http://biomechanics.stanford.edu/People They seem like a cool gang, don't they? In the first video, they sing to a Spanish music that says "With the terrorists". I gotta give them a ring and invite them to participate in the JFK investigation ... Before I raise your expectations, however, I must warn you and tell you about my past experiences: these kids start very enthusiastically, even -or specially- after I drop the 3-letter word: "JFK". Soon afterwards, however (I guess some older and wiser professor has a talk with them), they stop replying to my e-mails and phone calls. :-( I hurry to clarify that the above reaction occurs only in American universities. People from universities and other centers of research outside the US are not affected by the fear (which has real or imaginary basis).
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