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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Another such case, Ron. This clip is of a confrontation with Trump and reporters after Trump showed the press a film of how his Presidency handled the corona virus by stopping incoming flights from China in late January and the film resumes his activity in March, and is then asked about his film' showing his inactivity in February, and asked what he did to combat the corona virus in February? When asked,Trump keeps diverting back to his travel ban in January and lies about Biden's reaction. But the reporter Leslie Reid remains cool and persistent and never gets diverted and never drops her eyes from Trump.If these reporters got sucked into Trump's anger, they would have lost the argument. Her stare is like a death ray and our President comes undone and acts like a child all the more humiliating for him that the questions are coming from a woman. https://youtu.be/SHF_7Idvkyc There's been a lot said about JFK in news conferences but the press was relatively a piece of cake back then. Before the 60's there was a trust of government and officials and the press had to be more reticent of showing up the President.
  2. Agreed Cliff: Re Yanukovych: It must be a secure feeling to know you can be elected to the highest office in your home country. Steal a billion dollars from your country and leave behind an outrageous, opulent estate. Get run out by your own people and still. 1)Get a golden parachute Dacha from Vladimir Putin 2)Get an interview with Ollie Stone Yeah, I can see where RT might be favorable toward Ollie.
  3. Jim said, Keep pounding a dead horse. Trump will be there until 2024. You're pounding the dead horse,Jim. You're continually working yourself into a lather about this and it's not good for your health. I'm sorry Jim, shamelessly piggybacking on Bill Barr's unearned position as AG is like bragging to us about getting Lowell Cohn's autograph. It don't make it! heh heh heh heh heh heh heh The entire regurgitation of this at this point is probably not worth .5% in polls if that, because so much has gone on since. So actually I agree. Let's not hijack this thread any further. Try this link and maybe it will help you get off this topic and give you some peace. But somehow I kind of doubt it.
  4. This is due to the action of one person. Jeff of course you have a right to change hats to defend an AG who let off the defendants in Contra affair as well. Jonathan Turley, the great Fox News Senate Republican "liberal hope" when it serves their purpose. Just as in the poor blacks being bullied into copping a plea. You would never have heard one story about Jonathan Turley by Fox News otherwise.
  5. Good post William!, It's amazing how Fox News and some on this forum try to push this analogy that Flynn is a victim, similar to some black ghetto youth who is forced into a guilty plea because he has no means to fight the system. Flynn had high priced lawyers and copped a plea.
  6. Oh Chrissake, Jim. you just had to come back to this? Look what's incited Jim to bite back here. This is what I meant when I said in another thread. It was the bizarrest thing. That Jim was into Trump only insofar as Trump could further Putin's image in the world. Re financial records: Figure it out! Trump had 20 million dollars by the time he was 21, and inherited over 400 million from his Father over the course of his lifetime. Still, he came back to his Father to bail him out of trouble twice in his career and ended declaring bankruptcy 6 times! And his son, Donald Trump Junior said in 2006. "Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets. We see a lot of money pouring in from Russia,” Given all the bankruptcies, to those with even the most threadbare financial literacy. Is it at all hard to imagine that as major banks in America stopped lending Trump money following his many bankruptcies, the Trump organization was forced to seek financing from non-traditional institutions. Like just maybe Russian oligarchs, as his son has said? And of course, we also know that many of these oligarchs also have ties to Putin. I never found Jim to be much of a financial sleuth, so he doesn't surprise me. Is there any other Trump supporter, apologist, or Deep State sleuth who can revive their childhood drawing book talent in dot connecting? Do those who think the Mueller probe produced nothing (except of course, 34 individual indictments, but none to the President himself, and yet what kind of pussy investigation is this where 1)Mueller doesn't interview the President directly and Trump's attorney John Dowd tells Mueller he can't allow the President to testify to Mueller because he knows Trump would surely incriminate himself! 2) Mueller doesn't cross the line and investigate Trump's financial records?* (Are you sure that's not the Deep State coup?) Anyway, does anyone who thinks the Mueller investigation produced nothing really think with the admission by Trump in the Ukraine incident that the premise for establishing the Mueller probe, that the POTUS may have sold out out or compromised our national interests for his personal interests to our enemies is now 1) more likely to have happened? or 2) less likely to have happened? Again you have to be able to recognize basic patterns.
  7. I saw the original clip of the Bakersfield guys. Kern County is largely out in the desert. The biggest city in rural Kern County and the only place with a major hospital is Bakersfield and the county's death rate is among the lowest in the state. So they haven't paid any heavy dues.They've been reprimanded by the "Deep State"Kern County Public Health Department because the Bakersfield boys are arguing to open up right away. California's a big state and there are other more remote areas that would like to open up as well. Newsome today announced he's starting phase 2 of opening up on Friday. Now I see today there's 16 infected in Bakersfield at a nursing home. But in fairness, there are some people on the front lines who have come to similar conclusions. I don't question their data. Here in the link below is a guy, not quite as spooked, with a bit more on the ball, whose done a little walking the walk. They both agree the path up to now, that is, flattening the curve has been the right strategy. But they say everybody just staying home will build no herd immunity. And if we don't build herd immunity, are we just to stay home and wait for a cure vaccination that may never come and probably won't come this year? I think of the Bakersfield boys as perhaps a tad bozo, trying to make a name for themselves. They cite Sweden as an unqualified success, but Katz isn't quite so impressed. The Sweden method is keep everything open and everybody try to distance though they don't wear many masks. They are flattening the curve but they've lost a lot of older people. And their number of deaths is 5X times their neighbors, Norway Finland and Denmark which has a much greater population density. And they're taking a lot of heat. Then this headline now: SWEDEN: Updated: May 02, 2020, 13:17 GMT Coronavirus Cases: 22,082 Deaths: 2,669. Sweden records the highest weekly mortality rate since the turn of the century. They say that elected politicians must now intervene with "swift and radical measures." Swedish Public Health has claimed on four different occasions that the spread of infection has levelled out, despite evidence to the contrary. Sweden's relatively relaxed approach to controlling the spread of the coronavirus has come under fire in international media and from many locals in the capital Stockholm. I do wonder what their evidence to the contrary is? Katz has the more conventional .5 % or one in 200 infection to death rate but concedes it could be lower. I think in the Bakersfield opening clip which isn't available now on youtube (which is BS) I think I heard the head guy say they thought it was .03% or 3 per 10,0000! Katz says they could figure it out pretty fast with random testing. A random test in Santa Clara County shows 4% of asymptomatic people have CV antibodies. But in assessing this, how fatal is it? One problem in all this is that each state has different criterion for CV death, some states report CV death solely from respiratory illness. While some report other organ failure as result of CV infection as well. Some didn't count the increased fatalities in nursing homes. Now they're talking about young asymptomatic young people whose first symptom is a stroke! And there is still a lot of inaccuracies in testing. They still know very little about this. They don't know if having antibodies even gives a solid immunity. Is it a stronger immunity if the symptoms were initially greater? How long does it last? Would that be more useful plasma to treat others? And this is a pretty good Sweden link from CNN, But at the end there's Tom Friedman (pfff!) who makes a statement that Sweden is 25-30% on the way to herd immunity. HowTF can he say that? Besides the Swedish FM says that herd immunity isn't the goal of their policy. https://youtu.be/vWPIGty2f6Q
  8. Homothug Dave? I didn't know you did scurrilous. I knew there had to be an anagram there, and sure enough. Hog mouth! I'll leave it at that.
  9. So it's stop all the government relief effort. Wipe the slate clean and eliminate social spending. Wow at this point you'd have to have a massive police state to stop the riots. It is amazing what will get Trump's ear, and you do wonder what Trump might resort to if he saw there was no way he would get re elected.
  10. More sloppy research Robert. When you open up the link the cases are itemized so you're really comparing apples to oranges. As Jim pointed out in so many words earlier. "The corona virus destroys lungs but Doctors are finding its damage in Kidney's Hearts and elsewhere". And you can see that very headline in a recent Washington Post article that I'd post the link here but they want to make me pay for it and wouldn't let me open it.. Let's see tomorrow if the CDC comes out with an announcement that 25,000 people have risen from the dead or they made some accounting mistake and you'll be vindicated. ******** Robert said: How about millions of people, including me, telling the government to go "F" themselves when they ask for their contacts. ??????Uh, yeah well. Talk is cheap Robert. Put you're money where your mouth is and go out and commingle, if you must....just don't tell them you know us! If I was Robert I wouldn't worry too much about being asked for contacts. Those public health care professionals have a lot of experience and have a pretty good idea what they're looking at. My guess is one look from the doctors and they'll know Robert has no associations and probably got the virus from a pay phone booth. and correctly conclude that he is the person that they would least want their daughters to enter his room unarmed, and prioritize his care accordingly. Robert's telling us that if he's diagnosed as positive, he won't tell doctors who he's contacted. He's not a snitch and he's not going to snitch on the people he passed it to, because he has their best interests in mind. He wants to protect their right to die. Robert's message is "If I'm going down, you're all going down with me" ---- Wow, That"s admirable Robert!--a hundred years from now in young children's school text books, You will be heralded as the Patrick Henry of the "Q anon" movement! Pff...ha hah ha o---hah ha ha ha BWA -HA HA! In the beginning Robert just wanted to serve a cause greater than himself, but like Trump is realizing it's futile. To them, There is nothing greater than themselves!
  11. No no no Jim! This is Katrina times 1000! Katrina was regional. This was going to be bad. There was a serious institutional (CDC)problem around testing. But we had a chance to contain this better than California has! We had plenty of warning, dodged a bullet with the earliest California infections and also saw the growth of this starting in Europe. Because of Trumps ineptness we've had to completely shut down our economy. We won't completely recover for a long while! We've piled on enough debt to make the Great Recession look cheap! I remember during the impeachment trials you characterized Bob Ness and I as looking at Trump as the "devil reincarnate". I thought that was very pretentious on your part as I thought my criticism of Trump was rational and fact based. I remember Bob responded that Trump wasn't a catastrophe yet but maybe he could be in a second term. That was pretty well what I thought. You've always minimized the Trump Presidency. I assumed most of it was because you were more concerned with damage control PR for Putin and that Trump might compromise him.(some were more concerned about it being the other way around) But that's all small l potatoes now. Now not only are we dealing with people's lives, we're going to have an economic tsunami for years! You also had pretty much swallowed the Trump disinfectant about Trump being a peace nik at the time. Of course this was before he took that foolish chance of killing Soleimani. Obviously something would HC never have done being that Iran peace initiative was Obama's policy. But it's still ongoing! I look upon it as why did I pay all those years of Federal income Tax just to find the federal government abdicating it's responsibility and putting it off on the states making them competitively bid against each other for critical supplies, testing and PPE? It could have all been solved under the Defense Protection Act but Trump's just too timid to pull the trigger to just dictate to private industry to gear up. He waited now months! And now he's trying to overcompensate by keeping even virus infected meat packing industries open! This was the worst timing imaginable. A "deep state" anti government President who was preaching publicly against all his government advice about the virus just to look defiant to his misguided political base.
  12. What I find is scary, with the virus and the shutdown bringing the disenfranchised people out of the woodwork. If resistance becomes deeper to this lock down. And Trump continues fomenting division and being the figure whose encouraging their liberation from his own initial lock down rules. If things became desperate for them, who would these people identify with? Would it be Trump the liberator? Would there be some crazy irrational idea that if Trump could only control the Government Deep State, then they would provide relief for them? It sounds completely absurd but is it?
  13. I agree with Jim's general depiction on an economic level. But as far as Trump, I don't think the DNC. Hillary got a clear majority of votes. Yes they should get rid of the super delegates though.. Also when it's said Bill Clinton had a surplus, those were yearly surpluses. We still had a big debt that many people had been decrying for years. But the bailouts of the Great Recession just completely blew that out of water. And now..... well. It's completely useless. Just write ourselves a big check and hold our breathe and pray. If anybody would ever suggest that it would be Trump. He's been doing that all his life.
  14. Try these two for the world total,Ron. Are they close enough for you? The difference is different time signatures. that's because they use the same sources but check at different times..I'd give you the same link as I first gave you but I don't think World Odometers breaks down the states. https://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/ https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/world/coronavirus-maps.html Ron said:The MSM chose not to bring this case to prominence. You're making Trump's excuse Ron. I'm not sure where you've been but the Corona Virus outbreak started in the Wu Han province of China and has been in the news since January. Ron said: I'll add it to a couple of others I look at every 2-3 days. If you have a couple of others. Why are you saying you're having trouble finding stats here below? It's sounds like you're asking for sources. I was trying to oblige you. Ron said: I've been having trouble finding state day by day stat's searching for them. They're certainly not news in the MSM. Are they being suppressed on purpose? . They are in the MSM! They're not being suppressed! As far as the ownership of the press. Ok. But I'm not sure what you're saying. Why would the MSM suppress the corona virus stats on purpose? Do the world corporate elites benefit from the world economy shutting down? I'm sorry Ron, but you cast a lot of aspersions but it's not at all clear what you're saying.
  15. No MSM conspiracy Ron, the New York Times, state , even your county if you want it. If you like to check this stuff occasionally, just put it in your favorites or bookmark and you can get up to date.That's what I do. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2020/us/coronavirus-us-cases.html
  16. Yes William, if I had left a week later, I would have had problems getting out. But since then, one weekly flight out has been arranged from the American embassy. Usually to Miami, sometimes Houston, and it's expensive, about $1000!, but I heard of one cheap flight one time as well. But their lock down is more extreme than here, and people comply because the government has a previous history and even more recently there has been a political clamp down on the population. There was a youtube video supposedly from a Guayaquil barrio where a covered body is dragged out in the street and lit on fire, because there aren't the government services to pick up the body, but it's been called a hoax by the city government. Still there are at this time, only 5 deaths per 100k population in Ecuador. Next door in Colombia there's only .5 deaths per 100k. In the U.S. that figure is 310 per 100k! There was said to be a big carrier, a woman from Spain who they showed her rough itinerary and it's possible we could have been in a coastal town, Salinas, at the same time. I attended a Mardi Gras celebration in the second most populous town, Cuenca. Might have dodged a bullet there!
  17. I don't know what the big deal is Lance. I've seen 3 of your pictures, including one with your wife. It sounds like your starting to turn into the very paranoid martyr that you so decry on this website. Why the change? I'm wondering if your professed fascination and internet meanderings onto other "weird" websites has cause you to fear some retaliation of some sort. I hope not. You can always use that first "alien" picture with that barren backdrop and that funny hat, which probably isn't a funny hat, but you're so distant, no one can see the features of your face. Here I'm trying to enable Lance? If he was around all the time, I'd find him insufferable too.
  18. Whew! That was quite a flop, Lance. As usual you come in with your 6 guns blazing, eager to let those who've never heard you know who you are. Often your bravado sparks an edgy exchange where everyone takes the challenge here and focuses with various degrees of facility, sometimes maybe brilliance, sometimes ineptness on the area you chose. At best you can occasionally show what a thin thread some of the widely accepted dogma here is based on. But you're topic was boring and generated absolutely no interest leaving the only topic of discussion to be your condescending attitude and general self absorption, which became a ready target for some merciless, but in just amount, character pummeling. Perhaps you should have launched a trial balloon with Bill Kelley, since he was the inspiration for this. Through all your verbosity, I think there was one paragraph there, where I thought your depiction was pretty good. Usually my compatriots here readily feed trolls, and some times the discussion just degenerates into a food fight. But in aggregate they struck the perfect moral high ground, and let the trxxx to himself. I'm speaking of the rank and file. I'm proud of their responses. I will agree with you that expecting to gain support by continually not calling someone by their rightful name is rather childish. But this time, to use a saying of antiquity, you started out on a grand voyage and made it no further than the muddy bank. Anyway, live and fight another day!
  19. Ok, Cliff with your theory, this doesn't matter because they were prepared to give up Dulles anyway. But to the generally held theory here. So "coming clean" for Ruth is admitting her affiliations and specifically who directed her to befriend the Oswalds. She's a "sure walk" in any case. She has the weight of the Free World on her. But she didn't crack because?, I would assume she would have to be a heavy ideologue, a fanatically loyal dyed in the wool spy? People would have to earn such trust over many years. Ok, she has her suspicious family connections, but is there really much of a case to support that?
  20. Ok, Cliff with your theory, this doesn't matter because they were prepared to give up Dulles anyway. But to the generally held theory here. So "coming clean" for Ruth is admitting her affiliations and specifically who directed her to befriend the Oswalds. She's a "sure walk" in any case. She has the weight of the Free World on her. But she didn't crack because?, I would assume she would have to be a heavy ideologue, a fanatically loyal dyed in the wool spy? People would have to earn such trust over many years. Ok, she has her suspicious family connections, but is there really much of a case to support that?
  21. Was she told to by anyone to befriend and support the Oswalds?
  22. Ok, So, at that point she became aware that she had been set up with Oswald? Is she an agent?
  23. I get your general theory. What I'm not clear about is, what is the extent of Ruth's knowledge? Is she just a complete unwitting dupe?
  24. That's precisely the point I'm trying to make. I'm making arguments questioning her guilt. Aren't you?
  25. Cliff said: Two degrees of separation is a little tight, ain't it? I agree, Cliff. But talking specifically about Ruth Paine. Though it is a sort of a heresy on this forum, The degrees of separation are sort of akin to those who believe GHWB was actively involved in the assassination and was present at Dealey. Plaza. Why would either take such an enormous risk? There is no denying her and her husband's suspicious connections. But I've mentioned this before. Ruth Paine would have had extensive experience and be vetted to a point of great confidence because she would become after all, the linchpin of the entire assassination! She was interviewed more than any other witness. At a certain point, if she was directed to befriend the Oswalds, you have to believe she was fanatically behind the assassination of the President, otherwise, why wouldn't she under pressures reveal the plan?, or at least as much of it, as she could have known? But then she was so emboldened to put herself directly in the line of fire to even further incriminate Oswald with the letter and the backyard photos! Her behavior later in her life is very curious. Paul Trejo had a dialog with her. I have no reason to think he would lie about that. So did Bill Brown, apparently she asked some opening questions to find out if you were friend or foe, then she would be accessible, all the way into in her 70's, into her early 80's! She even remarked to Paul that she was open to the idea that LHO was part of a conspiracy. Only a few years ago she talked of her experience, now well into her 80's! It's as if she has some impish compulsion later on in her life to get away with a deception, just like Robert Durst! Why take a chance at all, in any public forum? It strikes me as foolhardy that she would risk that, to what? placate a bunch of JFKA conspiracy theorists? When the public at large has swallowed the story of the WCR? David Talbot doesn't suggest she's or Michael is guilty in the "Devil's Chessboard." I understand , it does seem too perfect, she even has a little shrine of JFK in her room! She's just going to go down to the end to protect JFK's killers!? Her Father, sister, their ties to the CIA, her marrying into the Paine family. It's all so fishy, you can't dismiss it. But at the same time, you have to wonder in what previous arena, did she perform to become such a loyal, dependable, extraordinary agent! Who would put such trust in her? Either way, there are a lot of questions unanswered.
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