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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Ben: Remarkably, a large part of the left-wing, which used to be skeptical of government, has become authoritarian and censorious. Yeah, go to a Trump rally, or any modern day meeting of Republicans and tell me what kind of free speech exists there, except to praise their almighty leader. You've never seen anything like that in the U.S. A. in your life! Don't just blindly believe Taibbi trying to make headlines after Musk dumped him! "Free speech Ben", who lives under a monarchy! It's not pissing wars. It will actually effect your life, more then the opening of any files. Mark my words Ben, you'll be back , declaring your birthright, and claiming your benefits! The expectation game here was pushed way out of shape when Tucker told you that the files contained the smoking gun and the CIA did it. I couldn't believe how gullible this forum became! You're just a pawn in their game. You don't realize you're being used, just like Larry Schnapf , whose made great efforts , with great intentions thought he might be able to piggy back with Jim Comer!
  2. Kudos to W's state Colorado!' Colorado Supreme Court removing Trump from the 2024 ballot https://www.cnbc.com/2023/12/19/trump-ballot-challenge-decided-by-colorado-supreme-court.html
  3. Jim: Nice one Cory! Yes Jim, but there's a much greater picture going on that involves a 40 year trend to marginalize the middle class you're apparently not aware of.. Right Cliff! The 2 major parties in the U.S. have polarized. The Republicans are out to dismantle the government, and the Social safety net, like the Social Security , Medicare with the primary goal to lower taxes to the wealthy to either 1950's level of government or in some cases prior to the 1930's. The Democrats are trying to show that government can be effective in redressing the nation's problems. If the Democrats got a sizable majority like 60%, there would be at least a single payer health care system, Social Security would be boosted by lifting the Social security tax cap for the wealthy. More funding of education and trade schools. Weren't you once a teacher Jim? MYTH: at a time when people have been saying the 2 parties are the same, while understandably railing about the donor class and corporate control, the fact is, policy wise there's never been a greater difference between the 2 parties. With a 60% majority, the corporate Democrats if faced with a solid majority would fold. The JFKA where a rogue faction within the government is allegedly responsible for the assassination of a President works perfectly to a "T' for the Republicans asking "why would you pay taxes to a government that killed it's President"? It fits right into their playbook, and it's BS!
  4. Yes, Boot is a neocon. But it's a sure bet he didn't say Lansdale was behind the JFKA. These are conclusions drawn by Morrow. I don't know a lot about Lansdale, but I have never heard the story about Lansdale's leaving his wife for a Phillipino girl whose now fingered the back photo in Dealey Plaza as him. But go for it!, and Good Luck!
  5. Hmm..... an academic crusade now! My God. Lighten up! It's +mas! Ok, If it makes you happy Dubs. I'm into God and Santa! In that order! And in the +mas spirit and because I love harmony. And though I'm a Norcal guy! "With a half dozen deer, with Rudy to lead!" "He's gotta wear his goggles, cause the snow really flies" "and he's cruising every pad, with a little surprise!" Sounds like Mike Love lyrics that he sued Brian Wilson for! heh heh
  6. Dragging on the Vietnam War and the overthrow of Allende would probably be enough to call Kissinger a war criminal. Then there's East Timor!* Yes to hear the Cambodians tell it, somehow Kissinger's bombing Cambodia unmercifully into the Stone age, brought about just the opposite reaction they wanted and hastened the takeover of the Khmer Rouge,(Rouge meaning Red",)** . Now how could that be? https://share.icloud.com/photos/091b5_hiaeYDnu1n8s2LTgPuA Attn: full pictures and short films in Icloud can be show by opening the second lower thumbnail image. I don't know why they do it that way! Re: Cambodia, Michael was right in that the mass purging by the the Khmer Rouge in the later half of the 70's was Communist inspired. I've been to some of the killing fields. These are now historic sights in Cambodia. This short shows a well where dissenters were thrown to their death. I have another short where I show a pit with lots of human bones. https://share.icloud.com/photos/023m1t9ngE6oH8DJ7WDE938Lw https://share.icloud.com/photos/0e3Nq1IARJMq4WVh8yS0VlUXQ Legacy of the Khmer Rouge regime https://share.icloud.com/photos/098SR_EIo_BFx__1dZGByPljw **** I read a more recent 2022 article from Kissinger after the Putin invasion of Ukraine. He urges Peace and proposes a Peace plan by which Russia gives up all their claim to Crimea and all the occupied territories that they've gained as result of the War in exchange for Ukraine agreeing to never join Nato. I don't believe he even mentioned that Ukraine give up any future admittance to the EU either! I was dumbstruck! Now why in the world would Putin ever agree to that? I assumed that came about from being 99 years old and being completely out of touch! ****** Yes "Scoop Jackson" Big Kennedy supporter. He was JFK's first choice as a VP in 1960, but decided to go for the Southern strategy with LBJ! Sorry! **previously Cambodia was historically known to itself as the "Khmer Republic" *East Timor---https://thediplomat.com/2023/12/henry-kissinger-and-the-murder-of-timor-leste/
  7. There are 2 different things, creating a song and recording a song. A lot of songs created in the 60's 70's and 80's periods that at least I know well were drug induced, and you often can tell which songs were and weren't. It's generally a mistake to fuse your drug induced song into a drug induced recording session, but at least during those years , it was done all the time, under the idea that the ends and the means had to be the same. Hopefully the artists learned over time, and many of them did. . But recording is generally a more sober, exacting event. But there are some artists who will insist they have to get a few belts under them to sing without inhibition or smoke some pot to improvise a good lead. Some magic can occur, under either circumstance. You're quite an inclusive swooner, Joe! Bill Hicks was a national treasure and of course, it did involve more than just his views about the JFKA. This was a really good film, a story about his life.
  8. Wow!, Was there ever any doubt that RK was anti vax despite his lame denials? RK is nailed with past statements, even declaring himself as a crusader who thought it was his duty to tell any mother with a newborn child he might happen to meet to not get the child vaxed!
  9. Boy, talk about completely slumming it! 153 countries voting for a ceasefire. Look at the only other countries who are supporting us! Guatemala , Paraguay, Micronesia, Papua New Guinea. So we're allowing the civilized world to vote on the same side of some scumbag nations! The only west European country against ceasefire is Austria! Is that overcompensating for the Holocaust? Isn't this what we use to say about the caliber of the countries in the U.N. who would always vote with the Soviets, no matter what, in the Cold War? Ok, maybe I'm too old!
  10. This is it, my friends! To other nations, it must look like America selling it's soul. ....yet again! Donald Trump hawks swatches of his mugshot suit in $99 NFT pitch Land of the free! For only $99 dollars!
  11. Yes, we've been through this! I shouldn't have to even talk about this! Declares Jim! The Frontline program is also a sham! Jim has taken care of all guesswork for his followers about this, so over time, the result is we have to overcome the inertia of people blindly accepting anything he says. And right now the message is forum hegemony that Oswald was not in Mexico City! heh heh ******** Well not exactly Mart. Start at 1:44:38 of the clip below. The poor attempts are acknowledged here. But there are several witnesses to Oswald in MXC. 2 Australian women on the bus to MXC. Duran, the 3 Russians at the embassy. Yes, we have the best of both worlds here. We can quote the FBI or CIA whenever it suits our purpose and ignore the testimony of several people here starting at 1:44:38 who say they saw LHO in MXC, because they were obviously complicit or paid off! Right Sandy? One thing that's occurred over and over is there's no economy practiced here. No one employs KISS here, (keep it simple stupid?) But lazily chooses to cast an ever widening net of conspirators. And for every flaw or inconsistency in their argument., more conspirators become necessary. The more, the merrier, ho ho ho! All witnesses to Oswald in this clip were obviously paid off, right? Similarly , no one employs "Occam's razor" here which is ” The principle gives precedence to simplicity: of two competing theories, the simpler explanation of an entity is to be preferred. The principle is also expressed as “Entities are not to be multiplied beyond necessity.” I've seen this recently on the LBJ tab. That's not to say that people who believe that LBJ was involved in the planning are wrong. It's just the degree of planning that has been put forth and the shear number of people involved. I suppose no one who always seems to end up with greater and greater conspiracies has ever had the practical life experience that people just can't keep secrets very long! And because of this lack of everyday experience, we become so sloppy in our thinking. That it's now 60 years and counting!
  12. Yeah i know you feel that way, Roger.. I was suspecting someone would mention the appointment of Dulles, but I've heard conflicting things about how Dulles got the job. I've even heard Bobby suggested it. So LBJ just intuitively knew Dulles and what Mc Cloy? had the gravitas to win out over Warren*, ( Boggs and Russell? We have recordings of LBJ agreeing with Russell that the SBT theory was a hoax. Even setting out with a preconceived goal. Explain to me how LBJ knew the verdict would be a slam dunk with no dissent and would play out satisfactorily? LBJ's order to illegally snatch bodies! Source? LBJ's phone call---Details , time, Source. But aren't you confusing the assassination with the coverup? They could be different, you know. You can argue LBJ's choices, when faced with the increasing uncertainty of who killed JFK, were pretty predictable. That is to take suspicion away from the Russians, Cubans, the government (Joint Chiefs and the CIA),appoint a commission and put it on a lone assassin, would be what most executives might do, and so didn't require a lot of guesswork. And that's not even mentioning the fact that LBJ gets a windfall, a makeover and a get out of jail free card, and actually becomes President! It's a good bet to assume LBJ's not in a position to purge the government to find the assassin! Get it? *ok ww3, ehh! some bandy about Warren scandal!
  13. Yeah, LBJ is the ultimate low hanging fruit of JFK conspiracy lore. He just couldn't help it with all his motives. Obviously with a guy like him, nothing would surprise me. But a lot of the people in "The men who killed Kennedy", #9? including Madeleine Duncan Brown, Judyth Baker and Barr Mc Clellan ( FYI, whose son Scott was George W. Bush's press secretary.) I think are just douchebags IMO, as was Billy Sol Estes.. I once was more susceptible to such stories. But having spent so much time studying the JFKA , I've seen so XXXXX and nefarious allegations come and go. What JFKA student wouldn't salivate at the idea that Malcolm Wallace was LBJ's" hit man" and he killed Henry Marshall and his own sister! We love foci of evil here, and If that isn't a sufficient "focus of evil", I don't know what is!. And nothing would surprise me happening in Texas in the 50's, but I don't really believe any of it. Not that I would argue with anyone who did. This is a good thread. The people who were most concerned about JFK were concerned about "appeasement" and the Cold War ending. They didn't have to be very sophisticated to know that LBJ was going to be a big improvement to them. But I've never believed that JFK being killed was purely a binary decision about whether to escalate the war in Vietnam But those issues aren't the bane of JEH or the FBI. Though we know there were unaccounted for minutes in their phone call, was it the following day? between JEH and LBJ. That could be just an acknowledgement of what the direction of the plan will be regarding how they are going to pursue Oswald's guilt. I don't think LBJ was part of the plan, and I don't think he colluded with any group that was, before or after the assassination. But we all know LBJ was part of a coverup. I think he had better suspicions about who killed JFK than Bobby, who at least at first, had a lot of allegations but no specifics. LBJ worked to take suspicion away from the Russians, Cubans, the government (Joint Chiefs and the CIA), and decided to deflect foreign policy objectives away from Cuba and toward SE Asia, and was savvy enough to know that Civil Rights legislation was the current wave of history and knew he had the unique background being the previous Majority Leader of the Senate to pull it off. I don't think there's any sufficient knowledge to speculate LBJ being owned by Hoover, Dulles, or Harriman or anybody, though it's fun to kick around. I don't think there were a lot of strings and negotiations going on between the plotters when LBJ became President. It was relatively seamless. A perceived radical was removed from office. I'm going with what we know , and that paints a somewhat logical story by itself. You can get lost, with dot connecting, assigning dominion over some of LBJ's contacts over others, but we don't have a clear track of how powerful each contact was. But as I say, it is fun to speculate.
  14. Yes, the veto is inexcusable. This is interesting watching CNN and Dana Bash trying to crucify Rep. Jayapal as being soft on Hamas rape of Israeli women. Jayapal acknowledges the atrocities. As if any civilized person doesn't deplore rape in war. But she also makes the case for 17,000 Gazans dead and millions being displaced by the IDF, which is deemed to be "soft on Hamas rape?" Then Erin Burnette who I generally have liked, is employed as sort of a tag team to Dana Bash, implying that Jayapal's response "wasn't strong enough" and asked Ryan Grim if Jayapal's response in the interview is is splitting up "the Squad" and their resistance. Oh yeah? What a BS spin! CNN trying to make front page news headlines from their own interview! And Thank God Grim delivers the goods and shames Erin Burnette's questioning and CNN for trying to deflect the humanitarian nightmare going on in Gaza that we're complicit in.. AIPAC is pledging to spend 100 million dollars in the next election cycle to "educate" members of Congress as to the Israeli struggle. The meat of it starts at 3:30. In this interview, when Ted Cruz cites what he calls racist and genocidal slogans such as "from the river to the sea". Grim counters by confronting Ted Cruz with the statement from the Likud Party platform, "From the river to the sea, there will only be Israeli sovereignty" and cites numerous Netanyahu's cabinet ministers racist, genocidal rhetoric, including threatening the use of nuclear arms and leveling Gaza like Dresden in WW2. Which has already happened. Starts at 1:20.
  15. Mike Johnson told a gathering of Christian nationalists last night that weeks before he became House Speaker, "the Lord told me very clearly" to prepare to become a "Moses" who will lead the nation through a "Red Sea moment." https://bit.ly/3Ni4oZH
  16. Oh, so this is about me?, I didn't start the previous thread on RP. You did. Jim, You're much more evasive than Ruth! The answer is no perjury. I've actually been told to politically back off here asking serious questions of you on these matters. I'm left to think it's too disrupting to the forum status quo.
  17. Fox ambushes RK again! RK admits to being on Jefferey Epstein's private jet twice! RK "My wife had some kind of relationship with Ghislaine Maxwell!!!!???." This was in the 90's. He went once to Florida and then another time on Epstein's jet to South Dakota to go fossil hunting one weekend with his family!!! These people definitely live in a different world than us!
  18. Yes, just more nothing Jean! If it's not innuendo, it's phony claims of charges that would never hold up. But I do have a personal story I can account. In my whole time living in the U.S. There was only one time I didn't know what state I was in. To any people who've been to D.C. it's very possible to head south and 1) Not know when you've left DC, which i didn't. 2)Not know if you've left DC and be in Virginia, which happened to me. 3)Not know if when you've left DC and be in Maryland. There was nothing worth lying about here.
  19. Man, some of these opening acts for Trump in Iowa are about as weirdly American as you can get! We are a divided nation! Now for a welcome pause. I don't want to give anything away. But it's all physics ---in an advanced society??? And Safelite butt cracks! I shudder to think if it was a smaller person! **** Yeah, Mc Carthy's gone. Now I see he was one of 2 abstentions in the George Santos vote.
  20. Oh come on Richard! I've counted nothing short of 13 posts from you here! Are you going to duck out like Di Eugenio? I want to see if you thought this thing out at all. These posts don't give me much confidence. Richard:Though it might be a situation worth examining, as in the recent film The Assassination and Mrs. Paine which was well done and a worthy addition to the subject. You're obviously parachuting in here Richard because Max's film has been made reference to many times on this thread..Ok you can criticize the lengths of Greg's posts, but maybe you should review the thread and make sure you're not saying a lot of stuff that's been said before. Richard: Regarding Ruth Paine I think the truth is self-evident, regardless of what hard evidence exists or doesn't exist. Self evident?, So now you're Ben Franklin? (look it up!)That' just more nonsense Richard. Evidence does matter and RP would never get near being found guilty in a court of law., When Di Eugenio laments that if Carol Hewitt could have lived she would have produced a result that would have put Ruth in jail, that's just another Di Eugenio innuendo pipe dream! Another conspiracy whopper fish that got away turned legend!. Just more arrogant bluster. But I'll ask the question again. Richard, taking this in a completely different direction than you and Greg. Let me ask a question that I asked before on this thread several times before to no answer from Jim,but in fairness the only one who answered is Sandy, with his explanation that I see as a rather hybrid, explanation that neither you, as I understand, or I would embrace. I've addressed Sandy about the flaws I've seen in his theory, as Greg has recently on this thread. But here's what it seems your theory implies. Under the normal practice of spy craft, Ruth having been an accomplice to the the killing of the POTUS, would have spent the rest of her life in seclusion, away from the public eye! She was told to do so by her CIA handlers, who could well have threatened her life! After all, these are the same people who killed a President, killed LHO and numerous others shortly after the assassination and then years later, when they became more sophisticated, took down a sitting President from office ( Nixon) for knowing too much.Do you believe that Richard? If so, fine. But when asked to retire, Ruth would have none of it, and told her handlers to got to hell! Because she was going to take on all comers who question the findings in the WR, And then a decade later, anxious to return to the limelight, Ruth insisted on continuing her spy activities in Nicaragua!, because she saw herself as indispensable to the agency, and no one was going to tell her differently! To believe your account RP accomplished greatest public spy feat of the 20th and 21st century. She been taking on all comers ever since, open to every interview , mockumentary and tv shows for the next 60 years after the assassination and shuts down every tough interviewer. Such an infamously stellar career, I would think has to be begrudgingly acknowledged by you. Do you believe this story? Feel free to modify it.
  21. Ok, We know all that. But Dec. 6th sounds about right. Richard, taking this in a completely different direction than you and Greg. Let me ask a question that I asked before on this thread several times before to no answer from Jim,but in fairness the only one who answered is Sandy, with his explanation that I see as a rather hybrid, explanation that neither you, as I understand, or I would embrace. I've addressed Sandy about the flaws I've seen in his theory, as Greg has recently on this thread. But here's what it seems your theory implies. Under the normal practice of spy craft, Ruth having been an accomplice to the the killing of the POTUS, would have spent the rest of her life in seclusion, away from the public eye! She was told to do so by her CIA handlers, who could well have threatened her life! After all, these are the same people who killed a President, killed LHO and numerous others shortly after the assassination and then years later, when they became more sophisticated, took down a sitting President from office ( Nixon) for knowing too much.Do you believe that Richard? If so, fine. But when asked to retire, Ruth would have none of it, and told her handlers to got to hell! Because she was going to take on all comers who question the findings in the WR, And then a decade later, anxious to return to the limelight, Ruth insisted on continuing her spy activities in Nicaragua!, because she saw herself as indispensable to the agency, and no one was going to tell her differently! To believe your account RP accomplished greatest public spy feat of the 20th and 21st century. She been taking on all comers ever since, open to every interview , mockumentary and tv shows for the next 60 years after the assassination and shuts down every tough interviewer. Such an infamously stellar career, I would think has to be begrudgingly acknowledged by you. Do you believe this story? Feel free to modify it.
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