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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Virginia Thomas, wife of SCOTUS Justice, Clarence Thomas has now been found to be communicating with Mark Meadows about efforts to overturn the 2020 election, calling it "The Greatest Heist in American history." Thomas on Nov 10 2020. “Help This Great President stand firm, Mark!!!...You are the leader, with him, who is standing for America’s constitutional governance at the precipice. The majority knows Biden and the Left is attempting the greatest Heist of our History.” Meadows reply :“This is a fight of good versus evil,” Meadows wrote. “Evil always looks like the victor until the King of Kings triumphs. Do not grow weary in well doing. The fight continues. I have staked my career on it. Well at least my time in DC on it.” https://deadline.com/2022/03/ginni-thomas-texts-to-mark-meadows-donald-trump-1234986540/ The Ginni Thomas and Mark Meadows Texts: This Damn Case Just Gets Stranger By the Hour https://www.esquire.com/news-politics/politics/a39531967/ginni-thomas-mark-meadows-texts-2020-election/
  2. Boy, some of these reports I've been hearing here about the fighting in Ukraine, make me want to do some pushups for the Ukraine resistance! Here's another article. As noted in this article, I've heard despite the calls on NATO to establish a NFZ, and risk pushing Putin in a corner. The Ukraine pilots have more than held their own. I do find it pretty remarkable. Why Can’t the West Admit That Ukraine Is Winning? America has become too accustomed to thinking of its side as stymied, ineffective, or incompetent. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/03/ukraine-is-winning-war-russia/627121/
  3. Oh yeah, that's a real possibility Ben. Is it because Biden has an obsession with perpetual conspiracy theorists expats living in the Thai jungles and has heard your repeated disapproval of him and now he'll have to step down because he realizes he'll never be the man you want him to be? You sure that wasn't your dream from a Fox newscast in 2020. They actually said Biden was only running for President to give it to Kamala Harris so the left could trick us into having another black President. heh heh This may be dispiriting for you Ben, because it actually gives you less to be upset about. But one story that has resulted from the end of this Post Cold War Era, that you'd probably get wind of in another 6 months, is that Biden has galvanized a deglobalization of the world economy with the deliberate pulling out of a great many of the multi national corporations from Russia. This has occurred to a magnitude I previously never would have imagined. Of all things, this to me is the most remarkable thing that's happened. I never thought a President or even Nato could do that. In this case it's a great thing.. It represents at least a small reversal and taming of the private sector by the public sector. Something I've advocated. But It's only the beginning and now and now the battle is going to be out in the open. You've rightfully mention Blackrock a number of times. Their CEO Larry Finck is decrying this change in an article he wrote. (boo hoo!) Hate to be the bearer of good news, but I felt I'd jog the 6 month lag time from Thailand with news from modern industrial world. Entitled "It's not "woke" for businesses to think beyond profit". And with your longstanding opposition to "wokeness", I'm sure you agree! Again , heh heh! https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/17/business/dealbook/larry-fink-blackrock-letter.html *************** In these Jackson confirmation hearings. Are these Republicans just out of their minds asking the insane questions? Particularly the second one below, same sex couples shouldn't have the right to marry because it offends Christians? Are we really this screwed up that these guys have a viable party that could take over Congress? It appears nothing will interest the average everyday person to vote in his interest! But "culture wars" is where it's at! I
  4. This is an excerpt from a recent Stone interview where he talks about Putin's invasion of Ukraine. At first he warns us that we're misinformed and to keep an open mind, which is always good advice. It's never completely one sided. Then he goes into a long pro Putin diatribe against the U.S. 10 days ago in this interview Stone is blaming this brutal Russian invasion on the U.S. Stone is actually doubling down on all his Putin "denazifying" rhetoric from "Ukraine on Fire" There's no protestation as to the brutality or killing of civilians going on among the everyday human being citizens of Ukraine. To Stone, It's all about the U.S. and Stone's s settling the score from 2014! Even though his predictions at the time, of a fascist state in Ukraine (based on one faction's embrace of old right wing nationalist figures who collaborated with the Nazis during Stalinist brutal collectivist purges who would probably be 120 right now!) all never came to pass. IMO, At one point, Honestly it doesn't look like Stone even really believes everything he's saying, and any good lawyer could tear him to shreds. He sort of comes unglued and tries to look cocky with sort of a forced bravado but just comes off very insecure, making fun of the way people look..makes a lot of guilt by association, innuendo comparing John Foster Dulles with Nuland and Kagan, but doesn't substantiate. The moderator has an innocent sort of charm. Stone's in friendly territory and the hosts admire him, want to have him on again, and change to self affirming subjects at some critical moments after it's apparent Stone is making name allegations but really firing a lot of blanks. Just a complete Putin apologist. Stone has compassion for and can actually rationalize Putin threatening to use nuclear weapons because he says the U.S. is pushing him even though we abided by our treaties and have no boots on the ground in Ukraine and Putin's had a much more direct presence fighting in Ukraine for 8 years and now is steamrolling through the country. And to Stone, Biden's part of the neocon warmongering. Just imagine, Oliver would see Ben as the deep state "Atilla the Hun". heh heh He says the U.S. is pushing Russia into regime change, and that's an awful thing! Because we'll get some peacemonger who is more pro U.S. like Yeltsin!, who will "cannibalize" Russia (Stone says grinning) and make Russia go against it's interest, (to the oligarchy?) as if economically they couldn't be a more failed basket case than they presently are. And of course in any case, to Stone, there's no mention Putin bears any responsibility for the shambles he's created of Ukraine and no mention of the deaths and human displacement. For Stone, It's game time baby!, . They're all just pawns in the Stone's master geopolitical scorecard anyway. Just imagine if Russia rolled over Ukraine in a week. Stone and others would probably say that Ukraine gave up because Russia and Ukraine are "brothers", and the only thing that was pushing them apart was the omnipotent, always evil U.S. Deep State. When in reality, it would have been a shear brute force pummeling their teeny neighbor into submission just like in Georgia. Is he a hardened sinner, or just an old fossil who can't learn any new tricks other than to prepare for the rest of his life being dominated by the U.S. Deep State? I hear this interview and I start to think maybe Alan Dulles had become too senile to really pull off the murder of a U.S. President, though maybe just senile enough to enlist as his most visible, high profile, critical, public people to front his patsy narrative, from his mistress's best friend's family? It is convenient. heh heh https://youtu.be/3ieQ4kd-iEE
  5. Obviously I don't have to tell you W. that Putin decriminalized Domestic violence with support of his Russian Orthodox Church in 2017. "Under the new law, a person can beat his spouse or child until she’s bloodied and bruised, and as long as her injuries don’t require a hospital stay," There have numerous cases since of violent child rape in Russia by priests in Russia. I was brought up a Catholic and I know of a few people who were sexually abused by Catholic Priests.. https://slate.com/human-interest/2017/02/russia-decriminalized-domestic-violence-with-support-from-the-russian-orthodox-church.html
  6. Thank you for you response Ben, Our marketing research people added that segment specifically for you, in order to keep you agitated and thus alert and solicit a response. We've coined it our "All Conspiracy Narcissist" version. (ACN) heh heh (joke) It's segue.
  7. It turns out Arnoldt is getting in de act. He brings a pretty unique perspective to the Russian people.
  8. Time to tell it what it is! Last time oil was $96 a barrel, gas was $3.62 a gallon. Now it’s $4.31. Oil and gas companies shouldn’t pad their profits at the expense of hardworking Americans. Robert Reich was Clinton's Labor Secretary. Needless to say he felt pretty betrayed, and felt he lost his chance after the "Republican Revolution" in 1994, and Clinton sold out to the Republicans starting a trend that's going on to this day. The oil companies will predictably be yelling and screaming if the government charges them a windfall tax and rebates it to consumers money that they have been using for themselves for buybacks of stock. But it's another clear example of the fact that there's only one party that's trying to do that. There really should be no question about this. But the average American simply does not vote in his interest. What will it take to dislodge them from their jingoism and "culture wars" and see what chumps they are? In the 60's they use to say, "Tell it like it is" Now we should say. "Tell it what it is ".
  9. If actually having a intelligent dialog is fruitless. Meme level communication is quick and saves time. I use maturity only when it serves my purpose. Get over it. "Working man" Ted Cruz, at a Trucker's convoy, tried to play to the crowd, and gets his message usurped by a Trucker in the audience, who looks like he has some populist support to each side of Ted!
  10. That's an absurd notion. Of course they're not. Why would they? What are you advocating, Ben? The end of global trade? Almost no country would advocate that. The U.S. and China are the least likely to do that. You can't find any modern industrial country who wants to get rid of globalism like you Ben. The reason is if they tried to do that the world economy would collapse. No President in the U.S. would try that because of a factor you're probably not aware of because you've been away so long halfway around the world. I haven't heard you mention once that the American people wouldn't stand for it, They like their cheap Chinese made goods. Just as no U.S. politician will try to put on an austerity program with the goal of retiring the 23 trillion dollar debt. Just saying "I hate globalism" won't do anything. It's as hippydippish as saying "everybody in the world should destroy all their weapons and every citizen of the world should give up all their guns". In this specific case the answer involves a nothing short of instilling a revolution in the American mind that over time their lifestyle will suffer for a trade imbalance with the Chinese. As I showed you, Trump didn't do it, he only said he did and ended up hurting our country more. That's not going to happen until the reality is facing them directly and that will probably be too late, just as sure as the fact that we've had 50 years to solve climate change and nobody ended up doing anything about that. You can keep blaming it on "the globalists". But until you impress on the public to take their responsibility and buy American goods, you will get nowhere, because no one but you wants to end world trade. Or you can also be a dreaded "globalist", and encourage other countries than China to produce our consumer goods, or a combination of both.
  11. Pretty scary Steve! But I suppose there are some members of Parliament that are the equivalent to Louie Gohmert who are liable to say anything. My God Fort Ross! I didn't know that was still a bone of contention! The Russians are Coming! the Russians are Coming!! Fort Ross is on the Mendocino Coast in Northern California. It's an historic tourist site. But rather small, and doesn't get too many visitors. ******* Leaked Kremlin Memo to Russian Media: It Is “Essential” to Feature Tucker Carlson https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2022/03/exclusive-kremlin-putin-russia-ukraine-war-memo-tucker-carlson-fox/
  12. So you now agree with me. Your "Globalist Biden" is BS. and the retreat or "deglobalization" is actually due to Biden and Nato political pressure on the corporate state? So you' were putting together elements at odds with each other and calling them the same. It's important to understand the changing relationships, but I'll take your point that the status quo isn't working for the welfare of the Ukrainian people. Rather than just dismiss things into convenient hyphenated labels, it's important to judge all prevailing forces, Including political forces. Though it seems, the dystopian prognosticators can't ever fathom the idea that it's much harder to implement a policy that doesn't have public support than one that does. ****** A case in point: I saw the Canadian Parliament in session this morning in a live feed with Zelensky. There was multi minute applause in Parliament. Trudeau gets on there and expresses his solidarity with the Ukrainian people and extols their bravery and says in essence we're behind you 100%! I knew they were walking into a trap and Zelensky wasn't going to be kiss a-s boy scout. He talked about the everyday shelling, having a Russian flag being hoisted over their cities, how their cities don't have food or water, and all the atrocities and says to the Canadians. "How would you react to such a reality?" He's obviously saying talk is cheap. And at the end he's still given thunderous applause. It's going to be the same when he goes before the U.S. Congress tomorrow. How that filters down effects policy and I suspect there will be a call for lots more of everything short of Nato trying to establish a NFZ over Ukraine.
  13. Yeah, everybody's saying everything right now. Why would China risk that and kill their golden goose? ,that is the American consumer? If they keep out of it, and play their cards right. In 20 years the sky's the limit! Unless the absolute worst is happening and they decide to blow it all, blow off the interdependence with the U.S.and the current situation where they're gradually eroding the economic power of the rest of the world and go after Taiwan. That just seems so stupid. It seems the Taiwan situation would be sometime in the future after the yuan becomes the world currency, and they'd have supreme confidence that the U.S. is no longer a threat. But I guess you can't be completely sure.
  14. What you're seeing is the exact opposite. The corporate globalist state is executing an extensive severing of global supply lines to and from Russia. This is the greatest act of deglobalization in our lifetime. This has been brought on by political pressure by Biden and the governments of Nato. Ben:What is wrong is when multinationals control US foreign-military-trade policies, which is where we are now No, I understand the extent of the world corporate state. And the story of Smedley Butler and where it was at a very simplistic stage 90 years ago. . It's very important to make these distinctions, Ben. If the Corporate State completely had their way as you imply. There would be no sanctions anywhere, ever. To say it again, this has been brought on by political pressure from Biden and the Nato nations. Ben:The globalists are now wondering how to limit damage to their images and bottom lines. Better sit down for this one. As ironic as that may seem only 2 months ago.They are in no danger of damaging their images, unless they're called out in world public opinion for moving too slow. i guarantee you they will not get any flak from their shareholders either. Ben: Stop the sale of Russian oil. You're aware Biden has cut off oil from Russia, but Germany got rid of their nuclear power plants, which however anyone feels about nuclear power, were clean and cheap and now has become dependent on Russia oil and LNG, so they can't stop. Biden from the beginning suggested everyone in Nato completely cut off Russian oil, but was told by Germany they won't go along with it. So you can't blame Biden for that. I would say, the most effective things they can do as far as sanctions, now is financial, They've cornered 70 % of Putin funds and froze a number of oligarchs funds and luxury items I don't know if you've heard but now even dirty Deutsche bank is getting out of Russia. Still Putin has 30%, which is plenty. They definitely have to pull more levers. Some of this involves forensic research which has developed greatly in the last few years.
  15. I don't think if Nato didn't expand that Russia would have started gobbling back their old territories in East Europe. But I don't think that Putin has been that threatened by Nato expansion, or he wouldn't have been relatively quiet about it until 2007 and never even mentioned it to Obama in his first term. He's just using security as a war aim to his masses. It's more like the case of a long time abusive husband refusing to let his wife go. He really has nothing to bring to the table in the way of security or economic well being. He's really just jealous, abusive, and concerned about how it looks to his world standing. And Matt is right, if given the choice what country wouldn't choose Western ways over Russia and Putin? Somehow, I think these peace talks tomorrow might finally make some progress. Let's hope.
  16. Well put W.! Jeff's gone from being our forum "man inside Putin's head" assuring us first there would be no invasion, and now has made his peace with the new reality and is now a pillaging Putin apologist. Jim said he expected Putin to take the eastern provinces and get away with it, as if that might be just anyway. . But what I never hear from Jeff, Jim or Oliver Stone is this precise point. There's no recognition of the dictatorial fascist state that Putin has lead Russia to. Somehow that's should be recognized as just part of their historical DNA and are not to be be judged by western norms. There's never any mention of the oligarchs or a kleptocracy or of any real matters of Russian domestic policy, or any disgust about the treatment of their own people. Similarly with Stones 4 hour interview there's a passing mention to oligarchs where Putin in essence talks of them in the past tense, like it's a problem that's been overcome. But also never a mention of a kleptocracy or civil rights, or the imprisoning of journalists. Russia is just used as a foreign policy template to highlight U.S. imperialist policies. Similarly it's as if any concept of a free speech open society as something to aspire, is an almost silly appurtenance of an ethnocentric West. And somehow any of these questions are not really relevant consideration to the growth of Russia, maturing into a modern civilized society. I already posted this, but to those who've never seen it, this should tell you how decisions are made in Putin's Russia. He's 40 feet away from all his advisors who are standing up in row facing him. He's just arrogantly displaying his boorish command.
  17. Thanks Joe, Must say something about me that I keep watching it. Maybe we can get him to drive a "Z" tank.
  18. Speaking of Trump. Maybe it's time to lighten the load with some very sophmoric humor. We'll entitle this one: "Orange Man Mafia Don coming back from the links:" https://youtu.be/DJsn1QivbKM
  19. Yeah, what's with Biden? Didn't he get the memo from Ben that after a year of his completely unneeded lecturing to us about the horrible history of U.S. military interventions, that Ben has decided he's now gung ho no fly zone in Ukraine? So what's stopping Biden? Biden has punk'd Putin in every aspect of the PR war for the last couple of months. He anticipated Putin's movements warned of false flag maneuvers and rationalizations Putin might come up with. He's drastically devalued the ruble leaving Russian oligarchy and Russian elites scrambling, and honoring his treaties in place of a direct confrontation with Russia in Europe, and somehow has managed the most comprehensive corporate boycott the word's ever seen. I like this article in Salon, the only small criticism I may make about this excerpt is in the second paragraph, we still may be in the early innings on how this will play out. ** The value of Biden's efforts to solve the most complicated international crisis since the end of World War II is unrecognizable to those who support the arrogant, obnoxious efforts of Putin-wannabes who thrive in the dark cesspool of American politics. These are the devotees of spreading disinformation who declare they defend democracy while cheering the insurrectionists of Jan. 6. Biden has been crystal clear about his intentions: He means to economically strangle Putin into submission, avoid a wider conflict and strengthen our European democratic allies — leaving Russia weaker. His experience on the international stage during a lengthy career in public office has provided him with a unique perspective, and the skills to get this done. There are many in this country who decry experience, or say it doesn't matter. Biden's experience is proving otherwise, although the amount of bile that passes for political straight talk makes it next to impossible for the average uninformed American to understand the nuances of our current international crisis. https://www.salon.com/2022/03/10/vladimir-putin-is-losing-the--at-least-on-social-media-heres-why-that-matters/ This lead to another Salon article about the Fox News coverage. Why should we have any hope, that Fox would grow up and start realizing the seriousness of the situation, and not just use the war as another opportunity to bash Joe Biden? It first talks about a Fox News reporter Benjamin Hall, on the ground in the Ukraine taking umbrage at that geeky, grousing Glen Gutfeld's depiction of the war coverage designed only to solicit an "emotional response " from viewers. Then it shows a few excerpts where a Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin taking issue with Sean Hannity and other Fox hosts and guests depictions of the war. I was impressed. We could certainly see more of her on "Fair and balanced" Fox news! https://www.salon.com/2022/03/09/fox-vs-fox-reporter-refutes-greg-gutfelds-claim-over-emotional-response-to-ukraine/
  20. Ben:Hillary informs viewers the Russians got bogged down in Afghanistan. There is a great history lesson there, and it may happen again in Ukraine. This is what i mean by Ben finding religion, in 3 short days. Now he's gung ho invasion. .Why should we pay any any attention to your changing feelings?
  21. I'm not sure what resolve they were supposed to have. They understood that treaty wise, the U.S. could do nothing and I suppose everybody can be blamed now for not expecting the worst. First off, I don't think there's ever been a globalist campaign to prop up Putin, most of it is the standard corporate apologist sheepishness. "If we don't do business with him, someone else will." Only Trump and his group propped up Putin. I think the start of the divestment wave came before we could effectively know Zelensky and Ukraine were putting up any real effective resistance at all. He could have just been BS'ing to keep morale, for all we know. The only thing we could be sure about is that he denied the U.S. giving him exile. It's hard for me to believe Joe Biden would have been so persuasive to corporate America, as you depict him. (Yes, he''s pulled strings for his son, but he was one of the least invested people in Congress, except for a few lefties.) The cascade of corporate divestment has been so quick, it's hard to know what influence Biden had, but he will be given credit for it. Ben:The globalists are now wondering how to limit damage to their images and bottom lines. I have no idea what you're talking about. Who are they suppose to apologize to? Apologize to Ben, whose done a 3 day conversion from posting a Hilary Clinton post on Sunday, preaching to us to not to be like Hilary and get sucked into a war, and has suddenly found religion and is gung ho on invading Ukraine now? i guarantee you they will not get any flak from their shareholders either.
  22. Ben:Or maybe, the DC globalists (who run Biden) initially decided there was more money to be made by rolling over on Ukraine, and doing business with Putin. Ergo, the flaccid response pre-invasion. Ben, Your narrative is 180 degrees wrong. I don't think you realize what's going on. Now companies from almost every industry and every sector are pulling out of Russia. Bp, Exon, Shell, Caterpillar, Ford, Toyota, Ferari, Volkswagen, Addidas, Disney, Ikea, Nike, Sony, John Deere, General Electric, Honeywell, Starbux, Pepsi, Coca Cola, Mac Donalds, Discover, Visa. Mastercard, American Express, Moody's, Netflix, Apple, Google, Tik Tok, Facebook. I never thought I would see such divestment. And as someone whose down on the corporate state, I'm not completely comfortable with it. In this case, they're right, but they may not be in the future. All those corporations don't personally undertake to go to war. That's through an act of government that could be influenced by the Defense industry, but you're calling them and the government cowards because in the U.S. there's enough wariness in public support after after waging 2 horrible wars, to get involved directly with Russia in a war, with good reason. But I'm not altogether sure you won't end up getting your way, because I haven't seen the public get so pro involvement about a foreign war since after 911, and it looks like if this doesn't stop, there could at least be a proxy war. We're essentially abiding by an agreement we've made to not get involved with Ukraine. And the entire premise that Putin is using is that he can invade because in his paranoia, he envisions some day when we could make a deal to defend Ukraine. What complete hippocracy! Ukraine had the third biggest nuclear arsenal in the world and gave it up in the Budapest memorandum, under the condition that 2 signatories, Russia and the U.S. would not invade them, and Russia has violated that agreement. Of course any power move that's made has to be evaluated if we are pushing Putin further in a corner and how far will he go? He's already lost enough. Even if there was an agreement by Zelensky to not join Nato, he will forever be a pariah, and will never be trusted on the world scene again. So this will have turned out to be a miserable failure in any case.
  23. Chris, Isn't that what I'm saying here? It's being accomplished right now, but not a shot has been fired, and there's certainly no great need to rock the boat to eliminate 90% of the world's population! It's done very seamlessly and it's a lot more insidious than the standard conspiracy theories, like the Great Reset theories. Since you forgot, go back to page 500. You reacted to it at the time, though personally but not substantively.
  24. There are several spins on the "Great Reset." They differ in the aims of the reset, though all of them imply a deliberate implementing of some catastrophic changes, though varying in degrees.. Dennis has bought this theory hook, line and sinker. But I'm not sure if he thinks the aim is a 90% reduction, but he might. The villianization of Faucci and a belief that the RNA spike protein vaccines will end in a massive depopulation within 2 years, is one of his major tenets so there should be a massive deaths jn the hundreds of millions very soon. It all involves the elites completely overthrowing the status quo, like this is some last ditch effort?? As if the status quo over the last 40 years hasn't been going well enough with them? They've managed to marginalize the middle classes without anyone barely noticing it was them who've done it. They need people to carry out their plans. Why f--- with the formula? Just a lot of poorly targeted, wasted efforts.
  25. Well, if you believe that , I've got some WMD in Florida to sell you. I just hope Tom Cotton, Little Marco and Lindsey Graham don't get as incensed as you. But I'm not sure about Biden. We actually offered Zelensky exile, and he didn't take it.
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