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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Geez, Cancel culture everywhere! The Republicans are cancelling everyone who won't move in lockstep to Trump. What's this Whoopee Jewish slur? I don't watch much TV. Isn't she one of "The "Goldbergs". heh heh heh But seriously, now the left is going after Rogan for all the times over 12 years he said the "n" word?! I have heard one statement I thought was overtly racist about walking into the "Planet of the Apes", when he walked into a room of black people. He issued an apology. He's been contrite about all this stuff. Some of these 70's early episodes of SNL, would be run out of town now. Do we end that too, 50 years later? If they use that and eventually he loses his job, it's going to be a big backfire on the left. Really what I think is happening is that the Democrats are playing to their PC "millenials" , who can't distinguish from earlier history and want to redress every public statement anyone ever made. When is this ever going to stop?
  2. As far the difference between unvaccinated countries with low rates, there are always going to be some disparities. Most of it is because some countries have low tourist and business travel, they're just not as connected, such as the continent of Africa. Isolated countries with strict policies, such as Australia and New Zealand have done very well,as well as all SE Asia.. Latin America is doing poorly. But the lowest Latin American death rates are either dirt poor,Nicaragua, Guatemala, El Salvador, Haiti or countries that are politically isolated, Cuba and Venezuela.and you can include Iraq, Syria. In Europe, Denmark is the most vaccinated in Europe and has the lowest covid death rates. So there's a lot of data to support vaccination. A lot has been made about the fact that Florida and California have similar death rates, but California adopted more draconian measures. But I went to Florida in April/ May not knowing what to expect. Things were easing everywhere because the delta variant hadn't come. And in reality despite all of De Santis's ( next GOP nominee?) rhetoric, they were almost the same. You had to walk into restaurants with a mask that you took off once you were seated. Ok, it doesn't make sense, but it was just like California, except for maybe parts of the Bay Area and San Francisco which was about as Draconian as any city in the U.S. and their covid death rates were in some many times less than some other major American cities. In Florida literally every hotel lobby I checked into were manned largely by young people, who were all wearing masks, without exception! It was a little looser around the edges in Florida. But despite all of De Santis's political posturing ,and his massive blunders before in the name of tourism, the everyday reality was largely the same. I can't comment on the policy after Delta or Omicron. Exactly Steve, If you're a Republican, you're cancelled cultured unless you're starting to think the 1/6 Capitol break in was a good thing. I see now Pence is finally saying Trump was wrong, and Pence had no right to overturn the election. It's amazing how Pence can go to right wing media outlets and not be asked any critical questions about his accounts of 1/06.
  3. A Ben obsession no doubt W.! Like 7 straight posts , 2 which are virtually identical. ( I thought I skipped the page) You've been noted as breaking the story Ben, and we'll keep you apprised of any developments in the domestic feral population, or among American pets. But it's humans who are passing it on to their pets. Paul I've heard lots of information about who are suffering the greatest effects from covid. They are people in general poor health, the obese , the people with poor diets, who tend to be poor, and people with preexisting conditions. i think there's a building consensus that we have to learn to live with the virus.It's not to say that the early lock downs were a mistake. There was just so little the experts knew and they erred on the side of caution, as many major cities in the U.S. and abroad were being overrun with patients. There were execution problems,problems with testing and policy problems, some of which are brought on by politics.. I don't think anybody here discounted the idea that it could have broken out from a lab. The right wing gets outraged when it finds out that there's any cooperation between governments and political foes, among people of the world who sincerely foresaw that more pandemics were going to happen and wanted to prevent it. And then they start stoking up the false rumor machines. We know countries are experimenting with biological warfare and there are gain of functions experiments going on. Just like the nuclear weapons,and cyber security, it would be great if the peoples of the world could get together and try to agree to curb it. People can disagree with policy decisions. I'm not saying you're saying anything unreasonable. But to assume these bureaucrats are all just evil is just more BS.
  4. Paul, I would also prefer to take the novavax vaccine next time just to mix it up. Bob's story is interesting as to the passing on of infection by the quite young to their parents. They have been experimenting with mrna vaccines for decades now, so there is some research.It says in this article, that side effects happen within the first couple of months. The myocarditis that Dennis always brings up is supposed to happen in a couple of years, so there should be lots of results in the next 6 months if that was true. https://www.muhealth.org/our-stories/how-do-we-know-covid-19-vaccine-wont-have-long-term-side-effects Of course, this is just a link. I have a story. On this expat forum, this expat Real Estate women in Panama, who always seemed reasonably intelligent, says all the doctors there are taking ivermectin. I thought to myself, that's interesting! I heard everyone over 50 in Panama was able to get vaccinated because I heard of accounts of other expats saying they took the vaccination. But of course if people over 50 were given vaccines, why wouldn't doctors and health care people? It didn't make much sense to me. I talked to another vaxxed ex pat later , and he said he's never heard of widespread use of ivermectin among Panama doctors. Then later, she accounts that it turns out this woman refused to get vaccinated though she could have, caught covid and was in the hospital and out of circulation for over 3 months, and still hasn't completely recovered ! I start thinking , she has a stake in exaggerating the ivermectin use by doctors in Panama because she wants to believe there are cures outside of the vaccines, so she can rationalize that she didn't make a dumb mistake by not taking the available vaccines in the first place. Whatever, This is just to illustrate, who do you want to believe about this? Most of the anti vax movement have become that way by reading articles online that reinforce their biases. Or maybe through an influential figure, like a friend or ....Trump! Obviously it's crazy. Vaccine hesitancy. We know there have been vaccine debacles. https://www.ctpost.com/local/article/Analysis-A-short-history-of-when-vaccines-went-15530841.php Even CNN says so. https://www.cnn.com/2020/09/01/health/eua-coronavirus-vaccine-history/index.html Vaccine hesitancy? The anti vax crowd for many years was around 10-15%! Now with Trump and Bill Gates and Soros, and Faucci? That is, all the BSers and all the BS that people can make up about somebody else! You can see it here on this thread Paul. Anybody can make up any BS they want, and either run from explaining or defending what they say, or just refusing to explain what they mean. Obviously there's no vetting process. They didn't previously try it out on a critical audience and listen or learn and become more informed. Then they're called on jt factually, and cry that they're being bullied or their "rights of free speech" are being infringed upon, or they're being cancel cultured! No one has to take responsibility for what they say. It's easy to see why nobody can be sure of anything. Here's such an example, that won't be popular here to point out.. It's the RFK apology, maybe due to his wife.Talk about hemming and hawing! Comparing his "covid persecution" to Anne Frank and the Holocaust! I mean, talk about the self victimizing folly of the rich! What a complete weenie thing for a Kennedy to do! I think it often skips a generation and he's done some really good things for environmental causes. But I don't love him just because Di Eugenio may have convinced just him who killed his Father and Uncle. Paul, I understand your hesitancy to just accept the mrna vaccines because we are told they are good. Similarly, In the years I've been here, though I do think JFK was killed as result of a conspiracy that was likely from elements within his government, I've come to think that about 70% of what I once believed about the details are credibly sourced. JMO And I don't think RFK's, Anne Frank comments speak well of him, and help lending credibility to his claim after 50 years that a conspiracy killed his Father and Uncle, and it sort of sets us back..
  5. Guess what? Believe me. Joe Rogan is going to be OK. This is the problem with this threads "Hollywood Foreign Press", there's just a lot of noise and very little signal. We natives are supposed to get up in arms about all this? One guy writes a crummy article implying Rogan's a racist. Also Brazil based Glenn Greenwald's twittersphere. "The liberals are out to censor everything". Never mind about any of the book burning or the N-z- like suppression within of the Republican party. Sorry Glenn, yes in your hatred of Hillary Clinton, you ended up being an enabler of a free speech fascist, and people who take that seriously won't let you forget it Now we have to hear your endless angst and watch your hair on fire, while you're going to insist. that you are the true speech advocate when it's pretty obvious you're in your own echo chamber and just another of the "Foreign Press Golden Globies". Instead of doubling down, he could have just admitted he made a mistake, but still make sure that his followers know that he still hates Hilary more than ever. But no! Gee Jeff, now that at last Canada is in the news,You're actually one of the lead stories on RT! Would you like to weigh in on Trudeau and your truckers demonstrations? I didn't think so. Have you "golden globies" ever thought of meditating? Instead of dreaming up the next Pia Zadora? I guess I should thank you that the last few weeks hasn't been a non stop blow by blow of the U.S./ Ukraine/Russia border, which is 100 times more important but still we in the U.S. are used to major power saber rattling because we live here. It appears the Russians are backing down because of the U.S. huffery, and Ukraine's trying to make it honorable for both sides to de escalate, but we'll see. All in a months business, for us on the inside. Don't let the noise from the MSM continue to clutter and then dominate your everyday thoughts!
  6. Ben, I know Mexico and the border again. Maybe Mexico would want to keep us out. Mexico's covid death rate is 2342 per million , ranked 29th, and the U.S. is 2736 per million, ranked 18th.
  7. Paul:I have a question about your statement that Covid variants are being produced in unvaccinated populations. Are you sure about that? I think Matt did answer that question Paul. The delta virus started in India a densely populated country with a huge unvaccinated population. The virus needs people,( though there are some instances of animals) to replicate itself. With bacteria and antibiotics it appears that the medicines cause the rise of resistant organisms. You lost me there. While considering the problems of overexposure to antibiotics, which is rather a unique problem in the U.S. as I understand it, though we'll say all industrialized nations... Aren't we talking about 2 different things. One is a virus's capability to mutate. And the other involves resistance to infection. The mrna vaccines are not antibiotics , at least as I understand it, but a targeted response.
  8. As far as the threat that was posed on 1/6 . I'm probably someone in between the dire predictions I'm sort of hearing. and Ben's "whistling by the graveyard" attitude he's always portrayed. I think a lot of the media conjecture about "how close we came to losing our democracy" is not accurate. But I think the assertion that it was never anything to worry about because the Military was on the side of certification of the election and orderly transfer of power does miss the point. It would have been chaos for a couple of days. And that is destabilizing in an already destabilized situation. If Pence was missing, and Pelosi had to certify the election, the optics of that would be very destabilizing, to a very optics oriented group of Trump fanatics throughout the country, but also some beltway fence sitters as well. This sort of scoffing that goes on about the threat is really rather superficial, and short term in thinking. I'm sure in the history of the world there's no shortage of poorly planned coups, but it's important to note this was planned rather comprehensively, but ultimately flawed plans by flawed individuals, but one who nonetheless held the power of the Presidency,and criminals have to be prosecuted. Good article, Doug.
  9. W: I'm re-posting this data for Ben-the-Vaccine-Agnostic. He, obviously, didn't read it or understand it the first time around... 🤥 Oh, but W. You have to understand. Ben's having second thoughts about having gotten the shots. He hasn't caught anything, Besides he's disappointed, the shots have done nothing at all to lower his blood pressure or curb his drinking. There's a lot of anxiety about getting another shot. How would it look to his peer group? You can hope they don't ask, but... I suppose you could bs them. But it's really a lose lose situation! heh heh heh a djoke!
  10. Conservatives rave about Jordan Peterson because they like his instincts. But then under questioning...... They try to steal elections. As an impartial referee, I score it Australia 1, Canada 0.
  11. Pat, Interesting to hear of some division within the ranks of the Kennedy family. Teddy himself, did not expect a JFKA cons[piracy, but his more privy and powerful brother RFK, did. That strikes me as a little odd. But could be indicative of great discussion and division on the issue. I see it here, Kerry Mc Carthy and brother Kevin. https://myemail.constantcontact.com/Kennedy-s-Cousins-are-attending-the-conference-.html?soid=1100889772973&aid=GU1NWldvdW4 Maybe we can hope Jim can further his inroads into the Kennedy clan by using his RFK Jr. ties and parlay a few clan dissidents and stage an intervention of sorts. If anyone can use his connections, Jim can! No Pressure Jim! A vain hope, I know. But one can always hope! ****** Pat I don't know if you have Netflix but I know like me, you like historical dramas. Dave, W., Jim and whoever else. Check out Munich: The Edge of War. Jeremy Irons is excellent as Chamberlain. I've always liked the idea of interpreter movies. Dave, a bit of a younger, (1938) midwestern type of Hitler. Ehh! I prefer a little bit more of a bull neck. But good dialog. George Mc Kay, sufficiently young and delicate. August Diehl, one of my favorite Nazis from "Dirty Rotten Basterds" is in it as well. Enough adjectives, you might check it out.
  12. A little shoddy research here from Dore. First off , it's sounds pretty clever for Dore to say Young did it to "get some ass." Dore didn't know that Neil Young had been married to Darryl Hannah now for 4 years. Which is a bit unforgivable considering Dore's from LA , celeb town. But he mangled his dates. Young sold half his catalogue in Jan 2021. Then Blackrock purchased it in October 2021. Dore dramatically asks if Young is going to buy back his music to get it out of the hands of Blackrock? That's sort of a phony emotional plea. Young has no more control over that than anyone who sells something to someone who eventually sells it to a third party. Though I'm sure there's a lot of education that these artists should be made aware of before their transactions to the corporate state. Part of the omitted back story is that both Young and Joni Mitchell were polio victims, and vaccines saved their lives. *** W. Re: Young I shouldn't have said "I brought the house down". I never dressed in a flannel shirt. Unfortunately you can't impersonate Neil, without it sounding like a parody. As a lot of people , I loved Neil's first albums up to "Harvest", and a few selected albums/cuts since. He's always said he thought his first solo album was overproduced but I thought that was a real good album. I've seen him a couple of times solo, a couple of times with CSNY, and a couple of times in his Bridge series he's done every year in the Bay area as a charity for autism as he and Pegi had an autistic child. I've seen him sing with Paul Mc Cartney, Paul with Tony Bennet. I've met him personally once, and I know people who use to run in his circles and some who used to work for him. Yes he's not that smart, and I'm not that crazy about him personally. I do have a positive story about Neil though. My mother was an artist who painted tile murals and fired them in a kiln. She'd paint murals for churches and community centers. My Father built a retirement home in the coastal Redwood mountains about 5 miles from Neil's ranch. One day Young and Peggy (Pegi) did a neighborly stop by to their home to look at my Mother's art work and say hello. I'm sorry they never got a photo but they didn't really know who he was except to have casually heard about him as a neighbor.
  13. Thanks for the source Pat, And your political observations are astute. You can't find a politician who would let this happen, if he could, outside of maybe Trump, whose followers would forgive him for anything, but even he couldn't muster a majority in an election. It's true all Democrats in executive positions or aspiring to higher office always benefit from "talking tough." Just as JFK, and the "Missile Gap." As for Newsome: as I've said, It's because the 1% he'd gain from voters who wouldn't have voted for him is eclipsed by the 10% of the middle that he could lose. Similarly as for Chomsky, he was already established in his career before the JFK. Jim's made the JFKAC his entire literary career field of study. It's easy for him to criticize Chomsky because he doesn't have that reputation to lose. The Marcus story sounds like the "fish that got away". Marcus was so convinced he convinced Chomsky of a JFKAC conspiracy. But then to assume that Chomsky was convinced and then was a coward for not publicly advocating JFK conspiracy is silly, and kind of vengeful. Marcus can't really know what was going on in Chomsky's head. Beside the whole story with the "magic cabbie" is neither here nor there.. He probably sees it as a rabbit hole, and as shocking as it may sound here, in light of where his career turned out to be, it was a prudent move. . It's the same with the MSM coverage. There's no "deep state" orders from on high compelling authors to write a certain review about the Stone movie.. In some cases these people have high powered careers , and truly like what they're doing, and maybe weren't exposed to the JFKAC. So why don't we round them up and every politician, and call them "cowards"? Well then let's throw in the Kennedy family who, after all were directly affected and were silent for 50 years! I remember the 1964 Democratic convention. And it was as if a great well of the frustration and sadness erupted when Bobby walked out. I've heard it was 20 minutes of uninterrupted applause, I know it was at least 10. A lot of it is the power of martyrdom, but I've never ever seen that kind of response for an American politician, and I suspect I never will.. I thought at the time, this guy could take the American public anywhere! And if he had nothing to hide, which I'm not convinced he didn't, he could even have challenged the WR findings a few months later and he would have gotten solid public support, but he realized it would be too damaging and divisive for the nation. But there were a lot of people who were still in shock about the JFKA who would have seen a repudiation or a questioning of the Warren Report findings as a a "fighting back". Few of the public would have begrudged Bobby for it, but of course if he was to do it, he'd have to produce clear results. Certainly a case could be made for silence, and has been made while Bobby was living. I believe it it was Talbot who said, he was going to reopen his brothers case when he became President. I'm not sure of that, or even how successful that would have been.. But what about the ensuing 40 years? Ok there was still Teddy's career. Was it prudent if Teddy he became President, that he would reopen an investigation into his siblings death. Certainly in 1976, it could have been perfect timing, except of course for his hiding out after Chappaquiddick. Then there are successive generations of Kennedy politicians . Were they served by being silent about their uncles and Fathers assassinations?. We can disagree but I don't think any case could be made politically that it would be damaging to have publicly stated that they didn't believe the findings of the WR at all! And If it is true, that Bobby and Jackie were so sure of the cause of JFK's death, that they sent a letter to the Kremlin, and the Kennedy siblings are aware of that. I would say 40 years of silence was not courageous at all. Of course we don't know what information was given by the parents to the Kennedy siblings about what they knew, or suspected. Were they simply told that as good children, if they were approached with questions they were to say they believe the findings of the WC? How was this all was handled in family, and how did it come to 50 years of silence? Certainly once a sibling has become 30, 40 or 50 years old, such a subject shouldn't be "unspeakable" though it has! The 50 year silence is a good subject for a book within itself. Maybe for you Jim. Aren't you and RFK Jr. good buddies? heh heh
  14. Jeremy, Haven't you heard that athletes are dropping dead from the covid vaccine? It's here in this sports exclusive! As Chris D. has said, there's always risks involved in everything you do in life. https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2022/jan/26/john-stockton/john-stocktons-claim-hundreds-athletes-are-abruptl/
  15. You should really know you're being BS'ed when a person who had the power to aid the JFKAC movement and was silent and did nothing for 50 years is characterized as "outspoken". Can we call that a "low bar"? I've seen this recycled Chomsky thread from Jim Di now for about the third time and always ending with the Marcus story. I told him the likely reason Chomsky doesn't want to get involved and it's very similar to what I've said earlier here about Gavin Newsome. It looks like Jim is starting to see that the real story of non support is not from Chomsky or Newsome but his emulated Kennedy family itself. So let's get back on it. Jim:What is so ironic about this is that, as David Talbot’s book Brothers shows, Attorney General Robert Kennedy never bought the cover story about his brother’s death. In fact, within a week of JFK’s murder both Bobby and JFK’s widow, Jackie Kennedy, wrote a letter to the rulers in Moscow saying that they understood that Lee Oswald was simply a front man, and that President Kennedy’s assassination was the work of a large domestic plot. (Talbot, pp. 32-34) So we're to believe the Kennedy family is so top down patriarchal, they never knew what suspicions RFK had about the death of his brother,? or they never read Talbot's "Brothers" about Bobby and Jackie's letter to the Kremlin? or simply weren't at all curious about who may have been behind the killing of their Father? That smells to me. We have records of JFK's correspondence with Khrushchev, but outside of Kremlin conjecture at the time of a conspiracy, we now have no record of RFK and Jackie's letter to the Kremlin?
  16. Well first off Dennis , my continued condolences for the traitorous actions of that dirty vaxxh-ole Trump! For a long time in U.S. history,the number of people who polled anti vaccine were around 10%. Since Trump's it's clearly up to a third of the population. And now this! His defection to vaxxerdom is a scourge to your hard fought efforts and is definitely a bitter pill to swallow, but at least not a vaccine!. If it's any consolation, I know some really bad dudes who've said they feel very betrayed by Trump as they've lost some of their people because of Trump, and although they still don't vax, They told me that Trump "better watch his back!" heh heh heh heh heh heh Ok seriously Dennis, Dennis I always sense that the more angry and more ranting your posts are, the more frustrated you're feeling in your life and I really do sympathize. Go East to Davos Young Man. I don't what branch of the "great reset" you're in, but to assume any master" great reset plan" is going on there is folly. It's all just window dressing. I've specifically told you how the corporate state plays out and it's much more seamless and insidious than any of these silly medieval drama theories I hear about here. Though I'm sure they're deliciously overwhelming to all of you who hold them that it will give you sufficient license to continue to strike out aimlessly and then revert back to basking in your hopelessness and doing nothing. Unvaccinated Sarah Palin tests positive for Covid, delays New York Times defamation trial https://www.cnbc.com/2022/01/24/-unvaccinated-sarah-palin-positive-for-covid-before-ny-times-defamation-trial.html
  17. Jim from your piece: Jim:Part of this crusade seems to simply stem from a reaction to RFK Jr’s outspokenness on the issue. Then you write this: Jim:He began speaking out about it back in 2013 during a public appearance with Rory hosted by Charlie Rose in Dallas. You call RFK Jr.outspoken , but it took him 50 years to out himself. Why did it take 50 years.?
  18. Thanks Pete, these are some of earlier interviews I remember. Could you imagine a more collected, lucid account, including articulating his motive, and aware very comprehensively of all implications of what he had done, and taking complete responsibility for himself, other than to say that at one point, after a drink, he has no recollection of what happened?
  19. Apparently they deleted it Dennis. But here it is again. For Meat Loaf fans or any body. This isn't going to be pleasant to watch. These are his last videos to his fans. It appears Meat Loaf is in denial that he has covid and although he says he's lost 77 lbs. is saying his problems are due to back injuries that are going to take several surgeries to repair. I expect some people here will say this is a covid misdiagnosis.
  20. For Meat Loaf fans or any body. This isn't going to be pleasant to watch. These are his last videos to his fans. It appears Meat Loaf is in denial that he has covid and although he says he's lost 77 lbs. is saying his problems are due to back injuries that are going to take several surgeries to repair. I expect some people here will say this is a covid misdiagnosis.
  21. Ty, I'm surprised you bring this up. You don't remember all the unpleasant things Trump would say "on mic" to reporters faces, calling them "fake news." "nasty" , "terrible reporters" "third rate reporters". I thought Trump supporters celebrated insulting reporters but I give you credit that you weren't in that group, but you obviously haven't seen that Trump is the most insulting of all Presidents we've ever had and that was with fair questions and not unknowingly with a "hot mic". Here is an exchange in the Spring of 2020, in a period of great uncertainty at the beginning of the covid pandemic when a reporter asks. Alexander asked, "What do you say to Americans who are scared?"Trump, shaking his head, ripped into Alexander in response. Trump:"I say that you are a terrible reporter," Trump replied. "That's what I say." The President proceeded to launch into an extended rant against Alexander, saying he asked a "nasty question" and assailing NBC and its parent company, Comcast."You're doing sensationalism," Trump charged. "And the same with NBC and Comcast. I don't call it Comcast. I call it 'Con-Cast.'""Let me just tell you something," Trump added. "That's really bad reporting. And you ought to get back to reporting instead of sensationalism." This was a softball question that any true leader would have seized upon to reassure the public that "it's going to be tough but we're going to pull through". But Trump didn't have it in him. We can talk just about his civility, but almost 2 years later and probably million American lives lost by the end of this , 20 times the number of people lost in the Viet Nam War, this was a great tragedy, that could have lost him the election. And Fox News reinforced it, and was complicit with these insults which now make them look so hypocritical. The question itself was obvious and made to embarrass, but within the arc of testy questions reporters ask Presidents. More examples of Trump's treatment of reporters, of less testy questions.. https://www.businessinsider.com/trump-lashes-out-at-reporters-during-coronavirus-press-briefings-2020-4
  22. Politically in the U.S. I've never seen a more dictatorial "cancel culture" censorship than the current Republican Party There is literally no disagreement allowed to Trump or they will tremble in fear to lose their jobs.. They' even gave up having a party platform. That's unprecedented. Boycotting is a tool that Young is employing, Of course people can disagree. Re the Pandemic. You can hem and haw, but it's been going on since the start of civilization. There are epidemics, and people don't want to be around people who can make them or their loved ones fatally sick, no matter how remote a chance the potential carriers think that is. As for Neil, I used to do an impersonation of Neil that would bring the house down. I hadn't done it in years, but it was received favorably playing out with my friend in Florida last spring. And that was fun! Before he met her. I dated his wife of many years, before he dumped her for Darryl Hannah a few years back , she's since died of cancer.
  23. 27 House members sign letter asking Nancy Pelosi and Kevin McCarthy to bring stock trading ban to the floor: 'We came to Congress to serve our country, not turn a quick buck' It's signed by 25 Democrats and 2 Republicans! ******* Alex Jones met with 1/6 committee and says he pleaded the Fifth 'almost 100 times' https://www.cnn.com/2022/01/25/politics/alex-jones-january-6-plead-fifth/index.html John Eastman law prof who authored memo on how Pence could block certification of Electoral College vote, invoked 5th Amendment 146 times! At hearing on John Eastman's efforts to block 1/6 committee from getting his emails, Doug Letter, House counsel, reveals that Eastman, law prof who authored memo on how Pence could block certification of Electoral College vote, invoked 5th Amendment 146 times.
  24. Do tell, George, so he was an early acid head who, I guess lived in Wyoming and knew Dick Cheney?
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