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Andrej Stancak

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Everything posted by Andrej Stancak

  1. Chris: please find here another model version of Lee Oswald's body. I had to change quite many dimensions to achieve a match. The right-hand panel shows a 69'' measuring stick along the body, and the middle panel is James Poser himself. The left-hand panel is the overlay of James and Lee Oswald at 50% with some landmarks which are important for future matching of this figure with Prayer Man. These landmarks include the top of the head, the bottom of the chin, shoulder level, cubital fossae, waist, "inseam", and knees. I wonder if you would approve this James Poser as a good model of Lee Oswald. Thanks.
  2. Gentlemen: can we cool it down? I am thankful to Tom and Michael for their support. It is important to know that someone is following the 3D doorway project. Thomas: you may not have spotted that the whole recent activity on this thread aims at changing the current mannequin that was based on Poser 11.1 default male model (inseam at 49% of body height) for a new mannequin matching Lee Harvey Oswald's body in all essential aspects. I have already suggested one mannequin last week - it was the mannequin named James Poser. This mannequin was adjusted to match Lee Oswald as he was photographed by the NO PD, and the body proportions are being checked by Chris. You could see in my recent posts on this thread that this Oswald-like mannequin with relatively short legs and long torso fitted Prayer Man in Darnell very well, actually better than the default male mannequin because the long torso of Oswald-like mannequin did not require tilting Prayer Man towards his right that much as in the current model. Once this step is completed, I will take the mannequin and compare it with other existing pictures (there are not many) showing the whole Lee Oswald's body from a front view. Then, I will import this agreed Lee Oswald-like mannequin in his Darnell posture into Sketchup and will change colors and triangulation and will also sculpt the shirt sleeves a bit. Of course, I will also sculpt the head shape, hairline and some facial features to match Lee Harvey Oswald. Finally, I will replace all figures in my blog post on Mrs. Sanders and Mrs. Stanton with the new Prayer Man mannequin if a figure contained Prayer Man. Only then will I be able to resume my work on Altgens6, followed by the reconstruction of Prayer Man's body height in Darnell and finishing with Wiegman stills.
  3. Chris is a well-respected researcher in high esteem on this forum, and I am privileged to receive his feedback and help on the issue of Oswald's body proportions. Chris certainly had his reasons to express his view on the identity of Prayer Man which I fully respect. Quite many people think that Prayer Man was actually a woman, I have no problem with that, however, I would like to complete my long-term 3D reconstruction project which may shed some light on this issue. While it is easy to write a short sentence, a recycled question, or just to bump some previously posted picture, it is more difficult to follow a certain thread for a long time, to invest time, effort and funds just to push the knowledge a bit further. I have chosen the latter path.
  4. This has been discussed at length in 2016 in a large Prayer Person thread which has been moved to JFK Research folder. You will find there not only my views but also views of other researchers on this problem.
  5. Sorry, this is not how you present yourself on this forum.
  6. Go and read: https://thejfktruthmatters.wordpress.com/2018/01/
  7. John: please check my January 31 post at https://thejfktruthmatters.wordpress.com/2018/01/ . This is certainly a more accurate account of reasons why Prayer Man could not be Sarah Stanton. For instance, the short lady in purple dress was most likely Pauline Sanders, not Sandra Styles as Thomas proposes. Of course, the whole height and location analysis refutes Sarah Stanton as Prayer Man as well because she would have to be 5'9'' and that she was not. Prayer Man did not look at Mr. Frazier in Darnell, and therefore there is not even a hint that Prayer Man was talking to Mr. Frazier. However, this does not disturb Thomas at all. His beliefs are above any analysis, at least in his own mind. Mr. Frazier's statement that he had turned to "Sarah" after Gloria Calvary came to announce the killing could have occurred just 1 second (or more seconds) before or 1 second (or more) after the 2.7-second snippet of Darnell's film in which Prayer Man could be seen. There is no logic and no evidence in what Thomas argues, and so he just bumps my work and phrases it at best in an ironic but usually in a worse than ironic way.
  8. ... cannot cancel what I started earlier...
  9. Thanks, Chris for the new overlay. As far as the leg length is concerned, yes, the 30 '' interval corresponds to the leg length measured by the method recommended on the cyclist webpage. However, I was puzzled by the necessity to downscale James Poser to match Lee Oswald's body in the NO PD picture. Could you please try to overlay the figure below - I have calibrated the measuring stick and found about a half of inch difference over the 8 feet stick compared to the Sketchup tape measure. Also, I changed the focal length of Sketchup camera from a very wide angle to a standard focal length. I wonder if you still need to downscale James to match Lee Oswald in NO PD picture. If this problem continues, it could be due to "taping" the ruler onto a 2D photograph. The ruler on a 2D picture, of course, suggests it has been mounted on the wall. However, Lee stood an inch or two in front of the wall and his body had a depth. Thus, although Lee's body is perfectly aligned to a 5'9'' height in the 3D picture, actually, due to perspective and depth, his height would not be 5'9''. I am not sure if he would be taller or shorter than 5'9'', this may depend on the view angle of the camera.
  10. Chris: Here we go with some realistic measurements of James Poser's body. The top picture is the overall figure. Strangely enough, James Poser has white hair after importing from Poser, therefore, the next picture shows the top of his head so that it is possible to check that his body height was 5'9''. The final picture is a detailed view of James Poser's inseam region. I read the height of his inseam as 2'6'' or 30''.
  11. Chris: I am not working with absolute dimensions of human bodies until I get the mannequins into Sketchup, however, I can do it easily if the purpose is only to measure the length of the inner leg (just ignoring that the guy is triangulated and the colors are weird...). Do you want to know how long is his leg in the James Poser mannequin in the left-hand panel of your composite when this mannequin is 5'9''?
  12. Chris: I fully agree that the "inseam" in Lee Harvey Oswald is very low. The point is that we do not measure the inseam height as you, myself or people on the cyclist forum would do by measuring the inner length of their legs (from the sole of the foot or from the ankle). We cannot do it on the NO PD photograph because Lee Oswald wore pants which were not tailored to copy his legs; instead, they create a bag and move his pants "inseam" very low. I can lift his inseam but cannot simulate the hanging pants in Poser, and actually, what matters is how Lee looked with his pants on. My original mannequin had inseam close to 50% and the hight of inseam was suggested the Poser program. Poser had it certainly right, however, a mannequin with shorter legs than an average man fitted the Darnell still much better. I took it as one more hint that Prayer man could be Lee Harvey Oswald. I will prepare two more mannequins by pushing the inseam in two steps (about 2 and 4 inches ) higher and would be grateful if you could have a look and say which would be the best. However, I assume that I am not modeling Lee Oswald's true inseam height (because I cannot measure the length of his inner leg) but rather the "pants inseam", the one we see in his NO PD photograph and which is much lower than his true inseam. What I also can do is to model a reasonable inseam (e.g., 32 inch) and then sculpt his pants to drag a portion of the pants down to reproduce his NO PD figure. However, this can only be done outside Poser. Thanks for taking time to analyse the inseam problem, I really appreciate. I am postponing the final export into Sketchup, which is a lengthy process, till agreed what height of the inseam would be optimal.
  13. Chris: I have not evaluated or measured the height of inseam in my model or in Lee Harvey Oswald because wearing loose slacks precludes seeing the perineum which is a prerequisite for measurement of inner leg length. We cannot have precise measurement of the height of inseam from the photograph I posted. However, I was able to align the approximate "inseams" on the pictures above by drawing horizontal lines which cross through the homologous points on the Poser mannequin and Lee Oswald's figure. The line which is the closest to inseam is the horizontal line between the one crossing the waist and the one crossing the knees. I am not sure why did you draw the 8-division lines. The second blue line from the top should delineate the face but it does not. Thus, 7 1/2 works better than 8 because the height of the head (if known) can be used to extrapolate the body height in absence of clear view of the full body. Do I miss something?
  14. The top of Prayer Man can be seen in the Darnell still I used, and it is crossed by the yellow line in my drawing. 99% of human bodies fit with 7 1/2 ratio. As you could see, I have checked if Oswald's body fitted the 7 1/2 rule and it did (this is the picture with Lee Oswald taken by the NO PD). I did not make Prayer Man a dwarf. He was a tall man because he stood effectively on the second step and yet he reached to Buell Wesley Frazier's shoulder line. I have measured this height in my 3D model. The 7 1/2 ratio method does not give any absolute height value at all, it only shows where to would Prayer Man's feet reach if the 7 1/2 rule applied. It is a simple and approximate method, yet it provides one more independent clue that Prayer Man stood on the second step (with one foot only as my 3D reconstruction shows). I see no signs of alterations of Prayer Man or of anyone else in Darnell. My measurements did not make Prayer Man a dwarf unless you want to say that a man 5'9'' can be labeled a dwarf.
  15. In the meantime, I have prepared a better version: And the Darnell still: The revised figures are shown in http:/thejfktruthmatters.wordpress.com .
  16. The story has been largely suggested by Mr. Walt Brown in his excellent book "Treachery in Dallas" (Carroll and Graf Publishers, 1996), I have added few details to this scenario. The scenario is internally consistent and it does not object any known evidence pertaining Lee Harvey Oswald's movements. I will elaborate the story with accurate quotations and data in the future. My statement "He travels to his rooming house, ...." avoids the disputes about whether Oswald travelled via the bus-taxi route or was taken by car right there on the Plaza which dispute is of lesser importance than the scenario itself. While it appears incomprehensive that Lee Harvey Oswald would pop up in the doorway, I find it very logical and consistent with what he was doing from his young age of 15 or 16. Whatever he did had two ends. He read Marx and communist literature, however, he never seeks close collegiate relationships with members of communist or socialist party. He is handing over pro-Castro leaflets which are stamped 544 Camp Street, the office of Guy Banister. There are many more examples to his actions which are often difficult to read. Addition: I may not have answered the seemingly unexplained courtesy of Lee Harvey Oswald when he offered the taxi to an old lady. Lee Oswald assumed he had some time until his name would eventually pop up in the news. He had to be in the Texas Theatre at a certain time (after 1PM? ) at which time the rifle was not even discovered, and therefore his name could not have perspired. It would eventually happen, however, not sooner than maybe in the evening. If not the Tippit shooting, finding the rifle and the name A.J. Hiddell would still not connect to Lee Harvey Oswald. Another investigation would be necessary to link Hiddel with Oswald. Thus, Lee Harvey Oswald could still pretend that he was not in a hurry, and offer the cab to the old lady. However, he then asked the cab driver to stop about a block past his rooming house - this is his typical conspiracy behaviour. People naturally excel in some activities. Some people are excellent tennis player because they combine their natural talent with dedication and lot of training. Other people can excel in science, chess, or some odd activities like long and accurate spitting. Lee Harvey Oswald excelled in acting in a covert manner in such a way that any of his actions had two (or more) different meanings or goals. He acquired his "skill" based on the combination of his upbringing and watching and learning the role seen in "I led three lives". Lee saw maybe all of about 100 episodes and reprises of this TV series. I watched few episodes of this series to understand what it would do with a 15-16 year old boy who did not have any other positive template or goal in his life. The spy who worked for the FBI and infiltrated the communist circles, a double agent, behaved exactly as Lee did so often. The small detail of asking the cab driver to drive him past his rooming house is as if cut from "I led three lives".
  17. I am studying the standard body proportions in humans to strengthen the 3D model of Prayer Man. Visual artists employ a 7 1/2 (some prefer eight) ratio between the height of the head and the height of the entire body. The head size also allows estimating the relative sizes of different body parts with a reasonable accuracy. You can read about 7 1/2 head-body ratio here: https://www.artistsnetwork.com/art-techniques/drawing-proportions-human-body-ameral/ . I have applied the 7 1/2 rule to Lee Harvey Oswald's body, and it worked well. The grey rectangles are adjusted to match the height of Lee's head. And there were 7 1/2 heads which covered his entire body. I then took the 7 1/2 rectangles and copied them on Darnell still while adjusting the sizes of the rectangles in such a way that each full rectangle matched the height of Prayer Man's head. The Prayer Man's head is delineated by two horizontal blue lines. The lower pair of blue lines indicate the edges of the top landing and second step. Well, the 7 1/2 heads reached the tread of the second step. This simple but clear and convincing analysis supports the view that Prayer Man was a man 5'9'' and standing on the second step (with his right foot only, though). Would this simple analysis been applied back then in August 2013, or at any time point later, we could save ourselves a lot of confusion and blind avenues.
  18. David: If you push Prayer Man further back towards the glass door, you will also increase the distance between Prayer Man's right elbow and the edge of the red column brick. Please mind that Prayer Man's head was crossed by the vertical line of the door frame in Darnell. If you would like to push him further back, it could be only along the line connecting Prayer Man's head and the door frame. Again, you are free to do so, however, other parts of Prayer Man will be misaligned. My view is that the lighter shade on hands is due to a small part of the hand being exposed to the sunlight which spot was then blurred - basically averaged with the surrounding darker color of the hand. Another possibility could be that the hands receive a reflected light from somewhere since it was a sunny day and white or light colored surfaces reflected light strongly. The images are very blurred and the left thigh is hardly seen, yet it is of lighter color than the rest of Prayer Man's body. I think he wore a dark grey or khaki coloured pants, and those did not reflect the sunlight strongly. They just appear to be of a bit lighter color. The shadow in the doorway as it was on November 22, 12.30 PM can be seen in the overhead view of the doorway. By the way, it would not be difficult to bend Prayer Man's right hand just by one inch and it would not be in the sunlight.
  19. David: I guess the man wearing a white T-shirt in Hughes is Billy Lovelady. While I cannot prove it at this stage, I assume that Lee Harvey Oswald was not in the doorway yet, he arrived later. It would be hardly possible to accommodate this Lovelady's figure and Prayer Man's figure (at his Wiegman location) in Hughes stills. Buell Wesley Frazier: he was very likely down on the steps at some point, however, I understand that it was minutes before the motorcade was passing the Depository building. In the critical period (e.g., starting with Hughes film), Mr. Frazier stood back there in front of the glass window, in the central-western part of the doorway. For that reason, he is not seen in Altgens6. He stepped slightly forwards (while keeping himself to the top landing) to the front edge of the top landing in Darnell. In none of the video documents can Buell Wesley Frazier be seen on any step below the top landing. As what part of Prayer Man was illuminated by the light, it was basically his left thigh, back of his right hand, and possibly the knuckles of his left hand.
  20. Chris: thanks for an interesting and useful overlay. Would you like to see the mannequin to match the exact posture and body contours of Lee Harvey Oswald as he was photographed by the NO PD? I was happy with the body proportions which, as the horizontal lines indicate, match in both figures quite well. Or, do you think that the body proportions of James Poser do not match well Lee's body? I would be only worried if the latter would be the case and, of course, I would make a correction.
  21. Lee Harvey Oswald leaves his wedding ring and almost all the money he had to Marina when leaving for work on Friday morning. Lee Harvey Oswald travels to work with Buell Wesley Frazier. He carries a package which was probably a small lunch sack, and which Buell Wesley Frazier claimed it had measured 27’’. Did he also carry a rifle to work? In my opinion, he did and Buell Wesley Frazier knew it. Lee Harvey Oswald realised he has been dragged into a fatal game right after the shooting, particularly when Gloria Calvery reached the doorway and started to talk about the President being killed. Lee Harvey Oswald is seen in Darnell staring towards the Records building. He is in the state of shock, motionless and is trying to comprehend what does the shooting mean for him. Within the next two minutes, Lee Harvey Oswald leaves the Depository, forgetting about his blue jacket which will be found days later in the first floor lunchroom. Lee Harvey Oswald flees the scene knowing that he soon will be a marked man. He travels to his rooming house, changes the slacks and the shirt, and takes his gun with him when leaving the house in haste. He goes to the Texas Theatre, and appears to be searching for someone as he sits next to each cinema visitors and moves to a next visitor. Lee Harvey Oswald’s behaviour reveals that he had a foreknowledge of some clandestine operation in which he played some part, however, the operation was not presented to him as an assassination operation. We can only speculate how and by whom was the operation presented to Lee Harvey Oswald. However, Lee Harvey Oswald did not blow a whistle right away and clearly had serious reasons to continue playing his part. And he did play his part: he went to the Texas Theatre, he was searching for a contact person in the theatre, he did not reveal identities of the conspirators (only indirectly by saying he was a patsy), he tried to contact a lawyer known for defending the communists, and he called for legal assistance. This behaviour suggests that Lee Harvey Oswald was still playing his role of a communist and pro-Castro activist which he had played in summer 1963 in New Orleans and during his trip to Mexico City in September and early October 1963. Connecting all these dots gives the following: Lee Harvey Oswald was lured to assisting in a mock assassination attempt (a similar event to the General Walker shooting) in which he would initially serve as a communist and a pro-Castro agent. His work for the FPCC and his contacts with the Soviet embassy (including the letter to the Soviet embassy dated November 😎 would be the proofs of involvements of foreign powers. This mock assassination attempt would be used to thwart any peace talks both with Russia and Cuba, and possibly to trigger an immediate retaliation against Cuba. Lee Harvey Oswald would be linked with the assassination attempt by the rifle which would first be connected with A.J. Hiddel and later on to Lee Harvey Oswald. Some compromising photographs showing him with the rifle and with some leftist newspapers would be prepared to strengthen his motives. Lee Harvey Oswald received the following guarantees: 1. He would meet a contact in the Texas Theatre and would be frisked from the country. As he knew he would be away for a long time and may never return, he left his wedding ring and money to Marina. 2. The money order for the rifle purchase would be flawed, and a proper investigation would not be able to prove a purchasing operation in a court trial. 3. He would briefly occur outside the building where he would be spotted by witnesses, photographed or filmed. He was not supposed to stress his whereabouts too soon before the political or military benefits would be collected by the conspirators. 4. Lee Harvey Oswald knew that all the “so-called evidence” would be refuted in a court trial: the photographs bore signs of fakery and Lee knew that they could be refuted; the rifle was not purchased by him and there was no way to prove it as the money order was not stamped; he could not be on the sixth floor because he was standing in the doorway, in the shadow, and would be filmed or seen by people. 5. Marina and children would be taken care of generously in case he would not be able to come back clean or even die. Once Lee Harvey Oswald realised that a mock shooting changed to the killing (and the first moment he learned could easily be the arrival of Gloria Calvery to the Depository), he continued his assignment knowing that the safety latches and plausible denials were still in place. However, he felt threatened and isolated, especially after his arrest which was the second deviation from the plan. He might have also fear for lives of his family. Unless killed, Lee Harvey Oswald would have been able to clear his name and reveal the identities of those who lured him into the case. To come back to the main point: Why was Lee Harvey Oswald outside the building in the doorway of Depository building? Because it was a safety latch and an opportunity for a plausible denial. His presence in the doorway was not random but planned. However, he still continued playing his part after assassination which entailed not showing the proofs of his innocence right away. Lee was confident he would be able to do it when the right time would come. He might well be also under a threat whereby the lives of his family would be under the risk if he blew the whistle right away.
  22. Hello Bart: there is a long way ahead still in proving (or not) that Prayer man was Lee Harvey Oswald. Thanks for sharing your measurements of the Depository doorway back then, which was a big boost and help in this effort.
  23. Thanks, Mark. One cannot be careful enough in drawing any conclusions, I agree. And thanks for your kind words.
  24. One more attempt to achieve the optimal body proportions for Prayer Man. This time, I have abandoned Poser 11.1 recommendations and turned to the picture of Lee Harvey Oswald taken during his arrest by the New Orleans police in July, 1963. The right picture shows Lee Harvey Oswald from a rare frontal view. I have added lights to this picture to be able to see better his inseam and his knees. The left panel is the adjusted Poser mannequin named James. It is possible to adjust body proportions interactively and so I took the default James with proportions of an average man and adjusted them to fit Lee Harvey Oswald's body. Interestingly, Lee Harvey Oswald has long arms, I had to extend them by 10% compared to a standard male figure. The horizontal lines cross both figures at homologous body parts. Notably, the inseams in both figure, but also the waist and knees, are at the same levels in both figures. In the next, the mannequin with body posture of Lee Harvey Oswald was adjusted to match Prayer Man's posture in Darnell, and the resulting figure was overlaid onto Darnell's Prayer Man with blending coefficients 0, 20, 40 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 95 and 100%. A 100% overlay means the original Darnell picture with no traces of Poser mannequin. The two red lines indicate the edges of the top landing and the second step. The result exceeded any expectations. The overlay appears natural. Thus, it stroke my mind: if the fit of Poser mannequin is better when it has the body proportions of Lee Harvey Oswald than the body proportions of an average man, does it not say that Prayer Man was Lee Harvey Oswald? I use to watch these overlays for couple days before I export into Sketchup for the final fit. If anyone would have a suggestion what could be tweaked in Poser mannequin, please let me know.
  25. The leg-to-body ratio in the mannequin I showed for the overlay study (and which I am not transporting into Sketchup) is 47% which is the middle of the normal range 45-50%. Of course, people can and do stand this way if they wish so. Please try it yourself. It would be actually unpleasant to stand with both legs straight and on the top landing as shown in my recent post because the person on the top landing would have to bend considerably towards his right in order to have his head aligned with the vertical pole of the aluminum door frame. However, you apparently did not spot the differences between the two postures which make your top landing-both legs straight possibility very unlikely. Are you now a new Saruman?
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