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Michael Walton

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  1. Seriously, Vince? You're taking this statement and making it sound as if Somersett had some kind of "inside knowledge." He could have simply meant that when the SS receives credible threat that they beef up security. When they don't, then they take the standard precautions. That statement could be interpreted any number of ways, Vince. And like I said on another thread, the security that day was no better or worst than any other day. The proof is in these photos and you can go to any number of other motorcades prior to Dallas and those photos look more or less the exact same way as the ones below:
  2. I'm stating, not claiming, your "it's fake" claim is bogus.
  3. It's not fake, Cliff. You're muddling the picture with this. Humes said that wound did not terminate so what does that mean? No SBT. Period. And you seem to think that 1960's technology could magically move a bullet wound around. Give it a rest.
  4. Here are two of my favorite photos of the motorcade: It sure seems the cyclists are doing their job here and Greer has his door open to push the crowd back. But what about the folks on the bus? I think all of this discussion about, "Oh, the SS backed off opening the way to the murder" is pure speculation. As Kennedy himself said - it'd be easy to get him from a tall building with a rifle. What no one seems to want to say here is that times were very, very different back then. Unlike today, with nuts running around shooting into crowds and running people over, it was a more innocent time then. You didn't "need" limos that weighed 20,000 pounds, choppers flying around, 10,000 guards pushing all manner of crowds 200 feet away and other extreme measures circa 2018.
  5. Sure looks to me like it could be her, Bart. Animated GIF below... The hairline and body shape are pretty spot on. Andrej, you're simply grasping for invisible straws here. Your boxes are basically empty black holes with nothing in them. I understand you're frustrated because several researchers have proven that you tried to lie with your 3D animation by stretching a leg way down onto the second step to "prove" that it's Oswald. Please be honest now and admit that your animation was incorrect. And to Brian Doyle, who I know lurks on here, then goes running over to the other forum to post. Enough already, Brian. You seem to have a one-track mind on this. It's time to let go or check yourself into a mind restoration facility. And you seem to keep saying over and over again that the Chris Davidson "enhancement" image of PM - which is nothing but a bunch of pixelated blobs - shows it's a woman. It shows nothing of the kind. Get a life, Brian. There are plenty of other things to focus on regarding this case besides your pixelated blobs "proving" that the person up there is a woman.
  6. I would like to congratulate Dave L on his reply to Jim DiEugenio's post here in his attempt to hold Jim to a higher standard when it comes to the Kennedy case. I would like to take a moment, fellow EF members, to mention this because it's important to take the evidence and clues in the case and not revert to wild speculation. As much as I believe that Jim Eugenio has written some important analysis on the case, I recently came across a thread on EF where it seems like he is "all Kennedy, all good, all of the time" with no bend or let up in his thinking regarding the Kennedy family; in other words, his way of thinking is the Kennedys do no wrong. As much as I admire the Kennedys, I and Oliver Stone and I'm sure others know better. But to take this higher standard a step further, and without attempting to hijack this thread, I would also like to mention to EF readers here that I certainly hope that Dave L also holds himself to a higher standard of the evidence in the case. I say this because it's my undertanding, forum readers, that he is currently writing another book that will have new evidence in the case. Dave L has been teasing fellow EF readers about this and, having worked in the marketing business for over 30 years, I certainly do not want to begrudge Dave L for doing that. It's important to get the word out when you are selling a new book. Ironically enough, I was unaware that when this very forum was started years ago that its initial intention was to do that very thing - to be a place where paid authors such as Jim Eugenio, Larry Hancock, Vince the Secret Service Expert, and Dave L - among others - can come onto this forum, ask questions and comingle with mere mortals such as myself. And of course they can also enourage us mortals to buy their latest book. This was an amazing discovery for me because when you think of a web forum called Education Forum, the idea of selling books certainly does not come to mind first and foremost. This "selling your wares" concept has even included LNers such as Dave VP to sell his website by pushing the link here, encouraging folks to visit it, to watch his videos and click on his ads. And of course it's also been a place for LNers like Dave VP to argue the occasional point or two with these authors. There may even be, fellow EF members, an opportunity for lurkers, as Jim DiEugenio so eloquently called someone on this forum, to comingle with said authors. But to circle back and arrive to that pesky higher standard. I discovered that one of the thrusts of Dave L's new book of new evidence will be that Dr. Malcolm Perry, one of Parkland's doctors who performed the throat incision to try to save Kennedy's life, did not cut into his throat, thus, proving that the body was altered before the autopsy began. Dave L's proof for this theory is: ** Proof 1 - audio in video interview of Perry does not sync up ** Proof 2 - Bob Groden said Perry told him I vigorously debated Dave L on this, explaining that Dr. Perry clearly and accurately explained what he did to Kennedy's throat in his 1964 testimony. After being called a shmuck, among other things, by esteemed author Dave L, during our heated debate, and after also being torn a new asshole by other forum members who came to Dave L's defense, it's my understanding that Dave L has not reconsidered writing about this very shaky and speculative and dishonest theory and is moving forward with it. So once again, in the interest of trying to apply a higher standard in this case, I do hope Dave L reconsiders and I do this in support of Dr. Perry, a man who was thrust into the annals of history and is unable to defend himself. MWW 5/31/2018 - 1:14 AM EDT Dulles, Virginia
  7. Reading briefly through this thread, it appears there is really no consensus as to how we got to Elm St. that day. Ty did you not see the photo showing there is no way to drive down Main and be able to cross over to Elm? It's physically impossible to do unless Greer wanted to tear out the oil pan on the Lincoln.
  8. So let me get this straight... There was no way to cross over from Main due to the curb. They didn't want him on that route since it would take him through wino country. So they figure to send him down Elm onto the Trade Mart. And this is....sinister? I don't get it.
  9. So I guess you DO believe the tales of intrigue regarding the Oswald clone, contrasty photos and sloping shoulders - HA hilarious! Truer words!
  10. Cliff - I don't think you understand what Jim meant. What he meant by "bye bye" is that there is an Ignore button. Everyone - from Jim to the loons such as David Josephs and Jim Hargrove to others - are asking the admins to either explain to them how to ignore you or how to use their shiny and magical Ignore button that's built into this forum system. So your posts are, literally falling on deaf/blind ears. They simply want to live in their one-way echo chambers now and want to ignore ALL dissent to their theories about the Kennedy case. Of course you're free to continue to post but why bother?
  11. It wouldn't have worked. There's a median curb separating Elm from Main as seen in the photo below. I guess back then there was no such thing as gentrification LOL
  12. John, there was no cosmic or any other unseen forces in play that day. It was just another day where a president of the US drove down the street in his car and got his head blown off. Nothing was removed from the Moorman photo. Although it's hard to see, you can see the sign and then where the bystanders (mostly women) were standing there. I've highlighted one for you to see. It's just an angle that makes a group of folks look obvious in one photo and scarce in the other. So let me get this straight - John Butler posts something here and Dave Josephs, who posted "It's all in the sloping shoulders" in the Oswald clone thread [see below], and yet calls *John Butler* useless and also a "Fanatic" while I'm assuming Dave thinks of himself as a "Realist?" Like Bernie says, that IS comedic gold. Put another way - where in the world is "play nice" EF cop Mike Clark when you really need him reporting Josephs on this kinder and gentler forum? And Dave, it's "pathetic" with an "e" and "chaff" not "shaft." Unless you're trying to give Butler here the "shaft." LOL Another of Joseph's comedic gold. You know, separating the wheat from the shaft - HAHA -- The man known as Harvey Oswald, the man Ruby killed, did not drink or smoke, nor did he "beat his wife"... Lee, on the other hand, was bigger, bull necked, fighter, drinker, leader... There is also very good evidence that Lee was gay along with Clay, Ferrie and Ruby... I doubt he'd be ogling lady dancers or even sitting in the audience.... In my work with H&L I've come to find a pattern... Harvey's shoulders are squared off, while Lee has sloped shoulders I believe you will find this to be the case in every instance. Even relaxed, Harvey's shoulders are much higher than Lee's. just how I see it DJ
  13. Do you EVER NOT agree with people here? Seriously, it *always* seems like you agree with others here. And seriously, this is not a flippant question. I *seriously* would like to know LOL
  14. For an alternative viewpoint, and one less sinister, here's Dealey Plaza today... If you look at Main Street beyond the underpass, there's a wall there. You cannot "turn right" onto the highway to get to the Trade Mart. Now, this is 55 years later but folks may also want to look at those photos taken right after the shooting down beyond the underpass looking back on Dealey - I haven't looked at them but if Main is showing in any of those photos and you could not get over to Elm from it to go on to the TM, then that may explain the reason for the route change. Of course, beyond Dealey - and if they had stayed on Main - there may have been other ways to get to the TM. Maybe it was a timing thing too - to get them there in time for the lunch and speech.
  15. Hi Bernie - you've raised some interesting points here, especially the possibility that LHO was set up at the last minute vs. not being the long-term patsy. What leads me, personally, to believe he was the only one and being the long-term one is what we can go by based on actual things that happened such as him stirring up trouble in NO, the handing out of the leaflets, and getting himself on television as the "crazy Communist." Of course there could have been other "crazy Communist" patsies out there who also did something similar but their little "15-minute" event is gone forever so we'll never know. But we did know with LHO because it didn't take long after 11/22 to reveal this footage. I agree about his strange leaving of the building and hailing a cab, politely turning it over to a lady, then hopping on a bus and so on. It certainly doesn't look like he was in a hurry or had some kind of escape plan if he in fact had just blown the head off of the President. And the arrival at the rooming house and the horn beeping is also interesting. He may well have been set up to be murdered in some kind of confrontation at the TSBD and when that didn't work out for whatever reason, he was told to go to the theater for his next "assignment" there, where he'd be murdered there with his pistol in hand (headline: COP KILLER AND JFK ASSASSIN NABBED IN THEATER GUNFIGHT). UPDATE - after thinking this through further, we mustn't forget what happened with Tippit. Somehow that murder was all part of the grand plan IMO. If Oswald had been murdered at the TSBD, it may have been too pat and perfect to suddenly point the finger at LHO. So they had to get him to the rooming house for him to get the gun, then make it appear as if he shot JDT. That would have been the catalyst to gun him down at the theater (e.g., crazed Communist not only killed the president but shot down one of Dallas's finest in cold blood). Also, FWIW, many months ago on EF I did mention to BK that he's done a good job on the PM theory but the only way we'll ever know is if the TV station would release a pristine copy of the footage to actually try to see who it is vs. using multi-generation copies of the footage. The latest I've heard is it hasn't happened yet. Until that happens, I think the PM issue is pretty much at a standstill and open to speculation such as folks drawing in 3D animation programs (myself being one of them) and blowing up the footage frames to an extreme extent to claim it's a woman. Believe me when I say I'd LOVE for it to be Oswald but those hairs on the back of my neck tell me it's not. And the main reason is because LHO seemed to be a guy who took orders well - if we are to believe the conspiracy narrative of the patsy, he was ordered to do the NO thing; he was ordered to unwittingly sign his name on documents that could be used against him later; and so on. And I think he was ordered to be somewhere *inside* of the TSBD, not roaming around where he could be captured on film, ruining the plan. When I say "ordered," I don't mean he snapped a salute, clicked his heels and went off. But like Bill Simpich said in State Secret, Oswald was a spy in his own mind so he liked the intrigue of it all and therefore, willingly did the things they told him to do. He obviously and sadly didn't know he was going to take the fall for it all. As he said in the hallway, he was just a patsy and he was reminding his wife, of all things, to not forget to buy his daughter some new shoes. That comment, to me, makes it appear almost as if he thought this was all one big mistake and he'd get off some how or another. But of course with this case, anything's possible. Thanks, MW
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