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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. After what we have seen of Trump and his family and experienced under his presidency the last 3 and 3/4ths years, it doesn't sound totally crazy to ponder a link to the ominous dark times 666 omen.
  2. I will always feel that the Democratic party candidate with the best educational credentials, best government experience background, best debating and speaking skills, best energy and courage to stand her ethical government ground, offering the most promise for every American's interests regardless of economic level, best chance at beating Trump handily and with no great personal skeletons in the closet baggage was Elizabeth Warren. I really feel she was the candidate the 1% controlled Repubs feared most, regarding a president who actually would try to change the long time status quo corrupt powers to be leadership and policies we have had since 11,22,1963.
  3. Seems most everything Trump and/or his kids has any connection to ends up being some type of corrupt scheme. Trump Jr. is on video promoting this latest Bannon run "Border Wall" donation scheme? Did they ever figure out into whose pockets all those tens of millions of unaccounted for donated inauguration event dollars went? Did they ever figure out who bailed out Jarred Kushner with hundreds of millions to get him out of that aging billion dollar 666 Fifth Ave building boondoggle? What about Trump's shady Douche bank loan bailout dealings? It all comes across like a modern day crime syndicate family reality show! Who's ripping/siphoning off or making shady back room deals this week! Last August, an economic miracle occurred. Eleven years after a young Jared Kushner purchased an aging skyscraper that would become an albatross around his family’s neck, and six months before the Kushners would have to cough up the $1.4 billion that was due on the mortgage for 666 Fifth Avenue, a Canadian asset-management company swooped in and agreed to take a 99-year lease on the building, paying a near-century’s worth of rent upfront. The bailout was surprising for a few reasons, chief among them being comments by the Kushners’ previous partner that 666 Fifth “would be worth a lot more if it was just dirt,” plus the fact that the family had spent two years trying to get new partners or financing to no avail. Also, there was the matter of the Qatar Investment Authority being a major investor in the company, Brookfield Asset Management, and Kushner’s support of a Saudi- and U.A.E.-led blockade of Qatar. To some, it sure sounded like a foreign government was trying to influence policy by greasing the president’s son-in-law’s wheels! At the time, Brookfield told reporters that the Qataris “had no knowledge of the deal before its public announcement”—apparently they don’t read The New York Times—and now that the deal has officially gone through, Doha is doubling down, insisting, somewhat curiously, that the government had absolutely nothing to do with the 666 debacle.
  4. Wonder if these two armed and aiming vigilantes above are Christian values preaching church goers.
  5. The above photo depicts the perfect poster couple representing Trump's base. Do we really want to continue with this American versus American kind of hate filled anarchy and violence that Trump incites? This November 3rd...it's all on the line.
  6. James Hosty. Part of the Dallas subversive threat intelligence unit of his agency. Aware of Oswald's background of Russian travels and New Orleans Castro sympathetic public activities... and doesn't consider Oswald with more concern than 99% others on his list which they surely updated prior to JFK's visit. And where is JFK security minded and responsible Hosty ( he attended the DPD located JFK security briefings the morning of 11,22,1963 ) the moment JFK is shot? Having lunch in a downtown diner. Having lunch in a downtown diner ??? He couldn't wait to have his lunch at least until JFK had safely arrived at the Trade Mart? Hosty knew that the most vulnerable time for JFK's security was while he was being driven in his open topped limo through high building lined downtown Dallas.
  7. I agree. Strange how the DPD and other agencies never got anywhere with that investigation regards suspects. Not to divert the thread because it's focus is important, but as an aside, I always wondered about the De Mohrenschildt's reaction when they visited Marina and Lee in their apartment and saw Lee's rifle for the first time. Jeanne De Mohrenschildt was appalled. George lightly joked about Lee perhaps taking a pot shot at General Walker??? Think I'll post this thought on a more specific thread.
  8. We took in my niece and her family ( 3 kids-two dogs ) this week as they were ordered out of their home due to the River Fire near Salinas, CA. We also have a Carmel Valley fire and a Big Sur fire as well. Also a big one going on in the Santa Cruz mountains across our Monterey Bay. We are covered in ash last three days. Air is so thick and heavy with smoke and ash. Hurts the eyes and lungs. Sky is orange and yellow and hazy grey. With all that's going on...it seems almost apocalyptic. If we get hit with a major Earthquake about now... I just don't know. This forum is a mental relief from all the fire, pandemic and Trump anxiety going on.
  9. I just read the Warren Commission testimony of Dallas Parks Department groundskeeper employee Emmett J. Hudson. He was on the cement steps on the grassy knoll going down towards Elm next to the pergola behind Zapruder's position when JFK was being shot at. This guy sounds about as coherent and reliable as Tippit Murder witness Helen Markham! He kept saying he heard three shots and that JFK was hit with the second shot but the third and last shot missed. He also says JFK was hit in the head with the first shot ??? He stated JFK was hit in the neck but couldn't say which shot did this. Hudson claimed the three shots was fast, but not that fast. ( what?). He claimed the whole shooting sequence took ...TWO MINUTES! And talk about leading a witness ! Liebeler did this so blatantly and unethically it was laughable. He tells Hudson the shots were probably from the Texas School Book Depository Building...right? Hudson never specifically volunteered this until Liebeler suggested it. Mr. LIEBELER - But you are quite sure in your own mind that the shots came from the rear of the President's car and above it; is that correct?Mr. HUDSON - Yes.Mr. LIEBELER - Did you have any idea that they might have come from the Texas School Book Depository Building?Mr. HUDSON - Well, it sounded like it was high, you know, from above and kind of behind like - in other words, to the left. Mr. LIEBELER - And that would have fit in with the Texas School Book Depository, wouldn't it? Mr. HUDSON - Yes. YOUR HONOR...LEADING THE WITNESS! Mr. LIEBELER - Did you look up there and see if you could see anybody?Mr. HUDSON - No, sir; I didn't. I never thought about looking up that way, to tell you the truth about it.Mr. LIEBELER - You were thinking about getting out of the way after things started?Mr. HUDSON - Yes; it was just such an exciting time, you know, a fellow thinks about a million things in one second there at that time.Mr. LIEBELER - Did you see anybody standing around there any place with a rifle - on the grassy spot up there near where you were standing or on the overpass or anyplace else?Mr. HUDSON - I never seen anyone with a gun up there except the patrols.Mr. LIEBELER - The policemen?Mr. HUDSON - Yes, sir.Mr. LIEBELER - Now, did you see anything else down there when this all happened that you think we ought to know about that I haven't asked you about?Mr. HUDSON - No, sir; I don't know of anything.Mr. LIEBELER - Did you see Govenor Connally - did you think Governor Connally had been hit? Mr. HUDSON - Well, sir; I never noticed Governor Connally in the car. >>> The first shot must have struck him and he had done fell over in the car when that happened.<<< ??? Mr. LIEBELER - So that you didn't even see Governor Connally in the car at all?Mr. HUDSON - No, sir.Mr. LIEBELER - You didn't see him get hit by any of the shots?Mr. HUDSON - No, sir.Mr. LIEBELER - You are assuming that maybe he got hit by the first shot and fell down in the car. LEADING THE WITNESS! Mr. HUDSON - That's right.Mr. LIEBELER - And you saw the President get hit by what you heard as the second shot?Mr. HUDSON - Yes.Mr. LIEBELER - How far apart were the shots spaced; do you have any recollection about that, how long did it take for all the shots to be fired and how far apart was one shot from the other?Mr. HUDSON - Well they was pretty fast and not fast either. It seemed like he had plenty of time to operate his gun plenty well - when the shots were all fired. ( Hudson had it figured out right away? Didn't own any high powered rifles but knew how much time it took to use , fire and reload one?) Mr. LIEBELER - How much time do you think passed from the time the first shot was fired untill the second shot was fired, can you make any estimate about that?Mr. HUDSON - Oh, probably 2 minutes.Mr. LIEBELER - As much as 2 minutes?Mr. HUDSON - It might not have been that long.Mr. LIEBELER - But you thought he had plenty of time to get all of the shots off anyway? Hudson's testimony is ridiculous and tainted by Liebeler's leading imo.
  10. William, I would think several die hard loyal celebrity Trump supporters would speak if asked. Roseanne Barr, Chumly from Pawn Stars, Gary Busey, Mike Tyson, Kid Rock, Jesse James, Chuck Foolery, Clint Eastwood, etc. Hope to see and hear Rudy Guiliani again, maybe even accompanied by his Frankenstein lab helpers Lev Parnas and Igor Fruman? Bunny and Clod will be fun to watch and hear. Will they be brandishing their weapons on stage while they speak? Could they do a Zoom with close Trump friend Ghislane Maxwell from her cell?
  11. Tommy my analogy would be one of JFK's Dallas motorcade limo security occupants ( driver Will Greer and Roy Kellerman ) making a morbid joke about JFK's death, years later in a taped public interview. Leavelle's demeanor in many later age interviews never seemed at all "sincerely" contrite or remorseful or guilt ridden imo, about his and his fellow DPD personnel negligence in allowing the most important criminal suspect in our history to be blown away right inside their own police department building and mere inches from Leavelle. Oswald's security was ALL in their hands, no one else's. And they blew it. Leavelle seemed clueless about the fact that the history books will always relate the Oswald killing as one of worst cases (if not THE worst) of highest importance security negligence of all time. It's a shameful legacy, one that Leavelle was part of, not one of quaint nostalgic remembrance imo. Leavelle seems to relish the interview attention and the applause he gets when he is first introduced and after the interview wraps up. He's a celebrity! In my mind he was a dark time figure who was part of a shared negligence that resulted in the greatest truth destroying loss to the American people in our history. And he always seemed like a JFK hating racist to me as well. Not one of our best character American history heroes, that's for sure. Was watching a You Tube Dallas TV station ( KRLD) archive video of the Dallas PD basement entry and exit scene this morning both before, during and after Ruby whacked Oswald inside. Not enough time right now to share some intriguing thoughts on this video, however, when the video is showing the press and police crowd inside the basement right before and right up to Oswald's shooting, you see one Dallas policeman right in the middle of the shooting area scene constantly and more than any other right up to just before Oswald is escorted in this area. He takes up the entire view at times. Big hulking guy. Officer William "Blackie" Harrison. Ruby burst from right behind Harrison when he does Oswald. Harrison was known as one of the closest cop friends of Ruby for years. There's some intrigue imo. 31:37NOW PLAYING KRLD-TV Footage of The Oswald Shooting JFK1963NEWSVIDEOS • 140K views6 years ago From the Morning of Sunday November 24th 1963 live footage of the shooting of Lee Harvey Oswald by Dallas night club owner ...
  12. If someone was shot where the pool of blood was found, maybe the gun had a silencer so no shot would be heard?
  13. Trump attracts people of his own mentality. Every way you can, get as much money out everything as much as possible. Even if you have to cheat to do this - do it. Even if you have to compromise yourself - do it. Even if you have to engage with known criminal elements and deal with known money laundering banks - do it. If you can find a tax loophole - take it. If you need to exaggerate your tax deductible write offs - do it. If you need to state your income is lower than it is - do it. If you can siphon money off of a charity - do it. If you can get private donor suckers to send you money for your wall ( 20 million dollars! ) - do it. Then find a way to get some of it back in your own pocket. Mexico is going to pay for the wall. But don't hold it against the biggest promoter of this phony sales pitch when not a penny comes in after almost 4 years.
  14. Leavelle's Oswald joke erased any doubts in your mind about the character of JL in a good way Tommy? Or a bad way? The joke made you see Leavelle in a good light? Or, did Leavelle's morbid Oswald joke make you see him in a bad light?
  15. I just came across the interview of Joseph McBride's on the Night Fright radio show from 2017 I believe. As Jim Di suggested this is where I heard the account of Dallas PD Detective Jim Leavelle comparing JFK's killing to that of a South Side ni##er killin' as far as Leavelle's level of concern for it, relative to his much greater concern for the killing of a fellow Dallas policeman J. D. Tippit. If this statement attributed to Leavelle is true, it quite obviously depicts him to be a JFK hater imo, and puts him in a much darker and more suspicious light in the whole affair. I always got a sense of Leavelle that was much darker, racist and JFK hating than the quaint, wise and gentle ole grand daddy image presented in his many later age interviews.
  16. Wonder where Biden and Harris stand on Edward Snowden? Regard's Trump's wag the dog announcement dangle of a possible pardon for Snowden, I wondered if maybe Putin got word to Trump that they were tired of paying Snowden's living and security expenses? Donaldsky malyshka, please, save us some rubles and get this nakhlebnik out of our hair.
  17. I watched a video once of B. Morrow speaking in a court or city council room. Somewhere in Texas. Morrow had to wait his turn to speak and when it came he immediately diverted from the court or council subject at hand and instead went right to his passionate mission message of LBJ and his great corruption, including ordering murders. There was immediate chaos of angry people shouting at Bob and the head person ( judge? mayor? ) got him shut down and from there I forget what happened. I am struck by Morrow's ballsy efforts to get his LBJ was a murderer message out. He apparently has willingly initiated many public speaking pop-ups like this, probably anticipating ahead of time hostile responses from his audiences. And he does this in LBJ's own home state of Texas! Texans are known for their macho tough guy image. Morrow's still willing to rile them cowboys up ... and on their own turf! Must admit, he has a steely single focus determination and plucky gutsiness that is remarkably consistent and long term. Maybe this is what it takes to help keep the LBJ corruption truth from being purposely and successfully buried forever.
  18. Morrow has made it his life's mission to lift the JFK truth cover up veil off of LBJ and his involvement and LBJ's entire true legacy of political career corruption. Corruption on a level and scale that will shake most Americans to the core if it is ever finally and fully brought out of our hidden secrets vaults and into the open light. Morrow has been maligned across the board as a clown outfit wearing kook and other pejorative terms. I think that some day however, his mission, message and efforts ( no matter how eccentric ) of trying to bring the full LBJ corruption truth into the official U.S. history record light will be looked upon as actually heroic.
  19. Bill Bramhall's editorial cartoon for Sept. 2, 2019, following a growing number of pundits claiming "Trump Fatigue."
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