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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Stunning youthful and middle age female beauty is a cruel gift upon it's departing. Have you seen current pictures of Brigitte Bardot, Ursulla Andrus, Goldie Hawn, Kathleen Turner and countless others? Still, it's a beautiful sight to behold in it's full bloom as it was for Marina Oswald in her day. Did Marina ever discuss in any interview or book, what it was about Porter that made her choose him in the ultimate intimacy union over anyone else?
  2. I have never researched Marina's husband Porter outside of general reading about them both. From that I am wondering what the attraction was on Marina's part? Did Porter sweep Marina off her feet? If so, how? Was he more a father figure which Marina never had outside of her uncle? Marina was still a very beautiful ( and even sexy ) young woman with mesmerizing blue eyes when she met and married him. I assumed Marina was pursued by countless men after she got through the worst trauma time after 11,22,1963. Just from that first nationally broadcast interview of Marina ( "Marina, what do you do all day?") I was smitten with her myself like millions of other men I am sure. Marina could have had her pick of so many men, good looking, wealthy, exciting lives. Again, knowing so little about Porter I am just guessing but he seemed like kind of a dud socially and I didn't see the physical attraction chemistry which I always assumed was a big deal with Marina. From the WC testimony of Jeane De Mohrenschildts Marina frequently complained to her that Oswald didn't meet her sexual needs. Maybe Porter was quite the stud in this department? Just an aside, didn't everywhere news coverage Dallas super reporter Hugh Aynesworth claim he once bedded Marina himself? Marina was always an enigma. A very attractive and intriguing one. If she had looked like the typical Cold War propaganda Russian plow pushing woman with thick arms and ankles and weathered face there wouldn't have been the massive interest in her that there always has been.
  3. DM, I see. Thanks for the correct ID information. No need to personally insult me for being uniformed.
  4. Ty, I agree with much of the lockdown program. However, here our fresh ocean air beaches were providing cooling physical relief and clearly calming "psychological" stress relief for tens of thousands of people, many driving over 100 miles from inner state cities like Stockton, Modesto, etc...to give their families this needed relief. Our beaches are big enough to provide much distancing. Shutting them down during this incredibly stressful time of heat waves and massive fires is wrong imo. I have seen pictures of L.A. area beaches where it seemed hundreds of thousands were congregating. Different situation by far here with one tenth that amount.
  5. There is a provocative claim cited more than a few times in some of these expert or high position military and scientific community witnesses UFO/Alien presence and technology testimonial expose documentaries that always catches my interest. Here is a general paraphrasing... The average person has no clue. That whatever you think is our most advanced technologies, we are 50 years ahead of that curve already. Star Trek type stuff. I personally believe these claims more so than not. Yet, I also believe that if we have developed these super advanced technologies, their ownership has created separated governmental power and control agencies that do not adhere to or abide by our democratic/constitutional constraints or oversight. This super advanced stuff we have discovered, developed and probably use for secret agendas...is just too much for the little people ( 99% of us ) to deal with and too important to risk uninformed public demands for it's sharing. And we can't let other governments have this technology either. My guess is these new super advanced and secret technology breakthroughs create separate governments. They have to to maintain control of them.
  6. 121 degrees in Woodland Hills just North of Los Angeles yesterday. Highest temperature ever recorded there. 115 in Hollister, CA ( location of the early Marlon Brando film "The Wild Ones") yesterday. 111 in Morgan Hill. 112 in Big Sur Saturday. 111 in Sacramento Saturday. Heat wave in Kansas right now as well. Death Valley, CA will reach 125 today. You could literally fry eggs on sidewalks and car hoods here in California this weekend. Grapes left out would be raisins in 3 days. Road kill mummified. Check out the newsreel footage of the 200 campers trapped in surrounding fire at Big Bear Lake California and rescued by huge helicopters. They had to leave their vehicles behind! And here on the Monterey Peninsula, the cities closed all their beaches this weekend! They feared too many people would flock there and ignore social distancing. They even blocked off all the parking above the beaches! HEY, the beaches are not "owned" by the cities! They are "public" spaces, owned by every citizen. With this suffocating heat wave, thousands ( especially families with children ) have only one place to find cool breeze relief...the beaches. Up here, no out of the ordinary Covid outbreaks have been documented from beach visiting. We don't have the crowds of L.A. This is the first time I have flat out disagreed with government over-reactions to the Covid situation. At least let suffering thousands take advantage of the fresh, cool ( and clean virus free ) air the beaches provide.
  7. It's been reported that David Phillips made a death bed confession to his surviving brother that he (David) was in Dallas on 11,22,1963. Contradicting his long time claim that he wasn't. His brother was very upset about this confession from what I remember reading about the death bed meet up.
  8. Wasn't David Phillips the highest person directing the FPCC front?
  9. Why Oswald would take such photos ( which couldn't be more incriminating ) will always be one of my main suspicion questions regarding his role in the JFK event. The more you try to understand why Oswald would create these and keep them so close and findable and even write "Hunter Of Fascists" on one the more you are compelled to rationally consider them as a calculated part of a set up. Oswald exhibits enough intelligence in his background and verbal engagement with others to indicate he wasn't a typical dim witted, dumb crime planning idiot. Even the dumbest of major caper planning criminals would know not to take pictures of themselves ahead of time holding the weapons they knew they would be using in these and then keep them close and findable. Oswald's reported personal interests included Russian language study, Russian opera listening, regularly visiting libraries and bringing home and reading books, reading newspapers, planning and carrying out world travel itineraries, learning Radar operations in the Marines, photography, using what Buell Wesley Frazier described as a vocabulary over his head and those of his TXSBD lunch room co-workers and an ability to keep a decent conversation going for at least awhile with the erudite Michael Paine and George de Mohrenschildt. Elitist Michael Paine did dismiss Oswald later in his testimony as an uneducated fool however. Yet, the taking of the BYPs and leaving them laying around belies the intelligence we have been told Oswald possessed and that he used and exhibited in his odd adventures including New Orleans Pro-Castro public activism, his radio and television debate appearance there, his trip to Mexico City, his covert Alex Hidell alias effort and even his public statements made ( often shouted ) in that crazy Dallas PD room to room to-and-fro hustling through wall-to -wall crammed crowds of question yelling reporters. Through all of this reported and recorded Oswald behavior, comments and actions, which displayed more intelligence than a typical dumb criminal, I ask you ... do you think Oswald was just that stupid, inept and/or naive to create something as incriminating as the BYPs? Oswald is in such a unique background, activity and mental make up place versus all other 20th century high figure assassins imo. One that is simply...too unique. Most all those others were mentally ill stupid. Not world traveled. Oswald just didn't come close to that kind of common bond craziness in his regular life and role of husband and father and social engagement that was admittedly very limited but still open and offered to those who he felt could carry on a decent political philosophy discussion. So much of Oswald's reported behavior, actions and words contradicts the dumb criminal profile to such an improbable degree ( the laughably incriminating BYPs ) that in it's totality suggests a promoted false reality historical portrait of him imo.
  10. Steve...the current statistics of ethnic make up of California's entire population are: Hispanic 39%. White 37%. Other non-white 24%. California's Population - Public Policy Institute of ... https://www.ppic.org/publication/californias-population Apr 01, 2020 · California’s population is diverse. No race or ethnic group constitutes a majority of California’s population: 39% of state residents are Latino, 37% are white, 15% are Asian American, 6% are African American, 3% are multiracial, and fewer than 1% are American Indian or Pacific Islander, according to the 2018 American Community Survey.
  11. 43 % of our military enlisted ranks are black? Really? It's that high versus white, Hispanic and Asian? That's a remarkable number. Especially considering blacks only make up 13.4 % of our population. Hispanic 18% and white 60.1%.
  12. I just accessed the link to the "Mirror" article on Nurse Hall. According to this article Nurse Hall did indeed describe the bullet she claims she saw with the details you mentioned. Can't help but consider her story with a little more doubt than before this information. However, I still don't think the bullet description discounts her bullet observation account entirely.
  13. Walking or taking a bus 6 and 1/2 miles ... with his rifle in hand? Owned didn't own a typical rifle carrying case. He wrapped/stored his rifle in a blanket. When he took his rifle to General Walker's residence and retrieved it later after burying it after the shooting that night, same question. A man carrying a long rifle while daytime walking in public or sitting on a city bus was still a suspicious arousing thing back in 1963.
  14. Armed showdown at Churchill Downs? Have you seen the reports ( with images) of opposing black and white heavily armed militia looking political protest groups both converging on Kentucky's Churchill Downs race track during the Kentucky derby today? It's almost surreal in it's ominous threat connotations! Look at the full military combat dress and weaponry these groups have adorned themselves with! High powered automatic rifles, bullet proof vests, fatigues, waiters, gloves...??? It looks like a movie set scene where a full military civil war type confrontation is about to take place. How much closer to actual violence is this meet up encouraging? With all that deadly and powerful weaponry facing each other...one nut case firing could trigger a battle with hundreds dead and wounded? The feds should stop this buildup immediately. They should be sending troops in to calm and disburse such a battle ready and risky situation like this? Trump obviously doesn't think stopping these build ups before they explode is necessary. But he is wrong. It is not irrational to wonder if he wants this kind of confrontation to occur to scare tens of millions of citizens into such fear, they will blindly vote for the most law and order claiming party and candidates, which is always the Republicans. What crazy, chaotic, dangerous times we are in...TRUMP times.
  15. A best friend from my high school days ( 50 to 54 years ago!) was in town yesterday. He lives in Virginia but grew up here in this small town on the California Coast 125 miles South of San Francisco. We talked about old times of course. And so many other things such as family, what other old friends are up to, our current lives, our similar health problems, etc. I know that my friend is of the FOX NEWS / Trump is great persuasion and as many here know I am on the opposite side of the political spectrum. But throughout our yearly or semi-yearly meet ups, we have enough maturity and such a strong respectful and appreciative innocent high school bond friendship, that the subject of politics rarely comes up. We just don't go there. However, we couldn't avoid discussing the pandemic. And immediately my friend suggested that the actual death numbers are highly exaggerated. He repeated sound bites I have heard on FOX NEWS many times. When I didn't respond to his claim that much of the Covid-19 story and death count is exaggerated ( except to stare down and away with obvious disagreement ) he then asked me..."be honest...have you actually known anyone who has gotten the virus?" When I said "oh yes, my nephew and his wife" he looked surprised. I told them they both suffered a lot but got through it apparently. I told him my nephew was a strong believer of the Covid-19 hoax story himself "before" he was afflicted. Now, this nephew no longer post this sentiment on his social network pages at all. This nephew is a vet like my friend, and even lives in a heavy military presence state next to my friend on the East Coast. Right after telling my friend about my nephew, I couldn't restrain my political thoughts for a second more and half joked with him " Purvis, I kind of believe the reported death numbers from Covid." Then to his offended silence stare...I said meekly and almost apologetically (for sake of our remarkable 54 year long friendship) "y'all know I'm a flaming liberal...right?" No similarly friendship appreciative answer back. Just a blank stare...or glare? We kind of cut short our meet up at that point. The Trump subject situation has that effect.
  16. GD. I do not recall Nurse Hall describing the bullet, such as a ... pointed tip? Is there another interview of her where she says this? And my gosh, the shock of everyone responding to the arrival of the President of the Untied States in such a destroyed condition would make asking them to correctly and fully remember the actual names of all the doctors and nurses and others crowding into that dinky Trauma Room 1 ( or the entire Trauma Room area ) would be an impossible task. The doctor's focus would have been hyper-fixed on the President who laid before them. Dr. Jenkins mentioned clearly he couldn't remember who all was in that room during the chaos. Jenkins mentions that 3 nurses present might have been "student nurses?" Student nurses? Preposterous! That Trauma Room 1 scene would be the last place and time a supervising nurse would tell her students..."ladies, come on in and see the President." Only the top experience nurses would even be called to assist in that tiny room. Nurse Hall herself says most of her time in the room, she was pressed flat against the wall due to the crush of so many people in there. Nurse Hall does get some details wrong. Easy to see this. I do think she has some "cross/reference" mis-recollections. Mixing things she may have read or heard after the event with what she actually saw in person. However, imo she gets enough right in her story to convince me she "was" in Trauma Room 1 when JFK was in there. Even if only briefly. One detail which was corroborated word for word by Doctor Jenkins was his description of JFK's color while he was on the Trauma Room table - "cyanotic" ... a purplish cyanosis. Nurse Hall also uses the medical term "cyanotic" but says it was grey blue. If Nurse Hall has made up her recollection of a bullet on JFK's stretcher, my guess is she has received some criticism for doing so. I wonder what she has to say about such criticism, especially whether she has again recollected something mistakenly due to cross referencing memories of other observations from later reports? I've gotten details wrong about recollections from 50 years ago many times. Yet, on the other hand I have gotten the main story perfectly correct many times as well.
  17. Trump is getting HAMMERED over this reported slander of fallen American soldiers. Retired Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger, America’s favorite airline pilot, is “disgusted” by the “current occupant of the White House,” he tweeted Friday in an uncharacteristic attack on President Donald Trump. The easygoing pilot, who safely landed a crippled commercial airliner in the Hudson River 11 years ago to save every one of his 155 passengers, erupted over a report Thursday in The Atlantic about Trump’s shocking insults labeling fallen service members as “losers” and “suckers.” As part of his nine-tweet attack, Sullenberger began by honoring his father, who, like him, was a war veteran. “His generation saved the world from fascism,” he wrote. Sullenberger, an Air Force veteran, volunteered for military service during the Vietnam War. “I have long known that serving a cause greater than oneself is the highest calling, whether in the military or in civilian life,” he added in a following tweet. “And I have always tried to be a voice of reason and to speak in a measured way.” But “this situation calls for a much more direct approach. It is time to call out egregious behavior for what it is,” he flatly stated. “For the first time in American history, a president has repeatedly shown utter and vulgar contempt and disrespect for those who have served and died serving our country,” Sullenberger noted. “While I am not surprised, I am disgusted by the current occupant of the Oval Office. He has repeatedly and consistently shown himself to be completely unfit for and to have no respect for the office he holds,” Sullenberger added. “He cannot understand selflessness because he is selfish. He cannot conceive of courage because he is a coward.” He concluded: “We owe it not only to those who have served and sacrificed for our nation, but to ourselves and to succeeding generations to vote him out.” Sullenberger is a registered Republican who was approached by the GOP in 2009 about running for Congress. He endorsed Democratic nominee Joe Biden for president earlier this year.
  18. There are two men walking side by side in the photo. I'll admit that the more visible man closest to the viewer wearing what looks like a suit or darker top doesn't strike me as a clearly strong Oswald look-a-like, but what about the shorter fellow behind him? Looks like he is wearing a light top, maybe even a T-shirt? With all the photos being taken between the grassy knoll and the TXSBD building in the minutes after the shooting, you'd hope that one of these may have been snapped of the area and at the exact time that Roger Craig says he saw an Oswald look-a-like running down the grass and getting into a Rambler station wagon. But, alas, no such luck.
  19. Wow. Getting this last picture up was worth the wait. I couldn't make out a thing in the full picture, but this blow up is really intriguing. There's the "trench coat/head scarf lady" again, walking over to the knoll side of Elm. She really gets around.
  20. So Larry, the photo you saw shows a man who you feel resembles Oswald "walking" close to another man going down the East Side of the knoll? Heading to Elm street? Not running? It's at least somewhat intriguing that the figure in the photo does resemble Oswald. Since this particular photo has possibly great importance, I'm surprised no one has asked Ms. Walko to have a copy to post in venues like our research forum.
  21. Typical Trump MO when he says something that is so inappropriate or demeaning and disrespecting that it creates national outrage. The very next day he goes ALL CAPS TWEET BANANAS either claiming the comments attributed to him are total lies ( like this WWI soldier blurb) or his huge wag-the-dog propaganda machine creates a massive all out alternate reality media damage control counter blitz. Regards Trump's crazy vote twice proclamation, dozens of Trump mouthpieces ran out to the cameras and appeared on political TV shows pushing the same desperate damage control line ... uh...uh... He ( Trump) didn't actually mean to suggest his supporters vote twice this November 3rd which is a crime! He really didn't. No sir... no sirree. Although that is "exactly" what their fearless leader said. Uh... what he "meant" was that they should just check to see if their mail in votes for him were actually registered. ... oh...Uh Huh! And if hundreds of thousands if not millions of Trump's voters actually did what Trump asked them to do, and went down to polling places and tied up poll workers time and energy and effort checking their mail in votes, this would be a deliberate act of impeding the legal voting process for citizens actually there to vote in person. So, this Trump vote twice suggestion is really one of voter rights suppression via tying up voting centers with frivolous time consuming demands blocking legitimate voters ability to do so. Isn't that another crime as well? Should be.
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