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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. I swear I saw at least two of Trump's highly staged theatrics characters bowing their heads as they were approached by King Trump. Like they were being introduced to Queen Elizabeth! If they had bent down even further and kissed Trump's ring or feet it wouldn't have been more Royal Highness pompous and pretentious! And did anyone catch that ridiculous grand dictator Putin like entrance by Trump, where these two stiff faced military guards with rifles hop to as Trump walks through these two big stately doors past them? This whole wag the dog event is so overly staged with high royalty theatrics it's absurd humor at it's most laughable degree. I actually burst out laughing at times, watching these highly selected, screened and rehearsed extras ( one a heavily tattood female cop? ) fawning over Trump the king. It reminded me of an old Bob Hope movie "Monsieur Beaucaire." Hey, why haven't we seen Trump capo Rudy Guiliani? It would be great to have Guiliani grinning, joking, praising Trump, with his two creepy Frankenstein Castle lackies Igor and Lev at his side. And how about a clip of the famous video of Guiliani in drag with Donald Trump thrusting his face into "Judy's" big fake boops, where upon "Judy" slaps him in the face and says, "Oh you dirty boy you!" Hey, it wouldn't be any more farcical than this ridiculously over-staged RNC Trump Royal Highness tribute show. 0:46NOW PLAYING
  2. "And Chris, as for your Biden Depends meme, well I've seen trump playing tennis with a pair of shorts on that have a doo doo stain." Ha ha ha ha ha.... Oh ha ha ha... Hee ha ha ha ha ... OMG, Kathy...thank you for starting my day off with a loud and hardy laugh!
  3. Liberty University has transformed under Jerry Falwell Jr.’s leadership. When he took over as president in 2007, the school, which is a nonprofit, had listed assets of just over $259 million on its then most recent IRS Form 990; in its filing for the fiscal year ending in June 2017, its assets surpassed $2.5 billion. That number is now more than $3 billion, according to public statements Falwell made in 2018. Wonder how much of these church assets were used to employ the Miami Pool Boy at a much higher salary than his pool boy one?
  4. There's a movie from 1967 titled "The President's Analyst." Starring James Coburn. There is a scene in the film where this supposedly typical suburban American family breaks out hand guns at the drop of a hat and is immediately ready to blow away any threat no matter how benign. The Ward and June Cleaver looking couple brandish their revolvers as if this is as normal as turning on the TV! Coburn as a fugitive psychiatrist they have befriended can't believe his eyes at this all American family's normalizing such aggressive gun display and deadly usage if needed. This scene in this supposedly comedic yet darkly prescient film reminds me of this automatic rifle and pistol waving and aiming St. Louis MO couple who stood in their yard threatening to blow away the street protesters who breached the perimeter of their gated community. As crazy as this average citizen gun crazy scenario seemed in 1967, it is actually reality in our nation now. The President's Analyst is a 1967 American satirical Black comedy film written and directed by Ted Flicker, starring James Coburn, with cinematography by William A. Fraker, and a musical score by Lalo Schifrin. The film has elements of political satire and science fiction, including themes concerning modern ethics and privacy, specifically regarding the intrusion of the telecommunications monopoly, working with the US Government, into the private lives of the country's citizens. The film was released theatrically on December 21, 1967. Although initially not a commercial success, the film was reviewed favorably, eventually achieving cult film recognition.[3] Plot[edit] Psychiatrist Dr. Sidney Schaefer (James Coburn) is chosen by the US Government to act as the President’s top-secret personal psychoanalyst, from a referral by Don Masters (Godfrey Cambridge), a Central Enquiries Agency (CEA) assassin who vetted Schaefer while undergoing his own psychoanalysis. The decision to choose Schaefer is against the advice of Henry Lux (Walter Burke), the under-five-foot-six-inch director of the all-male Federal Bureau of Regulation (FBR). ("Lux" resembles "Electrolux," which like "Hoover", was once a famous make of vacuum cleaner.) Schaefer is given a home in affluent Georgetown, and assigned a comfortable office connected to the White House by a secret tunnel. From this location he is to be on-call at all hours, to fit the President's hectic schedule. However, the President's Analyst has a unique problem: there is no one he himself can talk to about the President's ultra-top-secret and personal problems. As he steadily becomes overwhelmed by stress, Schaefer begins to feel that he is being watched everywhere until he becomes clinically paranoid; he even suspects his sweet girlfriend Nan (Joan Delaney) of spying on him as an agent of the CEA. All of Schaefer's paranoid suspicions eventually turn out to be true. Still worse, Schaefer has a habit of talking in his sleep.[3] Schaefer goes on the run with the help of a "typical" American family who defend him against foreign agents attempting to kidnap him off the street. The gun toters. He escapes with the help of a hippie tribe, led by the "Old Wrangler" (Barry McGuire), as spies from many nations attempt to kidnap him for the secret information the President has confided to him. Meanwhile, agents from the FBR seek him out on orders to '"liquidate" him as a national security risk. Eventually, Schaefer is found and kidnapped by Canadian Secret Service agents masquerading as a British pop group. Schaefer is rescued from the Canadians and an FBR assassin by Kropotkin (Severn Darden), a Russian KGB agent who intends to spirit him away to the Soviet Union. Kropotkin has second thoughts about his plan, following a psychoanalysis session with the doctor during which Kropotkin begins to come to terms with his unrealized hatred of his KGB-chief father. Now feeling he needs the good doctor's help to continue his self-analysis, he instead returns him to US soil. Kropotkin arranges a pickup with his trusted CEA colleague Don Masters, but Schaefer is kidnapped again, this time by TPC (The Phone Company), a far more insidious organization than the FBR or KGB, which had been secretly observing him. Taken to TPC headquarters in New Jersey, he is introduced to its leader (Pat Harrington, Jr.), who wants Schaefer's help in carrying out their plan for world domination. As the TPC leader makes his presentation, a camera closeup reveals electronic cables connected to one of his feet, revealing that he is actually an animatronic robot. TPC has developed a "modern electronic miracle", the Cerebrum Communicator (CC), a microelectronic device that can communicate wirelessly with any other CC in the world. Once implanted in the brain, the user need only think of the phone number of the person they wish to reach, and they are instantly connected, thus eliminating the need for The Phone Company's massive and expensive-to-maintain wired infrastructure. For this to work, every human being will be assigned a number instead of a name, and have the CC prenatally implanted. Schaefer is "requested" to assist the TPC scheme by blackmailing the President into pushing through the required legislation. Masters and Kropotkin use their superspy abilities to come to Schaefer's rescue. They hand Schaefer an M16 rifle that Schaefer gleefully uses on The Phone Company's security staff. The trio emerge victorious from the ensuing bloodbath, but months later, as Schaefer and his spy friends are enjoying a Christmas reunion, animatronic executives from TPC are seen look on approvingly at a secret monitor, while "Joy to the World" plays in the background.
  5. Exactly. Throw in UFC, Pit Bulls & Parolees, Swamp People, Cops, etc. But none of these millions could make anything happen on the highest levels of political power and control. The real puppet masters who can and do, are a very small number mix of our most aggressive self interest pursuing super wealthy who share Mary Trump's psychological profile of her brother's obsessive wealth seeking and control mentality ..."It's never enough." By the way, does anyone here actually think the St Louis, MO armed and aiming protests vigilante couple who spoke at the RNC last night wrote their own speeches? If they did, Trump needs to hire them for more imo.
  6. Totally agree. Could you imagine if any of the major players of a JFK coup ever broke down mentally and confessed in a public record way what really went down and who else was involved and gave up irrefutable details? I believe that if the rest of the control group couldn't immediately destroy the credibility of the confessor and the story, and the public bought the story, there would have been a mass movement of unprecedented societal anger and justice demanding outrage. There would have been a complete breakdown in societal trust of our federal government and that would last for generations. I think the public would demand a "Marshall Law" crackdown on their own government. Let's say LBJ was the one that cracked. He probably realized that his name and family name would be mud forever. It would have destroyed his family for generations. If Texas Oil and Ed Clark was involved and this was accepted as truth by the majority of Americans, they would have been arrested and their holdings would have been confiscated. If there was a domestic conspiracy, the main participants would have been trapped in never being able to confess the truth. The damage to them and their families and the institutions they may have been highly placed in would be so great, widespread and long term it would surely be their ultimate silencing fear imo. Here we have LBJ himself "kind of" confessing a conspiracy in the JFK event. His extremely stressed body shifting, facial expression and halting unsure commentary shout his inner conflict. I would love for some body and facial expression reading expert to watch this part of the Cronkite interview and share with us what they think of LBJ's interview performance.
  7. Is Trump Jr. on video promoting Steve Bannon's Wall Fund scheme? Brother Eric refuses to appear before the NY OAG. Who really bailed out Jarrod Kushner and his 666 5th Ave billion dollar bust?
  8. I think what you suggest may be correct. LBJ may be planting a "Gee, maybe others were involved. Even I was fooled." fall back legacy excuse if the truth ever got out. And also note that Cronkite frames his question to LBJ with a "foreign Influence" cover. Do you think there may have been "international" connections? Cronkite won't go near asking if there may have been "domestic" connections and involvement. Another out for LBJ. Watch LBJ squirm, stammer, long pause hesitate and look away with worried brow contemplation while making his "others that could have been involved" comments. You can see and almost feel a whirlwind of self-preservation and probably guilt emotion thoughts going on inside his head imo.
  9. How many revelatory quotes like this from people in the highest positions of government, military, intelligence ( E.Howard Hunt's end of life "Big Event" confession ) political,social and literary hierarchy and even organized crime need to be exposed and heard before the average person realizes there was a conspiracy? I have several times referred others to the September, 1969 Walter Cronkite interview of LBJ where LBJ himself suggests that "others that could have been involved" in the killing of JFK. This is LBJ HIMSELF saying this! Check this part of the LBJ/Cronkite interview out yourselves. LBJ's body and facial expressions display extreme discomfort and great holding back deception imo. He shifts his body nervously and widely side to side, he often avoids eye to eye contact with Cronkite when sharing this statement and he looks down and closes and blinks his eyes constantly throughout. LBJ also halts and hesitates so much in sharing his doubt about the no conspiracy finding to Cronkite, you can just feel his inner thought worry, caution and angst. It's really obvious, even kind of cringing to watch. No wonder he ordered Cronkite and CBS to not show this interview publicly until after his death. WATCH LATER ADD TO QUEUE Lyndon Johnson interview with Walter Cronkite, September 1969
  10. Another big Trump supporter...birds of a feather. How can these millions of evangelicals see these truly immoral, even perverted and completely hypocritical scandals over and over and over again involving their leaders and not see their whole organization is corrupted like this? And how they are constantly being played like dupes into sending these so called spiritual leaders their money ( for years ) and even doing their bidding in voting for whomever they tell them to vote for ( always Republicans and of course Trump ) who is as amoral sexually as their leaders are? It's like these millions of blind followers like being duped and used year after year after year by their corrupted leaders. Isn't it a mental illness to allow oneself to continue to be used and controlled like this? Jim and Tammie Bakker, Jimmy Swaggert, Ted Haggard, etc., etc..
  11. Kirk, I was also caught off guard when our "edit" link at the bottom of our postings disappeared. I constantly edit my postings for spelling and grammatical errors, re-stating poorly expressed content, fact checking etc. Then, I stumbled upon a way to edit again! I don't know about you, but in the top right of my post pages is a horizontal line of 3 dots. I clicked on this and lo and behold it listed 3 "options." One of which says "edit." I click on that and my post goes back into it's edit format and I can once again edit away! I then click on the "save" link below and VOILA!
  12. Biden's age truly "is" an important issue as well. He will be the oldest President in history if he wins. My common sense feeling when observing Biden is he looks fragile health wise ( more so than any other candidate, even Sanders ) as most anyone approaching 80 should look like. I think those who are thrilled with Kamala Harris being chosen for the VP position feel Biden probably will be afflicted with some seriously bad health crisis before his term is up, there bye placing Harris into the Presidency. Most of our main stream media is now owned by corporate interests. In other words "the most wealthy 1%" These owners have final say in what their news companies report and how they report it. I've said for years, that most of our media by far has given Trump a downplaying free pass his entire term. I think this downplaying is deliberate. Trump has said, done and initiated so many constitution abusive actions and inflamed and divided this country to unprecedented degrees that should have resulted in front page outrage, condemnations and calls for his resignation 100 times imo. But, only a small handful of news media ( a few newspapers ) ever have. Without this constant and consistent outrage in the main news all these years of Trump, the public in general takes this to mean Trump isn't that bad and hasn't really done things so damaging to our country and constitution imo. If you don't read or hear how bad Trump truly is in his Presidential position in our main information gathering and processing way ( news media ), it just isn't a reality in too many American's minds. The highest viewership of any televised news media venue is Fox News. Their coverage of Trump the last few years conveys him as a really good president. His leadership failures and constitution violating actions aren't even talked about to any real truth informing degrees. Fox News is one of our main corporate / 1% controlled right wing and Trump promoting societal brainwashing machines. A highly effective one.
  13. Just listened to the tape comments by Trump's sister. Meadows couldn't argue the basic truth of her comments or even say anything derogatory about her like he and his Godfather have done with Trump's niece. He simply diverts to the niece and how appalling it was that she made the tapes and has gone public with them. That's all he and Trump have in this latest Trump insider truth revealing scandal. It is quite shocking however to hear Trump's sister ( she says this only 1 year ago ) saying her brother Donald has no principles, he's ruthless, he's a xxxx and how he changes stories and is so unprepared, "Holy Sh&T", etc. Trump can't just say his sister is a xxxx or motivated by feeling cheated out of an inheritance like Mary Trump. Maryanne Trump got her hundreds of millions in inheritance. These comments about her brother have no self-interest agenda.
  14. After what we have seen of Trump and his family and experienced under his presidency the last 3 and 3/4ths years, it doesn't sound totally crazy to ponder a link to the ominous dark times 666 omen.
  15. I will always feel that the Democratic party candidate with the best educational credentials, best government experience background, best debating and speaking skills, best energy and courage to stand her ethical government ground, offering the most promise for every American's interests regardless of economic level, best chance at beating Trump handily and with no great personal skeletons in the closet baggage was Elizabeth Warren. I really feel she was the candidate the 1% controlled Repubs feared most, regarding a president who actually would try to change the long time status quo corrupt powers to be leadership and policies we have had since 11,22,1963.
  16. Seems most everything Trump and/or his kids has any connection to ends up being some type of corrupt scheme. Trump Jr. is on video promoting this latest Bannon run "Border Wall" donation scheme? Did they ever figure out into whose pockets all those tens of millions of unaccounted for donated inauguration event dollars went? Did they ever figure out who bailed out Jarred Kushner with hundreds of millions to get him out of that aging billion dollar 666 Fifth Ave building boondoggle? What about Trump's shady Douche bank loan bailout dealings? It all comes across like a modern day crime syndicate family reality show! Who's ripping/siphoning off or making shady back room deals this week! Last August, an economic miracle occurred. Eleven years after a young Jared Kushner purchased an aging skyscraper that would become an albatross around his family’s neck, and six months before the Kushners would have to cough up the $1.4 billion that was due on the mortgage for 666 Fifth Avenue, a Canadian asset-management company swooped in and agreed to take a 99-year lease on the building, paying a near-century’s worth of rent upfront. The bailout was surprising for a few reasons, chief among them being comments by the Kushners’ previous partner that 666 Fifth “would be worth a lot more if it was just dirt,” plus the fact that the family had spent two years trying to get new partners or financing to no avail. Also, there was the matter of the Qatar Investment Authority being a major investor in the company, Brookfield Asset Management, and Kushner’s support of a Saudi- and U.A.E.-led blockade of Qatar. To some, it sure sounded like a foreign government was trying to influence policy by greasing the president’s son-in-law’s wheels! At the time, Brookfield told reporters that the Qataris “had no knowledge of the deal before its public announcement”—apparently they don’t read The New York Times—and now that the deal has officially gone through, Doha is doubling down, insisting, somewhat curiously, that the government had absolutely nothing to do with the 666 debacle.
  17. Wonder if these two armed and aiming vigilantes above are Christian values preaching church goers.
  18. The above photo depicts the perfect poster couple representing Trump's base. Do we really want to continue with this American versus American kind of hate filled anarchy and violence that Trump incites? This November 3rd...it's all on the line.
  19. James Hosty. Part of the Dallas subversive threat intelligence unit of his agency. Aware of Oswald's background of Russian travels and New Orleans Castro sympathetic public activities... and doesn't consider Oswald with more concern than 99% others on his list which they surely updated prior to JFK's visit. And where is JFK security minded and responsible Hosty ( he attended the DPD located JFK security briefings the morning of 11,22,1963 ) the moment JFK is shot? Having lunch in a downtown diner. Having lunch in a downtown diner ??? He couldn't wait to have his lunch at least until JFK had safely arrived at the Trade Mart? Hosty knew that the most vulnerable time for JFK's security was while he was being driven in his open topped limo through high building lined downtown Dallas.
  20. I agree. Strange how the DPD and other agencies never got anywhere with that investigation regards suspects. Not to divert the thread because it's focus is important, but as an aside, I always wondered about the De Mohrenschildt's reaction when they visited Marina and Lee in their apartment and saw Lee's rifle for the first time. Jeanne De Mohrenschildt was appalled. George lightly joked about Lee perhaps taking a pot shot at General Walker??? Think I'll post this thought on a more specific thread.
  21. We took in my niece and her family ( 3 kids-two dogs ) this week as they were ordered out of their home due to the River Fire near Salinas, CA. We also have a Carmel Valley fire and a Big Sur fire as well. Also a big one going on in the Santa Cruz mountains across our Monterey Bay. We are covered in ash last three days. Air is so thick and heavy with smoke and ash. Hurts the eyes and lungs. Sky is orange and yellow and hazy grey. With all that's going on...it seems almost apocalyptic. If we get hit with a major Earthquake about now... I just don't know. This forum is a mental relief from all the fire, pandemic and Trump anxiety going on.
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