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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. I would hope that my original thread here is more worthy than absolute nonsense. As I hope that the new fuller truth Trump assessment link I am listing in this post is also more worthy than nonsense. Anything is debatable I guess. However, I don't consider my concern ( hugely shared by millions of Americans ) regards the unprecedented angst, mistrust, and division in our society, which I feel Donald Trump has fed and increased in spades to dangerously irresponsible degrees, as nonsense. And even more importantly the ferocious and real U.S. Constitution balance of power battle going on right now between Trump and the Congress ( and which is being lost by Congress more so than any time in their history) and which if lost anymore, could allow a President to get away with things even more law and constitution violating than Trump and his power backers already have. My other great concern is how 80% of our major main stream national broadcast and print media ( of course Fox News but also ABC, CBS, NBC TV and their internet and radio affiliates, etc ) has imo refused to report Trump's balance of power attacking behavior in anything close to it's true potentially dangerous magnitude and effect to our entire self-governing and constitution protected liberty way of life. As well as Trump's incessant and shockingly crude, insulting and bully type personal behavior, words and actions which are outrageously unpresidential and dispiriting to the entire nation. And finally ... his seemingly strongly documented amoral personal behavior and corrupt business history before his presidency. Why is most of our national media in all these areas downplaying these dark truth's about Trump and covering for this guy! I believe it's simply because the majority ownership of these news corporations are of the same wealthiest 1% class and priority mind set as Trump. And they need him to protect, promote and increase their own personal wealth and control interests over this status quo. And add on to this Trump national media truth blackout, many millions of daily talk radio listeners who are inundated with 24/7 pro-Trump/liberal bashing propaganda by as many as 12 worked up and super highly paid right wing anger barkers every day! Limbaugh, Hannity, Mark Levin, Michael Savage... take your pick. This hugely financed angry toned liberal bashing super right wing radio political propaganda machine has for decades daily shaped the political mind sets of tens of millions of Americans way more than most even realize. It's been a very successful operation. However, we do have "a few" non-right wing people in our society who have the education, solid credential journalistic background experience and skills and national pulpit position and media exposure gravitas and who feel tremendous personal responsibility to publicly report what they have learned in their extensive and well documented investigative research into Donald Trump. And to share that which they feel is so concerning regarding this dark but true Donald J. Trump reality. Hence, their talks, books and interviews ( which can't compare in impact to daily nationwide right wing and Trump promoting radio broadcasts ) such as the one or two I am posting. Obviously, I share these investigative journalist's concerns regards Trump, including what I see as most Americans being kept in the dark or diverted from the full darker Trump truth by most of our main stream media. Hence the following link which I feel is another important piece of the Trump Truth effort imo. 37:38NOW PLAYING Author calls Trump "greatest con artist in the history of the world" 468K views2 years ago Excerpts of a lecture by David Cay Johnston, author of the bestselling book, "The Making of Donald Trump."
  2. I just viewed the Oxford University/ Tony Schwartz November 4, 2016 lecture video again and in it's entirety. This is the third time I have done so since I first came across it. Each time I view this I find it more profoundly thought provoking. Not just about Donald Trump, but about myself and the society and even larger world reality we live in. I "implore" others in this forum to view this lecture. At least once, but a second time if possible. So many important points to discuss and debate regards it but this is Super Bowl Sunday and I am guessing at least some of our members would rather not spend much time discussing things beyond light family gathering and sports related banter. Maybe later after this now quasi-religious American holiday more members can find a little time to share their reflections on the lecture. I wish every non-Trump-locked-in American of voting age (and even just under if they are inclined in such matters ) could view this Tony Schwartz/Oxford University lecture before the next election. I am certain ( I would hope ) that most would find it of great value in it's thoughtful insight and amazingly prescient Trump warning message. I know I will view this lecture again between now and the next election. It becomes more relative in a personal value sense each time. Just a greatly truth important piece imo.
  3. But Evelyn Lincoln wasn't on the plane herself right? Albert Thomas's sneaky smiling "way to go Lyndon" thumbs up gesture right in the middle of what should have been the most somber and devastated Jackie Kennedy empathy respecting demeanor assemblage gives the "whooping it up" charge some credibility imo. That photo of a smiling Thomas was sickening. He looked like a celebrating fan at a college football game after his team just kicked the winning field goal! And as I have mentioned in past postings, making super traumatized Jackie attend that swearing in ceremony for LBJ's photo op benefit was a travesty. It's hard to look at Jackie in those pics. Her eyes. Battle field shell shocked. Her dress, covered in her husband's 2 hour old blood. LBJ...what a gross character.
  4. David, yes you did. What if so much dirt comes out on Trump and his team in the next few months that proves his greater guilt in these matters and exposes even more big nefarious revelations about Trump that are considered illegal and constitution violating? Do his cult like Republican defenders keep protecting him? I've never seen anything close to this kind of constitution attacking craziness and confusion with a President and his party in my almost 70 years. It's really ominous and even scary. Where does it end?
  5. One detective for each block on massive crowd Main street? Both sides of the street? Tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands on Main street. One detective for thousands of people? Bob Carroll steps into a bar to shoot the breeze with an old buddy while on high priority security detail in the middle of JFK's one hour drive through town? And "Assignment Oswald" FBI Agent Hosty is ordering a meal in a downtown diner at the same time JFK is driving by? Didn't Hosty attend highest priority JFK security protocol meetings just that morning with his superiors? Did they tell him what his duties may have been until JFK was safely at the Trade Mart or later upon his departure? Did they include him getting a bite to eat at a diner right in the middle of JFK's ride through town? Hosty gave more effort and security priority in hunting down Marina Oswald for interviews before 11,22,1963. And talking about expected but failed highest priority security. The most threatened criminal suspect in American history was Lee Harvey Oswald. Tens of thousands of serious death threats pouring into the Dallas PD department from everywhere, world wide. I wonder what agent Hosty said and thought when he viewed the news footage of Oswald being walked into DPD basement and the blinding bright lights of press flashbulbs and a crushing frantic shoving crowd of reporters and escorted by just two handlers with Oswald at times slightly in front of them ??? And the general time of this event announced to the world ahead of time and in broad daylight instead of anything more secure and late at night to keep the crowds away? I wonder if Hosty may have said what I said as a 12 year old watching it happen on live TV. "NO WAY" I shouted over and over. I was shocked at how open Oswald was as soon as I first saw him come into the basement seconds before his wide open arrival behind the police car. From that second I sensed with every fiber of my mind and body that Ruby's whacking of Oswald was a set up. Oswald's whacking was the most telling event of a conspiracy imo and still is to this day. Even in my innocent 12 year old mind, I easily figured the most basic security plan for a person as important and threatened as Oswald should have been no public announcements of his movements and a complete circle cordon of physical security surrounding him 5 men thick at every turn when he was out of his cell. I wonder if James Hosty ever commented on the Oswald security situation where armed strip joint owner Jack Ruby had such easy and close access to him despite the presence of 70 armed security in the DPD building at that time? Great legacy for our government personal security agencies in Dallas that weekend. The "ultimate failure" with our President's security. And the ultimate failure with the lead suspect in the murder case in the hands of the DPD just two days later. Heads should have rolled within the DPD for the complete breakdown and failure to protect the most threatened and important criminal suspect in America's history.
  6. Dershowitz's only admission regards any closeness to Jeffery Epstein's under age girl sex shenanigans was that he did indeed get a massage in Epstein's infamous Florida house of sex. But, he didn't take his underwear off and his masseuse was a big boned older German woman who looked like Ernest Borgnine with a wig. Alan Dershowitz: Sure I Got a Massage at Jeffrey Epstein’s Mansion, but I Kept My Underwear On! • 5 Welp, welcome to the slippery sleazy slope that comes with billionaire Jeffrey Epstein’s recent arrest for child sex trafficking. Internet sleuths have uncovered a 2015 video of Harvard attorney and Epstein’s friend, Alan Dershowitz, who worked to get Epstein a sweetheart deal in a 2008 plea agreement, admitting to getting a massage at Epstein’s mansion.During an interview with Miami news station WPLG regarding Britain’s Prince Andrew (another friend of Epstein) and his alleged sexual involvement with an underaged girl who was allegedly kept as a sex slave by Epstein, Dershowitz not only bashed the accuser, calling her an “admitted prostitute and a serial xxxx” but claimed that the then-teen was not victimized and in fact “made her own decisions in life.” Dershowitz admitted to being at the billionaire’s home but noted that he’d never seen an underaged girl at Epstein’s place despite sworn testimony from Epstein’s former butler who claimed that Dershowitz was at the residence at the same time that underaged girls were there. Dershowitz has an easy explanation for that: “Were there young women in another part of the house giving massages while I was around? I have no idea of that!” Oh, and did Dershowitz ever receive a massage at Epstein’s house? Yep. But Dershowitz claimed that it was from an adult woman and he kept his underwear on. “I kept my underwear on during the massage. I don’t like massages particularly.” Watch the entire interview below but I warn you, it’s triggering and mad cringey. Stephen A. Crockett Jr.
  7. Vince you mention JFK's motorcade through Dallas being only 11 miles from Love Field. To the Trade Mart? Didn't the drive from Love Field to downtown take up most of that 11 miles? If so, from what I have seen of footage of that drive, there were no high rise buildings until downtown. Kind of residential with homes? And if the 11 miles was from Love Field to the Trade Mart, deduct another couple miles or more from Dealey Plaza to the Trade Mart. Again, no tall buildings on that stretch as well. My point being...that the stretch of actual multi-floor buildings in downtown Dallas was what ... 3 to 5 miles? Less maybe? And how many high rises on that stretch? 50? 75? 100? Manpower to place men on the building rooftops even at that number should never have been a problem. Agent Hill says they couldn't do this because of manpower shortages? Heck, you could easily find an extra 100 men from the local police and sheriff departments and even other agencies. Same with men on the ground scanning all the open higher building windows with binoculars starting a few minutes before and up until JFK passed under these? Imagine even one security person scanning the Texas Schoolbook Depository and the three other high story building windows in Dealey Plaza in that kind of time frame? If several innocent, untrained and unequipped ( no binoculars) sidewalk bystanders could easily see one or two men with rifles in the Book Depository higher floor windows just before JFK's car drove underneath, how could a trained and alert and equipped security person miss what they saw? Innocent people on the street in Dealey Plaza on 11,22,1963 did more common sense security than the so-called huge security team Jessie Curry bragged about regards JFK's motorcade. And why not use Sheriff Decker's personnel to do these other duties. They were told "in no way to participate in the motorcade security" ? How about telling FBI agent James Hosty...hey, maybe you could hold off going to a local diner for lunch while JFK is riding through one of the most violently radical, extreme right wing, JFK hating cities in the country at that time? When JFK gets to the Trade Mart, maybe then you could get yourself a burger and fries? Now there's a red flag if you ever saw one. As big as a sports stadium.
  8. Interesting bio story. LBJ was difficult to work for. JFK a dream. Same story repeated often.
  9. Where Ruby was and what he was doing before Dallas Morning News ad man John Newnam first saw Ruby in his office at 12:40 pm, and after 1:PM when he didn't on 11,22,1963, is so critical in importance, yet the WC just skipped through Ruby's meandering discrepancies in this area of questioning as if it wasn't. The stalled green pickup on Elm near the grassy knoll incident just hours before JFK's motorcade as described by Julia Ann Mercer and her picking Ruby's face out as the driver of the truck is one of my favorite - too odd and improbable to ignore - Dealey Plaza/ Jack Ruby stories. And Mark Lane's interview of former Ruby / Carousel club employee Nancy Perrin Rich/Nancy Hamilton as well. Rich/Hamilton's accounts of Ruby as a bag man in a gun running scheme to Cuba is a revelation regards Ruby being involved in so many other areas of intrigue that the Warren Commission refused to acknowledge or investigate. Jack Ruby...Man of mystery beyond a benevolent sandwich catering, Dachshund dog loving, hot head, out-of-line customer pummeling, classy strip joint owner wannabe...for sure.
  10. Jack Ruby refers to Dallas Morning News ad man John Newnam often in his WC testimony regards Ruby's presence and actions in the DMN building before and up to the time of the news announcement of the shooting in Dealey Plaza. Mr. Newnam's WC testimony recounts Ruby's presence in Newnam's office on the 2nd floor on 11,22,1963 from 12:40 PM when Newnam returned from watching the JFK motorcade 7 blocks away on Main Street. Newnam testified he only saw Ruby in his office area from 12:40 PM and not at all earlier in the day. Newnam gives timelines regards Ruby's presence, actions ( his call to his sister ) and departure but he is unsure as to the exact times beyond 1: PM and whether Ruby left at that time or later. Newnam wasn't sure if Ruby was present in the office area when news of JFK's actual death was announced on National TV. If Ruby left Newnam's office around 1:PM or even 10 minutes later, that would give Ruby time to drive to Parkland, park, rush in and bump into Seth Kantor either right before Malcolm Kilduff's JFK death announcement or soon after. Newnam was Ruby's best corroborative witness to back up his DMN presence, actions and departure time line WC testimony. When you read Newnam's actual WC testimony about Ruby in the DMN building with him however, Newnam is clearly unsure about Ruby's departure time between the news of the shooting and the news of JFK's actual death. A critical factor in the Seth Kantor Parkland meet up case. Yet, the WC still decided to dismiss Kantor's Ruby at Parkland recollections and believe Ruby's claim of never going to Parkland. I read once that Kantor's WC questioner Burt W. Griffin changed his mind years later regards believing Ruby over Kantor and Kantor's claim of meeting and talking to Ruby at Parkland. True?
  11. Really. Could you name some of these witnesses and share what they said? Any of them taken seriously?
  12. MacNeil and Lehrer worked closely together for years but had different opinions of the JFK assassination? Was Lehrer a "Lone Nut" advocate? And MacNeil not?
  13. Yes, how did Ruby act when first hearing of the shooting? He was in an area where others were present...correct? Others who personally knew him? Did he thrust his face in his hands and cry out....Oh, God! No.No, NO! Did he seem agitated and nervous? I wonder why he didn't immediately run off to get the latest news straight from his police force buddies at DPD? Or maybe drive straight to his sisters house...or even his local synagogue? Why go back to his strip joint club...if he did so? What solace and comfort would that den of hot flesh sin offer? Maybe his club caretaker Andy Armstrong was someone he felt could commiserate with more than anyone else?
  14. David, it's seems easy to assume that Ruby could have slipped out of the DMN building without anyone noticing or seeing him drive away and knowing where he immediately went. If walking Oswald could do the same without one TSB Depository employee noticing then Ruby's departure would be even less observed. Everyone was so in shock about what just happened and thinking about it, the level of distraction was off the charts. I am not very informed about Ruby's stated actions as soon as he left the DMN building, but where he claimed he went also creates the question of verification. What persons verified Ruby's presence in the locations Ruby claimed he was at right during the time Kantor says he met and talked to him at Parkland?
  15. Have you read Seth Kantor's Warren Commission questioning and testimony? I have many times and did so again yesterday. Kantor's WC questioners Bert. W. Griffin and Leon D. Hubert Jr. spent most of the latter part of their interview session with Kantor going over and over Kantor's note taking and notebooks, made starting just before the assassination and through the event and right after. It seemed clear they were hyper-focused on trying to find something ( anything ) contradictory regards Kantor's claim of seeing and talking to Jack Ruby in Parkland Hospital while mortally wounded JFK was being treated there. You can almost feel the desperateness of Griffin and Hubert in this effort. However, Griffin and Hubert were completely stymied in their obvious effort to trip Kantor up or find something to discredit him in his most damning claim of meeting and conversing with Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital at a time when Ruby claimed he wasn't there. Ruby's presence at Parkland while Kantor was there, if true, could rock the entire narrative of Ruby's testimony regards his actions and motives that day and early afternoon. What is also remarkable to me regards Kantor throughout his entire WC questioning is how unflappable, unwavering and strong he was in keeping and standing his personal recollection truth ground. Especially his Jack Ruby encounter at Parkland hospital experience.
  16. Ron, I'm providing a link to an interview of one of the first Jack Ruby trial jurors - J. Waymon Rose. This March 20th, 2013 interview is just one of many by the Texas School Book Depository Sixth Floor Museum in their "Living History" series. Just past the 43 minute mark you will hear Mr. Rose state one of his main reasons for voting Ruby guilty of planning the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald versus Ruby's defense team's claim it was an "unplanned" impulsive act born out of some brain damage or his love for Jackie and wanting to protect her from having to endure a trial of a living Oswald. Rose states his suspicion about Ruby's long stay inside the Dallas Morning News building on 11,22,1963 and especially up to and through the actual JFK/Jackie Kennedy motorcade which was happening just beneath him on the streets below. Rose figured that if Ruby defense attorney Melvin Belli's claim that Ruby loved the Kennedys so much was true ( Rose mistakenly says "Ruby" instead of "Kennedy" while saying this ) he would have been on the ground to see his beloved President and wife. Rose also stated a logical thought rational for his suspicion regards Ruby's unprecedented long stay inside the DMN building based on Ruby's history of placing ads for his strip club in the paper and how this action was something that took a much shorter time than many hours. In fact, Rose stated he felt Ruby could have even done this regular ad placement business over the phone! Juror Rose obviously was suspicious enough about Ruby's long stay in the DMN building during a time when Ruby's claimed love for the Kennedy's would indicated it's illogicality, to not believe Ruby's stated explanation claims for this irregular action. Would you consider this recollection testimonial by Ruby trial juror J.Waymon Rose ( I know it wasn't given under oath ) at least somewhat corroborative of Jack Ruby's presence in the DMN building at least until after the JFK assassination at 12:30 PM on 11,22,1963? Living History with J. Waymon Rose SixthFloorMuseum • 2.6K views6 years ago
  17. I just listened to the national news reported tape reportedly of Donald Trump giving an order to members of his staff to "get rid of her" referring to Ukranian Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch. This 1 hour and 20 minute tape recording of this meeting with Trump was supposedly made by Lev Parnas's partner in crime buddy "Igor Fruman" while they were both sitting in on this dinner/meeting inside of Trump's Washington, D.C. hotel in April, 2018. All kinds of controversial questions are being asked at this minute in high level media about this meeting tape and Trump's alleged comments on it. Should be internet front page news starting tomorrow. Is it authentic? If so, my first thought upon hearing Trump speak in this meeting is this: If this tape of Trump is deemed credible, you hear Lev Parnas speaking directly to whoever was present in the meeting including Trump ( about Ukraine ) and Trump speaking back in direct response to Parnas's comments. And both Parnas and Trump are not shouting so one can reasonably assume they are not that far apart in this meeting. The meeting was described as relatively limited in attendance. Donald Trump Jr. was reported to be there. Just a week or more ago I watched President Trump in a nationally televised news briefing clearly say he had never met or "had any conversation with" those two men ( Parnas and Fruman ) beyond some chance photo-op encounters. This tape ( again, if analysed and confirmed as real ) exposes yet another blatant XXX on the part of Trump. If real, this tape reveals that Trump clearly engaged in a direct response discussion of Ukranian issues including Ambassador Yankovitch to the comments of Lev Parnas! If the tape is real, I hope at least some national media plays Trump's conversation in response to Parnas's comments about Ukraine and Yankovitch ( in a social situation beyond just a Donor photo-op one ) accompanied by a pairing playback of Trump's recent nationally reported news briefing comments about never having had non-photo-op contact with Parnas or his sidekick Fruman. I don't know how Trump gets away with these false statements ( in the thousands now ) with most of our national media never reporting this pathological behavior as a major presidential leadership disgrace and concern. Guess we'll all know more via tomorrow's news.
  18. Doug, could you explain the significance of this order?
  19. Lehrer, Moyers, Rather ...who else? Robert MacNeil? Just a side thought note on a 11,22,1963 Dallas based journalist who didn't get the career advancement loyalist treatment: Seth Kantor. A WC lone gunman Antichrist. And one of my favorite JFK event truth seeking heroes. Dallas Times Herald feature writer journalist Seth Kantor ( the Warren Commission antagonist ) was "right there" in the Dallas presidential motorcade when the shots rang out and right there inside Parkland hospital during that high drama scene minutes after JFK was brought there. Yet, there were no big future journalistic career promotion gains for this lone nut questioning newsman. Any future notoriety he achieved only came about due to his writing a book about Jack Ruby which claimed there was much more about Ruby that the Warren Commission refused to acknowledge and report. Until recently, I didn't know the full breath of Seth Kantor's remarkable career as a muckraking corruption fighting investigative journalist besides his JFK/Jack Ruby/Warren Commission reporting. He immersed himself into so many other common man defending causes including the plight of welfare children and so many other similar issues. I did know of his Marine Corp hot spot combat duty in the WW II Pacific theater. John Simkin years ago posted some informative threads in the forum on Seth Kantor. Kantor's common man defending life and career achievements and book "Who Was Jack Ruby" should have inspired at least a high circulation national media article ( New York Times, Washington Post, Playboy? ) with a coincidentally appropriate title "Who Was Seth Kantor" imo. Born in New York City in 1926, Seth Kantor came of age at the outbreak of World War II and joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 1943. He served in a combat platoon of the Third Marine Division at Iwo Jima and Guam. After the war, Kantor attended Wayne State University while working full time for the Detroit bureau of the Associated Press. He worked at various small newspapers in Colorado from 1948 to 1950 and subsequently wrote for numerous Scripps-Howard papers including the Fort Worth Press and the Dallas Times Herald. He was called before a Senate subcommittee for his reporting on a defense contract, refusing to give up his confidential source. Leaving Scripps-Howard to work for the Detroit News, Kantor wrote hard-hitting investigative pieces on Richard Nixon’s campaign finances, the neglect of welfare children, and the FEDNET computer system used for gathering secret information on individuals and institutions. During the late 1970s and 1980s he worked for Cox newspapers including the Atlanta Constitution and the Austin American Statesman, covering the Carter administration, the Middle East, the U.S.S.R., the Jim Wright financial scandal, and many other world events. Kantor was with President John F. Kennedy’s press entourage when the president was assassinated in Dallas, and Kantor spent many years investigating the background of Jack Ruby. He published Who Killed Jack Ruby? in 1978, calling into question the Warren Commission’s report, particularly as it pertained to Ruby’s potential involvement in the assassination plot. He also published a book on Nazi saboteurs living in the United States. Seth Kantor died in 1993 at the age of 67. Add the name of newsman Icarus "Ike" Pappas who became fairly well known on the national level after Dallas. Dallas, Texas, November 24, 1963[edit] That morning, Pappas was among the throng of reporters present at the Dallas City Jail for presidential assassin Lee Harvey Oswald's transfer to the County Jail. Working for WNEW-AM in New York at the time, Pappas began his report as Oswald came into view: As Pappas asked Oswald the question, Jack Ruby stepped out of the crowd of reporters with a pistol, moved in front of Oswald and fired one shot into Oswald's abdomen.
  20. JVB has a Mae Brussell's manner, look and vibe to her that holds me just enough to listen to her speak for longer than a minute or two. She is obviously intelligent and her actually calm and measured speaking style and even voice sounds like Brussell's. Her conspiracy messages and stories - true or not - are also quite creatively interesting imo. If JVB sounded and spoke like Anna Lewis or some other inarticulate JFK event related character It would be a pain to hang with her interviews. I find Baker's account of David Ferry and his personal comments to her as creatively funny and intriguing as they are questionable and widely felt as untrue. And I must say, JVB's hair die job as seen in this linked interview video is quite well done in hiding her obvious mid-seventies greyness.
  21. As Schwartz says in his talk, Trump's number one favorite emotion by far is "anger." Highly animated taunting, insulting and antagonizing anger. WWF stuff. Verbalized and expressed almost daily in his tweets, press talks and numerous rally speeches. It's definitely an addiction with him and he uses it to drive, motivate and energize himself, his agenda, his base and to constantly create his favorite social and professional climate "conflict" and to bring ever more increased media attention upon himself. A hyper-animated yelling, taunting, crowd working up World Wrestling Federation match that never ends! But after more than three years, this constant, almost daily, national stage negative energy anger and conflict show is seriously exhausting to see, hear and feel. It's draining, divisive, depressing and distracting to an unprecedented and dangerous degree. It's Donald J. Trump. How could the country re-elect to keep going through this fist thrusting, shouting and tauntingly insulting WWF spectacle madness for another 4 years!? If so, it will be a reality check statement as to how divided, angry and hateful we as a society truly are. Maybe it all has to come to a head like this to honestly acknowledge and deal with this societal truth. Like finally letting oneself vomit out something toxic after fighting and holding it in because the experience of throwing up is so gut wrenching sickening and painful to go through?
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