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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Amazing document research effort. Incredibly thought provoking. If Nagel had "any" contact with LHO at any time, he should not be dismissed as totally or even marginally irrelevant from what we see here in this document alone. IMO anyways.
  2. Only "one" Republican party member attended the Presidential "Awards For Bravery" event yesterday honoring not just January 6th. fallen and injured Capital police officers, but other 2020 election integrity defending persons, all of whom were subjected to harrowing death threats for their doing so. No one can downplay the January 6th, 2021 attack on our Congress in their own sacred Democracy defending building of business without being to blame themselves in aiding, enabling and supporting those vicious criminal thugs. Many of whom are now serving guilty verdict sentences in prison for their violent death and injury causing and government overthrow attempt crimes.
  3. So, America is expected to perhaps wait up to years more after Carlson's claim to see whether or not it's true? This on top of the already 60 years waiting for the JFK truth after 11,22,1963? And in the meantime continue to hold Carlson up as some type of national hero just for making the claim? If Carlson does somehow produce some validating proof what then?
  4. It's offensive to me that anyone would even try to portray Babbit's killing as the most tragic and unjust thing during the January 6th. 2021 huge number, raging, murder threatening mob attack on our Capital building with our entire Congress inside. Capital police officer"s" died as the result of Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome effects from the nightmare event they were forced to endure with thousands of these murder rage minded nut cases rushing them with shouts of "kill em" etc. If this mob of thousands were anyone but Trump nut supporters, Trump would have had armed to the teeth troops at the Capital building within minutes of it's starting with orders to shoot to kill whomever they wanted. Then, Trump would be bragging he was the great hero protector of our Congress and Capital police. It's incredible that the Capital police held back shooting way more than just one time. Not only were they fearing and defending against shouted life and death threat violent attacks on our Congresspersons inside our sacred Democracy building ( including the Vice President himself) they themselves were being viciously attacked and beaten severely by this raging threatening mob. In most similar great bodily harm threat incidents police will do whatever it takes to protect themselves including discharging their firearms. And legally authorized and justified to do so. They "remarkably" held off doing so in this nightmare violent attack. Ms. Babbit was killed. And ALL the blame for her death resides with her fellow rioting mobsters.
  5. If Marina Oswald's husband Lee had been granted permission to go to Cuba...he wouldn't ( or couldn't ) have killed JFK?
  6. James Dean's iconic "Rebel Without A Cause " line comes to mind here with this Republican "Rumble In The Chambers" ... "YOU'RE TEARING ME APART!" A remake with Kevin McCarthy as Jim Stark and Marjorie Taylor Green as Judy.
  7. Go for it Marjan R.! Love your passion and appreciate the time and effort you put into your forum contributions. The integrity of this forum is greatly determined by how much all of us here respect "every poster's shared opinions and theories" regards the JFK/Oswald/Jack Ruby story no matter how different from our own. A debate about JFK truth ideas is made much more worthy when the debaters keep such from devolving into personal ad hominem slings and arrows. I love reading JFK truth proposing theories here on the forum no matter how different they are from my own especially if they are respectfully presented. Keeps the discussion here interestingly lively and refreshed and energized from time to time. Years ago, one poster seemed to be quite obsessed about the sex lives of all the main characters in the JFK story and even later regards future politicians and their partners. Even though much of his claims might have been very possibly true (and IMO actually not totally unimportant in the larger picture of influence, personal character revealing and motivations ) I think the forum decided to draw a line regards that one poster. But over-all this forum has been very tolerant imo.
  8. I wonder what the waiting time factor will be regards Carlson's bombshell claim losing it's roaring locomotive steam and credibility if he doesn't produce even one validating source for his story? How much time will those who heaped heroic level praise on TC for his courageous earth shaking JFK truth emancipation proclamation give him to show them the goods? With each month's passing after this history rocking TC revelation and "no there there" being the second and third acts...me thinks the old Broderick Crawford "Highway Patrol" line "okay fella, the gig is up" will be a fitting one to put this matter and TC himself in their proper place.
  9. Burnt. And they'll say the theater candy counter worker who did this did not have any accomplices and did this intentionally because he or she wanted to make a name for themselves. No investigation needed.
  10. McCarthy loses 8th vote! Talk about theater of the absurd. The next two years with this congress is going to be a circus side show.
  11. CORRECT! Kirk...you are amazing!
  12. Would love to hear the bad check writer boy congressman from Brazil offer his plan to break the deadlock for the speaker position. Huge campaign donation checks ( signed by him ) to any of the Matt "Fletcher Christian" Gaetz mutineers who come back to Captain Bligh's side.
  13. Kirk, The fact that Allen even thought up and inserted a JFKA obsessed character into one of his films suggests to me his interest. Allen had a very distinctive inflection voice, pitch, pacing and accent that to me matched perfectly the one we hear at the end of the Mark Lane interview if only a few spoken sentences. I am a Woody Allen film buff, having seen everyone. I have also gone on You Tube and watched his early years appearances on many national audience TV shows doing his stand-up Shtick. I've listened to the Lane interview call a dozen times now. Every new time I am more convinced it is Allen. Listen again to the New York City callers pronunciation of the word "Marine." Also the words "the head." Also the words "shot" and "not." He has a unique pronunciation of those two words that is distinctive Allen-esque. How about a friendly bet between us regards this hugely important matter?
  14. There it is. Right in front of us all. Sworn testimony by an expert who would know.
  15. JM and others here...must mention also that at the 34 minute mark of this Larry King/Mark Lane interview broadcast...a caller-in is identified as being from New York City. Listen closely to this caller's voice as he speaks about the documented discrepancy regarding Oswald's rifle shooting skills. This caller is...Woody Allen! I would swear to it based on my self-anointed "expert" ability to identify famous people to their recorded audio speech tone, pitch, manner, accent etc. Both Larry King and Mark Lane do not say a word about this caller from New York City's true identity, but listen for yourself and tell me I'm wrong. Just another very interesting ( if quirky ) aspect to this great Mark Lane interview imo.
  16. I'm surprised no one here on this thread has commented on this incredible interview of Mark Lane by Larry King. Besides Lane's remarkably researched insights into and promoting of this thread's main topic proposition, he mentions and praises our very own Joseph McBride's revelatory work when JM was writing and contributing to "The Nation" magazine. Lane first comments on Joseph McBride beginning right at the 20 minute, 50 second time mark of the interview.
  17. As a tax paying law abiding American citizen I am disgusted and angered with the Republican members of Congress wasting our federal government responsibility needs time and energy on this circus, all while being paid from our tax dollars. Not only are you wasting precious United States governing time and energy...you are making a mockery of our Congress, it's business and it's integrity at the same time. This failed house speaker spectacle is sending a disheartening kind of message to our young people regards seeing our highest legislative body at it's worst. Stop this childish tomfoolery. Will you?
  18. MSNBC Journalist commentator Garret Haake just described this McCarthy failed vote after failed vote circus as a real life ... "Ground Hog Day" event! Ha ha ha ha! Exactly! Have these Trump following clowns no shame? No sense of embarrassment? Like their fearless leader, obviously not.
  19. LARRY KING'S INTERVIEW WITH MARK LANE … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l8zqsC6PrLo 36:2
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