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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. And Moore has George DeMohrenchildts befriending Lee to know more?
  2. Number of mysterious Russian businessmen deaths in just the last 8 months rises to 9! Pechorin is at least the ninth prominent Russian businessmen to have reportedly died by suicide or in unexplained accidents since late January, with six of them associated with Russia's two largest energy companies. Four of those six were linked to the Russian state-owned energy giant Gazprom or one of its subsidiaries, while the other two were associated with Lukoil, Russia's largest privately owned oil and gas company.
  3. Home National Former Harvard psychiatrist says Trump is untreatable total psychopath. Says he could create a police state if he returns to power. by Tammy Marie Rose in National, Politics 0
  4. Well, again, as with many claims by JVB the questions are: Can the calls to the TXSBD just days before 11,22,1963 from a "no accent" "polite" woman caller from Covington, LA asking for "the new janitor Lee Oswald" be verified or not? And if they are 100% verified, then what? Where the heck did JVB find any report or records of these possible calls? Where did a report or record of these calls come from and when were they first published? The JVB story sounds so contrived and made up with dubious claims that are almost always impossible to verify outside of JVB's own words. I still keep her and at least some of her Lee Oswald story in mind however, because of her verifiable employment at Reily's Coffee ( a proven job cover company ) and Oswald's employment there at the exact same time and during the same shift. The letter "J" on at least one LHO time card could be JVB's. Was part of her duties at Reily's time card book keeping? Both JVB and LHO rode buses to and from their jobs at Reilys. If it was the same bus line this could make their meeting possible. They both would have waited at the same bus stop for the same bus home. Lonely JVB might have at least noticed the quiet and clean cut young man. JVB's sister Debbee has verified Judyth telling her of some type of friendship with another man ( besides her at sea husband ) during her time in NOLA soon after JFK was killed. I've never read anything negative about this sister Debbee. Something there I believe. How much is the question.
  5. Is this Janitor phone call business leading to Judyth Vary Baker? Is she the caller from Covington , LA? If one or more "janitor" phone calls to the TXSBD are verified...will this bolster JVB's credibility?
  6. Who are these two new hot shot researchers Gerry Downs and Tom Gram? Wow! They're really something.
  7. Sure would like to know why Hunt so disliked Cord Meyer.
  8. What is the provenance of Nixon's "open up the whole Bay Of Pigs" message/threat Nixon wanted Haldeman to convey to Helms? Was this quote on one of the WH tapes? Was this stated in Haldeman's memoirs? If "the whole Bay Of Pigs thing" threat was the heaviest one Nixon could come up with in his most desperate last gasp attempt to stay in office... there had to be something extraordinarily powerful about the event that Nixon thought he could scare Helms with. You can't help but think it had to do with JFK's death.
  9. I think most intelligent Americans agree with your statement BK.
  10. Well, one thing is clear. Those presidents who were asked by late night TV talk show hosts about the truth of UFO's and ET's ( Clinton, Bush, Obama ) may have had smiles on their faces when asked...but they were fake smiles for sure. They tried to act as if the subject itself was a light-hearted joke. However, I could sense their fear. Yes, fear! You can bet that as soon as these fellows take the oath of office...they are soon debriefed about the subject ( in extremely limited ways ) as it is our biggest and most important secret, ever. Clinton once said he tried "to get to the bottom" of it, but he was denied access. I think Clinton may even have suggested once there is another government besides our elected one. A government he had no participation in or authority over. Whoever has full knowledge of and full control over the entire UFO/ET folder... actually has more power than any of our elected officials imo. Doug, you once recounted a lunch meeting with E. Howard Hunt and G. Gordon Liddy at a posh club restaurant. While G. Gordon Liddy excused himself for a bathroom break I recall you stated that Cord Meyer walked into the restaurant and upon seeing him E. Howard Hunt said something quite derogatory about Meyer. Why would Hunt dislike Meyer? In E. Howard Hunt's tape recorded near end of life confessional to his son Saint John, he places Meyer and LBJ at the top of the JFK assassination conspiracy pyramid. Could Hunt's personal dislike of Cord Meyer had any part of Hunt's pinning Meyer with the JFK "Big Event" top blame?
  11. It was always attractive to me to see and listen to King's English speaking British actors in film. Why is that? Why do they seem more educated, intelligent and refined than most regular Americans? Example: " I dare say you've had quite the extraordinary experience my dear fellow. And a rather quaintly charming one at that chap. God save the Queen! Here, here! I imagined that even their regular waking up in the morning manner of speaking was Shakespearian. Ah, fair maiden servant I beseech you...To thine own self be true, shall I choose my morning eggs ... to be scrambled or not to be scrambled...that is the question." The American manner of speaking: Hey babe...how's about some eggs and bacon ovas here ... and don't burn the toast this time huh? Yes, the English banned slavery before everyone else. And they have also banned Pit Bull dogs. Illegal to own them. Too many animals and human lives lost due to their savagery.
  12. Supreme Court Justice Clarence Darrow Thomas "has" to recuse himself on any decision participation addressing any cases directly involving Donald J. Trump. Scowling Thomas's wife Ginny was so directly, aggressively and long term involved with the highest position Trump "election reversing" people to help find a way to overturn the 2020 election, he can't pretend he has no bias in this affair.
  13. So much has been written about Marina but is there any one book that focuses exclusively on Marina alone besides her own tome? I've read much about her from her childhood all the way to her presently. Scattered reading but to this day she remains an enigma in many ways. An incomplete puzzle picture with purposely hidden pieces since the first time I saw her in her nationally shown "Marina, what do you do all day?" televised interview. Like most American men ( even though I was just a boy ) I was mesmerized and taken with her in that interview. Mostly with her natural born beauty. She didn't say much. She seemed still in shock, scared, vulnerable after everything she had been through. And remember, she was only 23! Marina's Warren Commission and later commission hearing testimony always leaves me in a twist. It is so contradictory at times. And I often sensed that Marina held back so much. She was such a huge part of the Lee Harvey Oswald story in the most intimate way. The most important witness by far. She knew so much. Her life before and then with Lee in Russia is just one fascinating part of the entire story. Marina certainly held back much from everyone regards the full story of her and Lee. For reasons that make perfect sense. And some reasons that raise suspicion. Remember that before the police came for her at Ruth Paine's she took and hid and maybe even burned at least one piece of incrimination evidence regards Lee. Didn't she even hide something in her shoe? Marina knew how to keep secrets. Heck, she was born and raised in Russia! From my general reading ( admittedly limited ) about the Russian people and their history during and after Stalin and the KGB it was normal to keep your mouth shut about anything beyond simple everyday life conversation. Marina wrote a love letter to one of her former boyfriends in Russia who she still pined for after living with Lee in America and finding herself unhappy with him. Lee found the letter! A secret revealed! Other less than innocent, submissive and lovingly obedient wife aspects to Marina that revealed themselves to researchers were personality traits such as willfulness, stubbornness, a tendency to argue or even nag. Some have said she had a touch of laziness. Staying in bed later than some mothers. According to Jeanne De Mohrenschildts who got close to Marina for awhile, She ) Jeanne De M ) was appalled at how openly Marina talked about Lee in incredibly derogatory ways. "Look at that idiot" and other very personal things that JDM felt a wife should never share to others outside of the sacred vow rules of marriage. I believe Marina also made fun of Lee's seeming more interested in being left alone to read his precious books versus jumping in bed with her. I believe Marina was very sexually inclined and desirous from her time before meeting up with Lee. She had many boyfriends or at least pursuers during that time of her youth. But to share these very personal and private unhappy and unfulfilled marriage revealing things about her and Lee with Jeanne DeM and in a way that made fun of him ... well, it's just another part of the entire Marina picture puzzle. Lee did have more sway over Marina than not though in critical points of their marriage time before Marina started to break away. She consented to going back to Russia at some point. She did what Lee told her to do during his Walker shooting escapade. She obeyed Lee regarding what to say and not to say when she was questioned by the FBI. If the JFK event never happened Marina and Lee's marriage would have failed completely anyway. It was already 80% finished by 11,22,1963 imo. Marina was realizing she needed someone much different than Lee to be fulfilled in all the most important ways. Let alone his crazy violent activities and mind set. A normal young woman wife would have been terrified after Lee's General Walker shooting. And feeling she had to get away to protect herself and her baby's welfare from such a dangerous violent risk taking person. Again, I have to remind myself that Marina went through all this craziness before she was even 24 years old! That fact does give me some pause in considering she was some type of trained, instructed and controlled Russian covert agent during all that time. More sophisticated than not. To me, what tops off the incredibly interesting and even fascinating Marina story with all it's unanswered questions and purposely hidden secrets intrigue was the coincidental reality of her mesmerizing young woman physical beauty. I could not take my eyes off of her during her first nationally televised interview. You could tell even on black and white screen TV that her large soft eyes were radiant in a color such as blue. Marina's beauty adds so much interest to the entire story imo.
  14. Hey BB. "BINGO" is "my" trademark lingo response line on this forum. Been using it for years. Sometimes post "BINGO - BRAVO - RIGHT ON!" Ha!
  15. Condolences. My wife's grand parents emigrated from England on her mom's side and Scotland on her father's side. Just gotta say though, JFK and Jackie look more attractive and maybe even regal than Liz and Phillip in the above picture imo. Let's admit it- JFK and Jackie were "our own" royal couple from 1961 through 11,22,1963.
  16. It is a great shame on America. I've been drawn to watching WW II docs on you tube the last two years and specifically the Holocaust. Hitler's evil genocide against millions of Jews and maybe a million or two of other groups was going on for so many years. I feel the deepest outrage not only regards the "Final Solution" but the fact that it went on for so long without the worldwide condemnation ( US #1 ) and even aggressive savior action it deserved. Could we here in the U.S. done so much more in this regards? Did we actually turn away an ocean liner full of Jewish refugees at some point? Dear God...how gut sickening shameful! Obviously our ruling wealthy class considered Communism more of a threat to their status quo than Nazism. I sense they were hoping the Germans could take out Russia and erase that threat. Oh the great atrocities back then. The rape and killing of millions by the ruthless Japanese. Stalin's mass killing of 20+ killing and torturing of his own people. Letting any poopoo war criminals go when they could have executed them was a deal with the devil that we must answer for.
  17. Ha! And don't forget, Trump stated publicly he felt bad for prolific child sex trafficking Ghislaine Maxwell's conviction and imprisonment.
  18. School districts in California's poorest urban areas are begging for teachers as well.
  19. The discussion of primary level education in this day and age and with our society so diverse in so many ways can make your head spin. Where do you jump in? I guess one might start by reflecting on their own personal education experience from early childhood and even infancy and birth. A mother's love is the beginning, is it not? Nurturing, protecting, guiding, comforting, loving, teaching of language and behavior. Without this or to different degrees the neglect of it ... anything later is a crap shoot. Out of the home public education starting with day care and kindergarten is usually the beginning of teaching a child socializing skills and understanding. That is good. And I believe we do a good job of it. Kids from multiple sibling families are also educated in socializing. Kind of a head start on those who are not? However, the multiple sibling social skill learning experience can be as bad as good depending on the mental, moral and often economic health of the entire family Beyond the socializing experience the most important academic teaching at the very earliest levels of public education imo are always reading and writing skills. The vast majority of children who went on to excel in the higher primary grades were the ones who grasped these skills early on from my memory. It's easy to understand the importance and value of these first educational precepts concepts. However, the coherent discussion and debate larger picture of public and private education in this country of ours "beyond the first few years of childhood" will take mammoth sized thought analysis talent and effort which I am not capable of ... especially at this moment. All I can right now say is I hope and pray we figure out a system that works and brings us all closer together more so than we are currently.
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