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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Robert Morrow has his own unique way of presenting his JFK/LBJ research knowledge, findings and conclusions that is unorthodox yet, imo, he does know far more than anyone else about LBJ and the rest of the corrupt Texas hierarchy power group which ran and controlled that state for decades. And his conclusion that they were involved in not only blatant corruption on the highest levels in their own home state of Texas but also probably the assassination of JFK in their most extreme right wing, segregationist, JFK hating city in the nation - Dallas. These posted testimonies from Robert Morrow's research files of people who heard first hand stated accounts by John Connally and other important players directly contradicting the WC findings and/or revealing information of stunning proportion are to be considered with worthy credibility imo. R. Morrow is the truth antithesis to the so-called highest authority LBJ historical biographer Robert Caro imo. Digging much deeper down into the archaeological Texas/LBJ corruption foundation site than Caro ever did, Morrow has uncovered scores of important truth revealing artifacts that Caro missed either professionally or on purpose. Anyone downplaying Morrow's body of work and findings in this area, and defending Caro's has another agenda besides seeking the full corruption truth regards LBJ and his Texas power brokers brotherhood. Just one of the most outrageous examples of this corruption is how LBJ got a Texas murder trial judge to dismiss the jury reached "Murder With Malice" conviction of one of LBJ's proteges "Malcolm Wallace" (with a recommendation of the most severe punishments allowed) and to reduce Wallace's sentence to a five year one, suspended immediately! That one LBJ corruption affair alone ( LBJ's own attorney John Cofer handled Wallace's defense ) is one of the most blatant I have ever heard of. If the Wallace murder rap beating/walking case doesn't tell you how corruptly powerful LBJ was in those days...what would? And can you imagine...how much Malcolm Wallace owed LBJ for getting him off scot-free from a trial jury arrived at "Murder With Malice" guilty verdict? I would think LBJ could ask Wallace to do most anything in return ... with obedient results.
  2. It's the condition of the magic bullet that is as much the issue. And it's laughable appearance on a stretcher. Dr. Robert Shaw himself told the WC he did not believe a bullet in the condition of the stretcher found pristine one could do all the damage to Connelly that he witnessed. And Shaw only learns of the magic bullet ten days after his surgery on Connelly? Here's another thought. The stretcher upon which the magic bullet was found was used to transport Connelly from the limo to the ER and/or the surgery room. Were Connelly's pants removed on that stretcher? Or where they removed upon his arrival to a treatment room? I ask because it would be hard for the thigh lodged bullet to fall out on a stretcher if Connelly's pants were still on. Si?
  3. The woman is inciting Trump's base to violence almost more blatantly than Trump himself. Working them up with fear mongering so animated, she's got them fearing for their lives thinking that they are being targeted with death...by the Democrats which Marjorie Taylor Green now calls the "Communists!" It truly sounds as if Green wants a violent civil war to break out to take back Trump's stolen election. Talk about a dangerous tough talking violence inciting demagogue! Green makes Sarah Palin look like an innocent school girl.
  4. You have to see and hear the following video to believe it. Marjorie Taylor Greene deceptively tells Trump rally that Democrat ... https://news.yahoo.com/marjorie-taylor-greene-deceptively-tells-112654834.html
  5. If the Pawn Stars jacket were proven to be Lee's I would not only buy it...but I would wear it as well! It's a beautiful and cool looking jacket. And in perfect condition. I would also have a baseball cap made that had the words "I AM JUST A PATSY" on it's front side...and I would wear this whenever I wore the jacket. That ragitty T-shirt Oswald wore in his Friday night jail house parading after his arrest was another cool item I would love to own.
  6. Yes, yes, and yes. I know the Le Mesa housing site very well. I was hired by the Navy as a civilian employee to finish the landscaping and then maintaining the grounds at their fairly large brand new Navy Lodge hotel there in 2,000. I worked there over 1 year. $8 an hour part time...no benefits! One of the lowest paying jobs I have ever taken on. I was desperate for work at that time. Right at that time the Navy was pumping tens of millions of dollars building those beautiful Spanish adobe two story homes there for their military families. They built a huge beautiful community center and already had their own elementary school there as well. You are absolutely right on regards the rent amounts you mention. One bedroom one bath apartments here for $2,300+ a month. $5,000 to move in? 2 and 3 bedroom apartments with 1 and 1/2 or two baths for over $3,000. Two bedroom one bath homes from $ 3,800 to $4,000. Larger homes from $4,500 to over $5,000. We are in a rental home. Two bedroom, 1 bath with a downstairs bedroom and store room. 4 of us sharing the rent. Ours is a little cheaper because we have been here for 7 years when the rents were 25% cheaper. Only residents here with children are military. Because as I said...the military pays their rent on top of their salaries. Our general age is over 60 because these people inherited their homes or bought them 40 + years ago for 30% of what they are priced for now. The Monterey Peninsula is a beautiful place to live if you win the lottery or inherit millions. Many homes East of Monterey are just as high, but more than half are occupied by multiple families. Sometimes 3 or 4? 10 or more people? Sharing separate bedrooms and the communal bathrooms. It's the only way they can afford the rent. Many, many hundreds here have been forced to live in their cars. You see them in 24 hour open/store parking lots. Random street parking. Some rent driveways to park off the street at night so the police don't cite them. 90% of Americans don't know how crushing and effecting this insane almost criminal rent exploding madness is to working class people who don't own their homes. At least here in California.
  7. Is the presence of two suicide notes in Ferry's apartment accepted as an "undisputed fact" by all debate sides? If so, this in itself and by itself proves something is extremely suspicious and probably conspiratorial with Ferry's death...correct? Ferry or someone else types these notes up, leaves them in clear sight and then Ferry just happens to lay down ( on a couch or bed) and die a natural death due to a spontaneous brain aneurism that occurs without any inducement by him? Please.
  8. Michael, things have changed so much regards the DLI since you lived here. The military pumped so much more money into the facility in the last few decades. They have built beautiful dorms for their single students and made incredible infrastructure improvements. Including building a full sized football type soccer field with night lights. When I was a kid and young man you could drive right through the DLI grounds on two separate streets as a shortcut to get to and from Monterey and Pacific Grove which saved incredible time versus going all the way around on one always busy ocean side tourist street. On 911 they closed those streets to the public and to this day 21 years later have never re-opened them. They've built 24 hour manned security gates at all entrances which didn't exist before 911. And the military quit the cheap housing program for their married couples with children attendees. The 1950's built 2 bedroom one bath residential home next door to us houses a temporary duty military family. When they leave another one takes their place. The monthly rent? $4,500! $50,000 a year! Guess this is the "Beverly Hills" version of military subsidized housing. We knew the previous military family living there. The wife ( she and her husband were both military ) told me the $50,000 rent expense was paid "above and beyond" their pay! Money is no object with the military. Hundreds of massive rent homes all over the Peninsula are military paid. It helps keep the rents insanely high as other rental homeowners just charge the same. These rental home owners fight to find military renters. Their rents are guaranteed. Thousands of Peninsula resident civilians over the years have strongly expressed their wishes for the moving of the DLI to perhaps cheaper land out on the massive yet wide open undeveloped old Fort Ord base. To open up the previous traffic congestion freeing roadways, help lower the Military highest rent jacking up home rental rates and perhaps even freeing up more affordable housing for civilians. The facility could be turned over to our state college system and would make a beautiful new but small campus. During the most heavy public demand for this DLI movement time, our Monterey City manager was a long time career former Army Colonel. He was totally military favoring. He shut down any efforts to move the facility. Also, huge military subsidized rent gold mine rental home owners came out in full force to shut down the move movement as well as hundreds of staff employees who didn't want to leave this beautiful facility and easy commute location to have to drive to the out-backs of ugly Fort Ord land 20 miles away. From hanging around kids whose parents worked at the facility growing up and actually meeting their parents occasionally ( I never gave this any thought at the time ) you knew these kids and their parents came from their home countries and were brought here. I sense now, that their parents often had positions in their home countries that may have involved circumstances of high military and/or political intrigue. Things you just "don't talk about" to outsiders. But again, as kids and teenagers, such things were the last things on our minds versus girls and sports and just having fun.
  9. Ruby said he wanted to show the world that Jews had guts. But his shooting the handcuffed, defenseless Oswald was one of the most cowardly acts imaginable.
  10. Was Oswald that psychopathic? Had he ever killed anyone before his alleged murders of JFK and Tippit? What could tip someone who never even hurt someone physically before ( except maybe a couple of shoving skirmishes and an accidental gun discharge in Japan ) to then in one day go all psychopathic and in such brutal way? Blowing JFK's head off inches from his wife's face? 3 or 4 bullets into Tippit with a final mafia hitman kill shot into his head?
  11. Whoever blew JFK's head apart just 12 inches from his wife's face while she is looking right at him and spewing his blood and brain matter upon her body was a person no less sick than a rabid animal. A Frankenstein's monster.
  12. Doug, Wow! You sure know how to make a fellow forum member feel better about things and themselves. My wife is an editor. Worked for McGraw Hill for 25 years. Does part time contract work from home now. She loves to write and is just now starting her own creative writing with noir short stories. She knows I am totally uneducated in the field of english and writing. I barely made it through high school. She doesn't criticize my writing, but when I ask her to edit some things here and there she says they are so bad she doesn't know where to begin. I am amazed anyone here on the forum thinks I am anything near a good writer. I will take a little credit for your opinion on my common sense imparting. I do try to base many of my postings on what I consider to be common sense. Thanks again. Joe B.
  13. Ron thank you. I just have to take things one day at a time and hope for the best. Thank goodness I can still read and post here. Helps get my mind off of these scary events.
  14. WN, thanks for the well wishes. All my doctors know about the fainting issues. Treatment is debated at this time.
  15. Richard ...thank you. I will take your kind empathy and thoughful spiritual advice to heart. You know my USPS delivery lady is a hero. If not for her I would fainted "in the street" and with my wife not even knowing I was out there. "Jennifer" abandoned her super tight time frame route to help me for 20 minutes. My wife froze and could only stand and stare in shock while Jennifer ( who called 911 ) got on her knees and tended to me with reassuring calming caring talk and holding my arms and hands until the EMT's arrived. She even stayed the extra 10 minutes it took for them to stabilize me before taking me to the hospital. I am going to write to my local and larger district USPS offices to share with them this life and death situation heroism on the part of their carrier. I don't know how to share this true life heroism USPS carrier story on social media but I need to find a way. I know for a fact some things about our carrier that she is going through some incredible stresses in her own life. Just one: She can't afford to live here. She must commute over two hours a day ( over mountain passes!) from her home area because it's the only place she can afford rent. Anyway...thanks again. My apologies to any of our members feeling a posting like this to be too personal and inappropriate for the forum.
  16. MIGHT? Ron, I just had both myself! 9 days ago I suffered a heart attack. Instant incredible pain in left upper arm, radiating across my left upper chest and shoulder and up into the left part of my neck. I was hospitalized for 4 days. Lots of CT tests and had an angiogram and ultra sound exam as well. I was discharged last Friday at 12:PM. My wife picked me up and 10 minutes later we arrived home. The mail lady was at our mail box which is across the street from our home. I got out to greet " Jennifer " and get the mail. My wife drove on down our driveway as I did and went inside our home with my belongings. I stood talking to Jennifer for 5 minutes, telling her what happened to me and all of a sudden I was overcome with sweat breaking weakness. Jennifer could see my distress. I turned pale as a white sheet, so she offered to help me walk across the street to our driveway. I was getting weaker by the second. She helped me get to the back of our car where I couldn't go any farther and all I could do was lean over the trunk. Jennifer ran to get my wife. As they came out the front door I completely fainted and they saw me drop off the car. They said they then heard a "crack" sound. Not a "thud" sound. I hit my head and was unconscious with my eyes rolled back in my head when they got to me. A minute or two later I came to enough to open my eyes. For two minutes nothing made sense to me. I couldn't move or speak. Jennifer called 911. Ten minutes later they loaded me up in the ambulance and I was back at our same hospital just 35 minutes after my earlier discharge. I was now afflicted with a concussion and an extreme case of vertigo as well. I was just discharged yesterday and am now at home. Much dizziness continues. My life has changed instantly. Huge changes. I cannot drive a car and no doctor will tell me when I can drive again. I can only walk using a walker. I will need more therapy for the head injuries. I need to lose 40 lbs ( from 215 lbs to 175 lbs ) due to my overall health stressed conditions including my heart and sleep apnea. Huge dietary changes. So, let me tell you. You bet there is extreme PTSD involved in such physical injury trauma. People involved in bad life and death car accidents all have this the rest of their lives. At 71, it's even harder to go through traumas like this. Not crying about it, just recounting my recent experience objectively to illuminate it's power and effect relative to what you posted above about it.
  17. I live right next to the DLI. I have lived a few miles from it most of my life starting from the age of 1. I grew up with scores of children who's parents or grandparents worked there. Russians, Hungarians, Chinese, Burmese, you name it. I don't have time right now to relate the hundreds of anecdotal stories I have regarding these people, but if Lee Harvey Oswald actually spent time studying there you truly have a game changing aspect to his background.
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