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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Have you read E. Jean Carrol's Bio? Wow! Dorothy Kilgallen reincarnated! Amazing achievements. A whirlwind of creative energy and forceful will. I was stunned by the multiple skill set breath of her accomplishments. I kept thinking of Dorothy Kilgallen while reading about Carroll. In many ways Carroll had a wider scope of achievement than even Kilgallen! Carroll was even Miss Cheerleader USA! E. Jean Carroll - Wikipedia
  2. Trump And E. Jean Carroll. All Trump has to do to make Carroll's rape/defamation case go away is to submit a DNA sample to a third party chosen lab. If it doesn't match what Carroll claims is on her black dress ... she and her reputation will be ruined. It's a win-win situation for Trump if he is telling the truth that the sexual battery incident never happened. And the damage to Carroll's reputation if the DNA didn't match would be the kind of heavy pay-back revenge Trump loves.
  3. MM was traumatized from a very young age. Her childhood up to teen years was so unstable and emotionally neglectful it was simply tragic. She carried that trauma throughout her adult life. She was blessed with physical beauty that was so incredibly bewitching to men this actually made her life harder. Imagine the constant never ending sexual advances made by men all around her. Rewatching MM perform that overly sultry and breathy "Happy Birthday Mr. President" act for JFK ...I actually feel sorry for her. She was way overly dramatic with wildly swinging arms, leg stomping and exaggerated lip pursing to the point of appearing kind of drugged or in the least champagned up. Some might say she kind of made a fool of herself. But who organized her sad stunt? Who put her up to it? Always somebody pushing MM to do things that were not in her best interest. As much as JFK loved attractive women who were sexually available I would be surprised that he never got close to MM, if even once.
  4. Miami got derailed when the Miami PD decided to helicopter JFK in. Me thinks the Joseph Milteer taping rattled them Ole Joe sure got a bullseye hit on describing JFK's demise down to the uncanny details to Police informant Willie Somersett... They will kill him ( JFK ) using a high powered rifle from an office building window. They'll round up a patsy within hours... And right after the assassination Milteer calls Somersett and says...""Everything ran true to form. I guess you thought I was kidding you when I said he would be killed from a window with a high-powered rifle." Chicago got derailed too. LBJ's business dealings corruption trial was just getting underway on 11,22,1963 and so was Carlos Marcello's hearing. The LBJ corruption hearings just fizzled out after that.
  5. Former Harvard psychiatrist says Trump is untreatable … https://vozwire.com/former-harvard-psychiatrist... Trump threat deniers and down players ... pull your reality fearing heads out of the sand and read this article.
  6. Multiply the Trump damage above by 10 as there are so many other areas of his extreme self-centered self-serving ego/sociopathic actions during and after his disastrous term that have turned our nation into a raging angry, divided, ready to brawl mess.
  7. For what it's worth... I recall an interview with a friend of Marilyn ( a very attractive woman herself at the time ) who recalled a similar account of Marilyn not wanting to go to Lawford's beach house party for similar reasons as mentioned here. Not wanting to be sexually presented. I'll look again for the interview video.
  8. Yes, assisted living and nursing homes here reflect the same insane inflation as residential property rents. A two bedroom one bath home ( originally built in the early 1950's ) in what used to be a little higher than middle class neighborhood here in Monterey rents for $4,500 a month. Newer three bedroom, two bath homes over $5,000 a month or more. We even have about ten very high end retirement and assisted living residences that go for $10,000 a month!
  9. The fear of Trump is so rational it's a guiding light in a dark delusional America right now. Well known conservative Court Of Appeals judge J. Michael Luttig and so many others have warningly described Trump as "a clear and present danger" to our society. This stated to millions of Americans on live national TV. If you don't fear someone like Donald Trump like Luttig and so many others, you are blind.
  10. Convalescent homes here on the California Coast charge $6,000 a month or more. No Medicare or Medi-Cal patients. They are shipped out to the poorer parts of the state. I imagine the care facility RP resides in is about the same costs as Monterey's as it is also in a nice but expensive part of the state.
  11. Interesting and thought provoking comments. Yes, fear is the main culprit. Liberals and Democrats have been demonized for 40 years on right wing talk radio ( 24-7 and to 50 million listeners ) and Fox news for 30 years all funded by a corporate oligarchy that long ago took over the Republican party.
  12. Oh yes. That's right. But my guess is she didn't make enough on that job to pay her bills.
  13. True. We lost a few students in the Viet Nam war. Our junior high school math teacher and eventually principal lost his fighter pilot son when he was one of the very few first pilots to be shot down over North Viet Nam. Another boy a year ahead of me in high school was so gung ho about joining the Marines in 1969. He actually came back to our school right after graduating boot camp to try to rally more students to sign up. Soon thereafter he was deployed to "Nam." He was killed in action just months later. My four older brothers were all in the navy during Viet Nam. All Pac duty. Another was in the air force in Japan and later Thailand during the war.
  14. I agree with you on most all your points JC. When I was a kid in the 1950's and early sixties tens of millions of American middle class workers were finally and for the first time realizing the American dream due to the fact that their labor unions had enough power and influence to make this happen. They could afford homes, new cars, education, food, rent, medical bills etc. And they even had good to decent retirement benefits. The percentage of Americans in labor unions at their peak was what ... over 65%? What I noticed in the next 40 years however was how the corporate 1 to 5% "oligarchy" gradually but steadily weakened and finally destroyed these labor unions ( Reagan was their final labor union busting henchman ) where now I think what...only 10% of Americans are unionized? Police unions are the most powerful. There are still nurse and teacher unions. Government workers to a degree. What I see is the American middle class struggling now. Especially young people just trying to get a start in their lives. The cost of every basic has inflated 5X to 6X more than average working class wages. Our top 5% have done great over these last 50 years. More wealth gain than even they imagined. Remember one of the first things Trump did when he took office was to get the 1% tax break bill through? The one that increased Warren Buffet's wealth by 23 billion dollars the second the bill went through? Over riding every other issue stressing America in my opinion is the ever widening gap between the rich and the rest of America. A divide that has been calculated and implemented by the super wealthy since the 1970's. Add to that the shipping out of 10's of millions of decent wage and benefit American jobs overseas the last 40 years to slave wage countries. Remember when Mike Bloomberg just out of the blue decided to enter the 2020 Democratic primary race? He was a very late entry and knew by his own polls he didn't have a knats chance at getting even 10% of the vote? His "not a chance" entry was totally illogical except for one major reason imo. He was trying to slow or stop the steam out of Elizabeth Warren's vote gaining machine. Warren was doing way better than Biden and anyone else. In fact, many pundits were writing off Biden due to his growing number of 3rd place primary finishes. Bloomberg was quoted in a private meeting talk with Goldman Sachs wealthy as Warren was gaining vote strength. In his talk he is quoted as stating to them...that Elizabeth Warren was more dangerous for the country ( his Wall Street country) than even Donald Trump! Bloomberg then pumped 1 billion of his own dollars...yes, 1 BILLION ... into a month and a half long entry into the Demo primary campaign. 1 billion dollars? The largest private monies amount "ever" into a primary campaign and only a month and a half long one. What Bloomberg was trying to do was blunt the Warren and Sanders vote...even if by just 5 to 10%. Not for him...but to help get Biden back into the race! Biden was Bloomberg's man all the way. Then comes Super Tuesday. Biden wins just enough to pull ahead of Warren. Warren was finished at that point. Bloomberg got what he wanted for his billion dollars and illogical entry into the Democratic primary race. And I am guessing Biden also made a deal with the black American vote machine. Promising them he would choose a black to be his vice presidential running mate in return for them giving Biden several huge black vote states on Super Tuesday. This is all my surmising. For what it's worth. Yet Biden is still 10X better than having Trump win a second term imo.
  15. I asked that question earlier in the thread but no one responded to it. Obviously Ruth was a stay-at-home mom for quite some time. Obviously Michael Paine provided for her family needs. I wondered whether Ruth might have had an endowment herself like her estranged husband? Ruth didn't live high on the hog at all, but she didn't seem struggling either. I remember her stating once how she had to spend extra money helping Marina with extra grocery needs etc. Like it was a bit of a sacrifice on her end? That one month long driving summer vacation she took in 1963 before ending up at the Oswald apartment in New Orleans and convincing Marina to come back to Irving probably took enough extra funding that most unemployed, stay-at-home single moms in those days couldn't afford?
  16. Dow futures mixed. Up and down, up and down, up and down...
  17. Will be listening. Wow. 59 years ago! On that morning I was in gym trunks playing outside basketball in Junior High School 7th grade in Pacific Grove, CA. A small coastal town situated between Monterey and Pebble Beach. It was a sunny but cool morning. I still remember the name of the student who came running out from our main school building across the street to the football field and basketball courts and our P.E. teachers yelling "the presidents been shot...the presidents been shot!" "We all have to go back in." John Norman. My age of 12. John was killed in a car crash just 20 miles up the Coast Highway 1 - 30 years later. John also served in the army infantry in Viet Nam and was wounded in action.
  18. This "psychic contagion" phenomena applies perfectly to the Trump support base. They have been brainwashed and blinded into believing Trump's 10,000 times repeated delusional lie that the 2020 election was rigged. And that the violent January 6th, 2021 Capital building attack which injured hundreds and even resulted in deaths...and Trump's purposeful 3 and 1/2 hour delay in sending help and telling his mob to stop...was no big deal.
  19. There are some questions I would have liked to have run by Ruth Paine. In response to attorney Gerry Spence's inquiry about Ruth possible connection to a 3 letter agency Ruth laughed. That the question was preposterous. Maybe so. However, correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't Ruth always vague when asked about whether she knew who her sister worked for back in Virginia in 1963? What her sister did in her employment? Intelligent, inquisitive Ruth never asked her sister even one question about this subject? Does Ruth still claim she didn't know what her sister did for a living and who exactly she worked for back then? Also, we know Marina knew many incriminating things about Lee and his secretive doings such as his back yard photos, Walker shooting, crazy hijacking ideas, etc. while she lived with Ruth. Things she obviously kept from sharing with Ruth. Knowing later all these things Marina kept from her, did Ruth ever change her personal feelings about Marina when she discovered how much Marina kept from her regards Lee? Did Ruth feel any suspect feelings about Marina after the event and these kept secrets Marina had came out? Feelings that Marina wasn't as innocent as Ruth perhaps thought she was? I always wondered also whether Marina told Ruth much more about Lee and his covert doings than Ruth ever admitted? Maybe not. And how much did Ruth tell the FBI about Lee before 11,22,1963? Maybe nothing. Just questions.
  20. "my motive was to silence Oswald." ??? What a potential dynamite admission from Jack Ruby! GD, you don't think Maddox was making his Ruby note claim up? But the note can't be found? And if it can't be found it cannot be analyzed to prove it was written by Ruby? It's dumbfounding to me that that note, allegedly with that Kryptonite statement by Ruby, would not be gone after like a located sunken Spanish ship gold treasure! And if the Maddox note is ever "dug up" and proven to be Ruby's authentic writing...then what? IMO, if the note is real and Ruby said what Maddox said he did in it...we have a JFK assassination truth " Rosetta Stone" moment. A "Houston, we have a problem" ... "they are positioned above the rise and are observing us." moment. With that "my motive was to silence Oswald" admission by Ruby...that note could have triggered a 10 point seismic level earthquake in the JFK investigation and Ruby's part in it in his killing of Oswald. And if Ruby was telling the truth in that note...it adds solid weight to the proposition that Ruby had help getting into the DPD building basement to do his Oswald hit. I suppose if the note is ever rediscovered and proven to be an authentic Ruby writing, there would be an instant counter by Lone Nut defenders that Ruby made his Oswald killing motive claim up for some desperate emotional break down reason. How in the world could Dallas County Sheriff Maddox have kept that note to himself all those years?! He MUST have known that note could have changed history.
  21. Greg Doudna ... Speaking of hand written notes from Jack Ruby, what do you think of the claim by Dallas Sheriff Al Maddox that Jack Ruby ( being escorted from his jail cell to a courtroom ) passed him a hand written note via a hand shake where Ruby wrote that it was a conspiracy ( the whole JFK affair or just the Oswald killing?" You think Maddox made that story up? Maddox was right there on the inside during Ruby's entire time in jail.
  22. Urbane British aristocracy roots Lawford hanging with Hoboken, New Joizy born "dem broads" lingo Sinatra? That buddy friendship always seemed incongruously miscast to me.
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