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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Why would Lee Oswald's name be embroidered inside the jacket? And in ostentatious large script "gold leaf" lettering? The kind of gaudy gold thing one would expect in Trump's clothing. The opposite of bourgeois? If the jacket is real though, and I had loads of money I would have paid $25,000 for it. Remember, there is a famous photo of Lee and Marina standing outside in Minsk with LO apparently wearing this actual jacket which would add tremendous value to it.
  2. I'm giving thought to an aspect of the mind sets of the highest power enemies of JFK. I suspect 98% of even intelligent history interested Americans may not have ever adequately contemplated nor understood the full psychological scope mind sets of Allan Dulles, J.Edgar Hoover, LBJ, The joint chiefs, wealthiest oil barons, and even long term Mafia bosses. Others like the Rockefellers, John McCloy, etc. Before young JFK was even a Congressman most of these power men above had already had enormous power, wealth and influence bestowed upon them. For decades and in some ways equal to presidents. Dulles ( and later Helms ) ruled a fiefdom that was even beyond the oversight of the federal executive and legislative branches. Using national security as an excuse for keeping even Presidents in the dark about some of our greatest secrets. And whoever holds and controls our greatest secrets has the ultimate power. Even beyond elective office officials. Since WWII our intelligence agencies were growing exponentially and so was their power influence and budgets. And less and less oversight to boot. At times they were lying to and manipulating even our Presidents. They made sure Nixon was removed. I think LBJ was afraid of ( or corrupted ) by them. When certain men are placed in the highest rungs of power and influence, this power is a seductive drug. And the longer they have it, the more they become addicted to it and the harder it is to let go of it. I can easily understand the power stripped outrage of long term power addicted Dulles toward JFK for firing him. And the same with another long time power addicted J.Edgar Hoover who knew JFK was going to throw him out as well. Same with all the other power addicted men I cite above. JFK was a threat to them all. Dulles scoffed at JFK - "He thought he was a little God." It was the other way around. JFK was seriously dismantling this power drunk ego maniac cabal. When one truly comprehends the mind sets of highest power addicts, of how hard it is for them to give up this drug like power after decades of indulging in it...I believe one can understand that some would actually kill to keep it. Eisenhower's MIC warning speech upon leaving office was referring to this power threat. JFK sensed he was a threat to much of this secret power group. He contemplated a military coup initiated by these different groups and felt the film "7 Days In May" should be made and shown to the American public. Perhaps thinking such a film might set off alarm bells within our citizenry and plant a sense of outrage seed in case of an actual coup being attempted? I believe that once someone truly understands the mind sets of these power anointed and addicted men listed above they can more logically understand that they could kill to keep it. JFK had the entire power addicted bunch against him. He was naive in not fully comprehending what he was truly up against...imo anyway.
  3. Really? Interesting. Who were JFK's main peers? Dulles, Hoover, the Joint Chiefs?
  4. Connelly's own surgeon Dr. Robert Shaw didn't see the injuries causing bullet at the time of surgery? He only "heard" about it weeks later when the SS told him about it's discovery on a stretcher? Come on. Shaw told the WC flat out he didn't think the "pristine bullet" could have been the one that caused all of Connelly's wounds.
  5. Vince Palamara "is" an expert on the history of the post WWII Secret Service. Hill and Blaine are and were not. Neither Hill nor Blaine have done 100th the hard, dedicated, academic research effort into their own SS that Vince P. has. They admit such! Blaine was only with the SS for 5 years? Hill wrote his own SS personal experience biographical account. Brian Lamb didn't ask any hard ball questions of Hill and Blaine. Would have loved for Lamb to have asked Hill and Blaine on national TV about Abraham Bolden. I would have asked them if Bolden was wrong when he claimed and graphically described his experience working with the White House detail. And whether there was any racist attitudes amongst the SS during JFK's presidency? I am certain Hill and Blaine would have weaseled out of answering those specific questions with a lame "I wouldn't know" and/or "We never discussed such things like that amongst our brotherhood." Because if they answered yes to the question of whether any or many of their SS brothers did harbor black movement racist feelings, you would then have to ask these guys if it was possible there were feelings of resentment, dislike or even hatred toward JFK because of his fairly perceived image as more sympathetic towards the blacks and their racial equality movement.
  6. "If the average person knew half of what's really going on in the world they'd probably go into their backyard and shoot themselves." Welcome to the "cesspool" thread DB. Glad you were motivated enough to jump into it with us fellow cesspoolers.
  7. Blluet Found On Stretcher Versus Bullet Removed From Connally's thigh. Is this confusing or what? Mr. SPECTER - What is your opinion as to whether bullet 399 could have inflicted all of the wounds on the Governor, then, without respect at this point to the wound of the President's neck?Dr. SHAW - I feel that >>>>> there would be some difficulty in explaining all of the wounds as being inflicted by bullet Exhibit 399<<<<< without causing more in the way of loss of substance to the bullet or deformation of the bullet.(Discussion off the record.) Mr. DULLES - Could I ask one more question there, how deep was the wound of entry, could you tell at all?Dr. SHAW - Mr. Dulles, I didn't examine the wound of the thigh so I can't testify as to that. Dr. Gregory, I think, was there at the time that >>>>>the debris was carried out <<<<< and he may have more knowledge than I have. Mr. DULLES - Did you hear at that time or have any knowledge, of a bullet which had been found on the stretcher?Dr. SHAW - No; this was later knowledge.Mr. DULLES - When did you first hear that?(At this point Senator Russell entered the hearing room.)Dr. SHAW - This information was first given to me by a man from the Secret Service who interviewed me in my office several weeks later. It is the first time I knew about any bullet being recovered. WC testimony of Dr. Charles Gregory: Mr. SPECTER - What other wounds, if any, did you notice on the Governor at that time?Dr. GREGORY - In addition to the chest wound and the wound just described in his right forearm there was a wound in the medical aspect of his left thigh. This was almost round and did not seem to have disturbed the tissues badly, but did definitely penetrate and pass through the skin and to the fascia beneath. I could not tell from the superficial inspection whether it had passed through the fascia. An X-ray was made of his thigh at that time and there was not present in his thigh any missile of sufficient magnitude, in my opinion, to have produced the wound observed on his medial aspect. Repeat X-rays failed to reveal any such missile and an additional examination failed to reveal any wound of exit.Mr. SPECTER - What did the X-rays reveal with respect to the presence of a missile?Dr. GREGORY - In the thigh there was a very small shadow, perhaps 1 mm. by 2 mm. in dimension, lying close to the medial aspect of the femur, that is, the thigh bone, but was in my opinion much too small to have accounted for the dimensions of the wound on the medial aspect of his thigh or a wound of that character.
  8. Exactly...thank you Vince. The lower video says it all. My goodness...the misinformation regards the provenance of the pristine bullet is incredible.
  9. Opinion: What my January 6 assailant deserves | CNN https://www.cnn.com/2022/09/26/opinions/january-6... Officer Fanone's article frames the Jan, 6th mob attack in the most coherent "true reality" context regards it's destructive power, damage and serious crime importance. He rips other police forces and the SS for supporting the man who was most to blame for it's occurrence. And speaking of heavy injury causing weaponry besides guns...how about Tasers and bear and pepper spray? "HANG MIKE PENCE!" Kill Nancy Pelosi ! Trump quotes hours after the violent Trump flag waving mob death and injury attack TO THE ATTACKERS!!! "We feel your pain" "We love you." !!!
  10. Dr. Robert Shaw (Chief Of Thoracic Surgery) at Parkland never stated that the bullet that went into Connally's thigh fell out and was found on a stretcher in his national news interview on 11,22,1963. I would think he would have mentioned that the thigh bullet dislodged itself so they didn't have to remove it.
  11. What happened to the bullet found on the stretcher? Versus the bullet that was removed from Connally's thigh?
  12. Wait a minute. Is the "pristine" bullet the one found on a stretcher at Parkland? Or is it the one that lodged in Governor John Connally's left thigh? Excuse my ignorance on this subject. November 22, 1963 - Dr. Robert Shaw, Governor John Connally's surgeon, Press Conference Parkland HelmerReenberg
  13. I personally think the forum can handle "one" thread among hundreds of others more JFK research and debate focused ( more than that might be an integrity problem ) that goes a little outside the basic and traditional JFK Research, Debate and Educational forum content format. If someone doesn't want to see postings like this...just ignore the "unacknowledged" thread? However, keep in mind that JFK himself was interested in the UFO subject and probably knew way more about it than any of us could even imagine.
  14. Whether there were only three armed with "traditionally acknowledged deadly weapons" is meaningless in trying to downplay the attack. One man with one traditionally deadly weapon alone could have killed many people. However the dozens and even hundreds of the attackers grabbing officer's shields , their sprays and/or fencing and beating the police with these impromptu "weapons" is not considered dangerously armed? Sticks with protest signs were also used as weapons too. Was pepper or bear spray found as well? Hand ties? Your own body parts, arms, fists, legs and kicking feet were used and are are very deadly weapons as well. In all these physical ways the mob was hugely armed. And when you see a horde of thousands descending upon you with rage in their faces and screaming threats like "Hang Mike Pence" "Get Nancy Pelosi" and then you are actually physically attacked by this crazy angry Trump slogan shouting mob... tell the injured police and life and death fearing traumatized members of our full Congress trapped inside the Capital building for 3+ hours that ...oh the attack wasn't that bad...only three of these raging, screaming threatening mad with Trump inspired hate mob were armed...so why all the fuss and crying about it? Can't we just let this worst most violent attack on our Congress and highest democracy symbolic U.S. Government building go? And Trump as well for watching the violent attack with glee for 3+ hours and not doing anything to stop this trauma to our entire Congress the entire time ...by his people? And then the vomit inducing press statement just after where he called his Trump supporters mob ... "You are very special people. We feel your pain" "We love you" ??? Crazy cowardly stupid down players.
  15. Whether there were only three armed with "traditionally acknowledged deadly weapons" is meaningless in trying to downplay the attack. One man with one traditionally deadly weapon alone could have killed many people. And with dozens and even hundreds of the attackers grabbing officer's shields , their sprays and/or fencing and beating the police with these impromptu "weapons" is not considered dangerously armed? Sticks with protest signs were also used as weapons too. Was pepper or bear spray found as well? Hand ties? Your own body parts, arms, fists, legs and kicking feet are potentially very deadly weapons. In all these physical ways the mob was hugely armed. And when you see a horde of thousands descending upon you with rage in their faces and screaming threats like "Hang Mike Pence" "Get Nancy Pelosi" you and then you are actually physically attacked by this crazy angry Trump slogan shouting mob... tell the injured police and life and death fearing traumatized members of our full Congress trapped inside the Capital building for 3+ hours that ...oh the attack wasn't that bad...only three of these raging, screaming threatening mad with Trump inspired hate mob were armed...so why all the fuss and crying about it? Can't we just let this worst most violent attack on our Congress and highest democracy symbolic U.S. Government building go? And Trump as well for watching the violent attack with glee for 3+ hours and not doing anything to stop this trauma to our entire Congress the entire time ...by his people? And then the vomit inducing press statement just after where he called his Trump supporters mob ... "You are very special people. We feel your pain" "We love you" ??? CRAZY! The huge majority of our national security and police agency people are pro-Trump. They will do what they can to obstruct investigations into their fearless leader. Everybody knows this truth. I am certain that many of the Capital police themselves on Jan 6th were pro-Trumpers.
  16. "If the average person knew HALF of what is really going on in the world, they'd go into their backyards and kill themselves." 12th hand related quote by a security agency person that was shared with me by a friend.
  17. I wonder whether Trump's kids are having any anxiety and feelings of guilt or embarrassment regards all the charges against their father? I mean it's every day for a year that their dad is immersed and reported on in the most major news media in a constant expose of the most serious criminal and constitution violating charges. Their Dad is literally a walking lightning rod of constant unprecedented negative and nation dividing chaos and angst. You'd think his children ( especially his daughter Ivanka who seems to be more rationally less blindly loyal to her father and more sensitive to her national image ) would eventually be tired of their father's never ending anger inciting rants and behavior.
  18. Would love to read another take on these pristine bullet velocity dynamics stated by Mr. BB and whether they are credibly sound scientifically.
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