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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Exactly. This oil corporation manufactured gas price inflation scam is 1,000 times less important than the 2021 Capital building/coup attempting attack by Trump's mob.
  2. Abrams is absolutely right. The abortion issue is 10X more important than the Repub inflamed inflation issue. Telling women what they can and cannot do to their own bodies and taking away their sovereignty over their own bodies is one of the most important aspects of their civil and human rights. One of the main stresses of this unfettered inflation is that the children women have not aborted are the ones suffering from it. If freedom to choose attacking Republicans are as "pro-life" as they claim...they should be going after the inflation base price setters ( the small number monopoly of oil companies) to order them to sacrifice their massive profits temporarily for the good of the tens of millions of "living" children who are suffering from these family crushing gas prices...which raise every other basic need costs as well. IMO, our main stream media is not reporting the true reality of stress over half our country is going through to it's true level. I just read a poll that found that 25% of Americans are not celebrating Thanksgiving this year with a typical, traditional full menu meal of turkey, pumpkin pie etc. Because they can't afford to! Nobody's buying new cars. Sales have collapsed. Half the country is so financially strapped with the 100% increase inflated cost of the basics like gas, groceries, utilities, etc. they can't even think of such purchases.
  3. I've watched this video several times since it was first aired. I think it is a very important piece regards revealing important facts of the autopsy beginning with the actual arriving of JFK's body to the morgue. JFK's body was delivered to the morgue in a grey shipping casket. I'll watch it again to get my facts straight regards Jenkin's actual words. I think I recall however, that Jenkins sometimes contradicts his fellow corpsman Paul O'Conner in a few key areas ( notably JFK's brain ) and you are left with trying to determine which one is more believable. I tended to trust O'Conner's take slightly more in those areas. One fact is a given however. Both Jenkins and O'Conner were right there from the second JFK was brought in. O'Conner actually helped lift JFK's body out of the casket. He and O'Conner helped remove the sheets wrapped around JFK's body. One incredibly suspicious and intriguing observation that Jenkins relates ( from the 30 minute to 31 minute mark ) is that he saw a several inches long "incision" in JFK's skull bone that ran longitudinally from the top of the missing bone hole in the back of the skull forward to a frontal portion. Jenkins noticed this skull bone incision before any cutting was done at Bethesda. As Bet-David astonishedly ask...how was that possible? Obviously, such an incision would not have been made at Parkland hospital. Jenkins said he didn't know. Jenkin's personal avoidance of participating in the first 50 years of JFK discussion does sound sincerely well intentioned and grounded. He seems quite honest. Jenkins recollection of the HSC interview of him in his congressman's office was ominous in that the two investigative interviewers tried to steer him into rubber stamping the Warren Commission ( single bullet) conclusion. If true, that's a sign that even that investigation was compromised by the WC promoters...whoever "they" were. And Jenkins was lied to in the initial contact. He was told both these men were simply "attorneys" working for the HSC. He soon discovered however, that one was an FBI agent.
  4. The following charge by Kinzinger against Mike McCarthy is absolutely true. Incredibly, outrageously and most, most seriously true! Adam Kinzinger said Kevin McCarthy was giving 'aid and comfort to the enemy' and fodder to Russian media by suggesting GOP may not send more aid to Ukraine. Imagine what Putin and his forces must think when reading McCarthy's public comments? How inspired they must be to help the Repubs take the house and senate next month? In what ways? Who knows. But they are very smart. You can bet they'll find some means to do so. And in the very least try. Trump/McCarthy ... real patriots no? Question is...for whom?
  5. Most of our Presidents are known for one or two famous speech quotes in their terms. Profound statements that framed their legacies more than any others. Franklin Roosevelt: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself." Dwight Eisenhower: Farewell speech. In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. JFK: Ask not what your country can do for you..." "We all breath the same air..." Donnie Trump: "I like to grab em by the pu$$Y." LBJ: "I don't think they ( the Warren Commission) or me or anyone else can be absolutely sure of everything that may have motivated Oswald ... or others that may have been involved."
  6. "She's Not My Type." Now THERE's a classic Trumpism. Right up there with "I like to grab em by the pu$$y." Trump's type? Stormy Daniels, Ghislaine Maxwell, "Judy" Guiliani ... see video. Long Lost Footage Shows Rudy Giuliani Dressed In Drag with Donald Trump 334K views6 years ago Oh the classy gems that will make a Trump Presidential library a carnival side show.
  7. Trump Can't Run And He Can't Hide From E. Jean Carroll. Rape! She's going after him like a lioness. And like Monica Lewinsky, she's got the dress with DT's DNA on it! Have you ever read Carroll's biography? It's an amazing story. She has had an incredible life of achievement. She has accomplished as much as Dorothy Kilgallen. Donald Trump...RAPIST?
  8. You would think an employee would not just drop his garbage on the floor or a box like that for someone else to clean up? If I am a boss and came upon trash just thrown like that I would make every effort to find the employee and reprimand him or her with a stern warning against doing it again.
  9. Asking certain witnesses questions "off the record" before their later sworn testimony and purposely choosing different ones or not asking them again "on the record" seems to have been the MO of several WC interviewing staff. Talk about a laughably outrageous - integrity compromised means of controlling the fit the narrative investigative questioning process. They did this with how many witnesses? Sorry Mr. Seth Kantor, your sworn testimony recalling meeting and talking to Jack Ruby inside Parkland Hospital the early afternoon of 11,22,1963 just didn't happen. We feel that most probably your recounting of this meeting was the result of hyper-anxiety induced hallucinatory factors. Now, Jack Ruby's disjointed meandering account of his actions during that time were far more rational and believable in our minds. The most ablest, judicious and unbiased truth seeking WC.
  10. He told the world he feels bad for his friend ... this "convicted" child sex trafficking predator. Sad that she had to go to jail. What's that old saying..."people judge you by the company you keep."?
  11. Interesting that Gregory stated in his WC testimony that Marina told him Lee's Russian was better when he was in Russia? Maybe because everyone there was speaking it? Versus English here? I agree that Lee was sensitive to other men who became close to Marina in any way perhaps looking for an opportunity to get even closer to her. Many men are wolves like that and radiant blue-eyed Marina was physically very attractive, young, vulnerable and it seems intelligent and interesting to talk to. It sounds as if some people ( men and women ) who got close to Marina and Lee felt Marina was short changed in her marriage to Lee. Obviously Lee must have sensed this himself making him even more insecure about others showing interest in her. I'll admit that even I was incredibly smitten with Marina Oswald while watching her in that famous "Marina, what do you do all day?" first interview by local newsman Eddie Barker in early 1964 shown on national TV. I could see why Lee Oswald felt so insecure regards other men getting too close to Marina. As far as this new book, I think if anyone reads Gregory's WC testimony they will know everything Gregory has to say about the Oswald's. No need to read a book about his testimony. And yes, getting a book published by even mid-level publishers is a 1 in a 1,000 shot. And his brief time with Marina and Lee hardly seems to be worthy of a published book.
  12. Thank you CB. Unfortunately...worse! I don't know how I was able to post "anything" today. My head feels like it has been kicked by a horse. Post concussion symptoms worsening. Equilibrium stuff. Focus stuff. Heavy headed. Neck pain to boot. Vertigo worse as well. Then I have been feeling nauseous all day as well. Get shock wave weak feelings. Scary actually. Am calling a neurologist tomorrow morning to be seen asap. This forum is my only distracting outlet.
  13. The following article summarizes everything I have been saying about the massive power and negative influence right wing talk radio has had on our society the last 30 years. The top 10 huge national audience right wing political propogandists ( there are more behind them ) broadcasting their left-liberal fear mongering and demonizing demagoguery to 10's of millions of Americans 24/7. Hannity, Dave Ramsay, Glenn Beck, Mark Levin, Alex Jones, even George Noory, etc. All following the Godfather of right wing radio Left/Liberal fear and hate broadcasting propaganda Rush Limbaugh. Notice Coast to Coast AM host George Noory makes the top ten list! He favors the far right wing movement and has since he first appeared. He used to have Alex Jones on semi-regularly, Roger Stone and Jerome Corsi as well. 50 million regular listeners tune in to this far right wing, fear mongering liberal hate radio propaganda every day. And the left has basically no one? SUNDAY MORNING Talk radio: Widening the airwaves' great divide. Across America, the message is loud and clear: 35 years after the talk radio revolution, "on the air" is still often an exercise in "off the rails." Correspondent Jim Axelrod asked industry expert Brian Rosenwald, "In 2022's America, what's the nature of talk radio? Is it any different than it's been the last two or three decades?" "If anything, Jim, I think it's more extreme," Rosenwald replied. Following the repeal of the Fairness Doctrine in 1987, broadcasters were no longer required to present both sides of controversial political issues – which ushered in Rush Limbaugh's polarizing and immensely popular style that attracted 15 million listeners a week who felt dominant media outlets had a liberal bias. "And I think over that long span, it has unquestionably divided Americans," Rosenwald said. "It has unquestionably hardened our politics." "And how is that good for America?" Axelrod asked. "It's not; it's bad for America." Michael Harrison, the publisher of Talkers Magazine, the industry Bible, said, "We're facing a cultural crisis in this country. "If we could have on the liberal side what we have on the conservative side, the talk radio industry would be better, free speech would be better served, and the nation would be better served." It's not that liberals haven't mounted a counter-attack; they just chose another battlefield. As to why there is no "liberal Rush Limbaugh," Rosenwald said, "I think they've gone into other areas. I think Jon Stewart has been every bit of a trailblazer as Rush Limbaugh was, and he happened to colonize late-night comedy. Stephen Colbert, Jimmy Kimmel, most of the late-night comics lean left at this point." Which is why, more than three decades after Limbaugh weaponized talk radio for the right, liberals remain outmanned and outgunned. On the list of Talkers Magazine's Top 10 most popular talk radio hosts, all ten are conservative. While the vitriol flows in both directions these days on commercial radio, the one part of the dial that is liberal turf, public radio, attracts big numbers, though its relatively restrained compared to the intense competition for listeners on commercial radio that's creating ever-more extreme approaches to attracting listeners. If you're hoping for any change in this dynamic, don't; talk radio is now a mature business, with those running it less willing to gamble on something like nuance. According to Harrison, "I think right now it's 'have a take, and don't suck.'" Because the only color that seems to matter more than red and blue in our divided America … is green. Axelrod asked, "What is the mission of talk radio? Is it to generate light, or heat?" While the vitriol flows in both directions these days on commercial radio, the one part of the dial that is liberal turf, public radio, attracts big numbers, though its relatively restrained compared to the intense competition for listeners on commercial radio that's creating ever-more extreme approaches to attracting listeners. If you're hoping for any change in this dynamic, don't; talk radio is now a mature business, with those running it less willing to gamble on something like nuance. According to Harrison, "I think right now it's 'have a take, and don't suck.'" Because the only color that seems to matter more than red and blue in our divided America … is green. Axelrod asked, "What is the mission of talk radio? Is it to generate light, or heat?" "The mission of talk radio," Harrison replied, "is to generate ratings and revenue." For more info: "Talk Radio's America: How an Industry Took Over a Political Party That Took Over the United States" by Brian Rosenwald (Harvard University Press), in Hardcover, eBook and Audio formats, available via Amazon, Barnes & Noble and Indiebound brianrosenwald.com
  14. Gerry Hemming? The 6 ft. 10 inch Gerry Hemming? What's he doing in this picture? I think an Oswald trial jury would have been inclined to find Oswald guilty based greatly on the "Back Yard" photos alone. Where they see Oswald actually holding the rifle found on the 6th floor? Fellow TXSBD book order filing employees Junior Jarman, Harold Norman and Bonnie Ray Williams kind of froze in the seconds following the shooting they heard just above their heads including ceiling plaster dust falling into their hair from the gun firing concussion force. I believe I read they were afraid to run right to the stairs and on up to the floor above them or even straight down to the first floor? Too bad...they were just one floor below. One reason very possibly being they felt an automatic fear that being black men located right next the shooting floor that maybe they might be considered prime suspects in the hyper-aggressive police activity happening all around them? Too bad they didn't go to the stairs in the seconds after the shooting however. Carolyn Walther may have had the floor number wrong but she was adamant about seeing two men with rifles in one of the open windows minutes before the actual shooting and I have always believed her. Arnold Rowland ( part time pizza maker and with some knowledge of rifles ) was also a credible witness imo and had clear views of a man holding a high powered rifle in two of the 6th floor windows. When the Warren Commission chose to tell respected newsman Seth Kantor he was not in his right mind in his under oath account of personally meeting and even speaking to Jack Ruby at Parkland hospital on the early afternoon of 11,22,1963 I decided right there that the hearings were compromised. They chose to believe the scattered and disjointed rants of Jack Ruby denying being at Parkland that afternoon over the sane, educated and calmly stated claim of Jack Ruby's presence there at that time by reputable newsman Seth Kantor? Please.
  15. May not have the story straight but didn't Harry Olsen die a bloody death not too long after 11,22,1963. If even a few years after? Thrown or purposely ran through a plate glass door? And was his wife the Ruby stripper that was found dead...hung by her own stretch pants in her jail cell? Nothing to all these strange deaths...nothing to see here folks. Yeah right.
  16. You also have to conclude that Oswald knew his shooting of JFK was a suicidal act. That without anyone to help him run from the TXSBD and get far away fast...there was no way he was not going to be caught and very possibly shot himself. Did Oswald become suicidal after being rejected by Marina the night before? Killing JFK was more important to Oswald than his kid's future lives which as the children of such a surely vilified killer would have brought them shame and heart ache beyond measure?
  17. I see. I thought you saw first hand the dead body carnage you describe occurring in all the war zones you cite.
  18. Using common sense here: I think Robert Oswald always felt Lee was a deeply emotionally traumatized and damaged person. From his birth, Lee's childhood was so neglectfully dysfunctional it was a given. I think Robert Oswald's first jail house visit with Lee and encountering Lee's cold, no emotion demeaner and cryptic silence and words..." Brother, you won't find anything there" while staring directly into Lee's eyes reinforced his view even more. Especially under the mind boggling world shocking event circumstances. Robert Oswald explains this view of Lee in his book. The killing of Kennedy, Robert Oswald said, was likely an attempt by his brother to get into the spotlight. "Lee's political demeanor was simply a method of getting attention. He wanted to stand out, no matter what the crowd was. He was going to be different from the crowd," he said. "If everybody had been Marxist, he would have been an American, vice versa. You know, Russian, whatever, he would have been opposite to stand out. "The reason Lee went after the president is because of opportunity and no other. If he wasn't working where he was working or if the president's car wasn't going by there at that particular time, it wouldn't have happened. It wasn't a master plan or anything. There's no shadowy figures out there. He wanted to be somebody and this opportunity came about coincidentally, nothing planned, nothing organized." As rational as brother Robert's assessment of Lee's disturbed mental and emotional make up may sound to many, there is a big common sense void in his simplistic pure luck ( right place at the right time ) circumstances he promotes as making the JFK killing possible and probable by Lee. Any halfway informed JFK event researcher knows of Lee's actions and behaviors in the months before 11,22,1963. Lee's New Orleans political shenanigans. His strange involvement with others there who were incredibly nefarious like Guy Banister. Probably with De Brueys agency as well. Somebody financed Oswald's middle of a business day in the middle of town leaflet passing. Someone paid Lee to do this and to afford paying his helpers. Oswald's unemployment checks sure didn't cover those expenses. Whoever financed Lee's Fair Play For Cuba event is the "Big Enchilata" entity City court xxxxx attorney Dean Andrews warned Jim Garrison about in the film "JFK." And then there was Oswald's Clinton LA activity, the "Mexico City" trip, The Sylvia Odio affair, The Walker shooting, possible informant activities, etc. etc. Lee was no isolated "loner" in these affairs. He was interacting with many other shady characters throughout. To ignore Lee Oswald's many aggressive involved actions and interactions pre his Texas School Book Depository job in the larger picture of his possible guilt and connections to others in the 6 month lead up to 11,22,1963, is an avoidance of monumental circumstantial evidence and testimony that shouts out the illogicalness of the simplistic "right place at the right time" just got lucky scenario that Robert Oswald prescribes as Lee's "mark on history" motive legacy...imo anyways.
  19. Have you written a book or books chronicling your incredibly extensive on the ground, first hand eyewitness war experiences and your contemplative war generating world order thoughts such as those shared above? I share many of your views and sentiments.
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