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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. John. What did you make of my recollection of the different accents from Ireland?
  2. I once checked in two couples into the Cypress Inn of Carmel, California. Almost 20 years ago. I helped them to their rooms. By coincidence, each couple was from Ireland. They did not come together nor did they know each other. I have always been keen on accents. They have always intrigued me. Each couple had a distinctly "Irish" accent...but I clearly noticed a difference! Before they departed and I had a few encounters with them as guests, I happened to mention the noticeable difference in their accents. I was told that there is such a difference depending on what part of Ireland you were from. One of the couples told me they had a County Cork accent. I forgot what area of Ireland the other couple was from.
  3. Lawrence: A Supreme Court Justice Violated The Law In Plain
  4. I can't understand the Democrats in Texas not initiating a continuous mass mailing campaign flyer project all over the state with side by side pictures of Tommy Bahama shirt, shorts and sandal wearing Cruz sunning himself on a warm Cancun Mexico beach with Mai Tai in hand, straw hat and ogling the bikini clad babes walking by... accompanied by a picture of shivering trailer park kids with their single mom suffering at the same time back in his unprecedented killer freeze home state of Texas. With a bold lettered caption...CANCUN CRUZ - A SENATOR WHO CARES ABOUT HIS FELLOW TEXANS! Every time a Democrat mentions Cruz he or she should refer to him as CANCUN CRUZ! To not do so is wasting the biggest shameful reveal of his true Texas citizen non-caring character. And by the way, Raphael ( Ted ) Cruz's very politically minded dad Raphael Cruz Sr. "was" in New Orleans the entire time Lee Harvey Oswald was there doing his pro-Castro leaflet passing/street brawl/TV and radio broadcast debate shenanigans there. And the picture of Oswald handing out his flyers in front of the International Trade Mart shows a fellow leaflet passer who really does look remarkably like a young Raphael Cruz Sr. ... imo anyways. And Raphael Cruz Sr. was born in the same year as Oswald....1939.
  5. All my life since childhood I remember hearing this warning about the Irish: Don't get em drinking! Never know what an Irishman will do once they get even a wee bit amount of Uisce Beatha ( water of life ) down their gullet. Break out in song, start a brawl, crack funny jokes, dance a jig...but Holy Mary do they make great actors; Kenneth Branagh, Daniel Day Lewis, Richard Harris, Peter O'Toole, Liam Neeson....and on and on.
  6. Clarence Thomas should be censured! Clarence Thomas stalls Lindsey Graham Georgia Subpoena order!!! If that doesn't show Gini Thomas election denial influence bias ... what would! What a national outrage! Thomas should have recused himself immediately. The guy should be censured! He and his wife have destroyed his objective credibility. Recall this guy! Before he does even more trust and integrity damage to the SCOTUS! Graham knew this guy would weasel him out of under oath trouble.
  7. The discussion area of Lee Harvey Oswald and his actions, movements and motive theories can get so convoluted it is dizzying. Yet, even I have my own "spin." I watched an old video of Marina Oswald being interviewed by a small group of reporters just a month or two after 11,22,1963. Dan Rather was in this group! Marina seemed overwhelmed at times by their questions. Sometimes not fully understanding them because of her limited English. Other times you could see her hesitating before answering, because she sensed that her answer could be in some way detrimental to her self-interest. One question was something like ...when did your husband start acting so crazy? Like shooting at Walker? She hesitated and then said something like after she and Lee moved back here to the states. Not right away...but eventually. She was asked why she didn't report such a violent act by her husband to the police? She simply said..."because I'm wife." I've always been interested in the irrationality of Lee Oswald's behavior the last year of his life. He did some things that were so desperately risky...even suicidal. The alleged JFK and Tippit shootings were the crowning most extremely violent suicidal actions. So self-destructive. And so harmful to his family. It seems Lee Oswald truly cared deeply about his daughter June. Yet, even this was not enough reason to stop himself from possibly destroying himself and her future life. Oswald didn't have a drinking or drug problem. Everything he did he did it stone cold sober. Where is Sigmund Freud when you need him here? Maybe everything Oswald did that was anti-social in his life was born out of a totally neglected childhood, no protective father and an overbearing _itch of a mother? A angry rage often comes with that neglect. Charles Manson an extreme example.
  8. More and more national stage figures are publicly stating the raw truth of Donald Trump as a "clear and present, unparalleled danger to our democracy." This final darkest assessment regards the man is becoming a national warning call. The latest: Bob Woodward said he changed his mind about Trump after re-listening to his own interviews. Woodward previously described the former president as the "wrong man" for the presidency. But "Trump is an unparalleled danger," Woodward wrote on Sunday in the Washington Post. Ahead of the release of his never-before-heard audio interviews with former President Donald Trump, Watergate journalist Bob Woodward wrote that after listening to the unreleased tapes again, he concluded that Trump was an "unparalleled danger" rather than just the "wrong man" to be president. "The Trump Tapes: Bob Woodward's Twenty Interviews with President Trump," set to be released Oct. 25, is an audiobook of previously unreleased conversations between the veteran journalist and the businessman-turned-politician. In an op-ed for the Washington Post released Sunday, which includes previously unreleased snippets of "The Trump Tapes," Woodward wrote that he had concluded his 2020 book on Trump by calling him "the wrong man for the job." Woodward now says his assessment of Trump did not accurately describe the former president. "Two years later, I realize I didn't go far enough. Trump is an unparalleled danger," Woodward wrote.
  9. Who described Dougherty as "retarded?" And why? I just read Dougherty's WC testimony. Shades of Helen Markham. Not exact quotes: You said you heard a rifle shot above you? JD "yes." Asked again JD says no I didn't say that. I said backfire. You went to the 6th and 5th floors before lunch? Yes. You went to the 5th and 6th floor after lunch? Yes. JD says "yes" to several questions...then when asked the same one later he says "No?" I can understand why Jack Dougherty didn't communicate with Oswald.
  10. Who described Dougherty as "retarded?" And why?
  11. Thank you Paul. My goodness, the man in the Oswald New Orleans leaflet passing photo looks JUST LIKE the TXSBD Shelley!
  12. In his new audio book, famed journalist Bob Woodward reveals Trump to be "a threat to our democracy." Just another national stage figure publicly stating this. Woodward's words here in todays news are devastatingly ominous in his over-all assessment of Trump as a serious threat to our democracy. "Trump was the wrong man for the job," Woodward replied. "I realize now, two years later, all of the January 6 insurrection, leads me to the conclusion that he's not just the wrong man for the job, but he's dangerous, and he is a threat to democracy, and he's a threat to the presidency, because he doesn't understand the core obligations that come with that office." No one can rationally defend this irrationally and dangerously afflicted man anymore.
  13. Let's not forget about the mysterious death of Senator Paul Wellstone on October 25, 2002-- after Dick Cheney had privately threatened Wellstone for not supporting the Bush/Cheney/Rumsfeld push to invade Iraq. Wellstone was expected to win re-election to the Senate in November of 2002. Wellstone's friend Al Franken believes that Wellstone's October plane crash was no accident. Franken believed that? Wow!
  14. Isn't there is a photo that shows someone who greatly resembles Shelley with Oswald handing out his leaflets in front of the International Trade Mart? Could someone post that photo?
  15. Wonder at what point in their police questioning employees Jarman, Williams and Norman may have told their police questioners they actually heard the rifle blasts and falling shells directly above their heads on the 6th floor? If I was a police questioner I would have pulled them in for much more detailed questioning right there. No other TXSCB employees were in a location so close to the shooter. Where they taken to police headquarters?
  16. Like a dark intrigue movie. But real! Who are these ominous looking black SUV with antennas and darkened window people? Who know what you are doing, where you live and follow you? And who try to intimidate even Senators who are not going along with "their" agendas? I think even Leahy felt some fear in his being watched, followed and with ominous appearing coercion intimidation. Is this what our senators must deal with when their intended decisions contradict the powers to be?
  17. I see. To a great degree I wouldn't argue your point about how common it is for eye witnesses to change their stories and for the reasons you state. Of course this happens a lot. Yet, this is not a steadfast rule all the time is it? I also agree with Gil that usually corroboration is the greater weight determination of what may or may not be the truth regarding a witnessed physical action. I don't think Jenkins or O'Conner ever had changing view claims regards the casket JFK arrived to the morgue in. I also don't think James Jenkins could have got his "skull incision" recollection from any other source besides his own. Didn't corpsman Paul O'Conner do the JFK skull cutting and retraction procedure during the autopsy? If so, Jenkins would have noticed that such an incision was made by him imo. Whose version of JFK brain observation and removal do we believe? We have three. Paul O'Conner: There were virtually no brains left to remove. Just eviscerated chunks? A handful? James Jenkins: A third missing but otherwise an intact brain. Commander Humes: The brain just fell into my hands. Like mush? ( also inferring the brain stem was cut?) Humes could never explain why he never weighed the brain. Nor could he explain how in the final autopsy report JFK's brain weight was listed at more than a normal male's completely intact brain. Guess it boils down to everyone simply using their life-time experience common sense in determining the truth in any affair.
  18. So, Bethesda medical corpsman Paul O'Conner ( who literally helped lift JFK's body out of it's arriving casket and who, along with fellow corpsman Jenkins, unwrapped the sheets around his body ) also made up his JFK body claims that were close to or matched Jenkins? Both these super up close to JFK's body for hours eyewitnesses have turned out to be discredited? Dennis David as well? All three? Only the three autopsy doctors told the truth? How depressing. Makes one feel you can't trust anything any low social, professional and military standing eyewitness said about what they claimed to have seen. Only doctors and other higher status standing folks.
  19. Resigned 45 day serving British PM Liz Truss to get $129,000 a year pension for life? To ease the transition into civilian life. Same with Boris Johnson ( $115.000.) Now THAT'S a sweet deal!
  20. I know he's committed almost every sin and is still lying about doing so...but he is redeemed. And yes, we need the senate seat to save the country from the unchristian baby killing heathen democrats.
  21. If this is true...it pains me as well. You want to believe these important involvement persons and trust that what they share is true. If Jenkins really made up his most serious claims like the skull bone incision, the grey shipping casket, the frontal bullet wound, the non-penetrating back wound and suspicious trachea etc. I am just sickened. I feel so gullible. So, If JJ made these things up...one must assume that Paul O'Conner did as well with his similar recollection claims? The casket, the brain, the frontal entrance wound? Why would both these fellas feel they had to make up and/or exaggerate such important claims? Did doing so make them money? Or stroke their egos with some new found attention and celebrity? Another huge let down if this was the case. Next I am going to be told that Sylvia Odio made up her "Leon Oswald" meeting story?
  22. This interview video of Jenkins is astonishing in it's revelations of contradictory autopsy findings entered into the WC report. I am surprised more members here are not engaging with it and it's contents.
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