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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. More Hershel W. CTE, Maury Povich talk show nonsense: "So what we are going to do is put, from the Green New Deal, millions, billions of dollars cleaning our good air up. So all of the sudden China and India, they put nothing to clean that situation up. Since we don't control the air, our good air decides to float over to China's bad air. So when China gets our good air, their bad air got to move. So it moves over to our good airspace. Then, now, we got to clean that back up."
  2. Another Trump promoted election candidate pick bites the LOSER dust! Democrat Katie Hobbs defeats Trumplican boot kisser Kari Lake for Arizona governor. How many LOSER Trump picks is that this mid-term election ... 15? The Trump RED WAVE turned into an old dog piddle trickle. That is what one must now call ... The Trump LOSER Touch.
  3. No! Football head battered Walker thinks he is working man honest talking literate! The better man than city slicker dressed men who use big words. A tackle dodging, touchdown scoring, righteous manhood sword swinging knight in shining football uniform armor.
  4. It really is a natural genetically imbedded and driven thing.
  5. To those who plant these stories about JFK, RFK, MLK regards their extra-marital affairs, especially those with access to the major media to get them national exposure and coverage I say ... bring em on! Bring even more! Why? Because I think they are totally ineffective in seriously hurting the images of these three great Americans in our collective societal mindset including and especially with all the younger generations since 1970's. IMO Americans born after 1970 have successively cared less and less about the assassinations and even less about the personal consensual sex lives of the three iconic leaders of that era. JFK is and always will be known much more for his image as a vigorous, intelligent, courageous, ambitious, inspiring, WW II veteran, and youngest age and most handsome president ever. A man married to the most glamorous first lady ever and with two beautiful young children. And yes, tragically taken out. Same with MLK and RFK. Their more heroic images are etched in official textbook stone. Who cares if these great Americans did or did not sleep with most of the women listed in these trash pieces! They are no more effecting or taken seriously than National Enquirer tabloid newspapers with laughably exaggerated front page headlines and silly photos on supermarket check out line stands. I play with these postings. Even if JFK's babe hopping is half true ... it is nothing to me versus the much more criminally corrupted and even murderous dark doings of JFK's adversaries and haters. JFK DID date many, many women in his long 36 years of wealthy bachelorhood time. He loved attractive women. He was very physically amorous. If he didn't become totally faithful opposite after marrying Jackie...who cares!
  6. "America is the greatest country in the United States." Herschel Walker. The well spoken Herschel would make Georgians proud in Senate debates.
  7. Yes, I forgot Point Lobos. You certainly know the MP for sure.
  8. JFK's father certainly set the rich man philandering example...and very probably subtly or even overtly didn't discourage his boys from doing the same. I am certain Joseph Kennedy Sr. felt such overt extra-marital affair sexual behavior was normal, accepted and even expected for men of his highest wealth social standing. I would think the rate of sexual philandering is much higher in the wealthiest married couple world versus the working class one. Wealth draws women. Most often extremely attractive women who feel they may enhance their own standing by offering themselves to these super wealthy men and famous celebrities, actors, athletes as well. When beautiful women are throwing themselves at you, even knowing you are married, the temptations are logically very strong. Many, many poorer men who have never been offered this temptation would break down and violate their oath of marriage in a minute under it's powerful drug effect. I refuse to believe Rose Kennedy wasn't fully aware of her husband's serial philandering. Jackie Kennedy as well. Lady Bird Johnson as well. Melania Trump as well. Was there a Mrs. Allan Dulles? Most women entering that highest wealth social strata via marriage know in advance that this aspect of their husband's extra-marital behavior will be a given imo. I am sure they are taught this tradition and expect it. It's a price of entering that world of highest wealth. Either you accept it, or you are out. It's the other abuses of morality by these high wealth and power status men that separates JFK from the likes of LBJ, Dulles, Hoover, etc. Financial corruption, blackmail, constitutional law breaking, foreign policy abuse, even murder?
  9. Just looked at the breakdown of the Katie Hobbs ( Democrat ) versus Kari Lake ( Trumplican ) Arizona Governor's race results by ethnicity. Just like the 2020 U.S. Presidency election...if only the white vote counted...Kari Lake wins the election. This simple math ethnicity breakdown vote count fact is what is driving the Trumplican/Wealthy Oligarchy base mad with threatened power loss fear, frustration and rage. The truth is the white vote in America on it's own, has lost it's majority numbers power. In our majority vote constitution based democracy this is the great boogieman fear now driving the all out war like efforts to regain control in anyway possible, imo anyways.
  10. The Supreme Court Of The United States stepping in while the 2000 Florida presidential election vote count was still ongoing and then shutting it down ( overruling the Florida State Supreme Court decision to keep it open ) and just as Al Gore had pulled within mere hundreds of votes of George Bush Jr. and with every new hour cutting even more into that tiny and ever shrinking Bush lead was unprecedented and even Vincent Bugliosi called this SCOTUS shutting down of the Florida voting count the worst breach of their constitutional authority in their history. It was the greatest and most obvious "politically biased" abuse of SCOTUS power ever.
  11. Gavin Newsom's political ambitions over-ruled the parole board's recommendation to release Sirhan Sirhan? Tells you a lot about Newsom.
  12. Is the forum going to do some type of award honoring ceremony of Joseph McBride and his thread here when it reaches 1,000 pages of response postings? I hope so! And it would be coincidentally great if this phenomenal thread response achievement number could be reached on November 22nd. I for sure will be posting a "HIP HIP HOORAY!" cheer message to our distinguished famous Wisconsin personally meeting JFK rally / top J.D. Tippit research authority / best selling film book writer forum icon J McB! HOOOYAW!
  13. The thing about living in such a natural beauty location like California's Monterey Peninsula with it's sweet smelling pine tree forests nestled right next to it's incredibly fresh ocean air shore line ( with the added bonus of it's almost year round easy on the body climate ) is it's soothing effect on your spirit and soul. I have heard so many people in my life here saying how their pain and worries were lessened simply by driving or walking through our Pine tree forests to the oceans shore. Then sitting and looking out upon the removed from human worries natural beauty waters which most always distracts your heart and mind from them. A lot of California's coast line is psychologically soothing in it's Highway 1 views. But most of the actual shoreline is inaccessible physically. The thing about our Monterey Peninsula however is you can safely walk right through these Pine tree woods and right up to it's sandy beaches and even climb upon some of it's interspersed rocky outcroppings. The towns of Pacific Grove and Carmel are the best locations for this experience. If our members here ever want to feel a soothing break from the sometimes heart and mind troubling angst of the JFK, RFK, MLK and Dorothy Kilgallen unsolved murders I highly recommend you come here and by yourself or with a beloved mate or friend , slowly drive or walk through our sweetly scented Pine tree forests to the nearest open view beach and find a stump or city provided bench or even in your shoreline parking space car sit and let this scene do it's spirit rejuvenating magic upon your righteous justice seeking soul. Since I can't drive anymore and can barely walk, my wife drives me twice a week along our shoreline and we park and open the windows to smell the fresh ocean air and listen to the wave sounds ( sometimes soft sometimes crashing) and the seagulls squealing. I am lucky in this regards. It's a great soothing balance to the heaviness of the world we live in. There is a large parking turn out right next to a large rocky outcropping we usually park in. This is the exact place John Denver crashed in his small experimental plane on October 12, 1997. There is a plaque enshrined into a large granite boulder there in memory of our beloved "Rocky Mountain High" American singer.
  14. Jean Paul; My point is the damage Trump has done to our nation so far out ways any halfway helpful things that occurred during his term it is honestly amoral to try to elevate their importance in comparison imo.
  15. Don't give this guy an inch of praise. He'll milk this for years at every turn. The damage Trump has done to this country and our Democracy is the most in our modern presidential history...by a mile! You could find a few good things about Stalin, Hitler ( improved Germany's crushed economic post 1929 WWI situation ), Capone ( donations to charities)., Mao, etc. Trump's bad things outweigh any good ones 1,000 to 1. IMHO.
  16. Like Sarah Palin was really a qualified candidate for VP despite her lack of even general knowledge of basic national and international issues of importance? Inarticulate speaking "is" a worthy indicator of a candidate's unqualified make up for election to our highest offices of democratic representation. Chris Rock just throws out sh##. Anything for a laugh.
  17. Just saw and listened to the latest TV news coverage of Georgia Senate candidates Warnock and Walker's first public speech comments since the election. First we heard the former football hero Walker. Seriously, honestly, both my wife and I could not understand what he was saying. His pronunciation was so Southern country slang, slow drawl effected it was mostly unintelligible! We had to review his talk 3 times to fully make out what he was saying! Something about his daddy tellin him to watch out for them slick dressin city folk who use big words. Warnock's talk on the other hand was decently articulate but not pretentiously overly so at all. Same type of words we use on this forum every day. Honestly, imho, if a candidate thinks the kinds of words Warnock uses in his talks and speeches are "big words" ( which they aren't at all ) how can he even begin to understand what is being said in the chambers of the Senate? How could he engage in that legislative body in a meaningful, contributing and understanding way? Boy, the Repubs sure picked a befuddled english language speaking prize to try to win back this Georgia Senate seat. I thought Sarah Palin and Dan Quayle were intellectually challenged embarrassment bad candidates for VP in their day...but this guy Walker takes the inarticulate political election candidate cake. Walker gems: "they's all lyin'. I been redeemed. I ain't never said nothing about no abortions. I done write checks to all kinds of peoples." How did this guy Walker graduate from college? Maybe he got a BA in football running science? What an absolutely unprecedented, cringing embarrassment Senate candidate choice for the Republicans!
  18. Who were the final sign off banking officials who bankrolled Musk's Twitter purchase? I have to believe they now see the guy is not all there. The entire event is in unstable turmoil. From the very first day! You can't have a person who is so publicly biased politically toward a failing Trump agenda taking over a giant media format that has already been rocked with nation dividing controversy. Trump and his crazy egomaniac influence is now free falling. And Musk will probably do the typical Trump business failing thing and declare Twitter bankruptcy. What a mess!
  19. There is a You Tube video of an interview of William Harvey's wife many years after his passing. Of all the incriminating things she naively shares about her and her husband's hatred of JFK and RFK and even Jackie ( "they were scum" ) I kept hoping the interviewer would ask her where she and her husband were at the time of JFK's assassination. Mrs. Harvey was not asked this specific question and she never volunteered her and her husband's physical location or what they were doing when it happened. Too bad. Most people, when reminiscing about the JFK assassination bring up their location and actions when they first heard of it. Mrs. Harvey didn't. She instead spent most of her interview time sharing why she and her husband thought the Kennedy's were scum, yet at the same time felt great respect, admiration and even affection for Mafioso Johnny Roselli ("I loved Johnny Roselli") whom she also described as " a patriot." Mrs. Harvey quoted her late husband saying ( regards Roselli ) "If I had to ride shotgun, that's the guy I would take." Of course spy master Harvey would try to keep any trip to Dallas during the assassination time as secret as possible. Maybe not even telling his wife. What I also found so disturbing about this interview of Mrs. Harvey, along with the deep and extreme vitriol Mrs. Harvey and her husband felt toward JFK, RFK and even Jackie Kennedy ( "they were scum" ), was her complete lack of any empathy or sympathy for Jackie Kennedy in her horrific trauma experience of seeing her husband's head bloodily blown apart inches from her face and so tragically being widowed with children. You'd think any woman might soften their hatred of another woman/mother even a little after such a monstrous crushing blow and especially after having decades of time to reflect from a woman's point of view such a traumatic, heart breaking loss? This Mrs. Harvey was as deeply hating of Jackie Kennedy in her last days as she was before 11,22,1963. Now THERE'S a hard woman. William Harvey of the CIA 3.5K views5 years ago Denis Morissette what this CIA Widow Says About JFK, Jackie, RFK, and the Mafia Will Amaze You 467K views8 years ago Jefferson Morley EXCLUSIVE FROM JFK FACTS (jkfkacts.org) William K. Harvey was one of the big men of CIA in it earliest days. A
  20. Kids violent video games, violence in rap music, non-stop violence in Super Hero films with both male and female super heroes kicking A$$ non-stop, and countless Seagal, Jason Borne, Liam Neeson vigilante action like films, kids raised in gun loving households, gangs glorifying violence in their earning stripes manhood edicts, violent Mexican drug activity, inner city crime and chaos, homeless and drug addict crime and violence, ultimate fighting glorification, encouraged political violence ( Capital building attack Jan. 6th 2021 ) vicious violent dangerous breed dog proliferation ( pit bulls, etc ) cops reacting violently much quicker than before ... Our nation and young people are being subjected to violent images and words and guns 100X more than our generations before 1990 or so.
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