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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Jeannie De Mohrenschildt willingly described her being appalled at Marina discussing her private sex life with Lee openly with her. Volunteering how Lee was just not interested in sex enough for her needs. He'd much rather read his books than satisfy Marina in her heat. If Lee had overheard his wife saying this to anyone outside of their private lives one can imagine how enraged he would be. Marina also said to Jeannie De M... "Look at this idiot" ( Lee ) ... he buys a rifle when we need food. Or something like this. IMO, Marina not only fell out of love with Lee soon after their arrival to the states ( if she ever was) but she also lost any normal respect for him as a husband, lover and man. It isn't unreasonable to believe that after Lee tried to whack Walker and suggested Marina help him hijack a plane to Cuba, Marina already was mentally planning some type of escape out of her marriage to him...and jumped at the opportunity to move back to Irving with Ruth Paine. It's sad to say this, but I think in some ways Marina was relieved that Lee and his scary risky and even crazy thoughts and behaviors were no longer in her life.
  2. I don't either. I've kept my postings to the original thread title.
  3. LBJ sycophants Jack Valenti and Bill Moyers along with Gerald Ford and even Jimmy Carter and LBJ's family went after "The Men Who Killed Kennedy" with such a high powered jack hammer vengeance they not only got the "Guilty Men" segment of TMWKK documentary series removed...but rather ruined Nigel Turner's reputation at the same time.
  4. Madeline Brown, LBJ's long time mistress, after an all night rendezvous romp with the big horse did bring up Texas "gossip talk" to LBJ one-on-one that LBJ himself may have been involved in JFK's removal. She then suffered LBJ's bellowing, cursing wrath when he exploded in anger and ( according to her ) said something to the effect...it was those GD agency renegades. Ms. Brown had the "estrogenic" fortitude to do this. So, yes, someone "did" at least bring up LBJ's possible involvement to his face. To Ms. Brown....YOU GO GIRL!
  5. I just watched the video doc of JFK's visit to Ireland. My goodness. Heart warming to an occasional tear creating degree. So much to highlight. First however, after watching the incredibly animated and moving adoration shown by the massive crowds of Irish citizens towards JFK in that visit, I refuse to believe that even decades later any noticeable amount of the Irish changed their opinion of, lost their adoration for or felt significantly less interest in his assassination because of a few salacious book or newsprint article hit pieces upon JFK regards his extra-marital activities. Besides noticing JFK's sisters Jean Smith and Eunice Shriver in several clips of his Ireland visit, I was very surprised to see Lee Radziwill ( Jackie Kennedy's sister) seated with the sisters behind JFK during one of his town speeches. What was "she" doing there? And I must admit, she was beautiful herself imo. And there was also the ever present tall, stern and grey sideburn SS agent whose name escapes me but Vince Palamara would know on sight. JFK's Ireland visit was the epitome of the unprecedented, broken barrier celebrity icon adoration status context I postulate in my earlier thread regards his effect on millions worldwide. And how could Americans, then and even now, not be taken with and proud of that reception for our president with tens of thousands of miniature American flags being waved wildly about constantly in those Irish crowds? JFK had so much warm broad smile charisma combined with movie star looks, sharp wit, classy bearing and virile energy he simply swept the Irish people off their feet. And/or knocked their woolen socks off! JFK's warm smile was so infectious, even honor guards were compelled to smile back and of course the ladies were transfixed with swooning gazes toward this superstar attractive American president. I think the crowds would have been even more animated if Jackie had accompanied JFK. However, anymore wildly enthusiastic crowd pushing enthusiasm would have been too much for her imo. I am also blown away at JFK's incredible physical and social energy stamina during this non-stop Irish crowd cheering and pressing and full attention and focus required ceremony after ceremony visit. From the second JFK landed in Air Force one to his AF1 stair ascending departure, he never lost his warm smile and fully engaged social composure. I couldn't have ever kept up with anything close to that kind of huge crowd and nonstop ceremony social engagement energy effort. No president in modern times has ever come close to inspiring other nation's people's passions, hopes and even physical attraction adoration worldwide like JFK. JFK had become a world-wide adored icon and my guess is, his enemies here at home felt as threatened by this reality as much as JFK's growing super star popularity here at home.
  6. It's almost "Manchurian Candidate" crazy territory to accept that Lee Oswald simply had a major psychotic murder minded break beginning with his General Walker attempt and ending with his alleged JFK and Tippit shooting spree. A killing spree so viciously brutal it reflected the mind set of a cold blooded monster. Yet, this cold blooded monster supposedly loved and was protective of his babies? Of course he wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them. Yet, he is willing to ruin their lives forever in an act of murderous suicidal insanity? Who or what flipped the kill switch with LHO? Wanting self-esteem lacking fame and attention was one thing with Lee O. Meet me when I arrive in the states press. I have a story to tell. Read my Russia experience manuscript in a book. See me passing out Pro-Castro leaflets in broad daylight, downtown Castro hating New Orleans and even engaging in a fist fight there. See me on TV there talking about my Marxist views all speaks to this psychological insecurity. But to then elevate this attention seeking need to viciously taking out a U.S. President ( that he and his young wife supposedly admired ) and in broad daylight and in front of hundreds of eye witnesses ( and probably destroying his children's lives in the process ) defies Lee Oswald's known behavior history logic to a degree that begs rational doubt, suspicion and disbelief. It's easier to believe the other scenario...."I am just a Patsy!" Submersing oneself into the JFK assassination truth seeking mystery story is a journey into a "Twilight Zone" TV Show episode. You are left wondering what is real and unreal. A real mind twister experience. On this 59th birthday of America's darkest day I just want to think about the good feelings JFK inspired in millions of young people like me during his presidency. P.E. got a lot harder though. All our schools adopted and initiated JFK's " lets get our young people in better shape" mandate. Run the mile under a certain time. Lets see 25 push ups. And 12 "real" pull ups! Climb that rope, lift that bale, tote that barge! Before then P.E. was easy street.
  7. I see. I am not good at changing font or even color...but I will go back and edit the aforementioned post and see what I can do.
  8. If I had witnessed that Marina falling incident and Lee's cruel and humiliating response to it like Gregory...I would have hated LHO from that point on. I can't believe Gregory didn't feel the same way towards Lee.
  9. It's a surmised life experience logic based guess. Of course P. Gregory would never state he had personal affection feelings for Marina. That would motive muck up everything. He has to look personally dispassionate regards Marina for his book and his historical summary of them to be taken seriously. Look, even "I" was in love with Marina Oswald! Protectively and amorously so. And I was just 12 to 13 years old when she first started appearing on national TV. Who "wasn't" in love with the young, fragile and sparkling blue-eyed beauty?
  10. If any of our members happen to be considering visiting Carmel, Ca for the Thanksgiving week, just thought you may like to know of at least one fine restaurant's Thanksgiving meal offering for that day. Aubergine at L’arberge: 6 course Prefix with wine pairings, $495 per person. Kirk, Paul ...how bout it? My wife and I are too 71 year old tired and strapped to do much that day in the way of food. We will be splitting a Turkey sandwich from our favorite local deli...with a couple of small paper cups of cranberry sauce included. Maybe a couple of moon pies for dessert? My wife over-ruled my first choice of a KFC two piece meal.
  11. It is the ultimate act of attention seeking insanity to go from being let down because the press in Dallas wasn't interested in you and your Russia defecting story to blowing the head off of JFK to finally get this craved splash attention. At least LHO expressed a reason for trying to take out General Walker. Comparing him to Hitler in his fascist political promoting activities. However, there just isn't "anything" in Oswald's expressed words, writings and actions to similarly explain his motivation for wanting to so brutally blow apart JFK. A man who along with his brother also considered General Walker as a dangerous fascist nut to the point of arresting him and having him involuntarily thrown into a mental ward facility! You'd think Oswald might have admired JFK and RFK for doing this. Oswald never wavered in his denial of doing JFK. If that's grand deed attention seeking...what isn't?
  12. By Gregory's own words! He made it a point to express his personal feeling observation of Marina being a very pretty girl. As a 22 year old himself ( Marina's age ) you think he could feel this about her and "not" feel physical attraction toward her? He also was so personal feeling effected by one specific incident involving Marina he makes a point of including this in his book. One day, when Marina fell back off some front porch steps with baby June in her arms and crashed down on her back, Gregory expressed and revealed his "Knight In Shining Armor" protective feelings for the fair maiden Marina by ripping apart her cruel, no good abusive husband Lee for not just ignoring her possible injury but humiliating her as well by calling her stupid! There is a point in feeling protective over an abused young beautiful woman like Marina, where it can easily evolve into feelings of rescuing and competitive possessiveness. Often including feeling harm and banishment wishing anger toward the abuser. When Gregory also shares a specific sympathy for Marina in her "drowning cat" appearance after sharing his feelings regards her prettiness I see this as even more revealing of deeper personal feelings for her. My observations are subjective I know. Yet, I trust they are as logical as any contrary ones.
  13. My top three? Jackie Kennedy number 1 by far. Number 2: Pat Nixon. Number 3: Rosalynn Carter.
  14. One must consider the possibility that Gregory's father tried to get as far away from his Oswald interaction history story not just out of shame for helping a Marxist JFK killing traitor like Oswald, but to avoid the most obvious and imo important public scrutiny question: If Oswald's Russian was truly as bad as his son Paul's described in this new book... Why would he ( Paul's father and a Russian native language expert ) put his official stamp of approval ( his name ) on a letter back to the state of Texas Employment stating he felt Lee Oswald was proficient enough to translate Russian as a means of employment? Young Paul Gregory seemed personally enamored with Marina. Seemed Lee sensed Marina had this effect on many of the males that came into their personal space. And he was right imo.
  15. My Gad...if that isn't romantic on the grandest scale...what is?
  16. Why downplay or diminish the JFK and Jackie glamour story? Why don't we embrace it as the inspiring world-wide American leader image appeal enhancing event it was?
  17. CS...any way I can send you a message outside of the forum?
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