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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. As a Dallas policeman or sheriff, you are in the most heightened attention span and focus mental mode of your life the day of the JFK assassination AND you are standing right inside the actual supposed shooters location, frantically looking for any evidence you can find. One or two of you actually find a rifle and shout out ..."here it is!" or "we found it." The finder knows he is a living, integral part of one of the most impacting historical events in America's history. Like Denny says...this was the most important piece of evidence any of the policemen there ever come into hands on contact with in their lives...and they knew it. Every cop standing in that circle looking at that rifle surely were mesmerized enough to look at it with more scrutiny than any other weapon they ever came into contact with. Weitzman..".to my sorrow...I made a mistake in identifying the rifle as a Mauser." Weitzman eventually had a nervous breakdown in the early seventies. He was actually institutionalized. According to some his involvement in the JFK assassination investigation was at least a part of this breakdown. Roger Craig also died as a result of his JFK assassination involvement as well. One can imagine a possible incredible stress on someone like Constable Seymore Weitzman. Imagine he really did see a Mauser on the 6th floor or the TXSBD building that day. And he was telling the truth to everyone about it being a Mauser. If he was coerced into retracting his initial identification by forces he felt were powerful and meant business and he truly feared for his life, he would also know the JFK assassination was a conspiracy. Having to keep a truth that big and important inside of him out of fear the rest of his life...could very logically send him over the edge. Weitzman also once stated two Cubans invaded his home and he had to chase them away with a gun. What was THAT all about!
  2. JFK Assassination Seymour Weitzman Tells His Mauser Story 491 views9 months ago JFK Assassination Forum Shortly after noon on November 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated as he rode in a motorcade through ...
  3. Remarkable that such a hugely important identification claim of the rifle used to kill the President could make it to the highest level of national news broadcasts with our most famous TV news broadcasters like Charles Collingswood and Walter Cronkite himself being allowed to report that the rifle was ID'd as a Mauser (for two days! ) before someone back in Dallas got it right? Seems someone like Day and especially Constable Seymour Weitzman himself would have caught their mistaken ID before their Mauser ID went national. Didn't Weitzman wait one or more days before going on TV to publicly correct his mistaken ID for the found rifle? Seems he would have caught his mistake as soon as Cronkite and dozens of other national news people were telling the world of his identification of the murder weapon as a Mauser the day and evening of the assassination. That long time period before Weitzman sheepishly and embarrassingly confessing his grossly negligent ID of the rifle is what gives me suspicion thoughts about the whole affair.
  4. There was something clearly heroic in JFK. Theodore White didn't have to write a "myth" that wasn't true. Like Lincoln, JFK took a bullet to the brain for what he believed in regards trying to steer the American ideal back towards it's constitutional democracy equal rights roots. Taking it back from the wealth corrupted powers to be ( Eisenhower's MIC Complex? ) who had been guiding it's course more for their self-interests than our Constitution/ Bill Of Rights common good one imo. JFK's American University speech was one of the most profoundly heroic speeches any American President ever made. What would any great historic leader have to do in their lifetime to qualify as a hero to White? Was JFK flawed? Ha, of course. What human history hero wasn't? He was an extra-marital affair sex addict. Yet, his courage to stand up for and brutally die young for humanitarian common good rights and values in the face of deadly dangerous secret adversaries really did make him a true knight in Camelot imo.
  5. If LO had actually bought a box of buttered popcorn on his way in and/or was proven to be a true movie fan of Van Heflin I might have believed it.
  6. Denny, You don't really think Oswald went to the Texas theater because he actually wanted to see a film there?
  7. Arguing against Dolce's findings seems so weak it is unbalanced.
  9. What part of Ruby's statement do researchers not understand? He is stating in the simplest, most clear way that LBJ being the succeeding president was a factor in JFK's killing. Ruby also handed Sheriff Al Maddox a handwritten note that stated his killing Oswald was part of a conspiracy. Truly disturbingly incongruous what the main stream media and lone nut proponents chose to accept and or ignore regards everything Jack Ruby stated or wrote that claimed the events of November 22nd thru 24th 1963 were part of a conspiracy.
  10. Going through 21 inches of solid pine and showing less damage than the Magic Bullet? Really? We live in a Pine tree forest. I guarantee you that if someone fired a rifle bullet into a 21 inch thick pine tree, an exiting bullet would not look like the Magic Bullet. In fact, the bullet would have been lodged in the tree. Now, a 50 caliber bullet?
  11. The pristine bullet made that dinky hole in the pant leg after ripping shreads through his other clothing?
  12. Wow! She was so guarded. Thinking, thinking, after each question, keeping her answers as short as possible, often one word. Remember, she had her own self-interests to think about and that of her children. One wrong answer could have really opened her up to self-incrimination and had Dan Rather jumping out of his chair even more than he did. She is surrounded by older men. Not one female to make her feel a little more at ease? When asked where her husband got the funds to go to Mexico City she seemed very hesitant. She looked down for the longest time of the interview. She eventually simply said..."he worked? or "he have job?" When asked why she didn't do anything after her husband shot at Walker ( like reporting him? ) she said simply..."I his wife." Notice in this interview as I mentioned, how Marina could not allow herself to smile enough to expose her missing tooth? Keeping this embarrassed self-consciousness constantly on her mind had to have been a heavy burden for her. I will say for someone who stated she never practiced English, she did very well in expressing her thoughts and answers more often than not imo. She still held back here. When asked if Lee were an angry person she said no. As much as she and Lee argued and fought about so many things, one could conclude he was angry and frustrated more than the average person...again imo. When asked if she wanted to get married again Marina instantly and emphatically said..."no." I noticed a long let down pause in that older male audience and their next questions. In answer to many questions Marina did not give an answer except to say "I didn't know." I think this was a purposeful defensive safety measure on her part. In this interview and the "Marina, what do you do all day" one I strongly sensed Marina was a very intelligent and thoughtful, thinking person. Her eyes seemed to reveal this in spades. She seems like she could think three moves ahead and not be caught short with an impulsive thoughtless answer that could harm her. Yes, George and Jeannie DeMohrenschildts did leave for Haiti many months before 11,22,1963. I wonder though if Jeannie De M. may have felt at least some motherly instinct protectiveness toward this all alone 22 year old young mother from her and George's homeland during the firestorm she was thrust into from that day? I could imagine Jeannie saying to George..." that poor girl...maybe I should go back and give her some support?" And George shouting back "Are you crazy? They'll think we know something more about Lee that would really get us in trouble!" Lastly, I must admit to a deep primal physical attraction bias toward Marina that to this day I can't seem to easily override intellectually in judging her objectively regards everything she said and was in the scheme of the entire story. When I view Marina in this interview and the "What do you do all day?" one I am just smittenly mesmerized by every aspect of her. To this day I find her in that time frame irresistibly beautiful. Excuse this silly off topic sharing...however, I think Marina effected so many in this same way that it effected how she was treated and viewed. Even to give a little weight to the suggested theory that believing he lost his beautiful young and intriguing wife's affections for good, maybe Lee decided to throw everything to the winds and do the self-destructive unthinkable?
  13. People forget that Oswald did tip at least one service provider. His taxi fare from the bus stop near Dealey to his N. Beckley room was 95 cents. Lee gave the driver a dollar bill and told him to keep the nickel change. Seriously, Marina did state in her WC testimony ( or later testimony or interviews? ) that Lee would go to the park with his rifle and shoot leaves. And that Lee once went somewhere near "Lop Field" to practice shooting also. Clearly Marina was all over the map in her WC testimony and during the relentless questioning of her previously. Contradicting herself endlessly. However, I think most everyone completely miss a starkly obvious reality truth regards Marina. Truly, honestly, try to put yourself into her traumatized reality shoes during all this time. I don't think anyone can imagine the incredible stress circumstances she was under. Feeling terrified for herself and her children's well being. Feeling she may be hated for being married to JFK's anointed killer? Maybe deported? Maybe she herself would be charged with crimes like not reporting her husband's Walker shooting incident? Shuffled to and fro. Questioned relentlessly. Baby just months old? Monstrously over-bearing mother-in-law trying to control her. Just 22 years old? Completely poverty stricken. No family here to support her? Marina had to go through all that with no make up, unkempt hair and saddest of all facing everyone with a glaring missing tooth in her front teeth? She was very self-conscious of her bad teeth. Would not smile because of them. How humiliating for her in that regards alone. Marina was also self-conscious/embarrassed about her poor English speaking skills. Jackie Kennedy had a nervous breakdown immediately after JFK had his head blown apart inches from her eyes. She was in traumatizing shock. Had to take sedatives. Had tons of support. Marina had nothing and no one to help her get through her own living nightmare. Her and Lee's supposed mother and father figure caring friends Jeanne and George De Mohrenchildst got the hell out of Dodge and ran off to Haiti leaving Marina to face her nightmare all alone. The fact she did as well as she did showed incredible inner strength and courage imo. Her conflicting testimony was justified under all those circumstances imo. Most 22 year old barely English speaking women and with two babies and under unimaginable fear stress ( my husband killed a President? ) shoes would have collapsed emotionally at some point imo.
  14. Connally's rib and wrist bone fractures could not be duplicated without much more damage to a Carcano bullet versus the Magic Bullet. Kind of end of story for me. And the MB just happened to fling out of the wrist with a velocity so slow that it's bottom just barely penetrated the thigh skin to leave a microscopic flake? And Connally surgery doctors Gregory, Shires and Shaw were confounded by not finding the Connolly damaging bullet at all? Did they order their support staff to look for it in Connally's clothing? Did they never find it? Some one else outside of the surgery room finds it on a stretcher? Was there blood on this found bullet? How long was it that these three doctors were told of the stretcher found bullet? Did Dr. Shaw state he didn't believe the Magic Bullet could have caused Connally bone fractures and look as pristine as it was? I think I'll give Shaw's credibility factor more weight than Spector and others.
  15. Is that the arm of the Morgan Freeman look-alike man waving at JFK and Connolly at the exact second they are being shot and just 6 ft. away?
  16. Great photos. Side by side tells an incredibly amazing story.
  17. So that coordinates a time frame that allows for the possibility of his visiting Sylvia Odio's apartment on Sept. 25th. and having enough time to be driven from the Dallas area to Houston.
  18. Did the Mexico City bound bus Oswald reportedly boarded in Houston leave in the evening? Here's a great conundrum regards Oswald. He couldn't have made more of an effort to be publicly noticed and noticed by our intelligence and FBI agencies in the 4 or 5 months leading up to the "Big Event." He is so noticed in downtown NO passing out pro-Cuba leaflets in broad daylight he is photographed, filmed, arrested and put on radio and TV there. Passing out pro-Cuba leaflets in super hot anti-Castro NO at that time was the equivalent to bull horn calling for new Marine recruits on the campus of UC Berkeley in 1969. Begging for a physical confrontation commotion such as he had with Bringuier and his boys. More drama to be noticed even more. Oswald then goes to Mexico City and simply walks up to the main entrances of the most surveilled Embassies there with cameras everywhere and everything he says tape recorded. Oswald isn't so dumb he is unaware of how much he will be photographed, recorded, tracked, even followed doing these laughably overt shenanigans at these most important adversarial embassies loaded with spies. Oswald was purposely thrusting himself into a ( I'm here, I'm crazy, I'm angry and making scenes ) highest level political intrigue limelight so aggressively it screams illogicalness to a totally suspicious degree. He burst into the Dallas FBI offices and angrily leaves a note demanding they leave his wife alone? Oswald had to be mentally detached in deciding to do JFK right from his place of work and thinking he could get away with it...knowing he had created an intelligence file the thickness of a telephone book with all the most politically crazy and extreme antics he was publicly participating in, in just the last 4 months before 11,22,1963. Oswald seemed much more intelligent and thoughtful in his words and demeanor after being arrested than the stupid "look at me everybody" politically extreme publicity hound he was in the months leading up to 11,22,1963.
  19. Excellent review/summary. Choosing the famous Costner to play O'Donnell does strongly suggests an agenda of revisionist O'Donnell as much more important and even heroic historical characterization imo also. Costner incongruously overshadows the very unknown Greenwood merely by his long career famous screen star fame and presence and that had to be intentional. Despite this suspect casting imbalance Greenwood did a great job as JFK as you state. Better than any other film actor by far both before or after this film portrayal. "7 Days In May" was intentionally prescient and promoted into production by JFK himself yes? I do think our military does keep a secret overruling power eye on our presidents from time to time. In JFK's term it certainly appears several of their top leaders wanted to exert this overruling action and more than once. How JFK held his own against them and that type of action just enhances his legacy of world peace saving courage, wisdom and will leadership. I think Trump's Chief Of Staff marine general John Kelly felt a strong concern about Trump's irrational and unpredictable behavior in this vein. I would believe Kelly had many closed door meetings with his Pentagon brethren seriously considering and even formulating a national security plan to overrule Trump in case he actually tried to initiate one of his delusional power plays in the real world.
  20. One thing is for sure and beyond debate... JFK was constantly fending off power and control competition from his top military, rival political agenda and intelligence agency people to do things their way versus his way. And these competitor groups were using classic Machiavellian methods to undermine JFK in their efforts to swing things their way. JFK ( and RFK ) also had Hoover to contend with. As well as Hoover's like minded and highest political gain power obsessed brother LBJ.. Throw in JFK hating segregationist groups, "Big Oil", the Mafia and hot-headed Cubans exiles to boot. Who was left who didn't hate JFK and RFK to murder wishing levels? Guess just average and more honest and moral working class citizens.
  21. TALKERS Trump supporters have allowed themselves to lower their morality standards to a bar so low...they now say it doesn't even matter to them whether Trump or any Republican lies in major ways, they will vote for and support them because their hatred for Democrats justifies this. If Santos did one third of the lying he is reported to have committed on a work application he would not be hired for almost any position in the nation, even fast food, gas station, dishwasher and WalMart greeter jobs, let alone ones of much higher responsibility such as a United States congressperson. I don't know what church going Republicans pray to follow and obey in their Christian morality sermons, songs and reading studies there but the one of lying and cheating seems to have just disappeared from their Christian morality conscious reality. One must assume this one particular Christian morality violating standard cannot be dealt with honestly anymore by them in evaluating their lying versus honest candidate voting decisions. Heck, they even support a person who tried to subvert a constitutionally valid presidential election and who in so doing put his own Vice President and entire Congress in life or death risk! Why go to a Christian church if you are going to then go right out and violate one or more of the most important Christian morality teachings edicts? Lying, cheating, scamming, greed...etc., etc.
  22. One could assume that Oswald had squirreled away some monies from his past employment before Ruth Paine's visit. I don't know how long before Ruth came to visit and then took Marina back with her to Irving, TX. Lee last worked or where. Maybe he had some side money paid to him from his leaflet passing jobs? It would be importantly interesting to know Lee's income and expenses the last month or two before Ruth took Marina and Lee packed it in and took off for Mexico via Texas. Of course he had to pay rent, feed his family. I would assume also he didn't give Ruth Paine any shared expense help monies. He may or may not have given Marina any monies when she left. Did Lee move out of their NO apartment without contacting his landlord about doing so? Did he stiff her for some monies due at that time? As Gene pointed out, Lee had three separate bus trips to get to Mexico. He had to rent a hotel room while in MC for almost what, 4 or 5 days? He had to eat while there. Oswald did know how to survive the cheapest way possible however. He then comes back to Texas. I guess his last bus from Texas to MC was a round trip one? But another bus to Dallas was a separate expense. Oswald still had enough funds to stay somewhere in the Dallas area before he got the schoolbook depository job did he not? He had to eat. He had to wash his clothes. Maybe get a hair cut? Take city bus trips. All this before his first TXSBD job paycheck? Lee had a duffle bag full of his clothes and belongings that he brought into his North Beckley room according to housekeeper rent taker Earlene Roberts. Did he take this on his MC trip? Did Lee stay at a local YMCA house before moving into the N. Beckley room and perhaps was able to leave his duffle bag there until he moved to N. Beckley? Was the duffle bag stored at Ruth Paine's and Lee somehow got it from there to his room? All of Lee's daily personal needs belongings were in that bag along with clothes? It also contained his pistol. Lee's last unemployment check of $33 picked up in New Orleans alone would not have covered Lee's travel and living expenses to Mexico City and then Dallas/Oak Cliff until his first TXSBD job paycheck. It may be a simple explanation that Lee had socked away another 50 to 100 dollars somehow before he ever left to Mexico City. Lee was as secret with his money as he was about everything else.
  23. 8 days into Mexico? Bus fares ( 3 ), food, hotel costs. A cheap knock off bracelet for Marina? Was there any fee for his travel visa? Then Oswald needs some funds to rent the room on North Beckley too? Maybe a YMCA just before. Oswald got $33 dollars in unemployment just before he left New Orleans for this journey? $33 would not cover those expenses. One must assume Oswald had some extra stashed monies before he left for Mexico as well? Did he let Marina depart with Ruth Paine without any money at all?
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