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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Just a little "Big Brother" heads up story. A friend went to our local "Whole Foods" market the other day. As he was having his food items scanned at the check out counter another person with the clerk asked my friend if he wanted to sign up for their new payment method plan. Palm prints. PALM PRINTS! My friend was aghast! What's next...eye scans, voice and stress analysis, body movement surveillance, inplanted chips... just to pay for groceries? Mark of the beast? Perhaps a visible ruby colored gem looking type chip implanted in the middle of your forehead that when scanned reads and records ALL this personal/private information at once? I don't think the average person truly understands how electronically surveilled and code checked we already are in every area of our lives. We are 80% integrated with Big Brother technology already. Think about it. All new cars are implanted with tracking devices accessible to any law enforcement agency at any time for any reason. Your phones are tracking devises. Your credit and bank cards are tracking devices. Your computer is a tracking device...even visually. 24 hour surveillance cameras are being installed in more and more cities along their main entrance and exit roadways that can read license plates and instantly report any information on the car and car owner's identity and even track their city entering and exit times! All this loss of and invasion of car travel privacy in the name of security for the towns people? In fact surveillance cameras are everywhere now and everything they see can be instantly integrated into one big matrix, again available to selected authority entities for what ever reason they choose.
  2. What about the suitcases full of Euro cash ( millions? ) sent to Prince Charles' charities? Come on...if you want to make such donations...you don't use Mafia or Drug Cartel money laundering schemes to do so. The Saudis sure have their cash payouts going to so many highest rung power people...don't they? Weren't the Bush's hand holding friends as well?
  3. SO TRUE DOUG. SO TRUE INDEED. We haven't gone forward since the American middle class benefitting 1950's through 1970's heydays. We've gone backwards. Except for the top 5%. Advances in technology has not brought us societal health and happiness better than those times. This is a reality fact that cannot be disputed.
  4. Her bias is so screamingly obvious! I say go "ALL THE WAY TO THE SCOTUS DOJ!" And let the Ginny and Clarence Thomas Trump bias show reveal itself. These Trumper's and the Repubs for years always expects the Dems to buckle. This time...they can't. The stakes are too high!
  5. This Haiti / Duvalier story about George DeM along with so many others proves beyond doubt that he led a life of intrigue and covert agenda missions for who knows what agencies and corporate interests ( Texas oil) and for decades. G DeM knew agency director George Bush well enough to receive a personal response back when he writes to him? G DeM ( during his and wife Jeannie's last visit to Marina and Lee at their apartment ) making that supposed joke comment to Lee Harvey Oswald about him ( Oswald ) taking a pot shot at Walker when Marina accidently opened their closet door to reveal Lee's rifle only makes sense if GD knew or surmised that Lee was the Walker shooter. G DeM had to have known something about Lee linking him to the shooting before hand. They say Lee Harvey Oswald was enamored by the old TV show "I Led Three Lives" back when Oswald was just 14 through 17. George De Mohrenschildts seems like "he" was the real deal in this regards.
  6. The Saudi's, through a kind of convoluted arrangement bailed out Jarred Kushner.
  7. There are so many aspects of the Lee Oswald story that are motive and agenda contrary to degrees that twist your gut sense of logic into knots trying to figure them and the man himself out. The Walker shooting is just another of these. Kennedy and Walker were polar opposites in every way. And I always have to remind myself that Oswald was "just 24 years old" when Jack Ruby sauntered into the DPD building basement and blew his guts out. 24 - that is so young I was still trying to figure out what to do with my life at that age. Yet, in Oswald's short life he participated in so many logic contrary activities and actions you can't help but to conclude there must be more to them than just one spontaneous impulsive crazy urge thought after another after another. From reading Marina Oswald's WC testimony Lee sounds as if he lost his rational mind somewhere during their constantly moving, struggling and job loss Texas residing odyssey culminating with their move to their cockroach infested ( visiting Ruth Paine's description ) apartment in New Orleans. Lee plans and carries out the Walker shooting. He wanted to take his handgun to a Nixon appearance which so worried Marina she ended up wrestling Lee into a bathroom and locking the door to keep him from anymore crazy risky shenanigans. Lee wants Marina to help him hijack a plane to Cuba. Lee has Marina take backyard pictures of himself that are so illogically incriminating in case of violent future activities they are whacko. Lee is seen by Sylvia Odio and her sister with two other suspicious characters right on her front door stair landing. Lee is reportedly seen in Clinton Louisiana by a dozen eyewitnesses there. Trying to get a job at the state hospital there? Lee takes a trip to Mexico City which his passport verifies. At a time when his late stage pregnancy with infant daughter wife can use all the extra financial help she can get to not be so dependent on Ruth Paine? This crazy activity Lee Oswald story would have Sherlock Holmes in an opium delirium twist it's so illogically contrary beyond his normal deduction methods study. What I find even more suspiciously intriguing are George DeMohrenchidst's actions and words when he and his wife Jeanne came to visit Lee and Marina at their apartment soon after the Walker shooting incident. Once the rifle is spotted in the closet...George DM reportedly joked to Lee about Lee taking a pot shot at Walker. The fact that GM instantly had that thought in mind opens up a world of questions about what GM knew about Lee and his possible involvement in the Walker shooting. One could imagine the conversation between GM and his wife Jeanne in the car ride back home after their visit with Lee and Marina that night. Jeanne to George...what was that pot shot joke to Lee about the Walker shooting as soon as we saw the rifle in the closet? What inspired you to say such a thing? What the hell kind of things do you and that maniac talk about when you visit? Look, we've got to get and stay away from that maniac Lee even if it hurts Marina. Let's get packing for Haiti as soon as we can. Weve got to be in a sane and safe place far away in case that kook tries anymore crazy things!
  8. I think I remember an interview of either Paul O'Conner or James Jenkins where one of them recounted being asked by one of the doctors to tell someone in the gallery to put out a cigar? That perhaps the smoke smell from this was negatively effecting them?
  9. Shameless begging! A billionaire asking the little people to pay his bills! Yet, the little people willingly send their hard earned or fixed income dollars. Trump etal. just chuckle and say...if they're so stupid to keep sending me their money...I gotta keep milking em.
  10. Did Paul O'Conner or anyone else at the autopsy mention someone smoking a cigar... or even cigar smoke? If there was corroborating testimony of this...one might guess that LeMay may have been at the autopsy as he was known for smoking cigars, correct?
  11. You would think with so many people in an around the presidential limo for weeks before, and during and after 11,22,1963 that someone would have seen and reported the inner upper windshield frame damage. It is very noticeable. The picture I posted clearly shows this. I've done some research on the chain of command regards the limo Ferguson etal. Someone said they thought it happened in a body shop on New York or New Jersey but a year or two before. Do you really think JFK's primary travel limo personnel, maintenance, cleaning, shipping, unloading, driving, checking etc. Would have never noticed that big ugly raised metal dent and/or let it go unreported or unfixed for that long? Again, common sense.
  12. Maybe I'm wrong! Each person has to judge for themselves whether my observation propositions have any merit. If you do not see what I see regards the physical aspects of the indentation I propose, would love to hear your own. 99.9 % of persons interested in the indentation will never be able to prove anything about it scientifically. The hole and dent sure look to me like whatever created it came in from an angle behind the right side sun visor. Not the left. If anything an entrance angle "center right." And JFK was not behind the right side sun visor. Even center right. His head and upper body were clearly farther left than that. I just watched a slow motion, zoomed in version of the Zapruder film again over and over 15 times. I wanted to see how far left Jackie Kennedy had pulled JFK toward here. His head was inches away from her face when the head shot occurred. And she herself did not move her body away from the far left portion of the back seat she was positioned in throughout the limo drive through Dealey Plaza. Again, just my common sense observations here. If you disagree regards my dent observation statements, please tell me why?
  13. JFK's head shot occurred after Jackie pulled him close to her. JFK's upper body and head were then in the left center of the rear seat area. Look at the indentation in the upper windshield frame above. Look at it's entrance angle. It clearly comes in from behind "the right side" window sun visor. JFK and Jackie were both sitting behind the left side visor. What ever made that three inch wide and 1 inch deep dent came in from an angle farther right of JFK's skull. And notice also that the indentation location is much higher than JFK's slumping down head height. And yet, it doesn't have an upward slant entrance angle as it would if the projectile that caused it came from JFK's lower height skull 5 feet behind. And notice also the raised metal around the indentation. The frame was made of steel! What ever hit the upper windshield frame with enough force to push up steel like that and that much of it had to have at least the force of a bullet. Hitting that frame with a ball peen hammer as forcefully as anyone could may not have done as much damage. This is all unscientific speculation on my part I admit. All I can stand on is common sense when looking at this clear picture of the indentation itself. Please, share your thoughts regarding the dent and your speculations as to it's form, provenance and angle of entrance.
  14. The interview reveals the hatred Harvey and his wife had for the Kennedy's. Especially RFK. Imagine referring to Mafioso Johnny Roselli as a real "patriot" and at the same time calling the President of the U.S. and his wife and brother..."real scum" ? Clearly tells you where the Harvey's deepest loyalty lied. From the "scum" statement one has to assume Harvey and his wife didn't shed a tear when JFK was killed. And RFK especially. Amazing that after 40 years Harvey's wife's animosity toward the "scum" Kennedys never softened. Their brutal slaughters and the tragic loss trauma suffered by Jackie Kennedy and even Ethel never touched the woman. You'd think she ( a wife and mother herself ) might have had at least "some" empathy for the tragically traumatized and widowed Jackie Kennedy, especially after 40 years.
  15. From what I have recently read and wasn't well read enough to know earlier, JVB was extremely lonely in New Orleans. Her husband had basically abandoned her by willfully asking for and being given an employment position out to sea and away from JVB for months. Don't they call such actions on the part of one spouse toward another "alienation of affection?" Judy V. was young, healthy, lonely and alone in a big city, seeking friendship, companionship and even intimacy. I could easily see her jumping into the arms of another young man who she described upon first meeting as so clean cut, polite and interesting in his shared liking of Russian language, music etc. A young man not bad looking by her standards. Someone who showed her some attention and maybe even concern? If JVB never had any interaction with Oswald...then by all accounts she had no social interaction with any other man in New Orleans. She was all by herself her entire time there? Not even a girl friend or two?
  16. JPC, I highly recommend you see "Parkland" if you can find it. There is not one mention of the "single bullet" in the film though. It was just a one hour and a half long recounting of the shock, panic and depression felt by the Parkland hospital staff attending to the mortally wounded JFK as well as the crying grief of Abraham Zapruder, who despite his grief sold his JFK murder film to "Life" magazine right away for a sum equivalent to 1.5 million in today's dollars. Oddly, anyone else who had film and still pictures of the incident asking for monetary compensation for their films and pics were all labelled as money grubbing lowlifes for doing so. But instant huge payment receiving Zapruder never was?
  17. "Armed" Idahoans show up at their local library to promote their book ban beliefs. In these "You better fight like hell or you will lose this country " Trump times we are so used to scary armed protesters showing up all over the place and so regularly we don't even express alarm any more. Compare this almost daily armed camp Trump time to 20 or 30 years ago. Only rare extreme violence advocating group incidents like "Ruby Ridge" took place then, and only once every few years. Automatic rifle armed kid Kyle Rittenhouse ( illegal purchase and transporting over state lines ) blows away two unarmed protesters in Wisconsin and he is hailed ( and HONORED!) as a hero ??? Trump has truly led us all into a civil war North/South divided armed camp threat mentality with his constant "us against them" angry toned demagoguery. When highly respected conservative ( and life long Republican ) high court judges like J. Michael Luttig states the most grave warning to the entire nation on national TV that he feels Trump is " a clear and present danger to our democracy" I wonder how this warning just isn't registering at all with Trump's 100 million cult blind rabid followers.
  18. Maybe Anna Lewis is not the best of eye-witnesses to believe in her claim of physically seeing Lee Oswald and JVB together. However, I am intrigued by a specific part of her Oswald/ JVB together tale. She shares a very negative feeling she had about JVB. That JVB was stuck up acting. Like she was better than others like her. If Anna Lewis is going to make up this Oswald/JVB together story, it's very curious to me that she would throw in something that was seemingly so off-the-wall yet personally felt regards JVB. Felt in an offended way. This specific negative take on JVB by Anna Lewis fits in with countless other personal interaction comments years later about JVB giving off arrogant vibes. If Anna Lewis was making up her Oswald/JVB together story her throwing in this specific personal feeling negative take on Baker just seems too illogical in a scheme to convince others to believe it. Anna Lewis didn't come across to me as clever enough to think that adding this one specific personal feeling negative take on JVB would sway others to think...ah haaa ... she ( Lewis ) must be telling the truth!
  19. Tom Hanks gave us the brilliant "real truth" 2013 JFK film "Parkland" to counter Oliver Stone's traitorous piece of fiction "JFK." Hanks financed and co-produced along with Bill Paxton. Based on Bugliosi's classic book "4 Days In November: The Assassination Of John F. Kennedy" the film was a big hit. Film production cost were $10 million and combined ticket sales ( both domestic and foreign ) were an astounding $1.5 million! The film played big in Paducah, Kentucky where it actually drew more paying customers in it's three day run than two other block buster films out at the same time..."Jackass Presents : Bad Grandpa" and "Big Ass Spider !" Hank's son Colin was given a choice role of Dr. Malcolm O. Perry and although he nor any other actors in "Parkland" received no nominations for major film performance awards, one ( Brett Stimely) did receive honorable mention as the corpse of JFK. I actually talked my film buff wife into seeing the film with me at a small independent 5 screen theater here that went bankrupt soon after and we did so just before it was pulled after it's second day. She only went because I begged her. We had choice seats as there was only one other person in attendance. A heavy set, swarthy, bearded, lots of body hair fellow whose big belly protruded out from his yellow under arm stained T-shirt. After 20 minutes my wife pleaded with me to let her leave. I asked her to stay just another half hour. The swarthy stinky fellow patron fell asleep soon thereafter and even though he was 10 rows away from us ( small theater ) his snoring was so incredibly loud it made it hard to hear the film's dialogue the rest of the time. Finally I gave into my wife's desperate pleas and she left. Agreeing to pick me up outside the theater later. After leaving the theater and the still loud snoring fellow inside my final assessment of the film was simply a pondering as to what Tom Hanks must have been thinking when he greenlighted, financed and produced this Oliver Stone's "JFK" countering Bugliosi book inspired embarrassment. And apparently the "millions" of Americans DVP cites as believers in the "single bullet" theory were not so passionate in their more patriotic view to the degree of actually paying money to see a real truth portraying JFK film versus Oliver Stone's seditious commie crap one... a worldwide blockbuster in ticket sales.
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